Nancy Drew: Secret of the Scarlet Hand

If you cannot continue with the described steps, it is likely because it is too late in the day. Return to the hotel, set the alarm for 11 am, and continue where you left off. 112231111 Walk through the door, to the red banner directly right of the counter. Approach the paper. Take the paper airplane. Open the paper airplane. Return to the counter. Walk around the counter. Open the drawer. Raise the tray. Take the keycard. Leave the drawer. Approach the cabinet. Use the keycard on the latch. Use the keycard on the latch. Take the headphones. Leave the cabinet. Walk to the exhibition hall. Walk forward until you reach the bottom of the steps. Turn right. Enter the “Employees Only” door. Note the glyph for water over the water fountain. Enter the “Laboratory” door. Approach the desk immediately to the right of the entrance. Examine the clipboard. Examine the note on the desk. Use the phone to call Silvio Jr. (555-9963). 3112 Open the drawer. Take the door knob. Note the Koko Kringle wrappers. Read through the notebook. Note the narratives layout. Leave the desk. Talk to the man. 22121213 Approach your desk. Examine the task list. Cross out the ordering task. Leave the desk. Walk through the door, through the “Shipping and Receiving” door. Walk to the end of the right aisle. Examine the box labelled “Sonny’s Stuff”. Take the pottery shard. Take the diskette. Walk through the door, out the “Employees Only” area. Return to the counter. Leave the museum. Go to the Mexican Consulate. Talk to the clerk. 11212212 Put the contract on the desk. 11 Leave the consulate. Go to the Colonial Hotel. Approach the laptop. Put the diskette in the drive. Approach the screen. Choose the diskette. > KOKO KRINGLE Read through the “Stuff to Do”. Read through the “Stuff to Remember”. Read through the “Stuff to Forget”. Leave the computer. Leave the hotel. Go to the Beech Hill Museum. Walk to exhibition A (first aisle on the right, righthand display case). Look at the plaque. Hold the headphones. Walk to exhibition F (first aisle on the right, lefthand display case). Open the display case. Approach the tablets. Take the tablet. Close the display case. Walk to exhibition C (in the garden). Take the tablet. Look at the plaque. Hold the headphones. Approach the monolith in the center of the garden. Note one side is missing the cylinders. Step back. 211112 Walk to exhibition J (in the garden). Look at the plaque. Hold the headphones. Walk to exhibition G (third aisle on the right, far display case). Look at the plaque. Hold the headphones. Walk to exhibition D (third aisle on the left). Look at the plaque. Hold the headphones. Open the display case. Examine the display. Put the numbers on their correct places according to Sonny’s notes. [+] Close the display case. Return to the temple. Walk up the stairs. Examine the pots. Take the pottery shard. Return to the “Employees Only” door. Walk through the “Employees Only” door, through the “Laboratory” door. Approach your desk. Examine the task list. Cross out the consulate task. Cross out the numbering system task. Leave the desk. Examine the broken pottery. Reconstruct the vase. Leave the pottery. Talk to Henrik. 1113 Walk through the door, through the “Shipping and Receiving” door. Approach the autonarrator in the left wall. Examine the setting for exhibition A. Examine the setting for exhibition D. Set the number to 7. Examine the setting for exhibition C. Set the number to 14. Examine the setting for exhibition A. Set the number to 5. Examine the setting for exhibition J. Examine the setting for exhibition G. Set the number to 9. Examine the setting for exhibition J. Set the number to 13. Walk through the door, through the “Laboratory” door. Approach your desk. Examine the task list. Cross out the pottery task. Cross out the matching task. Walk through the door, out the “Employees Only” area. Return to the counter. Leave the museum. Go to the Colonial Hotel. Approach the alarm clock. Set the alarm for 9:00 am. Leave the hotel. Go to Taylor Sinclair’s Office. Talk to Sinclair. 212111223 Leave the office. Go to the Beech Hill Museum. Return to the “Employees Only” door. Walk through the “Employees Only” door, to the “Laboratory” door. Walk around until the sirens sound and the police arrive. Return to the counter. Walk through Joanna’s office door. Talk to Joanna. 223 Return to the crime scene (exhibition E). Take the scarlet hand paper. Return to the counter. Walk through Joanna’s office door. Talk to Joanna. 1114 Return to the “Employees Only” door. Walk through the “Employees Only” door, through the “Laboratory” door. Approach the Spectro X Archaeo-Analyzer. Flip the power switch. Open the compartment. Put the scarlet hand paper in the compartment. Examine the screen. Start the analysis. Choose to compare. Use the arrow buttons to find a match with the spectometer’s findings. Push the match button. Exit the machine. Take the scarlet hand paper. Flip the power switch. Leave the machine. Approach the periodic table. Examine the Hg entry. Examine the S entry. Walk through the door, out the “Employees Only” area. Return to the counter. Walk through Joanna’s office door. Talk to Joanna. 111 Walk through the door, to the garden area. Return to the Mayan pyramid. Walk around until Henrik falls down the stairs. Leave the hotel. Go to the Beech Hill Museum. Walk through Joanna’s office door. Talk to Joanna. 123 Return to the “Employees Only” door. Walk through the “Employees Only” door, through the “Laboratory” door. Approach your desk. Examine the note on the desk. Listen to the voice mails. Use the phone to call Franklin Rose. 21 Use the phone to call nurse Bluefoot (555-4000). 1123111 Use the phone to call Keep It Real Restoration (555-6766). 211111121 Walk through the door, out the “Employees Only” area. Return to the counter. Leave the museum. Go to the Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Hospital. Approach the reality board. Put the scarlet hand paper on the reality board. Talk to Henrik. 1111112212 Leave the hospital. Go to the Beech Hill Museum. Walk through Joanna’s office door. Talk to Joanna. 13 Walk through the door. Leave the museum. Go to Taylor Sinclair’s Office. Talk to Sinclair. 221113 Take the picture. Leave the office. Go to the Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Hospital. Approach the reality board. Put the picture on the reality board. Talk to Henrik. 211111214 Leave the hospital. Go to the Beech Hill Museum. Walk through Joanna’s office door. Approach to the round table in the corner. Examine the copy of “Art in the Americas”. Leaf through to the necklace. Note the Topeka Commission for the Arts. Leaf through to the closeup. Note the glyph means south. Return the magazine. Leave the table. Walk through the door. Turn around. Examine the plaque to the right of Joanna’s office. Examine the lower list of names. Return to the “Employees Only” door. Walk through the “Employees Only” door, through the “Laboratory” door. Approach Henrik’s desk. Examine the card on the desktop. Use Henrik’s key on the top drawer. Take the disk. Close the drawer. Use Henrik’s key on the bottom drawer. Take the notes. Examine the book. Read through the book. Note the password. Walk through the door, out the “Employees Only” area. Return to the counter. Leave the museum. Go to the Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Hospital. Approach the reality board. Put Henrik’s notes on the reality board. Leave the hospital. Go to the Mexican Consulate. Talk to Alejandro. 4121262216 Leave the consulate. Go to the Colonial Hotel. Use the phone to call Franklin Rose. 1121 Approach the laptop. Put Henrik’s disk in the external drive. Approach the screen. Choose Henrik’s disk. Leave the computer. Set the alarm for 9:00 am. Leave the hotel. Go to the Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Hospital. Talk to Henrik. 1 Look at the notes. 22221217 Leave the hospital. Go to the Colonial Hotel. Approach the laptop. Approach the screen. Choose Henrik’s disk. > STONE Open the notes. Read the entry “Prison of Stone”. Read the atanzahab entry. Read the whisperer entry. Read the north entry. Read the south entry. Read the east entry. Read the west entry. Read the Copan fool entry. Read the Pacal entry. Leave the notes. Open the contacts. Read the Honduras entry. Leave the computer. Use the phone to call the Chaco Canyon Cultural Center (1-505-555-1222). 211221 Use the phone to call Prudence Rutherford (1-785-555-7279). 111212112112 Use the phone to call Henry Daddle (1-605-555-3195). 2 Use the phone to call Penelope Daddle (1-605-555-3197). 1122111221212111 Leave the hotel. Go to Taylor Sinclair’s Office. Talk to Sinclair. 5 Take a cookie. Talk to Sinclair. 3 Use the cookie on the jade carving. Leave the office. Go to the Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Hospital. Talk to Henrik. 2125 Leave the hospital. Go to the Beech Hill Museum. Return to the “Employees Only” door. Walk through the “Employees Only” door, through the “Laboratory” door. Approach your desk. Listen to the voice mail. Use the phone to call Franklin Rose. 112131 Leave your desk. Walk through the door, out the “Employees Only” area. Return to the counter. Walk through Joanna’s office door. Approach Joanna’s desk. Open the drawer. Take the display case key. Close the drawer. Read the paper. Leave the desk. Approach the file cabinet. Open the drawer. Take the Pacal Provenance document. Walk through the door. Leave the museum. Go to the Mexican Consulate. Talk to Alejandro. 1 Put the provenance papers on the desk. 21 Leave the consulate. Go to the Beech Hill Museum. Return to the “Employees Only” door. Walk through the “Employees Only” door, through the “Laboratory” door. Approach the HAM radio. Flip the power switch. Flip the power switch. Approach the side of the HAM radio. Open the panel. Take the burnt radio tube. Leave the HAM Radio. Walk through the door, out the “Employees Only” area. Walk to exhibition A (first aisle on the right, righthand display case). Use the display case key on the lock. Approach the HAM radio. Move the radio. Open the panel. Take the radio tube. Close the panel. Replace the radio. Close the display case. Return to the “Employees Only” door. Walk through the “Employees Only” door, through the “Laboratory” door. Approach the HAM radio. Approach the side of the HAM radio. Open the panel. Put the replacement radio tube in the socket. Leave the HAM radio. Approach Henrik’s desk. Read the instruction manual. Leave the desk. Approach the HAM radio. Flip the power switch. Tune in to station 2050. Listen to the message. Tune in to station 2731. Send coatl: > -.-. > — > .- > – > .-.. Note the password was received. Send leche: > .-.. > . > -.-. > …. > . Note the package will be sent. Flip the power switch. Leave the HAM radio. Walk through the door, out the “Employees Only” area. Return to the counter. Leave the museum. Go to the Colonial Hotel. Use the phone to call the Chaco Canyon Cultural Center (1-505-555-1222). 1 Set the alarm for 9:00 am. Leave the hotel. Go to the Beech Hill Museum. Return to the “Employees Only” door. Walk through the “Employees Only” door, through the “Shipping and Receiving” door. Open the box in the receiving bin. Examine the box. Move the first eye. Move the sixth eye. Move the fourth eye. Move the second eye. Note all the faces are looking cross-eyed. Open the box. Take the copan fool key. Approach the counter. Look at the packing list. Note item 1113 is a jade carving from Diego de Landa. Leave the counter. Walk through the door, out the “Employees Only” area. Return to the counter. Leave the museum. Go to the Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Hospital. Talk to Henrik. 13 Leave the hospital. Go to the Beech Hill Museum. Walk to exhibition L (first aisle on the left, leftmost display case). Look at the plaque. Note the glyph. Walk to the ink well exhibition opposite of exhibition B (third aisle on the left). Look at the plaque. Note the glyph. Walk to the throneback sculpture near the monolith in the garden. Look at the plaque. Note the glyph. Walk to exhibition M (second aisle on the right, leftmost display case). Look at the large plaque about Pacal. Look at the smaller plaque. Look at the plaque at the beginning of the aisle. Walk to the calender stone exhibition near exhibition I (second aisle on the left). Look at the calendar stone plaque. Walk to exhibition B (third aisle on the left, leftmost display case). Look at the plaque at the beginning of the aisle. Return to the Mayan pyramid. Enter the pyramid. Put the keycard in the computer in the far end of the pyramid. View your progress. Begin the quiz. > PALENQUE > ZAC KUK > TZOLKIN > ITZAMNA > QUICHE Leave the computer. Put the keycard in the slot of the pillar puzzle. Match the symbols with their meanings.[+] A bell sounds if you’re correct. Leave the puzzle. Put the keycard in the computer near the exit of the pyramid. Play a game of Bul. Make sure you win. Leave the computer. Walk to the exhibition between exhibition K and exhibition J (garden area). Read the plaque. Walk to exhibition H (garden area). Read the plaque. Walk to the exhibition between exhibition H and the monolith. Read the plaque. Walk to exhibition C (garden area). Read the plaque. Walk to the locked door in the back of the pyramid. Use the keycard on the card swipe. Walk through the door. Put the keycard in the computer to the left. View your progress. Begin the quiz. > LADY XOC > BICEPHALIC > HUIPIL > NOBLE MAN > ATANZAHAB Leave the computer. Put the keycard in the other computer in the room. > SJOON > SPACEBABY Press the “M” key to display a mirrored map of the maze. Navigate the maze to the white square. Leave the computer. Put the keycard in the ball game computer. Set the power to 4. Set the angle to high. Shoot the ball. Set the power to 3. Set the angle to medium. Shoot the ball. Set the power to 5. Set the angle to medium. Shoot the ball. Set the power to 6. Set the angle to low. Shoot the ball. Leave the computer. Push the button to the viewscreen. Return to the exhibition hall. Walk to exhibition I (second aisle on the left). Hold the headphones. Turn to the right. Examine the left plaque. Walk to the exhibition just after exhibition C (garden area). Examine the plaque. Walk to the locked door in the back of the pyramid. Use the keycard on the card swipe. Walk to the locked door. Use the keycard on the card swipe. Walk downstairs and through the archway to the calendar puzzle. Look at the top plaque. Look at the bottom plaque. Put the keycard in the slot. Rotate the inner cylinder to 12. Rotate the outer cylinder to the Kaban symbol. [+] Leave the calendar puzzle. Walk to the match-up puzzle. Put the keycard in the slot. Match the gods with their description.
XBalanqueJaguar god
KukulcanWind god
Yum CimilGod of death
EkahauGod of travellers
IxchelMoon goddess
BalacWar god
TlalocRain god
Ahau KinSun god
Yum KaaxCorn god
Leave the puzzle. Walk across the bridge to the computer. Put the keycard in the computer. Begin the quiz. > COATIMUNDI Leave the computer. Return to the tomb near the calendar puzzle. Use the keycard on the card swipe. Open the tomb. Move the jade mask. Take the Pacal key. Close the tomb. Take the chemical flare. Return to the computer across the bridge. Use the keycard on the card swipe. Hold the flare. Walk to the exit. Return to the “Employees Only” door. Walk through the “Employees Only” door, through the “Shipping and Receiving” door. Walk straight ahead and examine the metal box. Note item 1113 is locked with a number combination. Open the box in the receiving bin. Read the note. Take the South key replica. Walk through the door, through the “Laboratory” door. Approach your desk. Use the phone to call Franklin Rose. 1111 Walk through the door, out the “Employees Only” area. Return to the counter. Leave the museum. Go to the Colonial Hotel. Set the alarm for 9:00 am. Leave the hotel. Go to the Beech Hill Museum. Walk through Joanna’s office door. Talk to Joanna. 1 Walk through the door. Return to the “Employees Only” door. Walk through the “Employees Only” door, through the “Shipping and Receiving” door. Walk straight ahead and examine the box for item 1113. Enter code 0677. Open the box. Take the East key. Open the box in the receiving bin. Open the case. Take the mold. Walk through the door, through the “Laboratory” door. Approach the casting apparatus near the periodic chart. Put the mold under the device. Move the device. Use the device. Open the mold. Take the plaster North key. Approach the reconstructed pottery. Rotate the base until the top can be placed. Reconstruct the key. Take the key. Walk through the door, out the “Employees Only” area. Walk to the calender stone exhibition near exhibition I (second aisle on the left). Use the display case key on the lock. Take the tzolkin. Close the display case. Return to the monolith. Put the tzolkin on the empty spot. Examine the tzolkin. Rotate the inner cylinder to 6. Rotate the outer cylinder until it points to the Lamat symbol. Walk around to the left side of the monolith, to the empty niche. Examine the new niche. Put the monolith key in the niche. Select the west key (to the right of the white plaster north key). Walk around to the left side of the monolith, to the empty niche. Examine the new niche. Put the monolith key in the niche. Select the north key (the white plaster part). Walk around to the left side of the monolith, to the empty niche. Examine the new niche. Put the monolith key in the niche. Select the east key (to the left of the white plaster north key). Walk around to the left side of the monolith, to the empty niche. Examine the new niche. Put the monolith key in the niche. Select the south key (across from the white plaster part). Enter the monolith. Examine the book. 112 Hold the chemical flare. Turn around to the body. Open the mouth. Take the bar. Turn to the right. Approach the hole. Put the bar in the hole. Turn twice. Look down. Take the book. Take the pin. Look up. Turn left. Approach the hole. Put the pin in the hole.