Walk behind the dressing screen.
Open the book
Walk east.
Take the diaries.
Walk south, southeast.
Take the goblet.
Take the bone.
Walk south.
Look at the Dragonsphere.
Look at the throne room.
Walk south.
Take the sword.
Take the shieldstone.
Walk north, northwest.
Look at the bookshelf.
Pull the books.
Pull the tapestry on the east wall.
Walk south, east, north.
Talk to the guard captain.
Talk to the shapechanger.
Talk to the faerie.
Talk to the Soptus Ecliptus.
Talk to the merchant.
Walk east.
Go to the location east of the castle.
Give the fruit to the guards.
Throw the shieldstone at the pool monster.
Take the tentacles.
Walk east.
Talk to the shifter.
Wait until you receive the polystone and the doll.
Talk to the wise shifter.
Note the translations the shifter gave.
Walk west.
Talk to the guards.
Go to the location northwest of the castle.
Talk to the faerie.
Walk west.
Talk to the sprite named Ralph when he is red.
Walk west.
Talk to the butterfly king.
Wait until you receive the bird figurine.
Take the crystal flower.
Walk east, east, east.
Go to the desert location southwest of the castle.
Talk to the trader.
Note the directions the trader gave.
Translate the directions using the words from the shifter.
Follow the directions.
Talk to the shaman.
Look at the moon.
Talk to the guard.
Win three prizes before stopping.
Wait until you receive the Takshashl.
Wait until you receive the statue.
Wait until you receive the ring.
Walk east, east.
Go to the location south of the castle.
Talk to the stranger.
Walk west.
Take the gold nugget.
Walk to the cave.
Talk to the hermit.
Walk south, east, up the rough stone.
Take the eastern feathers.
Use the sword to carve up the bird figurine.
Make noise with the birdcall.
Climb up the rough stone.
Attack the beast with the sword.
Walk west.
Talk to the shak.
Take the mud.
Walk east, up the rough stone.
Walk behind the tower, through the tower door.
Walk through the tower door.
Throw the mud at the eye.
Walk east.
Take the music box.
Take the vortex stone.
Walk east.
Use the vortex stone to take the magic from the rope.
Take the rope.
Take the flask.
Put the flask on the metal plate.
Open the petcock.
Take the flask full of acid.
Open the rat cage.
Take the dead rat.
Put the dead rat in the freezer.
Take the contents from the freezer.
Walk west, west, west, north.
Take the torch.
Pour the contents of the flask of acid on the floor.
Tie the rope to the western manacles.
Walk south, east, east, east.
Put the flask on the metal plate.
Open the petcock.
Take the flask full of acid.
Walk west, west, west.
Push the bottom button.
Walk north.
Look at the glowing floor.
Look at the rope.
Walk south.
Push the button.
Walk north.
Climb down the hole.
Walk south.
Push the top button.
Put the ratsicle on the door frame.
Put the tentacle parts on the teleportal.
Walk north.
Put the teleport door in the window.
Walk south, east.
Look at the window.
Walk east.
Use the polystone to mimic the blue stone.
Throw the blue stone at the circle of spheres.
Take the map.
Take the black sphere.
Take the spirit bundle.
Take the crystal ball.
Walk west, west, west.
Talk to the shak.
Walk west.
Look at the map.
Follow the directions on the map to jump to the ledge.
Take the belt.
Walk east, to the cave.
Use the doll to heal Llanie.
Put the spirit bundle on Llanie.
Talk to Llanie.
Remember, originality counts.
Use the doll to heal Llanie.
Walk south, east, south.
Go to Soptus Ecliptus.
Put the feathers on the bone.
Use the vortex stone to put magic into the partial bundle.
Take the bones.
Walk west.
Talk to the guard.
Win four games to win two prizes.
Wait until you receive the flies.
Wait until you receive the sophorific.
Heal self with the doll.
Walk east, east.
Go to Brynn-Fann.
Walk west, west.
Give the flies to the toads.
Walk east, east, east.
Go to Slathan ni Patan.
Give the sophorific to the guards.
Heal self with the doll.
Walk east, east.
Use the doll to heal the shifting monster.
Walk to the shifter village.
Talk to the woman shifter.
Walk south, south, west, west.
Go to Soptus Ecliptus.
Walk west.
Give the new bundle to the shaman.
Walk east.
Look at the map.
Follow the directions on the map to jump to the ledge.
Shift into a snake with the shifter ring.
Use the vortex stone to take the magic from the magic grapes.
Wait until the roc finishes the grapes.
Throw the dates at the roc.
Take the soul egg.
Put the black sphere on the Roc’s nest.
Walk west.
Talk to the shaman.
Walk east, east.
Go to Gran Callahach.
Use the doll to heal the guard captain.
Jump down the well.
Take the rare coin.
Shift into a seal with the shifter ring.
Swim down the river.
Swim to the northwestern shore.
Look at the ward.
Gaze into the crystal ball.
Invoke the power of the crystal ball.
Take the emerald.
Walk to the trap door.
Put the statue on the stairway.
Walk west.
Speak the words on the parchment.
Walk west.
Shift into a bear with the shifter ring.
Pull the king.
Give the soul egg to the king.
Walk through the door.
Push the wall switch.
Wear the key-crown.
Shift into a bear with the shifter ring.
Use the sword to attack MacMorn.
Invoke the amulet.