Igor: Objective Uikokahonia

Take the note. Look at Philip’s note. Walk west. Go to the park. Look at the tree. Take the resin. Walk northeast. Go to the church. Use the resin on the stone. Walk north. Go to the administration building. Look at the trashcan. Use the hamburger on the lizard. Walk to the door. Look at the announcement board. Repeat on different parts until you read about the biology trip. Walk south, to the sidewalk. Go to the faculty. Walk to the door. 1111 Walk east. Open the door. Walk north. Look at the papercase. Look at the note. Walk southwest, west, upstairs, east. Open the door. Walk north. Take the pen. Walk southeast, to the library. Talk to Harrison. 1111111 Give the note to Harrison. Walk south, west, downstairs, east. Use Philip’s note on the sandwiches. Walk west, downstairs, to the path. Go to the park. Talk to the old woman. 1 Give the fat lizard to the old woman. 11 Walk northeast. Go to the spring in the far northeast corner. Talk to the photographer. 111123 Give the firecracker to the photographer. Take the camera. Walk west. Go to the faculty. Walk to the door, upstairs, west, west. Open the door. Walk west, east, east, east, east. Give the photo to Harrison. Walk south, west, downstairs, west, west. Take the folder. Walk east, east, downstairs. Use Caroline’s folder on Philip’s folder. Look at Philip’s folder. Walk to the door, east, east. Look at the lockers. Open Philip’s locker. Take the bottles. Walk west, west, downstairs, to the path. Go to the student dormitory. Open the window. Walk to the window, to the east window. Take the butterfly net. Look at the shelf in the shadows to the east. Look at the nail. Open the trunk. Look at the trunk. Use the hammer on the nail. Look at the trunk. Use the pick on the small crack. Look at the trunk. Use the dynamite on the crack. Use the matchbox on the dynamite. Walk to the hole, south. Go to the administration building. Walk to the side of the building. Use the butterfly net on the hole. Walk to the door. Open the west door. Walk to the west door. Give the bottle of whisky to the dean. Walk east, south. Take the bottle. Walk to the sidewalk. Go to the faculty. Walk to the door, upstairs, west. Open the door. Walk north. Use the empty bottle on the faucet. Walk east, east, downstairs, downstairs, to the path. Go to the administration building. Walk to the door, to the west door. Give the bottle to the dean. Walk east, to the west door. Use the intercom. 2 Walk east. Open the east door. Walk to the east door. Open the file cabinet. Walk north, to the west door. Take the newspaper. Look at the newspaper. Take the books. Open the book. Walk east, south, to the side of the building. Get the slug from the drain. Walk to the sidewalk. Go to the faculty. Walk to the door, upstairs, east, to the library. Look at the different books until you find the Astronomy books. Take the astronomy books. Look at the astronomy book. Walk south, west. Use the keyring on the door. Walk to the door. Look at the control panel. Set declination to 74. Set straight ascension to 207. Enter the coordinates. Walk west, west, west, west. Take the laboratory instruments. Walk west, east, east, downstairs, east, east. Open Philip’s locker. Use the flask on the bottles. Walk west, west, downstairs, to the path. Go to the church. Walk to the door, east, to the stairs. Look at the bell. Walk to the stairs. Use the matchbox on the candles. Walk south, south, to the path. Go to the faculty. Walk to the door, upstairs, west, north. Use the slug on the grate. Walk east, east, downstairs, west. Open the door. Walk north. Use the vellum on the hand dryer. Look at the vellum. Note the roman numerals I, III, VI, II and II. Walk east, east, downstairs, to the path. Go to the student dormitory. Take the CDs. Walk south. Go to the church. Walk to the door, east. Look at the mosaic. Push the I stone. Push the III stone. Push the VI stone. Push the rightmost II stone. Push the leftmost II stone. Walk to the passage. Look at the vellum. Note the top figure tells you how to navigate the maze. Navigate the maze. Walk to the path. Go to the cemetery. Talk to the gravedigger. 33 Give the CD to the gravedigger. Take the vase. Walk east. Go to the forest. Take the flower. Use the flower on the vase. Walk west. Look at the lightning bugs. Use the vase on the leader lightning bug. Walk east, east. Go to the lighthouse. Talk to the man. 33 Give the vase to the man. Walk west. Go to the cemetery. Talk to the gravedigger. 15 Walk north. Take the shining thing. Walk east, east. Go to the secret passage. Walk into the labyrinth. Navigate the maze. Walk south, south. Go to the faculty. Walk to the door, east, east, to the janitor’s room. Give the reward to Tobias. Give the biology homework to Tobias. Walk east, north. Look at the sinks. Walk east, east, downstairs, to the path. Go to the administration building. Walk to the door, to the east door. Use the bobby pin on the closet. Take the monkey costume. Walk to the door, south, to the sidewalk. Go to the faculty. Use the monkey constume on the cage. Take the parachute on the crate to the far right. Use the latch. Use the parachute.