Legend of Kyrandia, Book Two: The Hand of Fate
Pick up the empty flask from the shelf.
Inspect the rug.
Walk west, north, west.
Inspect the stump.
Walk north.
Pick up the gnarlybark.
Pick up the union.
Walk north.
Talk to the fairy.
Walk west.
Inspect the nest.
Walk north.
Use the water with the fireberries.
Pick up the everglowing fireberries.
Walk inside.
Pick up the stool.
Pick up the empty flask.
Pick up the plant food.
Walk outside, south, west.
Use the tree.
Pick up the skeleton key.
Walk west.
Inspect the hollow tree.
Use the feather with the crocodile.
Use an empty flask with the tears.
Walk north.
Pick up the sulphur.
Use an empty flask with the hot water.
Use the gnarlybark with the cauldron.
Use the sulphur with the cauldron.
Use the union with the cauldron.
Use the reptile tears with the cauldron.
Use the furniture with the cauldron.
Use the hot water with the cauldron.
Use an empty flask with the cauldron.
Walk south, east, east, east, east, east, south.
Find out in which order the fireflies light up.
Note the order.
Walk north, east.
Talk to the rat.
Use the Swampsnake potion with Zanthia.
Light up the teeth in the same order as the fireflies.
Use the skeleton key with the chest.
Inspect the chest.
Inspect the chest.
Walk west, west, west.
Give the moldy cheese to the fishermen.
Walk west, south, south.
Use the plant food with the weed.
Walk east.
Pick up the anchor.
Use the alchemist’s magnet with the anchor.
Walk west, north, north.
Walk east, east, south.
Pick up the letter.
Walk north, west, west, west, west.
Pick up the letter.
Walk west, north.
Pick up the letter.
Walk south, east, east, east.
Give the first letter to the dragonfly.
Give the second letter to the dragonfly.
Give the third letter to the dragonfly.
Walk south, south, east, south.
Pick up the letter.
Walk north, west, north, north.
Give the fourth letter to the dragonfly.
Search the haystack.
Pick up the left patch of wheat.
Pick up the right patch of wheat.
Pick up the letter.
Use the letter with Zanthia.
Walk south.
Give the letter to the man.
Pick up the vinegar.
Pick up the bowl.
Walk west.
Pick up the stick.
Turn the valve.
Walk east, north.
Walk south, north until you meet the ghost.
Use the empty flask with the ghost.
Walk south, east.
Use the bottled ghost with the scarecrow.
Use the elephant’s trunk.
Pick up radish.
Pick up lettuce.
Pick up the alchemist’s magnet.
Walk west, north.
Use the empty flask with the sheep.
Walk south.
Open the cellar.
Pick up the four horseshoes.
Use the milk with the cheese maker funnel.
Use the cheese maker lever.
Pick up the cheese.
Walk upstairs, west.
Use a not-lucky horseshoe with the electricity.
Use the wheat with the crusher.
Use the bowl with the crusher.
Use the ground wheat with the cauldron.
Use the radish with the crusher.
Use the bowl with the crusher.
Use the vinegar with the ground radish.
Use the mustard with the cauldron.
Use the lettuce with the cauldron.
Use the cheese with the cauldron.
Use the empty flask with the cauldron.
Use the sandwich potion with Zanthia.
Pick up the empty flask.
Walk east.
Use the bowl with the lizard.
Pick up the bowl.
Use the empty flask with the lizard tears.
Walk north, east.
Use the sandwich with the guards.
Pick up the stick.
Walk north.
Light up the plates in the same order as the fireflies.
Open the door.
Pick up the mug.
Use the mug with the keg.
Use the mug with the bowl.
Use the vinegar with the rootbeer in the bowl.
Walk to the door.
Use the lecture stand.
Walk outside, south, east.
Pick up the empty flask.
Pick up the parchment.
Use the parchment with the book.
Walk northeast.
Pick up the mud.
Use the mud with the rabbit’s foot.
Flush the cauldron.
Use a lucky horseshoe with the cauldron.
Use the mud footprint with the cauldron.
Use the sweet and sour sauce with the cauldron.
Use the reptile tears with the cauldron.
Walk east.
Use the stick with the rope.
Walk east.
Use an empty flask with the cauldron.
Use the skeptic serum with the Altar of Doubt.
Walk west.
Use the stick with the rope.
Walk west, west.
Use the skeptic potion with the man.
Use the magnet with the shiny item in the water.
Pick up the magnet.
Walk inside.
Talk to Marcus.
Use the key with the right lock.
Use the magnet with the key.
Inspect the mattrass.
Inspect the mattrass.
Inspect the mattrass.
Use the fishing rig with the window.
Use the key with the left lock.
Use the key with the right lock.
Walk east, northeast, east.
Use the stick with the rope.
Walk east.
Use an empty flask with the cauldron.
Use the skeptic serum with the Altar of Doubt.
Use the empty flask with the cauldron.
Use the skeptic serum with the Altar of Doubt.
Walk west.
Use the stick with the rope.
Walk west, west, west, north, inside.
Disturb the brawlers until one of them loses a tooth.
Use the alchemist’s magnet with the golden tooth.
Pick up the lead tooth.
Walk outside, south, west, south, west.
Use the alchemist’s magnet with the lead tooth.
Use the golden tooth with the crusher.
Walk east, north, east, inside, north.
Drop the lucky horseshoe near the top shell.
Give the gold piece to the squid.
Choose the top shell.
Pick up a gold piece.
Give the gold piece to the squid.
Choose the top shell.
Pick up the three gold pieces.
Walk east.
Use a skeptic potion with the man.
Give the three gold pieces to the man.
Walk south, east, southeast.
Use the skeptic potion with the man.
Give the ticket to the captain.
Use the magnet with the coil of rope.
Walk west.
Pick up the heavy rock.
Pick up the stick.
Walk east, east, east.
Pick up the empty flask.
Pick up the heavy rock.
Walk east, into the vent.
Pick up the heavy rock.
Use the heavy rock with the lava vent.
Walk southeast.
Pick up the stick.
Inspect the palm tree.
Walk west, west.
Pick up the heavy rock.
Use the heavy rock with the lava vent.
Pick up the empty flask.
Walk east, northeast.
Pick up the heavy rock.
Walk north.
Pick up the heavy rock.
Use the heavy rock with the lava vent.
Use the alchemist’s magnet with the lump of lead.
Pick up the lump of gold.
Use the stick with the dinosaur.
Use the stick with the dinosaur.
Walk to the hot air vent.
Use the crystal fuzz with the cauldron.
Use the lump of gold with the cauldron.
Use the teddybear eyes with the cauldron.
Use the empty flask with the cauldron.
Use the teddy bear potion with Zanthia.
Walk south.
Use the dinosaur.
Walk west.
Walk east, west until the dinosaur faces the door.
Use the torn cloth with the dinosaur.
Pick up the parchment.
Use the parchment with the book.
Use the heavy rock with the lava vent.
Walk east.
Stand on the platform in the large lava vent.
Pick up the pineapple.
Inspect the hole.
Walk west.
Inspect the tower.
Pick up snow.
Pick up the moss.
Pick up the moss.
Pick up the rolling stone.
Pick up the twigs.
Walk east.
Use the twigs with the flintstone.
Use the rolling stone with the flintstone.
Pick up the piece of charcoal.
Use the snowball with the cauldron.
Use the piece of charcoal with the cauldron.
Use the moss with the cauldron.
Use the empty flask with the cauldron.
Walk west.
Use the snowman potion with the guard.
Walk west.
Use the alchemist’s magnet with the statue.
Inspect the box.
Inspect the box.
Use the jack with the giant foot.
Pick up the acorn.
Walk east, east.
Use the toy drum with the petrified forest.
Use the wagons.
Give the acorn to the squirrel.
Give the walnut to the squirrel.
Give the pineapple to the squirrel.
Use the rolling stone with the treadmill.
Use the wagons.
Pick up the feather duster.
Walk inside.
Pick up the empty flask.
Pick up the cannonball.
Inspect the left stuffed animal.
Walk east.
Use the alchemist’s magnet with the cannonball.
Give the gold cannonball to the woman.
Pick up the lollipop.
Pick up snow.
Use the snowball with the cauldron.
Use the musk with the cauldron.
Use the feather duster with the cauldron.
Use the lollipop with the cauldron.
Use the empty flask with the cauldron.
Use the abominable snowman potion with Zanthia.
Walk inside.
Pick up the candy.
Pick up the cologne.
Inspect the pillow.
Inspect the shelves.
Walk outside.
Pick up three icicle.
Use the icicle with the cauldron.
Use the cologne with the cauldron.
Use the feathers with the cauldron.
Use the candy with the cauldron.
Use the empty flask with the cauldron.
Use an icicle with the ice wall.
Walk outside.
Wait for the hunters to arrive.
Use the abominable snowman potion with the hunters.
Use an icicle with the ice wall.
Walk east, inside.
Pick up the hot water.
Pick up the union.
Use the top lever.
Pick up the furniture.
Pick up the reptile tears.
Pick up the sulphur rock.
Pick up the teddybear eyes.
Use the middle lever.
Pick up the gnarlybark.
Use the gnarlybark with the cauldron.
Use the sulphur with the cauldron.
Use the union with the cauldron.
Use the reptile tears with the cauldron.
Use the furniture with the cauldron.
Use the hot water with the cauldron.
Use an empty flask with the cauldron.
Use the swampsnake potion with the fourth glass.
Flush the cauldron.
Pick up the feathers.
Pick up the ground radish.
Use the bottom lever.
Pick up the vinegar.
Pick up the lollipop.
Pick up the lettuce.
Pick up the ground grain.
Pick up the lump of lead.
Use the vinegar with the ground radish.
Use the middle lever.
Pick up the crystal fuzz.
Pick up the musk.
Use the icicle with the cauldron.
Use the musk with the cauldron.
Use the feathers with the cauldron.
Use the lollipop with the cauldron.
Use the empty flask with the cauldron.
Use the abominable snowman potion with the third glass.
Use the alchemist’s magnet with the lump of lead.
Use the crystal fuzz with the cauldron.
Use the lump of gold with the cauldron.
Use the teddybear eyes with the cauldron.
Use the empty flask with the cauldron.
Use the blue potion with the fifth glass.
Use the top lever.
Pick up the cheese.
Pick up the sweet and sour sauce.
Pick up the quill.
Use the ground wheat with the cauldron.
Use the mustard with the cauldron.
Use the lettuce with the cauldron.
Use the cheese with the cauldron.
Use both water bowls with the trash can.
Use an empty flask with the cauldron.
Use the orange potion with the second glass.
Flush the cauldron.
Use the middle lever.
Pick up the leather folio.
Pick up the horseshoe.
Pick up the taffy footprint.
Use the bottom lever.
Pick up the amethyst.
Pick up the hot air.
Pick up the blueberries.
Use the hot air with the cauldron.
Use the quill with the cauldron.
Use the leather folio with the cauldron.
Use an empty flask with the cauldron.
Use the red potion with the first glass.
Use the amethyst with the cauldron.
Use the blueberries with the cauldron.
Use an empty flask with the cauldron.
Use the indigo potion with the sixth glass.
Use the top lever.
Use the middle lever.
Pick up the lizard tears.
Use the horseshoe with the cauldron.
Use the taffy footprint with the cauldron.
Use the sweet and sour sauce with the cauldron.
Use the lizard tears with the cauldron.
Use an empty flask with the cauldron.
Use the skeptic serum with the seventh glass.
Walk outside.
Pick up the icicle.
Use the icicle with the house.
Walk east.
Use the alchemist’s magnet with the golden dish.
Walk inside, east.
Finish the Towers of Hanoi game to open the left statue.
Pick up the stick.
Finish the Towers of Hanoi game to open the middle statue.
Pick up the gear.
Walk south, upstairs.
Use the gear with the bar.
Use the stick with the gear.
Jump to the machines.
Jump to the machines again.
Attack the hand straight on.