Indiana Jones 3: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

Walk west. Talk to Marcus. 31 Open the eastern door. Enter the office. Talk to the students. 333 Pick up the junk mail. Pick up letters. Pick up papers. Pick up the package. Open the package. Open the window. Walk to the window. Travel to Henry’s House. Pull the bookcase. Pick up the sticky tape. Pick up the painting. Walk west. Open the door. Walk through the door, into the office. Talk to the students. 444 Open the jar. Use the sticky tape in the jar. Walk to the window. Travel to Henry’s House. Pick up the plant. Pick up the table cloth. Use the small key on the chest. Pick up the old book. Walk west. Travel to the plane to Venice. Walk west, west. Look at the Grail Diary. Note the window painting. Walk around the library in search for three books. Pick up the green book “How to fly a biplane”, from a long line of green “How To” books. Pick up the red book “Mein Kampf”. Pick up the yellow book “Secrets of the Roman Catacombs” from a row of thick yellows books. Walk around the library in search for the cord. Pick up the cordon barrier. Pick up the metal pole. Walk around the library in search for the window shown in the Grail Diary. Look at the Grail Diary. Note which inscription and which number you need. Look at the right or left inscription. Note the Roman number from the Grail Diary. Use the metal post on the right slab. Look at the book of maps. The top and bottom decorations are maps of the catacombs. Leave the book. Walk west. Keep going straight until you reach a room. Pick up the arm. Walk east, and keep turning right until you reach a room. Walk east, and follow the southern road to the next room. Walk east, and keep going straight to the next room. Open the manhole cover. Walk to the manhole. Pick up the wine bottle. Look at the wine bottle. Pick up the wine bottle. Use the wine bottle on the fountain. Walk to the manhole. Walk west, back to the previous room. Walk west, back to the previous room. Use the wine bottle on the torch. Pull the torch. Keep going east until you reach a room. Walk east. Look at the inscription. The inscriptions limit the possible Grails to two. [+] Walk west. Use the hook on the wooden plug. Use the whip on the hook. Walk west, take the southern path to the next room. Walk to the ladder. Walk east, keep the southern path to the next room. Walk east, to the room north. Use the red cordon on the machine. Use the wheel. Walk east, keep the northern path to the next room. Look at the Grail Diary. Note the combination. Push the rightmost statue until it is correct. Push the leftmost statue until it is correct. Push the middle statue until it is correct. Walk north, far west to the next room. Walk north, take the northern path to the next room. Walk west, take the northern path to the next room. Look at the Grail Diary. The highest bar corresponds to the leftmost skull. Press the skulls in the order of the Grail Diary. Walk east, south. Find your way to the next room. Open the casket. Look at the casket. Open the old rusty lock. Walk east. Note that you cannot save before entering Castle Brunwalk. If you want to get all IQ points, save at this point. Walk to the manhole. Walk inside.
  1. Throw a punch.
  2. 212
Walk north, to the far southeastern door. 131 Talk to the drunk soldier.
  1. Throw a punch and win the fight.
  2. 32
Open the door. Walk east, to the middle eastern door. Use the stein on the spigot. Use the stein with the hot coals. Use the stein on the spigot. Wait until the steam passes. Pick up the roast boar. Walk north, back to the entrance, northeast. Walk to the guard patrolling the south corridor.
  1. Throw a punch and win the fight.
  2. 321
Walk to the door in the eastern wall. Pick up the servant uniform. Walk north. Walk to the northern door in the western door. Push the suit of armor. Walk west, to the guard patrolling the north corridor.
  1. Throw a punch and win the fight.
  2. 122
Walk upstairs, into the second room. Open the chest. Look at the chest.
  1. Walk north, to the next guard. Throw a punch and win the fight.
  2. (Only if no other guard was fought) Walk north, to the next guard. 2211
  3. Use the servant uniform. Walk north, to the next guard. Offer the painting. Walk into a nearby room. Use the IndyWear by Lucasfilm. Leave the room.
Head east, to the first door in the corridor going north. Open the chest. Look at the chest. Look at the uniform. Walk north, back to the ground floor, to the uniform closet. Use the brass key on the lock. Pick up the grey uniform. Walk north, to the first floor. Walk into the second room. Use the grey uniform. Walk east.
  1. Throw a punch and win the fight.
  2. 3
Open the western door. Walk west. Head north, and go to the eastern room.
  1. Throw a punch and win the fight.
  2. 223
Open the door north. Walk north. Open the window. Walk to the window. Open the right window. Enter the right window. Push the loose brick. Walk to the window. Use the whip on the brick. Open the right window. Enter the window. Open the cabinet. Walk to the window. Walk to the left window on the lower level. Use the grey uniform.
  1. Walk north, east. Walk into the western visible door.
    1. Throw a punch and win the fight.
    2. Offer “Mein Kampf”.
    Use the stein on the grating. Walk north.
  2. Walk north, east. Ignore the room with the alarm system.
Head south, east, to the guard.
  1. Throw a punch and win the fight.
  2. 2121
Head south and enter the room in the western wall. Pick up the first aid kit. Use the first aid kit at your own discretion. Walk north, upstairs Walk to the guard.
  1. Throw a punch and win the fight.
  2. 121
Enter the north-most room. Give the roast boar to the dog. Pick up the trophy. Open the file cabinet. Pick up the pass (only if the painting was handed over). Walk east, downstairs, to the far southwestern room. Push the large painting. Look at the pass. Open the vault door. Walk west. Note whether the Holy Grail glows by the large painting in the vault. Walk east. Use the IndyWear by Lucasfilm. Walk east, downstairs to the ground floor, to the entrance. Walk north, to the middle eastern door. Use the trophy on the spigot. Walk north, to the entrance, northeast, to the first floor. Walk into the nearest room. Use the grey uniform. Walk east, to the second floor. Head south, to the stationary guard. Offer the trophy. Beat Biff. Head west, south, to the guard.
  1. Throw a punch and win the fight.
  2. (Only if talked to guard in northeast room on first floor) 323
Walk to the room at the end of the corridor. Pick up the silver key. Walk west, to the three rooms to the north. Find the room with the wires to the door. Use the silver key on the door. Note the alarm does not sound (only if the stein was used on the grating). Walk north, west.
  1. (Only if all guards in the corridors were beaten) Walk east, back to the first floor, back to the ground floor. Head far south, through the northern door in the western door. Push the left statue. Use the motorcycle. Walk through the fireplace.
  2. Walk to any guard.
    1. Offer the old book.
    2. Offer the Grail Diary.
    Pull the chairs until the mark on the floor is between the two chairs. Push the suit of armor. Push the left statue. Use the motorcycle.
(Only if the Grail Diary was offered)
  1. Throw a punch and win the fight.
  2. 3311
Wait until you meet
  1. Throw a punch and die.
  2. Offer “Mein Kampf”.
  3. Offer the pass.
Switch to Henry. Walk to the right of the man. Talk to the man. Make sure Henry is standing east of the man. 3 Switch to Indy. Pick up the tickets. Walk west.
  1. Look at the manual. Leave the manual. Use the biplane. Start the biplane.
  2. Enter the zeppelin.
    1. Throw a punch and win.
    2. Offer the tickets.
    Switch to Henry. Walk west. Use the coins on the bowl. 1 Switch to Indy. Open the door. Walk north. Open the closet. Pick up the wrench. Use the wrench on the radio. Walk west. Use the wrench on the hole. Push the wrench. Walk to the ladder. Make your way to the biplane.
Fight the enemy planes
  1. Shoot 5 planes.
  2. Shoot 10 planes.
  3. Shoot 15 planes.
Use the blue car. If you encounter the Nazi talking blue:
  1. Throw a punch and win the fight.
  2. 231
If you encounter the Nazi talking light purple:
  1. Throw a punch and win the fight.
  2. Offer 50 Marks or the signed pass.
If you encounter the Nazi talking cyan:
  1. Throw a punch and win the fight.
  2. 2111
If you encounter the Nazi talking red:
  1. Throw a punch and win the fight.
  2. 332
If you encounter the Nazi talking dark cyan:
  1. Throw a punch and win the fight.
  2. 12231
If you encounter the Nazi talking dark purple:
  1. Throw a punch and win the fight.
  2. Offer 225 Marks, the signed pass, or the signed Mein Kampf.
If you encounter the Nazi talking grey:
  1. Throw a punch and win the fight.
  2. 1222221
Walk north. Use the manual to find the place to click. [+] Cross by stepping on the Jehova translation letters. Click on the western piece of the east side of the gorge. Pick up the true Holy Grail. Use the Grail on the Holy Water.
  1. Wait until Elsa takes the Holy Grail.
    1. Walk west.
    2. Look at the cracked seal. Use the whip on the Grail. Give the Grail to the knight.
  2. Pick up the Grail. Give the Grail to the knight.