Return to Ringworld
Use the table.
Take the stasis field negator.
Take the stepping disk.
Use the computer.
Select Computer Services.
Select Personal Log.
Read through the log.
Select Main Menu.
Select Exit Menu.
Use the door.
Use the west door.
Take the sensory microprobe.
Take the attractor unit.
Take the reader device.
Use the door.
Use the elevator.
Go to the bridge.
Talk to Seeker.
Talk to Seeker.
Use the Quinn's workstation.
Select Database.
Read the Autodoc entry.
Read the Sonic Fold entry.
Select Exit Menu.
Use the elevator.
Go to Deck 5.
Use the panel.
Take the retention clamp.
Take the optical fiber.
Use the west door.
Use the storage cabinet.
Take the comscanner.
Use the optical fiber on the connecting junction.
Use the reader device on the autodoc slot.
Use the red button.
Select Advanced Procedures.
Select Open Door.
Take the reader device.
Use the door.
Use the elevator.
Go to the bridge.
Talk to Miranda.
Give the reader device to Miranda.
Use the elevator.
Go to Deck 5.
Use the west door.
Use the reader device on the autodoc slot.
Use the red button.
Select Advanced Procedures.
Select Open Door.
Use the yellow button.
Take the infodisk.
Use the door.
Use the elevator.
Go to Landing Bay 2.
Use the north door.
Use the west compartment.
Take the stunner.
Use the east compartment.
Take the laser diffusion aerosol.
Use the door.
Take the cable harness.
Use the cable harnass on the hand grip.
Use the attractor unit on the cable harnass.
Use the control panel.
Select Operate Crane.
Select Tractor Field Off.
Move the crane over the cable harnass such that it is pulled up.
Select Done.
Select Done.
Use the cable harnass.
Use the second door from the left.
Use the laser diffusion aerosol on the laser.
Take the aerosol.
Use the retention clamp on the laser.
Use the door.
Look at the comscanner.
Set the slide to the second mark.
Use the comscanner on the retention clamp.
Use the stunner on the comscanner.
Take the comscanner.
Use the sensor probe on the stepping disk.
Use the sensor probe on the stasis negator gun.
Use the charged power capsule on the stasis negator gun.
Use the stasis negator gun on the stasis field.
Use the door.
Use the cable harnass.
Use the elevator.
Go to the bridge.
Give the infodisk to Seeker.
Talk to Seeker.
Talk to Seeker.
Use Quinn's workstation.
Select Scan Ops.
Select Passive Enabled.
Select Deep Scan.
Select Geographical.
Move up.
Use the stasis negator gun on the attacker.
Use the stunner on the soldier.
Talk to the Chief.
Talk to the Chief.
Talk to the Chief.
Use Quinn's workstation.
Select Scan Ops.
Select Short Scan.
Select Technological.
Select Done.
Use the elevator.
Go to Landing Bay 2.
Use the north door.
Take the oxygen tank.
Use the control panel.
Select Right.
Select Right.
Select Select.
Use the rebreather tank on the suit.
Use the suit.
Use the airlock.
Walk south, south, south, south.
Switch to Seeker.
Look at the comscanner.
Select scan.
Walk north until you reach the wall.
Walk south.
Walk west until you reach the radar.
Take the radar.
Switch to Quinn.
Walk north.
Check the scanner to make sure the red dot is on the same line as one of the single green dots.
Walk west until you reach the white box.
Take the directional actuator.
Walk north.
Walk west until you find the fuel cell.
Take the fuel cell.
Walk south until you find the crashed spacecraft.
Take the airbag.
Take the diagnostics display.
Walk west.
Take the navigation gyro.
Walk east until you reach the communications dish.
Use the ladder.
Use the lever.
Use the button.
Leave the control.
Use the dish.
Use the ladder.
Leave the control.
Walk north.
Walk west until you find the guidance control module.
Take the guidance control module.
Walk west, north, north, north, north.
Use the hatch.
Take the display.
Use the storage compartment.
Take the thruster control valve.
Take the ignitor.
Put the directional actuator on the round hole.
Put the functional diagnostics display on the hole.
Use the button.
Put the battery on the rear tail panel.
Put the fuel cell on the tail panel.
Put the ignitor in the rear wing panel.
Put the thruster control valve in the wing panel.
Put the navigation gyro on the cockpit panel.
Put the guidance control module on the nose panel.
Switch to Seeker.
Walk south, south, south, south.
Walk west until you reach Quinn.
Put the radar on the middle cockpit panel.
Use the hatch.
Use the directional actuactor.
Walk south, south, south.
Look at the comscanner.
Select scan.
Use the mag-lev car.
Pull the slide all the way down.
Every time the red lights reach the top, there is an elevator.
Stop right in front of the second elevator.
Use the red button.
Look at the comscanner.
Select scan.
Follow the arrow until Quinn can walk west.
Walk west.
Switch to Seeker.
Use the doors.
Switch to Quinn.
Use the button.
Use the door at the top of the stairs.
Switch to Seeker.
Use the robot.
Use the robot.
Switch to Quinn.
Use the airbag on the robot.
Use the rebreather tank on the airbag.
Use the button.
Use the console.
Use the second button.
Use the third button.
Take the wire.
Talk to the Caretaker.
Talk to the Caretaker.
Talk to the Caretaker.
Walk south, west, west, west, west.
Walk upstairs, east, east, inside.
Use the crank.
Walk south, west, west, downstairs.
Walk east, east, inside.
Take the rebreather tank.
Take the rebreather tank.
Walk south, east, downstairs, west, west.
Walk downstairs, east, east, downstairs.
Walk east, east, inside.
Use the rebreather tank on the stopcock.
Walk south, east.
Use the rebreather tank on the balloon.
Wait until the balloon reaches the northeast corner of the map.
Descend three times.
Wait until the balloon turns to the south.
Wait until the balloon moves west.
Your balloon should have landed now.
Look at the comscanner.
Select scan.
Follow the direction of the comscanner.
Repeat until you reach the forest.
Use the flute on Quinn.
Walk east.
Use the stunner on the guard.
Use the guardpost.
Switch to Seeker.
Walk south, west, downstairs, west, inside.
Take the gunpowder.
Take the oil lamp.
Walk south, west, downstairs, east, inside.
Take the oil lamp.
Walk south, east, downstairs, east, east, inside.
Take the glass dome.
Walk south, east, upstairs, east, upstairs.
Walk east, inside.
Use the rope to go down the crevice.
Use an oil lamp on the puddle.
Use the glass dome on the oil lamp.
Take the key.
Go up.
Walk southeast, west, downstairs, west, downstairs.
Walk west, downstairs, west, west, west, upstairs.
Walk west, west, upstairs, east, east, upstairs.
Walk west, inside.
Take the face mask.
Walk south, west, west, upstairs.
Walk east, east, inside.
Take the flask.
Walk south, east, east.
Use a door.
Use the ladder.
Go down, down, down, down.
Use the gunpowder on the ice.
Use the oil lamp on the gunpowder trail.
Walk east.
Use the key on the keyhole.
Use the alcohol on the face mask.
Use the face mask on Seeker.
Walk northeast, east, east, north, west.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Walk east, east, east.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Walk east, south, west, up, west.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Walk east, down, east, north, west, west, west.
Walk south, west, up, west, north, east.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Walk east.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Walk east, up, east, down, east, north, down, west.
Walk north, east, north, up, south, up, west.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Walk west.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Walk west, down, north, down, west.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Walk west, up, up, east, south, down.
Walk south, east, down, west.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Walk west.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Walk west, up, north, up, east, south, east.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Walk east.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Walk east, down, east, north, north, down.
Walk west, up, up, east.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Walk west, west.
Take the scrolls.
Use the panel.
Press all of the buttons once.
Take the gem.
Walk east, down, down, south, west.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Walk west.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Walk east, east, north, east, up, south, south, west.
Walk up, west, west, west, west, south, south, east, east.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Walk east, east.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Walk west, north, west.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Use the stunner on the vampire.
Walk west, south, west, north, north, east, north.
Walk west, down, south, down, east, east, east.
Walk up, west, north, up, north, west.
Walk down, down, east, east, up, south, up, east.
Walk east, east, down, north, down, south, west.
Walk south, east, up, south, west, up, west, down.
Walk west, west, west, south, east, down, west, west.
Walk northwest.
Use the ladder.
Go up, up, up.
Use the button.
Walk west, west, west, west, downstairs.
Walk east, east, east, east, inside.
Talk to Astor Pharisha.
Give the scrolls to Astor Pharisha.
Switch to Miranda.
Switch to Seeker.
Switch to Miranda.
Take the tray.
Take the pillow.
Use the pillow on the toilet.
Use the lamp over the toilet.
Use the wire on the lamp over the toilet.
Use the tray on the toilet.
Use the button.
Walk southwest.
Use the door.
Take the tool box.
Use the door.
Walk to the open cell.
Use the laser hacksaw on the vent.
Enter the ventilation shaft.
Use the laser.
Set the left jumper to the right.
Set the lower jumper to the left.
Set the right jumper to the left.
Leave the jumper box.
Turn right at the next intersection.
Turn right at the next intersection.
Use the laser.
Set the left jumper to the right.
Set the lower jumper to up.
Set the right jumper to the left.
Follow the turn to the left.
Turn right at the next intersection.
Use the laser.
Set the left jumper to down.
Set the lower jumper to up.
Set the right jumper to the left.
Look at the next grate.
Look at the grate.
Look at the grate.
Look at the grate.
Use the grate.
Use the east door.
Use the console.
Turn left at the end.
Turn right at the end.
Turn left at the end.
Turn left at the end.
Turn right at the end.
Turn left at the end.
Turn left at the end.
Turn right at the end.
Turn left at the first junction.
Turn left at the end.
Turn right at the end.
Turn right at the first junction.
Turn left at the end.
Turn right at the end.
Turn left at the first junction.
Turn left at the end.
Turn right at the end.
Turn right at the end.
Use the door.
Use the door.
Walk east, east.
Use the door.
Walk into the light.