Companions of Xanth

Take the envelope. Open the envelope. Read the letter. Walk northwest. Push the switch. Walk west. Wait. Answer the phone 3134 Note Ed will send the package. Take the teabag. Open the icebox. Take the mustard. Close the icebox. Walk east. Wait. Open the door. Take the package. Close the door. Walk southeast. Open the package. Open the game. If you have a CD-ROM: Open the CD-ROM drive. Put the CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive. Otherwise: Put the diskette in the floppy drive. Close the floppy drive. Turn on the computer. Look at the screen. Talk to the tiny man. 5311234557 Choose Nada Naga. Wear the glasses. Wait until one of the doors opens. Go to the open door. 4 Walk northeast, east, southeast. Take the rock. Talk to the headman. 3121114 Note you receive the key. Unlock the gate with the key. Open the gate. Walk north, northeast. Note the number of censers on deck. Walk southwest. Take the sailcloth. Look at the rope. Talk to Nada Naga. 3211 Note you receive the rope and the anchor. Walk south, northwest, west. Pry the log with the anchor. Walk east, southeast. Give the log to the headman. 31 Wait until the headman returns. Walk east. Put the board on the boulder. Put the rock on the board. Talk to Nada Naga. 3 Note the rock flies to the meadows. Walk northeast. Take the pail. Walk northeast, northeast. Open the mailbox. Take the envelope. Open the screen. 71231 Note the eye screen allows access. Open the screen. Open the door. Walk north. Take the tee. Walk north. Take the egg. Walk northeast. Talk to Fairy Nuff. 244 Note you receive the recipe. Read the recipe. Walk southwest, south, south. Put the eye scream in the pail. Put the eye scream in the pail. Walk southwest, southwest, west, northwest, west. Take the red fruit. Pick the buttercups. Empty the buttercup. Put the butter in the pail. Fill the pail with the waterfall. Fill the pail with the waterfall. Fill the pail with the waterfall. Catch the fireflies with the buttercup. Walk east. Look at the bush. 111 Talk to Nada Naga. 4 Wait until Nada Naga catches a cough drop. Put the cough drop in the pail. Talk to Nada Naga. 4 Wait until Nada Naga catches a cough drop. Put the cough drop in the pail. Put the firefly in the pail. Put the egg in the pail. Put the sailcloth in the pail. Note you created the solution. Walk southeast. Take a lamp cover. Take the lamp cover. Walk east, northeast, northeast, northeast. Walk north, north, northeast. Give the solution to Fairy Nuff. 6 Walk southwest, south, south, southwest. Walk southwest, west, north, northeast. Douse the censer with the solution. Walk east. Douse the censer with the solution. Walk west. 41 Walk southwest, south. 314335 Walk east, northeast, northeast, northeast. Walk north, north, northeast. Talk to Fairy Nuff. 26 Give the envelope to Fairy Nuff. 11 Walk northwest. Walk north until Nada Naga talks to you. 111 Walk north until you see a door. Talk to Nada Naga. 311 Walk north until you see a door. 11 Walk north until you see a door. Talk to Nada Naga. 3 Walk north until you see a door. Talk to Nada Naga. 3 Talk to Nada Naga. 3 Note the door becomes real through concentration. Open the door. Enter the unknown. 2 Walk southeast. 2 Wait until Metria talks to you. 2 Wait until Metria talks to you. 22 Wait until Metria opens the barrow. Walk northwest, north. Open the door. Walk north. Wait until the light go off. 1 Wait. 1 Wait until the light go on. 11 Wait. 11 Wait until Nada Naga talks to you. 5 Wait until Metria gives up. 3 Note you receive the finder. Walk northwest, north, north. Walk north, east, south, east, north, east. Walk south, east, north, east, north, west. Walk north, east, north, west, north, east, north. Take the pestle. Walk south, west, south, east, south, west. Walk south, east, south, west, south, west. Walk north, west, south, west, north, west. Walk west, south, west, north, west, north, north. Flip each of the switches that appear in turn. Flip each of the switches. Push the big button. Walk down. 2541 Talk to the manacles. 13 Walk up. Walk south, south, east, north, north, north, west. Touch the plaque. Walk east, north, west, north, north. Look at the mirror. 1 Walk south, south, west, north. Get on the pad. Walk south, south, east, east, east. Walk north, north, east, south. Take the mortar. Walk north, west, south, south. Walk west, west, west, north, north. Walk east, south, east, north. Take the door ajar. 3 Take the jar. Walk south, west, north, west. Get on the pad. Walk south, east, east, south, south Walk south, south, west, north, north. Push the big button. Walk down. Open the jar. Fill the jar with agony moss. Walk up, south, south, east, north, north. Walk north, north, west, west, north. Get on the pad. Walk east, south, east, north. Put the agony moss on the ironwood tree. Walk north. 111 Walk east, southeast. Talk to Nada Naga. 3111 Open the mustard. Squirt the mustard on the bun. Talk to the fireman. 314 Learn about Mack’s escape. Walk northeast. Take the charcoal. Walk southwest, northwest, west, south. Walk south, west, north, west. Get on the pad. Walk south, east, east, south, west. Flatten the paper. Put the paper on the plaque. Rub the paper with the charcoal. Take the paper. Look at the paper. Put the buttercup in the mortar. Walk east, north, west, west, north. Get on the pad. Walk east, south, east, north, north, east, southeast. Talk to the fireman. 4 Repeat until you get the firewater. Put the firewater in the mortar. Use the pestle with the mortar. Put the mortar in the opening. Wait until the cracker is a light golden brown. Take the mortar. 3 Note the fireman leaves. 114 Note the firearm leaves. Walk northeast. Put the firecracker in the wall of fire. Note you light the fuse. Note you throw the cracker in the wall of fire. Wait until the wall of fire explodes. Walk north. Tie the rope to the anchor. Throw the hook at the opening. Enter the opening. 11 Walk north. 32316 Note the troll leaves. Walk north. Turn off the hydrant. Take the hose. Walk south, down, west. Put the hose in the well. Press the blue button. Turn on the faucet. Turn off the faucet. Swim in the water. Walk east. 11 Take the matchsticks. Take the pentominoes. Take the blocks. Play with the matchsticks. Solve three puzzles. [+] 1 Play with the pentominoes. Solve one puzzle. [+] Play with the blocks. Solve one puzzle. [+] Walk up, north, northeast. 13 Walk east. 13123 Open the metal door. Put the ‘S’ tile in the cylinder. Close the cylinder. Note ‘ASPARAGUS SPEARS’ was the correct word. Open the metal door. Put the ‘D’ tile in the cylinder. Close the cylinder. Note ‘BLIND DATES’ was the correct word. Open the metal door. Put the ‘P’ tile in the cylinder. Close the cylinder. Note ‘PAPERSHELL PECANS’ was the correct word. Open the metal door. Put the ‘E’ tile in the cylinder. Close the cylinder. Note ‘BUM STEER’ was the correct word. Open the metal door. Put the ‘A’ tile in the cylinder. Close the cylinder. Note ‘LAMIA’ was the correct word. Open the metal door. Put the ‘O’ tile in the cylinder. Close the cylinder. Note ‘CHOCOLATE MOOSE’ was the correct word. Open the metal door. Put the ‘B’ tile in the cylinder. Close the cylinder. Note ‘COBRA VINE’ was the correct word. Open the metal door. Put the ‘F’ tile in the cylinder. Close the cylinder. Note ‘GOLDEN FLEAS’ was the correct word. Open the metal door. Put the ‘E’ tile in the cylinder. Close the cylinder. Note ‘PANTIES’ was the correct word. Open the metal door. Put the tee in the cylinder. Close the cylinder. Note ‘TANGLES’ was the correct word. 21121231 Open the metal door. Put the virus in the cylinder. Close the cylinder. 34 Note Com-Pewter crashes. Walk northeast. 2 Enter the door. Talk to Ma Anathe. 11114124233 Take the sock. Walk west, southeast. 3213 Walk northeast. Put the sock on the vent. Walk northwest. Take the windbag. Walk southwest. Attach the wheel to the cart. Push the cart. Take the sail. Walk northeast, north. Put the sail on the sailboat. Untie the line. Open the windbag. 1141141121151121141131111121151 Note you solved the ten riddles. Walk northeast, up, up, up. Take the sign. Walk down, down, down, southwest, south. Walk south, southwest, east. Give the sign to Ma Anathe. 113 Walk west, southeast. Give the potion to the ogress. 1111 Walk southeast. 31121 Walk northeast. 1231 Walk northeast. 1111112111 Walk northeast. 1111111111 Note you enter the Gap. Talk to the cloud. 13 Note the cloud moves between you and the dragon. Talk to the cloud. 13 Note the cloud moves between you and the dragon. Talk to the cloud. 13 Note the cloud moves between you and the dragon. Talk to the cloud. 13 Note the cloud moves between you and the dragon. Talk to the cloud. 13 Note the cloud moves between you and the dragon. Note the cloud casts a snowstorm over the dragon. Note you land at the gates. 3 Press the loose brick. Flip the switch. Walk north. Draw the bridge on the path. Draw the bridge on the path. Draw the bridge on the path. Walk north. Knock on the wee door. 11 Talk to the eye. 1111 Walk south, northwest. Catch the cricket with the jar. Walk east, northwest. Take the lok pic. Use the crowbar on the grate. Walk down. Walk west. Flip the fourth switch. Flip the first switch. Flip the second switch. 31121111111111111111 Note you receive the hypnogourd. Look at the hypnogourd. Walk northeast, northwest. Unlock the lock with the lok pic. Open the doors. Walk down. Look at the skeleton. Take the key. Take the twine. Unlock the door with the key. Open the door. Walk north. Tie the twine to the lever. Walk north. 21 Press the red button. 1 Take the pills. Look at the book that rotates the fireplace. Use the pills on the pane. Take the cane. Walk north. Use the cane with the hook. Walk north. Throw the sword at the Prize. Walk northwest, west. Answer the phone. 11