Death Gate

Talk to Xar. 214511115551111116 Take the glowlamp. Walk west, west. Use magic on the marker. Cast Rune Transfer on the marker. Transfer the marker onto the stone. Use the steering stone. Walk northeast, northeast. 532224514 Take the white shirt. Take the elbow pipe. Take the marmalade. Take the bread slice. Walk east. 13662111236 Look at the parchment Limbeck is holding. Put the marmalade on the bread slice. Put the marmalade on the bread slice. Put the marmalade on the bread slice. Give the bread slice to Limbeck. Take the parchment. Walk north, northwest. Talk to the old dwarf. 4332223 Note you receive the old dwarf’s elbow pipe. Take the elbow pipe. Walk southeast, north. Use magic on the gauge. Cast Heat on the gauge. Walk north, downstairs. Talk to the Duke. 3224 Note you receive the Duke’s ring. Walk upstairs, upstairs. Take the wine jug. Walk downstairs, south, south, south, west, southwest, southwest. Use the steering wheel. Go to King Stephen’s Castle. Walk northeast, north. Give the ring to the guards. 33 Walk west. Take the shear. Lift the bar with the shear. Open the shutter. Enter the window. Look at the books. Read the book. Take the candle holder. Use magic on the tapestry. Cast Create Reality Pocket on the tapestry. Enter the tapestry. Talk to the wizard. 44 Give the jug of wine to the wizard. Talk to the wizard. 233 Note you learn two additional spell. Walk south, east, south, southwest. Use the steering wheel. Go to Drevlin. Walk northeast, northeast, east. Take the cork. Put the white shirt in the ink jug. Use magic on the black shirt. Cast Create Shroud of Darkness on the black shirt. Walk north, north. Use magic on the gauge. Cast Heat on the gauge. Walk north, upstairs. Put the black shirt on the figurines. Walk downstairs, west. Note the elves reach human-controlled space. Open the box. Take the zinger. Activate the zinger. 43333 Walk north. Look at the doll. 1 Walk west. Use magic on the street rat. Cast Swap on the street rat. 13 Take the net. Use magic on the doll. Cast Identify on the doll. Walk northwest. Take the prybar. Talk to the street rat. 44522222 Walk southeast, east, south, downstairs, west. Break the lock with the prybar. Open the strongbox. Take the T pipe. Walk east, upstairs, north, east. Talk to the bartender. 5245313334 Walk west, west, northwest. Talk to the street rat. Wait until the street rat returns. 1122 Walk southeast, east, southeast. Put the lockpick in the lock. Push the lockpick. Jiggle the lockpick. Turn the lockpick. Note the sound sequence which opens all doors. Note the door opens. Take the poetry book. Read the poetry book. Note the times in each of the poem’s verses. Look at the clock. Move the hand to winetime. Move the hand to toiltime. Move the hand to darktime. Note the secret compartment opens. Take the journal. Read the journal. Use magic on the portrait. Cast Create Reality Pocket on the portrait. Enter the portrait. 1513325 Note you receive the amulet. Walk west, northwest, east. Give the amulet to Hugh. Note you receive the healing salve. Push the table. Get on the table. Look at the floating continent. Note the continent’s name. Read the paper. Note the word corresponding to the continent’s name in the window. Walk southeast. Note each colour hand starts with a different letter. Push the right sequence of hands corresponding to the continent word. Put the lockpick in the lock. Shake the lockpick. Pull the lockpick. Tilt the lockpick. Note the door opens. Walk northeast. Use magic on the statue. Cast Motion on the statue. Take the necklace. Walk southwest, north. Put the necklace on the pedestal. Take the crystal globe. Take the book of Pryan. Take the handbook. Take the necklace. Walk south, south. Walk south, south. Give the candle holder to Limbeck. Walk north, northwest. Fix the pipe with the long pipe. Bridge the gap using the five pieces of pipe. Put the cork in the fixed pipes. Turn the valve. Talk to the old dwarf. 211133 Give the parchment to the old dwarf. Walk southeast, east. Read the handbook. Open the compartment. Put the iron ore in the compartment. Walk east. Put the crystal globe on the statue. Take the Air Seal Piece. Walk west, west, south, west, southwest, southwest. Use the steering stone. Walk east, east. Give the Air Seal Piece to Xan. 2211111124 Note which Sartan has which nickname. Walk west, west. Use magic on the book of Pryan. Cast Rune Transfer on the book of Pryan. Transfer the Pryan onto the stone. Use the steering stone. Walk north, west, west. Take the shell. Walk east, east, south. Use the steering wheel. Go to the Tree City. Walk northeast, northeast, west. 13 Give the doll to the elf child. 34 Walk east. Take the clothes line. Walk east. Give the clothes line to the elf prince. 12231233326321 Walk southeast. Look at the white disk. Talk to the children. Wait until the hive is lit. Wait until an ember drops from the fire. Take the ember with the shell. Wait until Zifnab appears. Use magic on the white disk. Cast Transportation on the white disk. 22414543113477 Take the black disk. Tie the clothes line to the branch. Walk downstairs. Take the yellow flowers. Take the blue flowers. Swing on the clothes line. Walk east. Throw the black disk into the Maw. Walk southeast. Use magic on the white disk. Cast Transportation on the white disk. Throw the marmalade at the spider. Put the shell with ember on the hive. Crush the yellow flowers. Push the corpse. Take the arrow. Take the toadstools. Cut the pod with the gold staff with the shear. Use magic on the black disk. Cast Transportation on the black disk. Give the gold staff to the elf prince. Give the blue flowers to the elf prince. Give the poetry book to the elf prince. Talk to the human princess. 5631 Walk northwest, west, southwest, southwest. Use the steering wheel. Go to the Citadel. Walk north. Take the pink plant. Walk west, north, north. Give the book of Pryan to the human princess. 1 Cut the vines with the shear. 31511111113312 Walk south, west. Take the nut. Put the crushed yellow petals in the nut. Give the nut to the animal. Take the nut meat. Give the herbs to the human princess. Give the nut meat to the human princess. Give the pink plant to the human princess. Give the toadstools to the human princess. Note the human princess is cured of her cough. Walk east, north. 1321 Walk north. Talk to the human princess. 31 Walk north, north, north. Talk to the elf prince. 3 Note you receive the crystal fragment. Walk south, south, south, south. Pull the branch. Put the crystal fragment in the stump Walk south. Wait until the dwarf arrives. Note the Citadel is opened. 1 Take the Fire Seal Piece. Walk north, east, south. Use the steering stone. Walk east, east. Give the Fire Seal Piece to Xar. 2223 Walk west, west. Use magic on the crystal fragment. Cast Rune Transfer on the crystal fragment. Transfer the fragment onto the stone. Use the steering stone. Walk northeast, northeast. Talk to the dead worker. 5 Note you receive the bucket. Walk north. Take the rocks. Put the rocks in the pail. Walk south, east, north. Talk to the dead butler. 368 Walk upstairs. Take the tea set. Walk downstairs. Give the tea set to the dead butler. Talk to the dead butler. 118 Note the time tea is served. Walk south, east. Climb the rope. Turn the crank. Turn the time dial. Turn the time dial. Put the pail with rocks on the hook. Wait. Note the clock strikes four times. Pull the release lever. Climb the rope. Walk west, north, east. Take the book. Read the book. Note you learn two additional spells. Walk west, upstairs. Take the children’s book. Talk to the dead nanny. 4 Walk downstairs, south, west, north. Read the children’s book. Close the book at the “Get That Snake” rhyme. Give the children’s book to the dead nanny. Walk south. Talk to the dead worker. 4 Walk north. Note the dead worker grabs the snake. Walk south, southwest, southwest. Use the steering wheel. Go to Kleitus’ Palace. Walk northeast, northeast. 3223 Note you learn an additional spell. Talk to Edmund. 2211111144466636 Use magic on the dog. Cast Hunger on the dog. Give the steak to the dog. Use magic on the dog. Cast Possession on the dog. Take the key ring. Give the key ring to Haplo. Walk north, upstairs. Look at the tablecloth. Take the second bottle from the left. Walk downstairs, south. Give the bottle to Haplo. Touch Haplo. Take the key ring. Unlock the manacles with the key ring. Give the key ring to Edmund. Take the clear bottle. Drink from the clear bottle. Give the clear bottle to Edmund. Take the vise. Talk to Edmund. 1 Walk north, west, southwest. Note you reach the Secret Cave. Walk northeast, east. Talk to the gamblers. 2223 Use magic on the dog. Cast Possession on the dog. Note the secret tunnel. Touch Haplo. Talk to Balthazar. 611 Note you learn an additional spell. Walk east. Take the spell book. Read the spell book. Take the robe. Walk west. 1334444344-5456666 Walk west, southwest. Use the steering wheel. Go to Telestia. Walk northeast, northeast, east, east. Climb the rope. Tighten the vise. Put the vise in the scepter. Loosen the vise. Take the headpiece. Climb the rope. Walk west, west, north, north. Move all the arrows once. Move the four arrows in the middle of each outer line once. Make all the arrows point down. Wear the robe. Talk to the dead dwarf. 15 Note the dead dwarf joins you. Walk south, south, southwest, southwest. Use the steering wheel. Go to Kleitus’ Palace. Walk northeast, east. Open the door. Take the cloth. Open the door. Show the cloth to the dog. Follow the dog until you reach the Colossus. Use magic on the rune. Cast Unravel Illusion on the rune. Put the headpiece in the hole. Take the Stone Seal Piece. Walk south, west, southwest. Use the steering stone. Walk east, east. Give the Stone Seal Piece to Xar. 223 Walk west, west. Use magic on the pendant. Cast Rune Transfer on the pendant. Transfer the pendant onto the stone. Use the steering stone. Walk northeast, west. Note one of the rune bones is the last rune in the Possession spell. Use magic on the rune bone. Cast Rune Transfer on the rune bone. Transfer the rune onto the spell. Use magic on the dog. Cast Possession on the dog. Walk west. 512551125 Note you learn an additional spell. Use magic on the rug. Cast Create Reality Pocket on the rug. Push the globe. Take the rug. Walk east, east, southwest. Put the rug on Samah’s ship. Enter the rug. Push the globe. Walk east. Use magic on the pendant. Cast Rune Transfer on pendant. Transfer the pendant onto the globe. Walk northeast. Put the water in the clear bottle. Use magic on the clear bottle. Cast Null Water on the clear bottle. Drink from the clear bottle. Walk north. Take the scales. Walk south, west. Put the scales on the rock pile. Take the stone. Walk east, southwest. Use the globe. Walk east, east. Take the history book. Walk northwest, north. Throw the zinger at the choke vines. Use magic on the choke vines. Cast Cold on the choke vines. Take the zinger. Walk north, northeast, southwest, south. Use magic on the choke vines. Cast Heat on the choke vines. Use magic on the choke vines. Cast Cold on the choke vines. Walk north, northeast. Take the skull. Walk east. Take the bone. Look at the cave painting. Walk west, northwest. Put the skull on the zinger. Put the robe on the zinger. Activate the zinger. Apply the salve to the tracker. Take the cord. Talk to the tracker. 51 Walk north. Put the cord on the bone. Shoot the arrow at the chaodin. Drink from the clear bottle. Walk north. Crush the stone. Talk to Zifnab. 55 Walk north. Use magic on Haplo. Cast the mirror image of Self Immolation on Haplo. Search the ashy remains. Walk north, north. Put the shear on the shear. Cut the tentacle with the shears. Cut the tentacle with the shears. Cut the tentacle with the shears. Walk north. Put the Water Seal Piece in the water spire. Use magic on Xar. Cast Resurrection on Xar. Talk to Xar. Put the Stone Seal Piece in the stone spire. Read the history book. Search the starting rune for Orseph, the Sartan that Xar nicknamed the “Devil of the heart”. Put the Air Seal Piece in the air spire. Move the focus. Move the focus to the correct starting rune. Put the Nexus Seal Piece in the focus.