Legend of Kyrandia, Book One
Pick up the note.
Use the note on Brandon.
Pick up the saw.
Inspect the left pot.
Walk outside.
Walk to the edge.
Walk west, west, north, inside.
Talk to Brynn.
Give the note to Brynn.
Walk east, south, east, east, east, east.
Inspect the pool.
Walk east.
Walk west, west, west, west.
Use the teardrop on the dent in the tree.
Walk east, east, east, east, north.
Pick up the marble.
Walk east.
Use the marble on top of the altar.
Pick up a rose.
Walk west, south, south, south, west.
Talk to Herman.
Give the saw to Herman.
Walk east, north, north, west, west.
Walk west, west, west, north, inside.
Give the rose to Brynn.
Walk east, south, east, east, east.
Walk east, east, north, east.
Use the silver rose on the altar.
Walk west, south, south, south, west.
Walk west, west, inside.
Talk to Darm.
Walk east, south, east.
Pick up the walnut.
Walk west, west, west.
Pick up an acorn.
Walk south, east.
Pick up the pinecone.
Walk east.
Talk to Nolby.
Walk south, east, south.
Use the pinecone on the hole.
Use the acorn on the hole.
Use the walnut on the hole.
Walk north, north, north.
Use the yellow amulet gem.
Take the feather.
Walk west, north, inside.
Give the feather to Darm.
Pick up the scroll.
Walk east, south, south, east, east.
Inspect the stream.
Walk west, west, north.
Walk west, west, north.
Inspect a ruby.
Pick up a ruby.
Use the yellow amulet gem.
Walk south, east.
Use the sunstone on the dish.
Find out your second birthstone.
Find out your third birthstone.
Your last birthstone should be the ruby.
Pick up the flute.
Drop all gemstones you carry.
Walk east, north, inside.
Talk to Darm.
Walk east, south, east, south, east.
Walk south, south, east, inside.
Pick up the knife.
Use the flute on Brandon.
Make your way through the fireberry maze.
Walk east, east, east, into the circle, east.
Inspect the fireberry bush.
Walk north, east, south, south.
Inspect the fireberry bush.
Walk north, east.
Pick up the heavy rock.
Walk north, east.
Inspect the fireberry bush.
Walk east, north, east.
Talk to a wisp.
Walk east.
Inspect the fireberry bush.
Walk south.
Pick up the heavy rock.
Walk south, west, south.
Inspect the fireberry bush.
Walk south, south, east.
Pick up the gold coin.
Pick up the heavy rock.
Walk east.
Inspect the fireberry bush.
Walk east, north, west, north.
Inspect the fireberry bush.
Walk north.
Pick up the heavy rock.
Walk east, east, south.
Inspect the fireberry bush.
Walk east, north, north, east.
Inspect the fireberry bush.
Walk east, north.
Pick up the heavy rock.
Walk south, west.
Inspect the fireberry bush.
Walk west, south, south, west.
Inspect the fireberry bush.
Walk north, west, south, west.
Inspect the fireberry bush.
Walk south, east, south, west.
Inspect the fireberry bush.
Walk west, west, north, north.
Inspect the fireberry bush.
Walk north, east, north, north.
Inspect the fireberry bush.
Walk west, west, south, west.
Inspect the fireberry bush.
Walk west, south, west, south.
Inspect the fireberry bush.
Walk north, north, west, south, west.
Use a heavy rock on the scales.
Use a heavy rock on the scales.
Use a heavy rock on the scales.
Use a heavy rock on the scales.
Use the heavy rock on the scales.
Walk west, west, west, west.
Walk west, north, north.
Use the coin on the well.
Walk east.
Pick up a tulip.
Find a sapphire.
Find a topaz.
Find a garnet.
Walk south, south, east.
Walk east, east, east, east.
Inspect the fireberry bush.
Walk north, east, south, south.
Inspect the fireberry bush.
Walk north, east, north, east.
Inspect the fireberry bush.
Walk east, north, east.
Use the moonstone on the hole.
Use the purple amulet gem.
Fly east, south, south, south, south.
Fly east, east, east, east, south, east.
Use the scroll on Brandon.
Walk north.
Pick up the iron key.
Walk south.
Use the purple amulet gem.
Fly west, north, west, west, west, west.
Fly north, north, north, north, west.
Fly west, west, west, west, south, west.
Fly north, north over the chasm, east.
Walk east, east.
Drop the garnet.
Drop the sapphire.
Drop the topaz.
Walk west, west, west.
Walk west, west, south, south.
Walk west, north, north.
Use the scroll on Brandon.
Pick up the crystal ball.
Walk south, south, east, east.
Walk east, north, north.
Use the crystal ball on the empty pedestal.
Use the empty flask on the fountain.
Walk east, east, inside.
Give the magical water to Zanthia.
Walk west, west, west.
Use the empty flask on the fountain.
Use the magical water on Brandon.
Walk west, west, south, south, west.
Walk north, west, west, north, west.
Inspect the blueberry bush.
Walk south, east, east, east.
Walk south, east, east, north.
Use the blue amulet gem.
Walk east, north, east, east, inside.
Inspect the grey rug.
Open the trap door.
Walk north, north, east, east, east, north.
Inspect the orchid flowers.
Walk south, west, west, west, south, south.
Open the trap door.
Pick up the sapphire.
Use the sapphire on the cauldron.
Use the blueberries on the cauldron.
Use the empty flask on the cauldron.
Pick up the empty flask.
Pick up the garnet.
Use the garnet on the cauldron.
Use the orchid on the cauldron.
Use an empty flask on the cauldron.
Open the trap door.
Walk south, south, east.
Walk south, south, west, north.
Use the red potion on the left dent.
Use the blue potion on the right dent.
Walk south, east, north, north.
Walk west, north, north.
Open the trap door.
Pick up the empty flask.
Use the empty flask on the cauldron.
Pick up the topaz.
Use the tulip on the cauldron.
Use the topaz on the cauldron.
Walk west, west, west, south.
Use the purple potion on Brandon.
Give the apple to Faun.
Walk outside.
Drop the empty flask.
Pick up the chalice.
Walk north, east, east, inside.
Pick up the empty flask.
Use the empty flask on the cauldron.
Open the trap door.
Walk south, south, east.
Walk south, south, west, north.
Use the red potion on the left dent.
Use the yellow potion on the right dent.
Walk south, east, east, east, north, north.
Walk north, north, north, north, north.
Inspect the orchid flowers.
Use the orange potion on Brandon.
Walk east.
Use the orchid on the grave.
Walk east, to the gate.
Use the red amulet gem.
Use the key on the keyhole.
Walk west.
Walk upstairs, west, north.
Walk near the west exit.
Use the yellow amulet gem.
Walk west.
Pick up the mallet.
Use the green bell.
Use the white bell.
Use the gold bell.
Use the blue bell.
Pick up the gold key.
Walk east, south, east, south.
Walk east, north, north, east.
Pick up the royal sceptre.
Walk west, west.
Use the gold key on the door.
Walk northwest.
Use the lower shelf of the right bookcase (Opals).
Use the top left shelf of the left bookcase (Potions).
Use the bottom left shelf of the left bookcase (Enchantments).
Use the bottom right shelf of the left bookcase (Nature).
Walk to the fireplace.
Walk west, west, north, west.
Walk north, north, east.
Use the blue amulet gem.
Walk north, west.
Use the raised tile.
Pick up the gold key.
Walk east, south, west, south, south.
Walk east, south, east, east, south, east.
Use the gold key on the door.
Walk north.
Use the royal sceptre on the left pillow.
Use the royal crown on the middle pillow.
Use the royal chalice on the right pillow.
Use the red amulet gem.
Walk to the mirror on the far right.