Walk inside.
Look at the sheet of rules.
Use the bell.
Walk south, inside.
Get the magazine.
Walk east, east.
Talk to the barmaid.
Exit the scene by using the middle of the bottom of the screen.
Walk south, west, upstairs, east.
Use the key on door 101.
Use door 101.
Use the bed.
Get the cup.
Look at the blotter.
X-ray the blotter by shaking the eyes cursor.
Exit the scene.
Examine the magazine.
Look at the room picture.
Exit the scene.
Look at the awning.
Look at the glass panel.
Exit the scene.
Open the door.
Walk east.
Look at the mirror.
Walk south, upstairs, west.
Look at the tower.
X-ray the wall hanging.
Use the wall hanging.
Walk upstairs.
X-ray the boxes.
Use the box containing the umbrella.
Walk downstairs, east.
Use the door 201.
Use the carpet.
Get the pin.
Exit the scene.
Walk west.
Walk downstairs, downstairs, east.
Look at the sheet of rules.
X-ray the scene.
Walk east, east.
Talk to the blonde.
Exit the scene.
Look at the clock.
Walk west.
Talk to the girl.
Walk north.
Exit the scene.
Walk behind the chair.
Use the pack of cigarettes.
X-ray the scene.
Walk east, east.
Look at the letter.
X-ray the letter.
Exit the scene.
Move the greenish rock.
Use the hole next to the pile of rocks.
Move the branches.
Move the lower right leaf.
Move the lower left leaf.
Move the grass.
Use the hole in the tree.
Move the loose brick.
Move the broken pot.
Get the key.
Walk west, south, south.
Give the letter to the receptionist.
Talk to the receptionist.
Walk west, upstairs, east.
Use door 102.
Get the bulge.
Use door 102.
Talk to Carmille.
Use the door.
Walk west, downstairs, west.
Use the far door.
Use the east door.
Get the screwdriver.
Look at the carrot.
Look at the carrot.
Use the carrot on the lower left web.
Use the table top.
Use the red box.
Use the tube.
Use the green box.
Look at the carrot.
Look at the carrot.
Use the carrot on the web between the tube and the green box.
Use the brown box.
Use the cup on the tube.
Use the tube.
Get the cup.
Exit the scene.
Use the spider on the wine crate.
Use the west door.
Use the far door.
Use the west door.
Walk south, east, east, east.
Talk to Julianna.
Walk south, south, into the shrubbery.
Get the fly.
Repeat until you catch it.
Use the pin on the fly.
Use the fly on the cigarette.
Exit the scene.
Walk inside, west, downstairs.
Use the door.
Walk west.
Get the bottle of red wine.
Use the shelves.
Use the cigarette on the fly zapper.
Walk west, south, upstairs, west.
X-ray the coat.
Use the lit cigarette on the coat.
Use the east door.
Get the key.
Use the garbage can.
Use the computer.
While you’re typing, look at the monitor.
Complete the “Slug Princess” game with the maximal score of 2000.
Exit the scene.
Get the gem.
Exit the scene.
Walk south, downstairs.
Open the lid.
Get the sheets.
Repeat until you get the sheets.
Use the banana peel on the ground.
Walk upstairs, upstairs, upstairs.
Use the railing.
Walk upstairs, upstairs, east.
Use the door to room 102.
Give the ring to Carmille.
Use the door.
Walk west, downstairs, east, east, east.
Give the bottle of wine to the barmaid.
X-ray the scene.
Exit the scene.
Walk west, west.
Get the croquet hoop.
Walk west, south, south, west, upstairs, upstairs.
Use the hoop on the hole.
Walk west, upstairs.
Open the bottom half of the window.
Use the hook on the shelf.
Use the sheets on the shelf.
Use the sheet rope.
Get the film.
Examine the film.
Look at the periscope.
Look at the camera.
Use the sheet rope.
Walk south.
Use the door to room 203.
Open the large cabinet door.
Use the bed.
Repeat until you jump on the bed.
Close the drawers.
Close the right cabinet door.
Close the left cabinet door.
Use the rusty key on the cabinet doors.
Open the closet door.
Walk into the closet.
Close the closet door.
Use the lit cigarette on the closet.
Walk south, downstairs, downstairs, downstairs, west, west.
Set the floor to 1.
Set the room to 03.
Set the slide to 99 F.
Push the button.
Exit the scene.
Walk south, upstairs, upstairs, west.
Use the door.
Look at the doll.
Pick up the doll.
Walk west, south, downstairs, east, east.
Use the screwdriver on the vacuum cleaner.
Use the doll on the vacuum cleaner nozzle.
Use the button.
Walk south, west, west.
Use the west door.
X-ray Fenelda.
X-ray Fenelda.
Use the switch.
Use the switch.
Look at the plaque.
Use the gem on the hole in the back of the folly.
Walk through the door.