Bargon Attack
Take the umbrella.
Take the unknown object.
Use the rusty key on the lock in the trunk.
Search the inside of the trunk.
Search the inside of the trunk.
Take the button from the frockcoat.
Take the advertising.
Use the button on the piggy bank.
Walk down the escalator.
Open the saddle on Patrick’s Bike.
Search the saddle.
Search the saddle
Search the saddle.
Use the door.
Take the one-franc coin.
Examine the manhole.
Use the screwdriver on the grate.
Take the thingummie.
Use the coin on the telescope.
Look at the Pompidou Centre.
Look at the poster.
Note the program.
Use the key micro on the lock in the door.
Walk east.
Take the cylinder for pumping the tires.
Take the key for Nono’s scooter.
Take the unknown object from the building site.
Use the drill on the badge.
Use Nono’s key on Nono’s scooter.
Use the compressed air on Nono’s scooter.
Enter the bar.
Talk to Mr Havajarr.
Enter the back room.
Take the billiard cues.
Use the card-table cloth.
Use the card-table cloth.
Use the card-table cloth.
Take the unknown object.
Use the small key on the lock in the trophy case.
Take the cup in the topleft corner of the trophy case.
Take the unknown object.
Use the twisted key on the lock in the private door.
Use the switch in the private room.
Use the switch on the wall.
Take the second leaflet.
Use the second leaflet on yourself.
Note the text.
Walk west.
Give the 200 francs from the wallet to Mr Havajarr.
Leave the bar.
Enter the bakery.
Use the stick of liquorice.
Give the coins in the wallet to the baker’s wife.
Leave the bakery.
Use the first leaflet on the chink under the garage door.
Use the second leaflet on the chink under the garage door.
Use the liquorice on the lock in the garage.
Use the spanner on the back wall.
Examine the machine.
Use the badge on the imprint next to the ON button.
Open the wall closet.
Take the spanner from the wall closet.
Use the 8 wrench on the hollow wrench.
Examine the machine.
Push the OFF button.
Take the remote control.
Use the remote control on the trunk.
Take the hood.
Use the remote control on the trunk.
Use the remote control on the back door.
Use the remote control on the table.
Enter the car.
Close the door.
Carefully walk to the skeleton.
Take the bracelet.
Use the shoot program of the arm unit on the guard.
Use the shoot program of the arm unit on the guard.
Take the item.
Walk to the west cave.
Use the mutate program of the arm unit on the sand.
Walk to the sea.
Use the coin on the credit.
Destroy the small crabs.
Use the mutate program of the arm unit on the left lion’s mouth.
Use the mutate program of the arm unit on the right lion’s mouth.
Use the mutate program of the arm unit on the right lion’s paw.
Use the shoot program of the arm unit on the right lion’s paw.
Take the gloves.
Walk east.
Take the Story of Renart.
Open the book.
Take the disk.
Walk east.
Use the translate program of the arm unit on the red graffiti.
Recall the text of the second leaflet.
Use the mutate program of the arm unit on the first grotesque.
Use the mutate program of the arm unit on the third grotesque.
Use the mutate program of the arm unit on the sixth grotesque.
Walk to the secret passage.
Use the red graffiti.
Walk to the secret passage.
Use the left ring.
Use the shoot program of the arm unit on the left skull.
Take the phial.
Use the right ring.
Walk east.
Use the harp.
Use the mutate program of the arm unit on one of the points on the panel.
Complete the picture according to the program in Pompidou Centre.
Push the first button.
Push the second button.
Walk west.
Wait until the boulder stops moving further.
Use the right ring.
Use the right ring when the boulder begins to hop again.
Use the right ring.
Use the phial on the fountain.
Walk east, north.
Use the phial on the plant.
Use the chest.
While the statue has it’s eyes open, walk onto the tiles.
Walk onto the far right tile, which turns the arm-band black.
Use the mutate program of the arm unit on the arm-band.
Walk onto the near right tile, which turns the arm-band white.
Use the mutate program of the arm unit on the arm-band.
Walk onto the central right tile, which turns the arm-band red.
Use the mutate program of the arm unit on the arm-band.
Take the disk from the chest.
Use the east door.
While the statue has it’s eyes open, walk onto the tiles.
Walk onto the central left tile, which turns the arm-band yellow.
Use the mutate program of the arm unit on the arm-band.
Walk onto the near left tile, which turns the arm-band blue.
Use the mutate program of the arm unit on the arm-band.
Walk east.
Use the sapphire eye in the statue.
Take the token.
Use the mutate program of the arm unit on the security flywheel.
Use the code panel.
Push the top left button.
Push the button in the center.
Push the bottom right button.
Use the translation program of the arm unit on the graffiti.
Use the code panel.
Push the middle button in the top row.
Push the middle button in the middle row.
Push the middle button in the bottom row.
Push the green button.
Use the token on the imprint near the graffiti.
Use the hood on yourself.
Use the shoot program of the arm unit on the unknown species.
Take the flower.
Use the door at the top of the stairs.
Use the flower on the light.
Walk around until the Bargonian appears.
Use the shoot program of the arm unit on the Bargonian.
Use the keyboard.
Use the mutate program of the arm unit on the right milestone.
Walk across the tiles to the door.
Open the door.
Use the airlock.
Walk to the front of the screen.
Use the shoot program of the arm unit on the nearest Guard.
Use the shoot program of the arm unit on the nearest Guard.
Use the shoot program of the arm unit on the nearest Guard.
Use the shoot program of the arm unit on the nearest Guard.
Walk east.
Use the translation program of the arm unit on stela.
Walk around until you disappear in the ground.
Wait until you resurface.
Wait until the creature takes you away.
Walk to the milestone such that you can just see your reflection.
Use the mutate program of the arm unit on the milestone.
Walk east.
Walk onto the right footbridge.
Use the mutate program of the arm unit on the right flagstone.
Push the right button.
Walk onto the bottom footbridge.
Use the mutate program of the arm unit on the bottom flagstone.
Use the shoot program of the arm unit on the seat.
Use the seat.
Use the shoot program of the arm unit on the Bargonian.
Use the Bargonian elevator.
Walk into the elevator.
Push the button under the disk drives.
Use the save program on disk unit 3.
Use the Bargonian elevator.
Walk into the elevator.
Walk east.