Star Trek: Judgement Rites

The star map including all necessary star systems is included in the game manual.[+] Order Chekov to plot a course. Set a course for Espoir Station. 1 Order Sulu to raise shields. Order Chekov to arm weapons. Cripple or destroy the two Elasi ships. 1 Order Sulu to lower shields. Beam down to the station. 11 Talk to Menao Sheme. 313 Walk east. Get the phasers. Get the tricorders and medkit. Get the communicators. Walk east. Go to the right wing of the station. Walk southwest. Get the atmospheric purifier. Walk east, southeast. Get the dummies. Walk west, south. Go to the left wing of the station. Stun the left guard. Stun the right guard. Walk northwest. Stun the technician. Use Spock on the chess game. 123 Use the science tricoder on the computer. Use the medical tricoder on the computer. Use Spock on the computer. Walk east, southwest. Use the atmospheric purifier on the grate. Use the dummies on the transporters. 1 Use Spock on the forcefield controls. Talk to Kamend. 1 Use the science tricorder on Kamend. Walk west, northeast. Talk to James Munroe. Talk to the assistant. Use McCoy on the assistant. Use Spock on the system’s console. Walk west, south. Go to Docking Bay 1. 12 Use Spock on the atmosphere controls. 2 Use Spock on the forcefield controls. 2 Walk south. Go to the right wing of the station. Walk northwest. Use the phaser on the beast, set to full power. Use Spock on the controls. Walk east. Use Spock on the lock. Walk northeast. 1 Stun Brendell. Get the dart board. Get the book. Get the bookmark. Use the science tricorder on the bookmark. Use Spock on the controls. Wait for the Enterprise to destroy the device. Order Chekov to plot a course. Set a course for Balkos III. Order Sulu to enter standard orbit. Beam down to the surface. Use Spock on the door control panel. Walk northeast. Use Spock on the southeastern door control panel. Walk southeast. Get the interface. Get the interface cable. Get the monitor. Get the switch. Get the box of control circuitry. Get the items from the left bin. Get the items from the right bin. Use the badges on the left machine. Use the plastic cards on the left machine. Use the machine. Wait for the badges to be created. Use Spock on the western door control panel. Walk west. Use the badges on the right machine. Use Spock on the northern door control panel. Walk north. Use Spock on the machine. Use the monitor on the machine. Use the box of circuitry on the machine. 12 Count the number of sides in the first and second row. Complete the third row to match the number of sides on the other rows. Use Spock on the northeastern door control panel. Walk northeast. Use Spock on the eastern door control panel. Walk east. Wait for a Balkosi to appear. Use Spock on the Balkosi. Get the Balkosi. Use the medical tricorder on the Balkosi. Use McCoy on the middle machine. Use Spock on the eastern door control panel. Walk east. Use the medical tricorder on the vat. Use the switch on the vat’s control panel. Use Spock on the western door control panel. Walk west. Use Spock on the southwestern door control panel. Walk southwest. Use the interface on the beam. 1 Use the wires on the beam. Use Spock on the left machine. Use Spock on the beam. 2 Wait for the away team to be beamed up. Order Chekov to plot a course. Set a course for Delphi. 12 Defeat Trelane’s triplane. 3 Get a stick. Use the right crate. Get a few bottles of Schnapps. Use the Schnapps on the hay. Use the sticks on the hay. Talk to the guard. 2 Walk north. Use Kirk on the guard. Talk to Ellis. 3 Use the medkit on the old man. Enter the tavern. 1 Use the medkit on the beer kegs. Walk east, to the store. Talk to the boy. 1 Talk to the boy. 1 Talk to the boy. 1 Walk south, west, northeast. Talk to Eckhart. 4 Use the broom on the floor. Use the medkit on Eckhart. Use Spock on the gramophone. Use McCoy on Eckhart. Use the door. Give the food to the dog. Use McCoy on the dog. Walk to the school. Talk to Hauptman. 3 Use the science tricorder on the blackboard. Get the blackboard. Talk to Humperdinck. 5 Walk west, east, to the tavern. Talk to the left patron. 3 Talk to Gretel. 6 Walk to the back. Use the money on the table. Talk to Sundergard. 3 Walk south, east, west, to the armory. Get a rifle. Use the rope on the commander. Use McCoy on the commander. Use the rifle on the commander. Get the signed transfer papers. Use Spock on the commander. Use Spock on the safe. Get the TNT. Walk east, east, to the tavern, to the back. Give the signed transfer papers to Sundergard. Talk to Sundergard. 3 Walk south. Talk to Schiller. 3 Get the paper. Walk east, west, to the school. Give the paper to Humperdinck. Walk west, west. Use the medkit on the wounded soldier. Use the science tricorder on the wounded soldier. Talk to the wounded soldier. 3 Walk south, east, east, to the tavern. Give the letter to Gretel. Walk east, to the store. Use the science tricorder on the clock. Talk to the boy. 2 Walk south, west, west. Talk to the wounded soldier. 3 Walk south, east, east. 21 Use the science tricorder on the triplane. Use the clock on the triplane. Use the locket on the triplane. Use the blackboard on the triplane. Use the TNT on the triplane. 2 Look at the bottle at the far right. Look at the second bottle from the right. 2 Talk to Trelane. 12 Talk to Trelane. 33 Wait for Trelane to release the ships. Order Chekov to plot a course. Set a course for Onyius II. Order Sulu to enter standard orbit. Order Uhura to contact the surface. Talk to Spock. Beam down to the surface. Use the science tricorder on the building. Walk inside. Look at the green spot. Use the science tricorder on the green spot. Use the phaser on the green spot, set for stun. Walk east. Talk to Azrah. 22 Walk west, west. Talk to Vizznr. 1122 Get the dark sample. Walk east, east. Use Spock on the keyboard. Talk to Azrah. 11 Get the light sample. Walk west. Use the dark sample on the left tube. Talk to Jons. 311 Use the dark sample on the left tube. Use the light sample on the left tube. Use Jons on the left machine. Use Jons on the right machine. Get the green sample. Walk north. Use the green sample on the slot. Walk south, south, east. Use the science tricorder on the control panel. Use the science tricorder on the northwest rocks. Find the spot that Spock calls the most accessible spot to heat the rocks. Use the phaser on the correct rocks, set to full power. Use the communicator. Walk west. Use the science tricorder on the control panel. Use the communicator. Use Spock on the control panel. Walk west. Use the science tricorder on the control panel. Walk east, east, south, inside, north. Talk to Cicissa. 3 Wait for the away team to be beamed up. Order Chekov to plot a course. Set a course for the Antares Rift. Talk to Scotty. Talk to Sulu. Talk to Chekov. Talk to Uhura. Talk to Spock. Use Spock on the science station. Use Spock on the science station. 1 Talk to all people on the bridge. Use the science station. Walk north. Go to Auxiliary Control. Walk north. Talk to the alien. Use the medical tricorder on the door. Use the phaser on the door, set to full power. Use the medical tricorder on the door. Walk west. Go to Sickbay. Walk west. Talk to McCoy. Walk west, south. Go to Engineering. Walk northeast. 1 Use the canister on the box on the right wall. Use the life support systems. Use the auxiliary science station. Use engineering control. Walk south, west. Go to the transporter room. Use the medical tricorder on the pile of gems. Talk to the Vurian. 13 Walk east. 1 Get the pouch. Walk east. Talk to Spock. Talk to Spock. 4 Talk to Spock. 2 Use the medkit on Spock. Walk west. Talk to the Savant. 33 Walk west. Use the pouch on the pile of gems. Talk to the Vurian. 12 Walk east. Use the pouch on the Savant. 21 Wait for the Enterprise to leave the Antares Rift. Order Chekov to plot a course. Set a course for Nova Atar. Order Uhura to contact the planet. Beam down to the planet. Walk northeast, east, northeast. Pick up the lance. Pick up the tray. Pick up the canister of cognac. Pick up the note. Look at the note. Use the desk. Use the desk. Use the suit of armor. Walk east. Use Scott on the cannon. Use a capacitator on the generator. Use the capacitator on the generator. Walk northeast. > VVSOP2123 Talk to Scott. Use Scott on the NiVEN machine. Wait for the capacitators to charge up. Pick up the right capacitator. Walk southeast. > VVSOP2123 Use the capacitator on the robot. Get the capacitator from the robot. Use Scott on the robot. Use Scott on the docking ring. Use Scott on the escape pod. Walk northwest. Use the capacitator on the generator. Use the docking clamps on the generator. Use the superconducting wires on the clamps. Use the interface cable on the generator. Use the lance on the clamps. Wait for the capacitator to charge up. Use Scott on the console. Get the left capacitator. Get the capacitator. Walk northeast, northwest. > VVSOP2123 Use a capacitator on the robot. 1 Use Scott on the probe. Use Scott on the robot. Use Scott on the probe. Use the tray on the probe. Use the canister of cognac on the probe. Use the capacitator on the tray. Get the crystal. Wait for the capacitator to charge up. Get the capacitator. Get the tray. Walk southeast. Use Scott on the communications panel. Use the crystal on the communications panel. Use the capacitator on the communications panel. Use the tray on the communications panel. Use the communications panel. 12211112211 Wait for the away team to be beamed up. 2 Destroy the warbird. 2 Set course for Atabis. 2 Order Uhura to hail the ship. Order Sulu to lower the shield. Beam down to the ship. Walk east, east. Use Spock on the chess board. Walk west, west, west. Talk to the king. Use Uhura on the king. Talk to the king. 2 Use the switch. Use the opened ceiling plate. Use the bear on Jakesey. Walk north. Get the keg near the brown plants. Use the keg on the workbench. Use the phaser on the keg, set to full power. Use the table. Use the science tricorder on the blocks. Use the blocks on the keg. Use the table. Use the phaser on the keg, set to full power. Use the table. Get the keg. Use the keg on the malfunctioning environment. Walk south, north, south, north. Get the fruit. Walk south, west. Talk to the woman. 211 Use the fruit on the woman. Walk east, east, south. Use the medical tricorder on the woman. Use Spock on the woman. Walk north, east. Talk to the boy. 112341 Use the fruit on the boy. Get the rotten fruit. Walk west, west, west. Use the food-delivery system. Get the prepared meal. Use the prepared meal on the scanning unit. Use the rotten food on the scanning unit. 2 Use the prepared meal on the scanning unit. 1 Talk to the woman. Use the treated food on the woman. Walk east, north. Get the fruit. Walk south, east, east, east. Use the fruit on Tuskin. Use the phaser on Rackaback, set to stun. Talk to Gormagon. Use the passage to the east. Use the lightbar on the open panel. Use the lightbar on Klarr. Use the connectors on the open panel. 21345 Get the lens. Use the lens on the reading port. 156 Walk to the portal. Talk to Klarr. Walk to the portal. 3 Talk to the Brassica. 1 Use Uhura on the Brassica. Use McCoy on the Brassica. Use Spock on the Brassica. Use Spock on the Brassica. Talk to Kirk. 231 Use Kirk on the Brassica. 3 Walk to the hidden Brassica. 1 Use the paralens on Klarr. 24