Space Quest V: The Next Mutation
Walk north.
Use the classroom door.
Look away.
Wait for the anti-cheat bot to look away.
Look at the orange student’s answers.
Look at your screen.
Select the answer the orange student entered.
Repeat this process until the test is over.
Walk south.
Use the closet door.
Take the Scrub-O-Matic.
Take the cones.
Walk south, east, onto the circle.
Place the cones on the crest.
Drop the Scrub-O-Matic on the crest.
Use the machine.
Use the machine.
Clean the crest.
Walk west, west, south.
Look at the bulletin board.
Use the captain’s chair.
Order Flo to hail Starcon.
Order Droole to lay in a course.
Enter the coordinates of Gangularis.[+]
Order Droole to switch to regular speed.
Wait until you reach Gangularis.
Order Droole to switch to regular speed.
Order Droole to activate the RRS.
Exit the captain’s chair.
Walk north.
Use the toolbox.
Take the anti-acid tablets.
Take the holepunch.
Take the torch.
Take the fuse.
Exit the toolbox.
Use the trash compartment controls.
Walk north.
Use the captain’s chair.
Order Droole to lay in a course.
Enter the coordinates of Peeyu.[+]
Order Droole to switch to lite speed.
Wait until you reach Peeyu.
Order Droole to switch to regular speed.
Order Droole to activate the RRS.
Order Droole to lay in a course.
Enter the coordinates of Kiz Urazgubi.[+]
Order Droole to switch to lite speed.
Wait until you’re attacked.
Exit the captain’s chair.
Walk north.
Use the door to the left.
Walk onto the blue platform.
Order the blue platform.
Walk west, east, onto the dead branch.
Take the branch.
Walk west, in the left cave, in the left cave.
Walk across the chasm.
Use the rock over the cave entrance.
Use the branch on the rock.
Walk down.
Walk across the chasm.
Walk into the cave, into the right cave.
Walk east, into the log, out the other side of the log.
Use the branch on the bananas.
Wait until the cluster of bananas swings close.
Take a banana.
Walk into the log, out the other side of the log.
Walk west, in the right cave.
Walk west, east.
Walk into the log.
Use the banana on the W-D40.
Walk to the left.
Take the android head.
Walk west, in the right cave.
Use the door.
Use the left door.
Walk to the left of the transporter.
Note that Spike jumps at you.
Open the habitube.
Put Spike in the habitube.
Put the tablets in the habitube with Spike.
Walk onto the blue platform.
Order the platform.
Use the device on yourself.
Step on the elevator.
Open the panel in the back.
Use the upper latch.
Use the lower latch.
Turn the top left and bottom right turn handles into the correct positions.
Open the top left panel.
Open the bottom right panel.
Turn the top right and bottom left turn handles into the correct positions.
Open the top right panel.
Open the bottom left panel.
Take the cloaking device.
Step on the elevator.
Use the door.
Walk north.
Use the captain’s chair.
Order Flo to give a status report.
Order Droole to lay in a course.
Enter the coordinates of the Space Bar.[+]
Order Droole to switch to lite speed.
Wait until you reach the Space Bar.
Order Droole to switch to regular speed.
Order Droole to enter standard orbit.
Walk north.
Use the left door.
Open the habitube.
Walk onto the blue platform.
Order the platform.
Walk to Flo and Droole.
Gain a flawless victory over Quirk in his challenge.
Walk to Flo and Droole.
Use the package of space monkeys in your drink.
Walk east.
Use the control panel.
Find the cell where Cliffy is held.
Use Spike on the cell bars.
Wait until you’re back at the Eureka.
Order Droole to lay in a course.
Enter the coordinates of Klorox II.[+]
Order Droole to switch to lite speed.
Wait until you reach Klorox II.
Order Droole to switch to regular speed.
Order Droole to enter standard orbit.
Order Flo to hail the planet.
Order Flo to hail Starcon.
Order Flo to hail a ship.
Push the orange button.
Order W-D40 to scan the planet.
Exit the captain’s chair.
Walk north, west.
Use Spike on the habitube.
Walk onto the platform.
Order the platform.
Walk to the ravaged building.
Walk to the computer.
Move your head to either side.
Whenever the attacker moves his head, move your head to the other side.
Take the piece of paper.
Look at the paper.
Note the code.
Use the computer.
Enter the code in the computer.
Read through the log entries.
Exit the computer.
Walk west, southwest.
Look at the canister.
Note the coordinates for Genetix.
Walk back.
Use the communicator on yourself.
Walk north, north.
Use the captain’s chair.
Order Droole to lay in a course.
Enter the coordinates of Thrakus.[+]
Order Droole to switch to lite speed.
Wait until you reach Thrakus.
Order Droole to switch to regular speed.
Order Droole to enter standard orbit.
Use the orange button.
Order W-D40 to scan the planet.
Order Flu to hail the planet.
Exit the captain’s chair.
Walk north.
Push the red button.
Walk onto the elevator.
Take the air mask from the wall closet.
Take an air canister from the wall closet.
Use the panel in front of the elevator door.
Open the elevator door.
Enter the elevator.
Walk west.
Stand on the platform.
Use the oxygen mask on yourself.
Walk west, into the plant.
Look in the pod.
Take the coat.
Use the button.
Leave the pod.
Walk west, to the large plant.
Use the coat on Beatrice.
Use the communicator on yourself.
Wait for a vine to drop.
Grab the vine.
Push the red button.
Open the cryo chamber.
Pick up Beatrice.
Place Beatrice in the chamber.
Look at the chamber.
Look at the controls.
Set the timer for 10 seconds of cryofreezing.
Start the machine.
Walk north, north.
Use the captain’s chair.
Order Droole to raise the shields.
Wait until the Goliath attacks.
Order Droole to take evasive methods.
Exit the captain’s chair.
Walk north.
Push the red button.
Walk onto the elevator.
Use the panel.
Rotate the pod.
Use the EVA pod.
Use the left hand to fly to a position where you can grab Cliffy.
A target in range message will appear.
Extend the claw using the right hand.
Open the claw with the thumb of the right hand.
Close the claw to grab Cliffy.
Fly back to Eureka.
Use the panel.
Open the elevator door.
Walk into the elevator, north.
Use the captain’s chair.
Order Droole to set course for Genetix.
Enter the coordinates from the canister (41666).
Order Droole to switch to lite speed.
Wait until you reach Genetix.
Order Droole to switch to regular speed.
Order Droole to enter standard orbit.
Order Flu to hail the planet.
Push the orange button.
Order W-D40 to scan the planet.
Exit the captain’s chair.
Walk north, west, onto the platform.
Order the platform.
Fly west, to the slot in the rock.
Walk into each beam to determine which beams operate the lock.
Walk northwest.
Fly to the computer.
Walk across the Restart button.
Walk across the Accounting button.
Walk across the main menu button.
Walk across the Projects button.
Walk across the Next button until the log of stardate 3242.06 comes up.
Walk across the main menu button.
Walk across the Systems button.
Walk to dome 3.
Walk across the Security button.
Walk across the Camera 3 button.
Fly away, to the lock.
Walk east.
Fly east, over the pond near the communicator.
Cause a frog to land on the communicator.
Land on the communicator.
Talk to Flo.
Fly away, west.
Talk to Cliffy.
Fly northeast.
Land on the Roger-fly.
Wait until you get your body back.
Walk north.
Use the holepunch on the business card.
Punch holes where the beams did not cause the lock to open.
Use the card on the lock.
Walk into the dark.
Push to the black button.
Take the liquid nitrogen.
Walk upstairs, east.
Look at the cryo chamber.
Look at the controls.
Set the machine for 10 seconds defrosting.
Open the machine.
Pick up Beatrice
Use the transporter platform.
Talk to W-D40.
Walk north, north.
Use the captain’s chair.
Push the orange button.
Order W-D40 to scan for ships.
Order Droole to lay in a course.
Enter the coordinates of Gingivitis.[+]
Order Droole to switch to lite speed.
Wait until you reach Gingivitis.
Order Droole to switch to regular speed.
Push the green button.
Order Cliffy to cloak the ship.
Exit the chair.
Walk north, west.
Find the part of the ship that is described as the area with the least pukoids.
Walk north.
Push the red button.
Walk onto the elevator.
Use the panel.
Rotate the pod.
Use the EVA pod.
Choose the part of the ship with the least pukoids.
Use the button to the right of the hatch.
Use the torch on the hull.
Wait until you open the hull.
Wait until you enter the ship.
Wait until a pukoid guard enters and leaves.
Walk to the console.
Use the console.
Use the distributer cap on the warp engine.
Leave the console.
Wait until a pukoid guard enters and leaves.
Walk to the door.
Use the floor panel.
Crawl north, east, north, north.
Climb up the ladder.
Open the highest hatch.
Crawl south, west, north, north, east, north, north.
Climb up the ladder.
Open the highest hatch.
Crawl south, west, north, west, north, west, north, north.
Climb up the ladder.
Open the lower hatch.
Crawl south, south, west, south, east, south.
Note you reach the shield deativation switch.
Use the switch.
Use the shields switch.
Wait for the doors to close.
Order Cliffy.
Walk north, north.
Use the captain’s chair.
Order Droole to fire.
Order Droole to activate the RRS.
Order Flo to abandon the ship.
Use the captain’s chair.
Press the red button.
Activate the self-destruct.
Exit the captain’s chair.
Walk north, west.
Open the cryo chamber.
Walk onto the platform.
Order the platform.
Walk north.
Use the service tunnel in the far back.
Take the fuse indicated by a red circle.
Put the spare fuse in the empty spot.
Exit the service tunnel.
Walk to the door.
Jump through the door opening.
Open the habitube.
Walk onto the platform.
Order the platform.