Reality on the Norm 028: The Chef

Take the spaghetti. Walk west, east. Go to city hall. Take a pamphlet. Look at the pamphlet. Walk west. Talk to the mayor. 1-1-1-2 Walk south. Talk to Death. 2-2-2-2 Walk east. Go to the Realiser. Take the scissors. Talk to Mika. 4-4-4 Walk south. Go to the town square. Talk to Jhon. 3-3-3-3 Use the door to Scid's. Talk to George. 3-3-3 Walk south, west. Talk to the bum. 2-2-2 Walk east. Use the second door from the right. Use the door. Talk to Guido. 1-1-3-3 Walk south. Look at the grate. Use the fork on the grate. Use the restaurant door. Walk north. Look at the recipe. Use the refrigerator. Use the doors. Walk west, east. Go to city hall. Use the scissors on Death. Walk east. Go to Grundy's market. Talk to Grundy. 1-3 Give the dollar to Grundy. Use the ingredients on the pan. Use the spaghetti on the doll. Use the black cloth on the doll. Walk south. Go to the town square. Use the restaurant door. Walk north. Use the uncooked canneloni on the oven. Use the doors. Walk west. Give the doll to Jhon. Walk west. Give the cooked canneloni to the bum. Walk east. Look at the small alley. Use the small alley. Use the door. Take the letter. Use the door. Walk east, east. Go to city hall. Give the press pass to Death. Walk south. Use the door to Scid's. Talk to George. 1-3-3-3 Walk south, east. Go to Baron Wolfgang's mansion. Use the key on the front door. Follow the directions: Use the doors corresponding to the first letter of each ingredient. Use the fork on Guido.