Use the desk.
Move the lower right corner of the blotter.
Take the key. Use the key on the drawer. Take the press pass.
Look at the press pass.
Exit the desk.
Talk to Rube.
Question Rube about the burglary.
Question Rube about the speakeasy.
Use the trash can.
Take the baseball.
Walk south.
Look at the left side of the street until there is no traffic.
Look at the right side of the street until there is no traffic.
Walk southeast.
Push the vagrant.
Open the door.
Open the back door.
Talk to sergeant O’Flaherty.
Walk south.
Use the newspaper.
Open the newspaper.
Take the coupon.
Look at the left side of the street until there is no traffic.
Look at the right side of the street until there is no traffic.
Walk southeast.
Give the coupon to the street vendor. Take the sandwich.
Look at the left side of the street until there is no traffic.
Look at the right side of the street until there is no traffic.
Walk southeast.
Open the door.
Give the sandwich to sergeant O’Flaherty.
Question sergeant O’Flaherty about Ziggy.
Question sergeant O’Flaherty about the speakeasy.
Walk south.
Use the taxi sign.
Use the press pass on the taxi driver.
Go to the 12th street docks.
Wait until you arrive.
Question Dorian about Archibald Carrington.
Question Dorian about Leyendecker Museum.
Use the taxi sign.
Use the press pass on the taxi driver.
Go to Lo Fat’s Laundry.
Talk to the boys.
Give the baseball to Biff.
Open the door to Lo Fat’s.
Question Lo Fat about the Leyendecker Museum.
Walk south.
Look at the left side of the street until there is no traffic.
Look at the right side of the street until there is no traffic.
Walk southeast.
Open the side door.
Say you know the secret word.
Say Charleston.
Talk to the nervous man with shifty eyes.
Say Crodfoller sent you.
Question Ziggy about Egyptology.
Walk south.
Use the taxi sign.
Say you don’t mind the filth.
Move the small pile of garbage.
Take the yellow claim ticket.
Exit the taxi.
Look at the left side of the street until there is no traffic.
Look at the right side of the street until there is no traffic.
Walk south.
Open the door to Lo Fat’s.
Give the claim ticket to Lo Fat.
Walk south.
Look at the left side of the street until there is no traffic.
Look at the right side of the street until there is no traffic.
Walk southeast.
Open the side door.
Say you know the secret word.
Say Charleston.
Open the back door.
Answer either way.
Talk to the woman.
Use the outfit on Laura Bow.
Walk south, south.
Walk to the museum.
Give the press pass to Wolf Heimlich.
Open the door.
Question Yvette Delacroix about Detective Ryan O’Riley.
Question Yvette Delacroix about Countess W-C.
Question Rameses Najeer about Dr. Pippin Carter.
Question Rameses Najeer about Egyptology.
Talk to Dr. Pippin Carter.
Question Dr. Pippin Carter about Detective Ryan O’Riley.
Question Ziggy about Countess W-C.
Walk east.
Question the Countess about Dr. Archibald Carrington.
Walk west.
Walk behind the group to overhear the conversation.
Walk behind the group to overhear the conversation.
Walk west.
Walk behind the group to overhear the conversation.
Walk behind the group to overhear the conversation.
Walk east.
Walk behind the group to overhear the conversation.
Walk behind the group to overhear the conversation.
Walk east.
Walk behind the group to overhear the conversation.
Walk behind the group to overhear the conversation.
Walk behind the group to overhear the conversation.
Walk west.
Walk behind the group to overhear the conversation.
Walk west.
Walk behind the group to overhear the conversation.
Walk behind the group to overhear the conversation.
Walk behind the group to overhear the conversation.
Walk east.
Walk behind the group to overhear the conversation.
Walk east.
Open the door.
Use the magnifying glass on the row of daggers behind the counter.
Note the Pittsburg label.
Leave the dagger.
Use the magnifying glass leftmost dagger.
Note the absence of a Pittsburg label.
Leave the dagger.
Walk west.
Take a glass.
Walk east, northwest, north, east, north.
Look at the bone.
Take the bone.
Walk north, west, north, north, west.
Take the ankh.
Use the magnifying glass on the ankh.
Use the magnifying glass on the blood on the floor.
Use the magnifying glass on the footstep.
Use the magnifying glass on the Rosetta Stone.
Note the letters.
Look at the Rosetta Stone.
Open the rightmost coffin.
Open the jacket.
Take the notebook.
Use the magnifying glass on the dagger.
Use the magnifying glass on the jacket.
Exit the coffin.
Walk northwest, north, west, south.
Use the glass on the office door.
Walk south.
Take the cloth.
Use the magnifying glass on the Rosetta Stone.
Note the letters.
Look at the bottle.
Take the snake oil.
Walk south.
Note the statue head.
Walk northeast, northwest.
Use the statue head such that it is detached from the rest of the statue.
Walk northeast, to the stairs until the lightbulb blows.
Walk northwest.
Open the door.
Use the trashcan.
Take the carbon paper.
Use the carbon paper on the lamp.
Look at the lamp.
Use the lamp.
Open the door.
Wait until you hear sounds from the office.
Use the glass on the door.
Look at the fireplace.
Take the charcoal. Use the charcoal on Pippin’s notepad.
Look at Pippin’s notepad.
Look at the notepad on the desk.
Look at the notepad.
Look at the purple book.
Open the phone list.
Look at the phone list.
Note B. Sayff’s phone number is KL-0527.
Push the painting over the fireplace.
Use the safe.
Dial the numbers from B. Sayff’s phone number (0527).
Open the safe.
Look at the safe.
Use the magnifying glass on the diary.
Open the door.
Look at the lamp.
Look at the bulb.
Take the bulb.
Walk south, northwest, north, east, west, north, north.
Wait until 10:15.
Walk south, south.
Open the central armour.
Walk east.
Use the magnifying glass on the tuxedo.
Use the magnifying glass on the right hand.
Use the magnifying glass on the wire.
Use the magnifying glass on the wire end.
Exit the crime scene.
Walk east, west, south, northeast.
Use the bulb on the fitting.
Walk downstairs.
Open the north door.
Look at the right side of the left bookcase, third shelf from the bottom.
Take the book that is reversed.
Open the book.
Take the garter.
Look at the garter.
Use the magnifying glass on the garter.
Walk south.
Open the east door.
Open the far door.
Walk south, south, northwest.
Use the glass on the door.
Walk west, north, east, west, south.
Look at the blueish head.
Use the magnifying glass on the head.
Exit the crime scene.
Walk south, east, east, west, south.
Open the door.
Open the door.
Look at the clock.
Use the magnifying glass on the blood letters.
Use the magnifying glass on the blood letters.
Use the magnifying glass on the right hand.
Look at the notepad.
Exit the crime scene.
Take the red book on the middle shelf.
Open the Crime and Punishment book.
Take the police file.
Look at the police file.
Open the door.
Use the magnifying glass on the paper cutter.
Use the paper cutter.
Walk south, northeast, downstairs.
Use the glass on the north door.
Use the glass on the north door.
Open the east door.
Open the east door.
Make sure Ernie is not here.
Look at the snake lasso.
Take the snake lasso.
Open the toolbox.
Look at the toolbox.
Take the wire cutters.
Use the magnifying glass on the wire cutters.
Wait until the intercom crackles.
Look at the index on the desk.
Open the index.
Look at the index.
Note vat 13 holds warthogs.
Push the wall button.
Open the door.
Use vat 13.
Walk south, south, northwest, northwest.
Use a painting.
Note the glint on the large painting on the east wall.
Use the magnifying glass on the glint.
Use the magnifying glass on the glint.
Use the wire cutters on the skeleton key.
Exit the painting.
Walk north, east, west.
Use the tapestry.
Talk to the Countess.
Walk east.
Look at the body.
Use the wire cutters on the wire.
Walk east, west, south, northeast, downstairs.
Use the bone on the glass case.
Take the lantern.
Look at the lantern.
Use the magnifying glass on the lantern.
Open the north door.
Use the bone on the mouse trap.
Take the cheese.
Walk south.
Open the east door.
Open the far door.
Take the snake oil.
Open the cold storage locker.
Look at the cold storage locker.
Take the meat.
Use the skeleton key on the trunk.
Use the meat on the trunk.
Look at the trunk.
Use the magnifying glass on the skeleton.
Open the gold watch.
Look at the inscription.
Take the gold watch.
Open the door.
Use the glass on the east door.
Open the far door.
Use the lantern.
Walk north, east, south, south.
Use the tapestry.
Overhear the conversation.
Walk east, east.
Use the magnifying glass on the shirt.
Use the magnifying glass on the hairs.
Take the hairs. Exit the crime scene.
Walk west.
Open the door.
Use the glass on the door.
Walk northeast, downstairs.
Open the east door.
Walk south.
Use the glass on the north door.
Walk south, northwest.
Open the door.
Use the magnifying glass on the red hairs.
Use the magnifying glass on the red hairs.
Use the magnifying glass on the piece of fabric.
Use the magnifying glass on the piece of fabric.
Use the magnifying glass on the shoe.
Take the shoe.
Walk south, northeast, downstairs.
Use the glass on the north door.
Walk south, northwest, northwest.
Use the magnifying glass on the sculpture.
Use the bone on the sculpture.
Look at Yvette.
Use the magnifying glass on the glasses.
Use the magnifying glass on the glasses.
Take the glasses.
Use the magnifying glass on the red hairs.
Use the magnifying glass on the red hairs.
Take the red hairs.
Use the magnifying glass on the sheet.
Exit the crime scene.
Walk north, east, west.
Take the boot.
Use the magnifying glass on the blood.
Use the magnifying glass on the boot.
Walk east, east, west, south, south.
Use the snake oil on the snake.
Use the snake oil on the snake.
Use the snake oil on the snake.
Use the snake lasso on the snake.
Use the cage.
Look at the snake.
Look at the snake.
Look at the body.
Look at the grapes.
Look at the grapes.
Take the grapes.
Use the magnifying glass on the body.
Take the smelling salts.
Use the magnifying glass on the left ankle.
Use the magnifying glass on the corba fang.
Use the magnifying glass on a hand.
Exit the crime scene.
Walk south.
Walk east.
Close the east doors.
Use the wire on the doors.
Walk west.
Close the doors.
Use the board.
Walk north.
Use the chair.
Open the transom.
Walk north, west.
Open the left coffin.
Walk east, south, west.
Use the hanging crate.
Use the dagger on the rope.
Use the east crate.
Open the door.
Pull the lever.
Walk south.
Close the door.
Take the mummy. Use the mummy on the door.
Use the snake lasso on the coffin headdress west of the door.
Use the coffin west of the door.
Walk into the coffin.
Answer WOMB.
Answer TOMB.
Move the coal.
Use the smelling salts on the face.
Give the boot to Steve before he stands up.
Use the stone.
Use the lantern.
Use the passage.
Use the snake oil on the snakes.
Walk up.
Use the cheese on the left door.
Walk to the right door.
Push the button.
Who murdered Dr. Pippin Carter?
Detective Hanrahen O’Riley
Cover another crime
Who murdered Lawrence ‘Ziggy’ Ziegfeld?
Detective Hanrahen O’Riley
Cover another crime
Who murdered Ernie Leach?
Detective Hanrahen O’Riley
Cover another crime
Who murdered Yvette Delacroix?
Detective Hanrahen O’Riley
Who murdered Countess Lavinia Waldorf-Carlton?
Detective Hanrahen O’Riley
Cover another crime
Who was the skeleton found in the steamer trunk?
Dr. Archibald Carrington III
Who murdered Dr. Archibald Carrington?
Watney Little
Who impersonated Dr. Archibald Carrington?
Watney Little
Who murdered Watney Little?
Detective Hanrahen O’Riley
Cover another crime
Who actually stole the Dagger of Amon Ra from the Ancient Egypt exhibit?
Watney Little
Who manipulated Watney Little into stealing the Dagger of Amon Ra?
Detective Hanrahen O’Riley
Who was the woman involved in stealing paintings from the Old Masters Gallery?
Countess Lavinia Waldorf-Carlton
Who was the man involved in stealing paintings from the Old Masters Gallery?
Watney Little
Who was the middleman who provided forged paintings for the Countess and sold the real ones for her?
Lawrence ‘Ziggy’ Ziegfeld
Who is the High Priest of the Amon Ra Sun Worshippers?
Rameses Najeer
Which museum employee runs a ‘fencing’ operation as a sideline business?