Day of the Tentacle

Note: One of the achievements requires you to watch all cutscenes in full. Pick up the flyer. Pick up the dime from the telephone. Pick up the help-wanted sign. Look at the help-wanted sign. Open the grandfather clock. Pick up the paper from the to-do board. Wait until Hoagie shows his random sandwich animation. Walk south, west. Open the mailbox. Pick up the letter. Give the letter to Bernard. Switch to Bernard. Walk upstairs. Push the service bell 100 times. Walk upstairs. Open the left door. Walk inside. Close the door. Pick up the keys. Open the door. Walk north. Open the middle door. Walk inside. Look at the letter. Give the letter to Dwayne. Pick up the disappearing ink. Pick up the flag gun. Walk east. Open the right door. Walk inside. 4 Pick up the videotape. Use the on/off button. Push the right speaker. Do not use the on/off button to turn off the stereo. Walk northeast, northeast. Open the right door. Walk east. 44 Pick up the hamster. Use the textbook on the stamp album. Use the computer. Start a game. Within the game, use the hamster on the microwave. [+] Leave the computer. Use the disappearing ink on Weird Ed Edison. Use the disappearing ink on the stamp album. Pick up the stamp. Pick up the stamp album. Walk east. Give the stamp album to Weird Ed Edison. Walk west, downstairs. Try to give the hamster to Hoagie. Open the ice machine. Use the hamster on the ice machine. Close the ice machine. Walk northwest. Pick up the fake barf. Open the front door. Open the double doors. Open the office door. Walk through the office door. Open the portrait. Pick up the Swiss bankbook. Open the desk drawer. Pick up the Booboo-B-Gone. Use the disappearing ink on the Booboo-B-Gone. Walk northwest, west, east. Give the keys to the man in the ski mask. Walk north, inside. Use the crowbar on the gum with dime stuck in it. Note that you’ve picked up 15 things that do not belong to you. Use the gum with dime stuck in it. Walk upstairs, through the left door. Use a dime on the FickleFingers coin slot. Use the dime on the FickleFingers coin slot. Pick up the sweater. Use the television. Note the advertisement. Use the television. Walk north. Use the crowbar on the candy machine. Pick up the quarters. Walk northwest, north. Open the grating. Walk to the cigar salesman. 4 Use the disappearing ink on the cigar salesman. Use the flag gun on the cigar lighter. Talk to the cigar salesman. 21 Chase the chattering teeth into the grating. Pick up the trapped teeth. Note you obtained all six novelty items. Walk north. Pick up the fork. Use the fork on the microwave. Pick up the decaf. Pick up the coffee. Use the decaf coffee on the coffee. Open the door. Walk east. Open the cabinet. Pick up the funnel. Open the dryer. Use the sweater on the dryer. Use the quarters on the coin slot. Walk west, north, west, to the grandfather clock. Use the decaf coffee on the mug. Walk upstairs, into the office. Note that Dr. Fred is opening and closing the safe. Walk west, upstairs, east. Open the left door. Walk inside. Use the disappearing ink on Nurse Edna. Give the help-wanted sign to Hoagie. Give the exploding cigar to Hoagie. Give the cigar lighter to Hoagie. Give the textbook to Hoagie. Give the flyer to Hoagie. Give the stamp to Hoagie. Switch to Hoagie. Open the door. Walk inside. Talk to the mummy. 3 Open the grandfather clock. Enter the grandfather clock. Give the patent application to Red Edison. Give the help-wanted sign to Red Edison. Pick up the lab coat. Pick up the left-handed hammer. Walk upstairs. Open the double doors. Walk north, north. Pick up the oil. Pick up the spaghetti. Open the door. Walk east. Pick up the bucket. Open the cabinet. Pick up the brush. Walk west. Use the bucket on the water pump. Walk north. Use the flyer on the suggestion box. Walk west, upstairs. Open the left door. Walk inside. Push George’s bed. Pull the cord. Walk north. Pick up the soap. Use the soap on the bucket full of water. Open the right door. Walk inside. Pick up the wine bottle. Note you have picked up 30 things that do not belong to you. Walk north, northeast. Use the textbook on the horse. Pick up the dentures. Open the door. Walk inside. 4 Use the left-handed hammer on the right-handed hammer. Walk north, upstairs. Use Ned’s bed. Use Jed’s bed. Use the squeaky mattress with Jed’s bed. Use the squeaky mattress. Pick up the squeaky mouse toy. Pick up the red paint. Walk to the window, to the chimney, west, west. Use the brush on the carriage. Walk east, to the outhouses.. Use the red paint on the kumquat tree. Walk south, west, inside, north. Give the wine bottle to Thomas Jefferson. Talk to George Washington. 1122 Note that George Washington cuts down the tree. Give the red paint to Bernard. Give the brush to Bernard. Switch to Laverne. Talk to the tentacle guard. 3 Pick up the tentacle chart. Walk north, west. Talk to the tentacle guard. 2 Give the tentacle chart to Hoagie. Give the scalpel to Bernard. Switch to Hoagie. Walk south, west, inside, upstairs. Open the middle door. Walk inside. 11 Use the tentacle chart on the patterns. Switch to Bernard. Push Nurse Edna. Use the videotape on the VCR. Use the VCR. Push the record button. Rewind the tape. Set the speed to EP. Play the tape. Push eject. Walk east, upstairs. Talk to the IRS agents. 13 Use the disappearing ink on the IRS agents. Walk downstairs, downstairs, northwest, into the office. Open the safe. Pick up the contract. Use the Booboo-B-Gone on the contract. Use the Booboo-B-Gone on the red paint. Walk west, north. Use the scalpel on Oozo the Clown. Pick up the box o’ laughs. Walk to the fireplace. Pick up the crank. Walk to the right window. Pick up the rope. Walk to the window. Use the rope on the pulley. Walk to the chimney, west, west. Talk to Dead Cousin Ted. 3 Use the red paint on Dead Cousin Ted. Use the dangling rope on Dead Cousin Ted. Walk east. Use the brush on the filthy old car. Walk north, inside, north, to the fireplace. Pull the rope. Walk inside, north, to the fireplace. Walk to the right window. Use Ted on Doctor Fred. Use the rope on Doctor Fred. Walk to the window. Pull the rope. Use the funnel on Dr. Fred. Use the coffee on the funnel. Use the disappearing ink on Dr. Fred. Note that you’ve used the disappearing ink on five people. Give the chattering teeth to Laverne. Give the Booboo-B-Gone to Laverne. Give the box o’ laughs to Laverne. Give the fake barf to Laverne. Give the crank to Laverne. Give the fork to Laverne. Switch to Hoagie. Give the squeaky mouse toy to Laverne. Give the can-opener to Laverne. Give the spaghetti to Laverne. Give the dentures to Laverne. Switch to Laverne. Walk inside. Talk to the tentacle guard. 3 Walk north, north, to the fireplace. Note that all three characters have climbed through the chimney. Use the crank on the crank box. Use the crank. Pick up the flag. Use the flag. Walk to the chimney. Talk to the tentacle. Walk west, west. Use the Booboo-B-Gone on the fence. Use the squeaky mouse toy on the cat. Use the fork on the cat. Walk inside, east. Open the ice machine. Look at the ice machine. Pick up the frozen hamster. Enter the left door. Use the can-opener on the time capsule. Pick up the vinegar. Walk west, to the middle door. Talk to the mummy. 4 Pick up the roller skates. Use the roller skates on the mummy. Push the mummy. Pick up the extension cord. Walk east, northwest. Use the nametag on the mummy. Walk north, to the door next to the fireplace. Use the frozen hamster on the microwave. Use the cold wet hamster on the microwave. Walk east. Open the dryer. Pick up the sweater. Use the sweater on the cold wet hamster. Walk west, north, west, upstairs, northeast. Use the chattering teeth on the mummy. Use the dentures on the mummy. Use the box o’ laughs on the mummy. Use the soggy noodles on the mummy. Use the fork on the mummy’s head. Use the fake barf on Harold. Walk east. Talk to the judges. 1 Talk to the judges. 1 Talk to the judges. 1 Walk east, northwest, north, to the kennel. 4 Give the dinner certificate to the tentacle guard. Use the switch. Use the cat. Walk west, west. Open the grandfather clock. Walk to the grandfather clock. Use the toasty warm hamster on the generator. Use the built-in shop vac on the mouse hole. Open the hatch. Pick up the dust ball. Use the dusty warm hamster on the generator. Use the extension cord on the outlet. Use the extension cord on the window. Walk upstairs, west, east. Use the extension cord on the plug. Give the vinegar to Hoagie. Give the chattering teeth to Hoagie. Switch to Hoagie. Walk east, northwest, north. Give the exploding cigar to George Washington. Give the chattering teeth to George Washington. Pick up the blanket. Walk west, upstairs, upstairs, to the window. Use the blanket on the chimney. Walk to the left window, downstairs, downstairs. Walk northwest, west, north, to the outhouses. Talk to George Washington. Walk south, west, inside, north. Pick up the gold-plated quill pen. Walk west, west. Give the gold-plated quill pen to Bernard. Switch to Bernard. Use the gold-plated quill pen on the contract. Give the contract to Dr. Fred. 41 Give the signed contract to Hoagie. Give the gold-plated quill pen to Hoagie. Switch to Hoagie. Use the stamp on the signed contract. Use the signed contract on the mailbox. Walk inside, to the grandfather clock. Give the oil to Red Edison. Give the vinegar to Red Edison. Give the gold-plated quill pen to Red Edison. Pick up the battery. Note that you have taken 45 items that do not belong to you. Walk upstairs, upstairs, to the right door. Give the lab coat to Ben Franklin. Use the battery on the kite. Wait for Ben Franklin to call. Push the kite. Pick up the fully-charged battery. Walk to the outhouses. Use the battery on the Chron-O-John. Use the battery on the plug. Switch to Bernard. Walk upstairs, to the office. Give items from one person to another until you have given items across time 50 times. Use the phone. Note the stereo was never turned off. Walk north. Open the middle door. Walk through the middle door, to the mouse hole. Wait until the Diminuator effects wear off. Pick up the bowling ball. Open the door. Walk west, northwest, to the grandfather clock. Use the bowling ball on the Purple Tentacles. Talk to Purple Tentacle. 1413 Note you defeated Purple tentacle. Never skip an animation. Sit through the credits. Note you received all achievements.