Pirate Fry: Volcano Island

Pick up the bowl of matches. Walk east. Talk to the pirate. 4 Use the bottle. Use the matches on the bottle. Use the boiled egg on the bottle. Leave the bottle. Pick up the book. Use the book on the board. Open the door. Pick up the sledge hammer. Use the west door. Use the sledge hammer on the safe. Pick up the cannonball. Open the door. Open the cannon. Use the cannonball on the cannon. Close the cannon. Open the north door. Walk south. Open the door. Pick up the dashlighter. Leave Navigation. Walk east. Open the door. Use the dashlighter on the cannon. Open the north door. Use the rope. Pick up the spear. Walk west. Pick up the bamboo. Walk east, east. Pick up the toothpaste. Talk to the man. 12 Walk west, west, north, north, northeast, east. Pick up the axe. Pick up the monster. Walk west, west, southwest. Use the door. 13 Open the hatch. Use the toothpaste on the hatch. Use the monster on the crystals. Pick up the monster. Open the door. Use the bamboo on the panda. Take the boots. Open the north door. Take the orb. Walk south, south, east, southeast, south, west. Use the monster on the crystals. Pick up the monster. Walk west. Walk east, east, north, north, northeast, east. Use the monster on the Darlanth. Pick up the monster. Walk west, west, northwest. Use the boots on the mud. Use the mud. Talk to the guard. Use the monster on the guard’s monster. Use the gate. Use the spear on the worshipper. Walk east. Use the orb on the altar. Use the stairs. Walk to the top of the volcano. Use the axe on the green tree.