Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers
Take the newspaper.
Take the tweezers.
Take the magnifying glass.
Open the cash register.
Take the gift certificate.
Take the book from the top left shelf.
Take the book from the top right shelf.
Question Grace.
Ask about messages.
Ask about more messages.
Ask about more messages.
Ask about more messages.
Leave Grace.
Open the front door.
Go to the Greater New Orleans Area Map.
Go to Grandmother Knight’s house.
Question grandmother.
Ask about the Knight family.
Ask about Margaret Templeton Knight
Ask about Philip Knight.
Ask about Harrison Knight.
Leave grandmother.
Walk to the attic.
Take the sketchbook.
Read the sketchbook.
Leave the sketchbook.
Use the clock.
Push the hands until it read 3 o’clock.
Push the ring until the dragon is on top.
Use the key.
Take the picture.
Take the letter.
Read the letter.
Leave the clock.
Walk downstairs.
Question grandmother.
Ask about Heinz Ritter.
Leave grandmother.
Open the front door.
Go to the French Quarter, to the Police Station.
Talk to the desk officer.
Question the desk officer.
Ask about Detective Mosely.
Ask about the photographs.
Leave the officer.
Wait until you get the photographs.
Open the envelope.
Open the front door.
Go to Jackson Square.
Walk west, north, to the mime.
Lead the mime east, south.
Lead the mime to the police officer.
Use the motorcycle.
Walk south.
Go to the Greater New Orleans Area Map.
Go to the Crime Scene.
Use the sketchbook on the markings.
Use the magnifying glass on the matted grass.
Use the tweezers on the scale.
Take clay.
Walk south.
Go to the French Quarter, to the Police Station.
Question the desk officer.
Ask about Detective Mosely.
Leave the officer.
Open the swinging door.
Open the office door.
Question Mosely.
Ask about the pattern around the bodies.
Ask about the other six patterns.
Leave Mosely.
Open the door.
Talk to the female officer.
Wait until you get the file.
Use the file on the basket.
Open the office door.
Question Mosely.
Ask about photographs.
Take the file.
Use the file on the copying machine.
Use the file on the basket.
Open the office door.
Open the office door.
Open the swinging door.
Open the front door.
Go to the Dixieland Drug Store.
Look at the sign.
Question the man.
Ask about the Voodoo murders.
Leave the man.
Open the front door.
Go to St. George’s Book Shop.
Question Grace.
Request Research.
Leave Grace.
Wait until you get the address to Malia Gedde.
Take the newspaper.
Open the front door.
Go to the Police Station.
Question the desk officer.
Ask about Detective Mosely.
Leave the officer.
Open the swinging door.
Use the thermostat.
Turn the heat to 90 degrees.
Open the office door.
Question Mosely.
Ask for coffee.
Take the badge while Mosely is away.
Open the office door.
Open te swinging door.
Open the front door.
Go to the Greater New Orleans Area Map.
Go to Gedde Estate.
Use the knocker.
Use the badge on the butler.
Question Malia.
Talk about every item.
Walk south.
Go to the French Quarter, to Jackson Square.
Walk west.
Give the gift certificate to the hotdog salesman.
Give the Lucky Dog to the dancing boy.
Walk north, east.
Walk west, east until the artist loses a drawing.
Walk west, south.
Talk to the boy.
Wait until you get the drawing.
Walk east.
Give the drawing to the artist.
Give the photocopies to the artist.
Give the sketch to the artist.
Walk south, south, to the Historical Voodoo Museum.
Question the man.
Ask about Voodoo.
Ask about Historical Voodoo.
Ask about Historical Voodoo.
Ask about Historical Voodoo.
Ask about Historical Voodoo.
Ask about Historical Voodoo.
Ask about Current Voodoo.
Ask about Current Voodoo.
Ask about Marie Laveau.
Ask about Marie Laveau.
Ask about Marie Laveau.
Ask about Marie Laveau.
Ask about Marie Laveau.
Ask about Marie Laveau.
Ask about Marie Laveau.
Leave the man.
Walk west, to St. Louis Cemetery #1.
Question the gardener.
Ask about Marie Laveau.
Ask about other marked tombs.
Leave the gardener.
Use the sketchbook on the markings.
Take the brick.
Walk west, to the Moonbeam Residence.
Question Magentia.
Ask about St. John’s Eve.
Ask about snakes.
Ask about Grimwald.
Take the snakeskin while Magentia dances.
Give the sketch to Magentia.
Use the magnifying glass on the snakeskin.
Walk outside, to the Dixieland Drug Store.
Question the salesman.
Ask about animal masks.
Ask about Willy Jr.
Leave the salesman.
Open the door.
Go to St. George’s Book Shop.
Question Grace.
Request Research.
Leave Grace.
Wait until you get the page.
Wait until Bruno arrives.
Take the newspaper.
Question Grace.
Ask about messages.
Ask about more messages.
Ask for Ritter’s phone number.
Leave Grace.
Wait until you get the phone number.
Open the curtain.
Take the gel.
Take the flashlight.
Use the phone.
Dial 555-1280.
Use the phone.
Dial 555-6170.
Use the phone.
Dial 49-09-324-3333.
Open the curtain.
Open the front door.
Go to Jackson Square.
Walk north.
Talk to the artist.
Walk west, to the gypsy.
Walk to the gypsy when she dances.
Take the veil.
Use the magnifying glass on the veil.
Look at the scale.
Leave the magnifying glass.
Use the tweezers on the veil.
Use the magnifying glass on new scale.
Give the veil to the gypsy.
Walk north.
Open the eastern door.
Take the priest shirt.
Take the priest collar.
Walk south, west.
Go to the Dixieland Drug Store.
Give the money to the salesman.
Wait until you get the lagniappe.
Open the door.
Go to St. George’s Book Shop.
Question Grace.
Request Research.
Leave Grace.
Open the front door.
Go to the Police Station.
Open the swinging door.
Open the office door.
Open the door.
Open the swinging door.
Open the front door.
Go to the Greater New Orleans Area Map.
Go to the Tulane University.
Open the back door.
Give the drawing to the professor.
Give the voodoo murder photograph to the professor.
Question the professor.
Ask about Carbit sans Cor’.
Leave the professor.
Walk north.
Open the western door.
Go to grandmother Knight’s house.
Question grandmother.
Ask about Wolfgang Ritter.
Leave grandmother.
Open the door.
Go to the French Quarter, to Jackson Square.
Walk west, north.
Talk to the gypsy.
Walk south, south.
Go to St. Louis cemetery #1.
Walk east, east.
Wait until Malia appears.
Walk west, west, west.
Go to the Cazaunoux Residence.
Use the priest clothes on Gabriel.
Use the gel on Gabriel.
Use the knocker.
Question Mme. Cazaunoux.
Ask about Carbit sans Cor’.
Ask about human sacrifice.
Ask about real voodoo queens.
Ask about the voodoo hounfour.
Wait until you get the bracelet.
Use the clay on the bracelet.
Walk west, south.
Go to the Napoleon house.
Question the bartender.
Ask about voodoo.
Ask about the bar patrons.
Ask about the bar patrons.
Ask about Sam and voodoo.
Leave the bartender.
Give the Master Gamblin’ Oil to Sam.
Wait until Sam wins.
Give the clay mold to Sam.
Open the door.
Wait until you get the research.
Take the newspaper.
Open the front door.
Go to the Napoleon House.
Open the door.
Go to the Jackson Square overlook.
Use the leftmost binoculars.
Wait until Crash leaves.
Walk south.
Go to the St. Louis Cathedral.
Give the bracelet to Crash.
Question Crash.
Ask about the drummer.
Ask about the voodoo hounfour.
Look at Crash.
Open the shirt.
Use the sketchbook on the tattoo.
Walk west.
Wait until you get the package.
Read the diary.
Leave the diary.
Read the letter.
Take the newspaper.
Open the front door.
Go to the Historical Voodoo Museum.
Use the switch.
Go to St. George’s Book Shop.
Use the magnifying glass on the ashtray.
Use the tweezers on the ashtray.
Use the magnifying glass on the crime scene scale.
Use the magnifying glass on the Voodoo Museum scale.
Question Grace.
Request Research.
Leave Grace.
Open the front door.
Go to St. Louis Cemetery #1.
Use the sketchbook on the markings.
Use the new set of markings on the translated set.
Wait until the man leaves.
Use the brick on the markings.
Walk west.
Go to the Greater New Orleans Area Map.
Go to the Tulane University.
Open the back door.
Take the notes.
Walk north.
Open the western door.
Go to the French Quarter, to the Police Station.
Open the swinging door.
Open the office door.
Question Mosely.
Ask to reopen the case.
Leave Mosely.
Give the newspaper clipping to Mosely.
Give the two scales to Mosely.
Give the notes to Mosely.
Give the drawing to Mosely.
Open the front door.
Wait until you get the book.
Take the letter.
Open the envelope.
Read the letter.
Take the newspaper.
Give the tattoo sketch to Grace.
Open the curtain.
Open the front door.
Go to Jackson Square.
Walk west.
Talk to the vendor.
Walk east, north.
Use the Rada drum book on the drummer.
Select call conclave, swamp and tonight.
Walk north, west.
Go to the Police Station.
Wait until the desk officer leaves or falls asleep.
Open the swinging door.
Use the key on the office door.
Open the desk drawer.
Take the tracking device from the open drawer.
Open the door.
Open the front door.
Go to the Historical Voodoo Museum.
Use a tracking unit on the sekey madoule.
Walk west.
Go to the Greater New Orleans Area Map.
Go to Bayou St. John.
Use the tracking device on Gabriel.
Walk to the site of the conclave.
Use the mask on Gabriel.
Use the phone.
Dial 49-09-324-3333.
Ask about Tetelo.
Ask about the talisman.
Ask about the talisman.
Ask about the talisman.
Ask about Tetelo’s remains.
Ask about the African homelands.
Open the curtain.
Take the newspaper.
Open the front door.
Go to St. Louis cemetery #1.
Walk east, east.
Use the button.
Use the flashlight on the room.
Open the middle drawer.
Open the middle drawer.
Take the wallet.
Open the wallet.
Leave the drawer.
Use the button.
Walk west, west, west.
Go to St. George’s Book Shop.
Open the curtain.
Use the phone.
Dial 585-1130.
Use the phone.
Dial 49-09-324-3333.
Open the curtain.
Open the front door.
Go to the Greater New Orleans Area Map.
Go to the New Orleans International Airport.
Take the dagger.
Walk upstairs.
Take the scroll.
Take the scissors.
Take the bowl.
Look at the inscription over the ornate door.
Open the east door.
Walk east.
Look at the panels.
Walk south.
Question Gerde.
Ask about the portal poem.
Ask about the chapel panels.
Ask about the initiation ceremony.
Leave Gerde.
Walk east.
Look at each of the six panels.
Walk south.
Take the salt.
Walk upstairs.
Open the window.
Use the snow.
Use the scissors on Gabriel.
Open the east door.
Walk east.
Use the bowl on the altar.
Use the salt on the bowl.
Use the knife on Gabriel.
Use the altar.
Use the scroll on Gabriel.
Take the key.
Use the key on the west door.
Look at the bottom shelves in the middle bookcase.
Take the book on the bottom shelves in the middle bookcase.
Look at the top shelves in the right bookcase.
Take the book on the top shelves in the right bookcase.
Look at the top shelves in the west wall bookcase.
Take the book on the top shelves in the west wall bookcase.
Look at the top shelves in the left bookcase.
Take the book on the top shelves in the left bookcase.
Look at the bottom shelves in the right bookcase.
Take the book on the bottom shelves in the right bookcase.
Walk east.
Open the east door.
Give the Archeology book to Gerde.
Walk to the building.
Take the tile.
Walk north, north.
Take both tiles.
Walk north.
Take the tile.
Take the rod.
Walk north.
Take the tile.
Use the ten snake tile on the sunken area.
Walk north, north, north.
Take both tiles.
Walk north.
Use the two snake tile on the sunken area.
Walk north.
Take the tile.
Use the three snake tile on the sunken area.
Walk north.
Take the tile.
Use the four snake tile on the sunken area.
Walk north.
Take the tile.
Use the five snake tile on the sunken area.
Walk north.
Use the six snake tile on the sunken area.
Walk north, north.
Use the eight snake tile on the sunken area.
Walk north.
Use the nine snake tile on the sunken area.
Walk north, north.
Use the eleven snake tile on the sunken area.
Walk north, north.
Use the tile on the sunken area.
Walk north, north.
Use the rod on the tile.
Walk north, north, north.
Use the vine.
Use the rod on the tile.
Walk east.
Look at the markings.
Look at the lid.
Take an iron bar.
Take the other iron bar.
Use the bars.
Walk west.
Use the dagger on the zombie.
Wait until you get the talisman.
Go to the French Quarter, to St. George’s Book Shop.
Take the newspaper.
Take the note.
Question Mosely.
Make a plan.
Leave Mosely.
Wait until Mosely takes the tracking device.
Open the curtain.
Open the front door.
Go to the St. Louis Cathedral.
Open the northern curtain.
Use the rod on the knothole.
Use the rod on the bench.
Use the tracking unit on the bench.
Walk south.
Use the eastern panel.
Walk north.
Use the panel.
Take the wolf mask.
Take the boar mask.
Take a robe.
Take a robe.
Walk east, south, south, south.
Use the panel.
Take the book.
Use the panel.
Walk north, east, east.
Use the drums.
Send “Summon Brother Eagle”.
Walk northeast, west, north.
Use the panel.
Take the pass.
Use the panel.
Walk south.
Use the pass on the panel.
Take the money.
Use the panel.
Walk south, south.
Use the pass on the panel.
Use the panel.
Walk south, south, south.
Use the pass on the panel.
Use the talisman on Grace.
Give the boar costume to Mosely.
Use the wolf costume on Gabriel.
Use the talisman on Tetelo.
Use the talisman on Mosely.
Take the idol.
Take Malia.