Reality on the Norm 003: The Soviet Union Strikes Again
Take the hose.
Use the bum.
Talk to the bum.
Walk east.
Use the door.
Use the wrench on the thermostat.
Walk east.
Use the hose on the faucet.
Use the hose.
Use the door.
Use the hose.
Use the faucet.
Use the door.
Talk to the man.
Walk west.
Take the coffee creamer.
Take the coffee stirer.
Take the brownie.
Walk west, east.
Use the door.
Walk west.
Take the keys.
Use the desk.
Use the plant.
Look at the folder.
Look at the list.
Walk north.
Use the keys on the locker room door.
Walk east, south.
Give the list to the bum.
Use the box.
Walk east, northwest.
Use the door.
Walk east.
Give the valium to the janitor.
Take the key.
Walk west, west, east, east.
Walk west.
Use the door.
Look at the recipe.
Use the antiperspirant on the coffee pot.
Use the lawnmower fuel on the coffee pot.
Use the valium on the coffee pot.
Use the leaf on the coffee pot.
Use the bottle on the coffee pot.
Look at the coffee pot.
Use the bottle on the coffee pot.
Walk west, east, south.
Use the bottle on the box.
Talk to the bum.
Use the box on the Russians.
Use the box on the vomit.
Use the post office door.