King’s Quest II VGA: Romancing the Stones

Walk east. Swim west, to the net. Take the net. Swim east. Walk north. Take the picket. Walk east, east. Use the log. Walk north. Use the eastern lemon tree. Walk west. Use the net with the baby bird. Walk north, west, west. Use the log. Use the clam. Walk east, east, north, east. Use the baby bird with the pond. Take the feather. Walk east. Use the pumpkin patch. Talk to the pumpkin mother. Walk south, east, north. Use the hole in the central tree. Walk north. Use the haystack. Walk north, to the eastern door. Look at the door. Use the sword with the door. Use the letter. Talk to the merchant. Use the library door. Wait until the librarian is facing the other way. Use the library card with the quill. Give the signed library card to the librarian. Talk to the librarian. Use the open book. Walk east, south, south, south, south. Walk south, east, east, to the rock wall. Talk to the stone face. Walk south, west, west. Look at the rope. Use the sword with the coins. Take the coins. Walk west. Walk north, north, east, east. Walk north, north, north. Use the fool’s gold with the fountain. Talk to the merchant. Take the pumpkin. Use the library door. Talk to the librarian. Use the open book. Walk east. Talk to the merchant. Talk to the merchant. Talk to the merchant. Give the pearl to the merchant. Walk south, south, south. Walk west, west, west, west. The girl in red clothes should be here now. Talk to the girl. Wander around, in search for the basket. Take the basket. Return to Possum. Give the basket to Possum. Walk south, south. Give the shell comb to the mermaid. Use the seahorse. Talk to king Neptune. Talk to king Neptune. Talk to king Neptune. Talk to king Neptune. Ride north, west, to the wreck. Use the wreck. Use the bottle. Ride south, west, west, north, to the grass. Take the grass. Use the grass with the bottle. Use the bottle with the luminescent fish. Take the glowing bottle. Ride south, south, south, west, south. Ride west, west, west, west, west Ride east, east, to the east side of the giant shell. Use the sword with the shell. Swim north. Note the combination to open the vault. Use the seahorse. Use the vault. Repeat the combination to open the vault. Take the trident. Swim south. Use the seahorse. Complete the arcade sequence. Use the trident with the illusionary wall. Ride east, east, north, east, north, north. Ride east, east, east, east. Wait until you receive the Gem of Birth. Walk north, north, east, east. Walk east, east, north, north. Use the cloth with the haystack. Take the needle. Walk north. Use the library door. Talk to the librarian. Use the open book. Talk to the librarian. Use the open book. Walk east. Use the antique shop door. Talk to the shopkeeper. Use the door. Walk south, south, south, west, north. Use the baby pumpkin with the pumpkin patch. Wait until you receive the brooch. Talk to the mother pumpkin. Walk west, west, west. Look at the right skull. Look at the left skull. Use the Gem of Birth with the left skull. Use the mallet with the left skull. Use the left skull. Use the right skull. Walk to the cave, to the cloak. Use the cloak. Walk to the cage. Use the cloth with the cage. Use the key with the chain. Take the nightingale. Walk west. Use the mallet with the left skull. Take the Gem of Birth. Walk east, east, east, south. Walk east, north, north, north. Use the antique shop door. Use the nightingale cage. Look at the nightingale cage. Use the letter. Give the nightingale cage to the shopkeeper. Take the lamp. Use the lamp. Look at the statue. Use the statue. Walk to the trap door. Use the letter on the table. Take the carpet. Take the youth potion. Use the trapdoor. Use the statue. Use the door. Walk south. Use the carpet with Graham. Walk east. Use the opal necklace with the snake. Walk east, east. Look at the inscription. Look at the workbench. Use the book. Use the earrings with the beaker. Use the flower with the beaker. Use the sword with the flint. Use the feather with the beaker. Use the mallet with the sword. Use the clear crystal with the beaker. Talk to the beaker. Take the emerald. Walk west, west. Use the emerald with the snake. Talk to the winged horse. Talk to the winged horse. Talk to the winged horse. Walk west. Use the carpet with Graham. Walk south, south, south. Use the bowl with the spring water. Use the lemon with the bowl. Walk north, north, north, west, north. Use the bowl with the pumpkin patch. Talk to the mother pumpkin. Walk south, west, west. Use the emerald with the second rock from the right. Take the bridle. Walk east. Use the carpet with Graham. Walk east. Use the bridle with the winged horse. Use the winged horse. Talk to the king. 5 Talk to the Father. 3 Wait until Graham reaches the throne. 2 Take the Gem of Growth. Use the winged horse. Walk east. Use the door. Use the bible. Take the page. Note how each word is capitalized. Use the altar. Talk to the monk. Talk to the monk. Talk to the monk. Use the door. Walk west, south, south, south, west. Talk to Possum. Walk north, north, to the back of the treehouse. Use the door once the dwarf has left. Use the ladder. Walk east. Use the chest. Take the pot of soup. Walk west. Use the ladder. Walk west, south, west, west. Use the door. Use the pot of soup with the fire. Give the pot of soup to grandma. Talk to grandma. Use the bed. Talk to grandma. Talk to grandma. Walk south, west, north, north, north, north, east. Follow the directions on the bible page. The first letters combined tell you how to conquer the maze. Walk north. Talk to the boatman. Talk to the boatman. Talk to the boatman. Talk to the boatman. Give the coins to the boatman. Use the cloak with Graham. Use the ruby ring with Graham. Use the sugar cube with Graham. Walk to the castle. Walk to the door. Use the silver cross with the door. Use the door. Walk west upstairs. Take the shovel. Use the candle with the torch. Walk east, east upstairs, east, downstairs, west. Use the cloak with Graham. Use the coffin. Use the coffin. Talk to count Caldaur. Wait until the count attacks. Use the ring with count Caldaur. Use the coffin. Use the pillow. Take the Gem of Death. Walk east, upstairs, west, west, west upstairs, upstairs. Use the window. Climb down until you fall. Note the Gem of Death is taken from you. Take the ham. Walk west, north. Talk to the vampire. Use the book with Graham. Use the book. Use the bookcase in the back. Use the book “Cinderella” on row three, column one. Use the book “The Three Little Pigs” on row six, column three. Use the book “Little Bo Peep” on row two, column three. Use the book “Rumplestiltskin” on row three, column four. Use the book “Romeo and Juliet” on row one, column two. Take the book “Treasure Island” on row three, column four. Use the key on the book. Use the book. Walk south. Walk south, west. Use the bracelet with the ghosts. Use the bracelet with the double grave of Lord Herbert and Lady Lillian. Take the ring. Use the shovel with the grave of count Christopher Eveer. Use the hole. Use the tin box. Walk south, south. Use the boat. Walk south, south, south, south. Walk south, south, south, east. Use the door. Use the pillow with the large bed. Walk south, east, east, east, north, north, east. Use the door. Use the book. Read through the passages. Walk south. Use the shovel with the grave of Larmon Odnarb. Use the hole. Use the tin box. Take the tiara. Walk south. Use the door. Walk west, to the middle of the road. Use the wolfbane with Graham. Walk west, west, west, west. Walk north, north, north, east. Follow the directions on the bible page. The first letters combined tell you how to conquer the maze. Walk north. Take the reed. Use the needle with the swamp. Use the toxic needle with the reed. Use the blowpipe with the leader. Wait until you receive the Gem of Death. Walk west, south, south. Use the boat. Walk south, south, south, south, east, east. Walk east, east, north, north, north. Use the library door. Talk to the librarian. Use the open book. Walk east, south, south, south, south, south. Walk east, east. Use the cloth with the Gem of Birth. Use the bag of gems with the east side of the chasm. Talk to the dwarf. Use the knife with the exposed rope. Use the bridge. Use the bag of gems. Use the Gem of Birth with the Door of Destiny. Use the Gem of Growth with the Door of Destiny. Use the Gem of Death with the Door of Destiny. 4 Use the net with the water. Repeat until you catch a fish. Take the fish. Use the water. Use the fish. Walk east, east, to the patch of sand. Look at the lines in the sand. Use the lines in the sand. Take the stone of quartz. Walk to the patch of sand. Look at the western lines in the sand. Use the high tree. Climb to the coconuts. Take the coconuts. Climb down. Use the sword with the coconut. Use the coconut with the water. Use the coconut with the western lines in the sand. Use the blue portal. Walk west, north. Look at the door. Use the disc with the rim. Use the stone of quartz with the door. Talk to the right statue. Look at the door. Select air. Select sun. Select water. Select mountain. Walk upstairs, upstairs. Use the emerald with the lion. Take the hair. Move the beam. Open the door. Look at the woman. Use the emerald with the woman. Use the vanity table. Use the mirror. Use the emerald with the woman. Use Valanice. Use the lion hair with the youth potion. Give the youth potion to Hagatha. Use the mirror. Talk to Valanice. Take the globe. Take the globe. Walk west.