Garfield: Attack of the Mutant Lasagna

Pick up the blanket. Look at the bed. Pick up the bed. Walk east. Open the middle door. Walk through the middle door. Pick up the bucket. Walk east, west. Use the bucket on Odie. Walk east. Open the left door. Walk through the left door. Pick up the scissors. Open the far closet door. Pick up the pants. Pick up the shirt. Use the full bucket on Jon. Walk west. Talk to Odie. 1 Walk east. Open the right door. Walk through the right door, west. Climb the chair. Kick Odie. Climb the chair. Walk east. Walk north. Open the left door. Walk through the left door. Pick up the pillow. Walk north, through the right door. Use the key on the back door. Open the back door. Walk east. Pick up the stick. Walk east, north. Use the stick on the mousetrap. Take the cheese. Walk south. Talk to the mouse hole. 23 Give the cheese to Squeaky. Walk south, through the right door. Use the lockpad key on the fridge security system. Open the fridge door. Pick up the food. Use the scissors on the sealed container. Open the container. Use the special soup on the mutant. Move the stool. Climb the stool. Open the cupboard doors. Pick up the medical stuff. Climb the stool. Use the notepad on Liz. 123 Walk west. Go to the alley. 11112 Talk to Arlene. 223 Use the blanket on the hole. Walk east. Use the scissors on the poster. Walk west. Climb the ladder. Walk south. Go to the outskirts. Use the stick on the mutant. Use the cardboard leg on the tree. Go to Jon’s parents’ house. Give the letter to Jon’s mum. Walk west. Go to the barn. Move the blue switch. Take the straw. Use the straw on the auto=spinning-wheel. Move the red switch. Move the red switch. Use the cotton on the auto-spinning-wheel. Walk north. Go to the forest. Leap across the solid stones to the other side. (second stone from the left, NE, NE, E, NW, W, NW, NW) Walk north. Use the rope on the branch. Swing. Walk east. Pick up the mushrooms. Walk south. Swing. Walk west. Leap to the right-most stone. Walk south. Go to the big lab. Use the bucket on the green stream. Walk south. Go to Jon’s parents’ house. Give the mushroom to Jon’s mum. Give the toxic bucket to Jon’s mum. Walk west. Go to the road, to Liz’s vet. Walk west. Go to Yuck TV. Walk through the revolving door. Pick up the glue. Walk east. Open the right door. Walk through the right door. Open the cupboard. Pick up the stilts. Walk west, south, through the revolving door, around the corner. Go to the park. Walk to the man. Climb the tree. Use the hair on the man. Use the glue on the bench. Climb the tree. Walk east. Talk to Nermal. 224 Give the wool to Nermal. Walk south. Pick up the smoke bomb. Walk south. Go to the house. Walk south, through the middle door. Pick up the wallet. Walk east, through the right door, east. Pick up the flowers. Walk east, through the left door, west. Pick up the bed. Walk east, south, north. Go to the park. Climb the tree. Use the hair on the man. Climb the tree. Pick up the hat. Walk north. Go to the supermarket. Wear the hat. Walk inside, northwest, west. Pick up the lasagne box. Look at the lasagne box. Walk south. Pick up the mozzarella. Walk south. Pick up the tomatoes. Pick up the spinach. Walk south, north. Pick up the ham. Pick up the ground beef. Walk east. Give the wallet to the cashier. Walk east, southwest. Go to the house. Walk south, through the right door. Walk through the left door, south, north. Go to the alley. Give the lasagna to Guido. Give the flower to Arlene. Walk south. Go to Yuck TV. Walk through the revolving door, east, east. Walk north, upstairs, east. Look at the pipes. Look at the computer terminal. Navigate the computer terminal. Connect the source to set A1 and set A2 through the split. Walk west, downstairs, south, through the revolving door, around the corner. Go to Liz’s vet. Walk west. Go to the park. Walk east. Talk to Nermal. Walk east. Go to the alley. Talk to Guido. Talk to Arlene. Walk south. Activate the smoke bomb.