Simon the Sorcerer 2: The Lion, The Wizard and The Wardrobe

Walk west. Pick up the baseball bat. Pick up the dye. Walk east, north, to the castle. 12123 Note the buildup of money. Walk to the Town Square. Talk to the accordion player. Give the baseball bat to the accordion player. Walk east, to the Street of Traders. Talk to the Ironmonger. Talk to the Ironmonger. 11233 Pick up the poster. Walk west. Look at the poster. Pick up the joke book while the owner is wearing the monkey suit. Talk to the Joke Seller. Walk north, to the 3 bears cottage. Open the letterbox. Pick up the letter. Walk west, to the loan office. Talk to the Jester. 3144 Give the joke book to the Jester. Use the crowbar with the drain cover. Walk into the loan office. Talk to the secretary. 1115 Open the door. 2 Use the letter with the in-tray. Walk east, east, to the 3 bears cottage, east. Pick up the rubber gloves. Close the taps. Walk west, to the docks. Talk to Um Bongo. 1125 Talk to Goldilocks. 213111552 Use the crowbar with the crate. Pick up the wig. Pick up the rubber dinghy. Walk west, to the Town Square. Talk to Um Bongo. 44 Walk to the 3 bears cottage, east. 43312 Walk west, to the tattooist. Move the ladder. Open the insane society door. Walk inside. Talk to the Frying Pan Man. Use the notepad with the Frying Pan Man. 311 Wear the porridge. Look at the junk bag. Walk north, to MucSwamplings. Look at the dustbin. Talk to the Swampling Mascot. 2 Walk inside. Talk to the waiter. 1121 Look at the Kiddie Meal. Walk east, east, to the Street of Traders. Use the balloon with the railings. Walk west. Talk to the Joke Seller. 211 Walk east. Talk to the Fat Bloke. 2 Pick up the lamps. Talk to the cave entrance. Walk to the cave entrance. Walk north, to the fountain. Use the dye with the fountain. Use the cloth with the basket. Walk west, to the fountain. Pick up the cloth. Walk west, to the Street of Traders, west. Give the cloth to the Joke Seller. Walk east, to the pet store. 3111 Pick up the turtle. Use the rubber gloves with the turtle. Use the turtle with the rightmost empty cage. Use the machine. Pick up the turle. Pick up the glowworms. Use the glowworms with the leftmost empty cage. Move the lever. Use the machine. Walk north, to MucSwamplings, inside. Wear the Swampling costume. Walk west. 3141 Walk north, east, to the loan office, to the sewers. Use the glowworms. Walk west. Use the bungee rope with the railing. Use the bucket with the mud. Walk to the lake. 14331 Use the fishing rod with the lake. Walk to the sewers, east, east, to MucSwamplings. Talk to the Swampling Mascot. 1 Walk inside. Wear the Swampling costume. Walk west. Give the bucket to the Swampling. Walk north, east, east, to the Street of Traders. Use the balloon with the railings. Walk west. Give the swamp stew to the Joke Seller. 1 Walk east, north, to the Magic Competition. Talk to the clerk. 3111 Walk north. Use the stink bomb. Walk north. Pick up the spell book. Talk to the wizard. Use the swamp shake with the wizard. Walk east, to the castle. 5 Walk to the gate. 13 Open the door. Walk west, west. 1 Use the fish with the royal seal. Walk west. Open both doors. Walk northeast. Use the wedge with the cradle. Pick up the cog. Walk east, east, east, south, to MucSwamplings. Talk to the Swampling Mascot. 4 Walk inside. Wear the Swampling costume. Use the cog with the clock. Walk north, east, east, to the tattooist. Open the tattooist door. 3 Walk north, to MucSwamplings, inside. Talk to the Anorak man. 133 Give the leaflet to the Anorak man. Walk east, east, to the tattooist, inside. 34 Walk east, north, to the swamp. Talk to the Lady of the Lake. Use the rubber dinghy with the air tank. Use the rubber dinghy. Pick up the sword. Use the rubber dinghy. Walk to the sewers, east, east, to the castle, north. Give the sword to the Prince. Walk west, northwest. Use the pea with the mattresses. 11 Pick up the lolly. Walk west, east, east, south, to MucSwamplings, inside. Wear the Swampling costume. Walk west. 11 Give the lolly to the baby Swamplings. Walk west, north, east, east, to the castle. Walk north, west, northeast. Give the milk to the baby. Walk east, west, north. Use the swamp shake with the pentagram. Walk west, west, east, east, south, to the Street of Traders. Use the balloon with the railings. Walk to the sarcophagus. Pick up the Mucusade. Walk to the tube, to the window, south to Calypso’s. 4 Use the spell book. Pick up the skull. Walk upstairs. 3 Look at the diary. Pick up the parrots. Walk west. Look at the chain. Talk to the pirate coiling the rope. 5 Talk to the pirate repairing the plank. Push the pirate repairing the plank. Pick up the hammer. Pick up the plank. Use the rigging. Use the postcard with the telescope. Walk down. Open the west door. Talk to the tough looking guy. 1 Walk upstairs. Open the eastern door. Pick up the knife. Use the knife with the hammock. Pick up the tinderbox. Walk east. Use the welding torch with the chain. Use the plank with the eastern door. Use the welding torch with the chain. Open the metal door. Pick up the Mucusade. Walk to the ladder, upstairs. Use the stuffed parrot with the parrot. Use the swamp gum with the stuffed parrot. Walk west. Pick up the shovel. Pick up the towel. Walk north. Give the balloon to the kid. Pick up the wooden pole. Walk east. Use the wooden pole with the shovel. Use the shovel. Use the towel with the hole. Use the shell with the towel. Talk to the beachcomber. Pick up the Mucusade. Walk north. Pick up the dog. Walk west, north, west. Use the dog with the generator. Walk east. Move the lever. Walk east, to the dealer. 3 Talk to the dealer. 34421 Pick up the whistle. Walk west. Use the whistle. Walk east. Talk to the dealer. Walk east, inside the hut. Talk to the waitress. 1 Talk to the waitress. 1 Walk east, into the cave. Use the caffeine tablets with the coffee. Pick up the bottle. 11 Use the coffee with the bottle. Pick up the bottle. 1 Walk west. Open the door. Walk east, to the secluded hut. 111 Pick up the hanky. Pick up the soda. Walk east, to the dark woods. Give the soda to the kid. Walk to the antiques. 1232121 Walk east. Talk to the witch. 131 Walk west, west, to the secluded hut. Close the door. Walk to the cat. Pick up the cat. Pick up the soda. Use the drinking straw with the soda. Open the door. Walk east, to the volcano rim. Pick up the chemical spray. Pick up the plant spotter’s guide book. Look at the plant spotter’s guide book. Use the cat with the plant. Use the empty bottle with the saliva. Walk west, to the Secluded Hut. Pick up the soda. Walk east, to the Goblin Camp. Use the plant dribble with the goblet. Walk to the conch horn. Pick up the conch horn. Walk west, to the big tent. Pick up the food rations. Pick up the pepper. Walk south. Talk to the Elf. 1332 Use the soda with the perfume bottle. Use the pepper with the Elf. Give the hanky to the Elf. Give the perfume bottle to the Elf. Walk east, east, to the dark woods. Give the food rations to the kid. Pick up the magnifying glass. Give the wood to the woodworm. Walk east. Give the wooden teeth to the left witch. Give the conch horn to the middle witch. Give the magnifying glass to the right witch. Use the empty bottle with the potion. Walk west, west, to the secluded hut. Give the potion to the Role Players. 13 Pick up the soda. Walk east, to the Goblin Camp. Walk west. Wait until the big goblin’s dice are on the ground. Use the soda with the fire. Pick up the stuff while the goblins are blinded. Pick up the dice. Walk east, east, to the secluded hut. Talk to the Role Players. 2 Walk east, to the Goblin Camp, west, west, to the door. 14 Pick up the tapestry. Walk north. Stand up. 41 Walk west. Use the tapestry with the sweat. Use the tapestry with the chemical sprayer. Move the lever. Walk east, north. Use the chemical sprayer. Wear the puppy. Wear the furry shoes. Wear west. Pick up the screwdriver. Use the screwdriver with Sordid’s hand. Use Sordid’s hand with the palm print identifier. Pick up the time stick. Walk west.