
111111 Walk north, to the bridge. Walk to the stones in the stream, east, to the old house. Use the door to the old house. Use the medallion on the ghost. Use the door to the old house. Take the bag next to the old hag. Walk south. Use the cellar door. Walk to the cellar door in the close-up. Take the statuette. Take the rope. Walk to the staircase, west, to the bridge. Walk to the stones in the stream, west, to the village of Balkhane. Walk east, to the frozen lake. Look at the chair in the boat. Examine the chair in the boat. 13 Take the orb. Walk east, to the edge of the forest. Talk to the well-dressed gentleman. 3 Give the statuette to the well-dressed gentleman. Walk north. Use the rope with the spool above the well. Use the rope. Use the orb. Look at the small pile of dirt. Examine the small pile of dirt. Take the piece of clay tablet. Walk to the tunnel entrance. Look at the pile of dirt. Examine the pile of dirt. Take the piece of clay tablet. Use the piece of clay tablet on the piece of clay tablet. Walk west. Use the rope. Walk east, east, to the path of sculptures. Look at the thing sticking out of the ground. Examine the thing sticking out of the ground. Take the rusty shield. Walk north. Use the bag of seeds on the magpie. Look at the nest. Take the necklace. Walk west, east, to the edge of the forest. Give the necklace to the well-dressed gentleman. Use the gloves. Walk east, to the path of sculptures, north. Look at the tree stump. Examine the tree stump. Use the lever. Walk to the opening in the tree. Look at the right-most dead soldier. Take the ring. Take the blue fruit. Walk to the opening of the hollow tree, north, to the crossing, to the bushy path. Look at the bushes. Use the bushes. Walk to the small hole to the left and over the large boulder. Look at the straw pillow. Examine the straw pillow. Take the key. Look at the chest. Use the key with the chest. Take the flask. Walk to the small opening, west, to the northern forest path. 12 Give the ring to the bandit leader. Look at the dead bandit. Take the knife. Take the scarf. Use the scarf on the rusty shield. Walk north, to the ravine. Use the ancient clay tablet on Quickthorpe. Walk to the top of the ravine. Look at the frozen carcass. Examine the frozen carcass. Take the sulphur stick. Walk down the ravine, to the castle. Walk to the bridge. 1 Use the flask on the Ice Giant. Use the sulphur stick on the Ice Giant. Walk to the palace gate. Use the shield. Take the emerald. Give the blue fruit to the bird. Walk past the lizard guard. 4 Walk northeast, to the swamp path. Look under the bridge. Take the dead possum. Walk east, to the wooden tower. Give the dead possum to the lizard guard. Look at the strange hearing aid. Examine the strange hearing aid. Use the wax plugs. Walk northeast, to the swamp path, past the bend. Take the hypnotic drum. Walk north, to the skeletons. Use the strange hearing aid. Look at the southwest skeleton. Examine the southwest skeleton. Take the small gold key. Walk south, east, to the wooden tower. Use the hypnotic drum. Take the lizard guard’s spear. Look at the sleeping lizard guard. Examine the sleeping lizard guard. Take the lizard guard’s key. Use the lizard guard’s key on the tower door. Walk to the tower door. Take the wool blanket. Take the axe. Use the small gold key on the cage. 2 Look at what’s behind the curtain. Take the book. Walk south, northwest, to the Stairs of Mists. Take the vase. Walk to the ancient city. Use Iris’ magic powder on the vase. Use the axe on the door to the gate-keeper’s shack. Walk to the door to the gate-keeper’s shack. Look at the hay in the sunbeam. Take the gold pieces. Walk outside the shack. Note the three light tiles that sink when you walk over them. Walk over the west tile. Walk over the south tile. Walk over the north tile. Walk to the city gate. Use the door to the library. Walk to the door to the library. Talk to Izion. 32 Give the book to Izion. Use the emerald with Mecubarz’ key. Walk west. Look at the town perch. Use the key on the gargoyle’s lock. Use the door to the temple. Walk to the door to the temple. Use the lizard guard’s spear on Angor the Snake Demon. Take the diamond. Use the diamond on Mecubarz’ key. Look at the bones west of the throne. Take the gold pieces. Walk west. Use the door to the small house. Walk to the door to the small house. 1 Wait until the baby gargoyle hold the lollipop. Take the lollipop. Walk south, to the balloon ship. Talk to the captain. 21 Give the lollipop to the cabin boy. Give the gold pieces to the captain. Use the hatch. Walk to the hatch. Look at the barrel. Take the raw steak. Use the fuel tank. Use the raw steak on the fuel tank. Walk to the ship’s deck. Use the cabin door. Walk to the cabin door. Take the socks. Use the gunk steak on the smelly socks. Look at the captain’s bed. Examine the captain’s bed. Take the hair pin. Use the hair pin. Use the bent hair pin on the box. Take the magic stone. Take the parchment from the table. Walk south. Use the stuffed sock on the shark. Use the magic stone. Use the parchment. Use the water. 133 Walk to the hidden path, to the coral path. Note there are three shells on the path. Use the knife on the north shell. Take the pearl. Use the knife on the southeast shell. Take the pearl. Walk west, to the seaweed forest. Walk east, to the edge of the abyss. Note there are two oysters. Use the knife on the east oyster. Take the pearl. Walk west, to the seaweed forest, west, to the shell. Use the door. 1 Give the pearls to Kouppa. Look at the treasure map. Examine the treasure map. Walk west, south, to the seaweed forest, north, to the engulfed fortress. Talk to Leroy. Give the kelp weed to Leroy. Take the shovel. Walk south, to the seaweed forest. Use the shovel on the freshly raked sand. Use the bent hair pin on the treasure chest. Take King Thut’s treasure. Walk to the hidden path, to the coral path. Give King Thut’s treasure to Khor. Take Khor’s spear. Walk to the cave entrance, west. Walk west, west, north, east. Take the crowbar. Walk west, south, south, west, north. Use the crowbar on the door. Walk north. Use Khor’s spear on the cosmic window. Take the sapphire. Use the sapphire on Mecubarz’ key. Use the control switch. Walk to the tunnel port. Walk south, east, east, north, east, east. Use the control box. Use the wool blanket. Talk to the gates. 3 Walk to the gates. Take the spoon. Take the cup. Look at the floor ramp. Use the spoon on the loose tile. Talk to the fellow prisoner. Talk to the fellow prisoner. 1 Look at the fellow prisoner. Examine the fellow prisoner. Take the key. Use the tunnel. Look at the door. Use the key on the lock. Walk to the door. Talk to the left guard. 11 Walk west. Use Khor’s spear. Walk to the top of the ledge. Use the cup with the river Styx. Use the ID-card with the Grim Reaper. Use the Hell Rail. Walk west. 3 Use the cup on the Fire Demon. Take the ruby. Use the ruby on Mecubarz’ key. Use the empty catacomb. Use the control switch. Walk to the elevator platform, west. Walk west, south, west, west, north, north. Use Mecubarz’ key on the security port. Walk to the security port. Look at the button on the middle anti-gravity chair. Use the button. Use the middle anti-gravity chair.