Out of Order

Pick up the converted toast rack. Pick up the Stuff-Stik. Pick up the door handle. Use the door. Walk north. Wait until the door closes. Look at the bedroom door. Walk west. Talk to the computer terminal. 1213 Look at the human-sized door. Use the human-sized door. 1 Walk east, east. Use the call button. Walk to the lift. Use the ID card on the ID card slot. Walk west, to the doorway, east. Talk to the giant speakers. 1 Talk to the giant speakers. 1 Talk to the giant speakers. 1 Talk to the giant speakers. 1 Walk east. Use the Three Frank Harlons CD on the stereo. Use the door. Walk north, east. Use the call button. Walk to the lift. Use the ID card on the ID card slot. Walk west, west. Use the pub door. Walk to the pub door. Pick up the authentic coin. Use the authentic coin on the barman. Pick up the sensor. Relocate the sensor to the fruit machine. Use the authentic coin on the barman. 111 Pick up the Tai-Kwon-Donkey. Pick up the bendy straw. Walk east, north. Talk to Bob. 111223 Walk east, south. Look at the shop window. Walk north. Talk to the human public address system. 1111111111112 Talk to Deidre 1223 Note the last two letters of the address of the sender. Pick up the cardboard boxes. Pick up the cardboard boxes. Walk to the tunnel, to the lower level. Talk to the journalist. 23344 Pick up the stack of papers. Read the staff wanted article. Read the music article. Stop reading the junk. Walk to the upper level, west, west. Pick up the toy box. Pick up the toy box. Walk north. Pick up the bin. Use the transformer. Use the transformer. Use the transformer. Use the transformer. Use the transformer. Pick up the transformer. Use the bendy straw on the Tai-Kwon-Donkey. Talk to the doctor. 1 Talk to the doctor. 333334 Pick up the surgical instrument. Use the surgical instrument on the doll. Use the surgical instrument on the ID card. Use the photo from the ID on the decapitated doll. Use the Hurford doll on the toy anti-gravity car. Walk north, east, north, north. Talk to Bob. 313 Use the warranty card on Bob. Use the burnt-out wiring on Bob. Walk east, east, south. Pick up the reassuring notice. Walk to the office block door. Use the package on Roboceptionist 8000. Walk east. Look at the notice. Look at the Diner Mo’s poster. Use the surgical instrument on the Diner Mo’s poster. Walk east. Pick up the pen. Pick up the postcard. Use the postcard. Look at the postcard. Use the computer. Touch the screen. Touch the screen. Enter the two letters of the sender. Touch the screen. Enter U472BMT. Use the computer. 1313233234 Walk north, downstairs, west, north. Use the call button. Walk to the lift. Use the ID card on the ID card slot. Walk west, west, west. Talk to the computer terminal. 3 Talk to the computer terminal. 23 Use the human-sized door. 2223 Use the blank TownDate form on Sylvia. Use the Hurford doll in toy car on Sylvia. 1 Walk east, west. Use the human-sized door. 23 Walk east, east. Use the call button. Walk to the lift. Use the ID card on the ID card slot. Walk west, west, west, west, north. Use Transition Left Eight on the doctor. Walk north, east. Talk to the hidden doorway. 4 Walk to the tunnel, to the lower level. Talk to the journalist. 435 Use the door remote on the door. Find the combination to open the door. Use the different responses to the different buttons as a guide. Walk north. Pick up the cassette. Walk north, to the upper level, west, north, south, north. Use the Diner Mo’s leaflet on the slot. Look at the burger. Walk north, south. Use the pub door. Walk to the pub door. Use the slice of gherkin on the fruit machine. Pick up the strange panel. Pick up the screwdriver. Walk east, east, to the doorway. Use the MotorTroll on the electronic device. Use the bumper sticker on the security notice. Use the Stuff-Stik on the plastic letters. Use the plastic letters on the security notice. Use the MotorTroll on the electronic device. Talk to the electronic device. 3 Walk to the door. Use the Three Frank Harlons CD on the slot. Use the right button. Pick up the item in the left slot. Walk north, north. Use the call button. Walk to the lift. Use the ID card on the ID card slot. Walk west, west. Use the second handprint panel from the right. Walk to the bedroom door. Use the screwdriver on the plastic panel. Use the wires connected to motor. Use the positive wire. Attach the positive wire to the negative connection. Walk to the bedroom. Use the cassette on the stereo. Use the control room CD on the cassette in stereo. Pick up the cassette in stereo. Use the door. Walk north, east. Use the call button. Walk to the lift. Use the ID card on the ID card slot. Walk west, west, west. Talk to the hidden doorway. Walk to the tunnel, to the lower level. Talk to the journalist. 22133333 Use the cassette on the old tape deck. 1 Look at the strange oval. Use the blank TownDate form on the journalist. Look at the neat, tidy TownDate form. Look at the scruffy TownDate form. Use the pen on the neat, tidy TownDate form. Use the pen on the scruffy TownDate form. Walk north, north, east. Use the call button. Walk to the lift. Use the ID card on the ID card slot. Walk west, west, west. Use the neat, tidy TownDate form on the computer terminal. Use the scruffy TownDate form on the computer terminal. Walk east, east. Use the call button. Walk to the lift. Use the ID card on the ID card slot. Walk west, west, west. Talk to the hidden doorway. Walk to the tunnel. Talk to the journalist. 4 Talk to the doctor. 12 Walk north, north, north. Talk to Bob. 1443 Walk east, east. Use the call button. Walk to the lift. Use the ID card on the ID card slot. Walk west, west, west. Use the rubber surgical glove on the handprint panel. Walk north. Look at the fire. Use the Tai-Kwon-Donkey on the fire. Walk north, east, east. Use the call button. Walk to the lift. Use the ID card on the ID card slot. Walk west, west, west. Talk to the hidden doorway. Walk to the tunnel. Use the crystal battery on the doctor. Walk north, north, east, south, to the office block door. Use the package on Roboceptionist 8000. Walk east, to the bathroom. Use the crystal battery on the automatic sink. Walk northwest, downstairs. 1 Use the door. Talk to the guard. 333 Wait until the door closes. Talk to the door. 1 Use the door. Pick up the plastic something the the guard’s pocket. Pick up the Stuff-Stik. Use the Stuff-Stik on the guard. Use the door. Walk north, east. Use the call button. Walk to the lift. Use the guard’s ID card on the ID card slot. Walk west, west, west. Talk to the hidden doorway. Walk to the tunnel. Talk to the doctor. 1 Walk east. Pick up the charged battery and funnel. Walk northeast, to the strange oval. Talk to the glowing floating ball thing. 3231111111 Use Thrid. Walk to the exposed random access memory. Use the flashing square. EXA 0x001F38 DEC 0x001F38 EDI 0x001F38 STA 0x001F38 2311211113133

Trilby’s Notes

Walk to the right door. > KNOCK > KNOCK > KNOCK > PICK LOCK Walk to the window. > OPEN BLINDS Walk to the body that lighrs up in the lightning flashes. > SEARCH BODY > TALK ABOUT STATUE Walk west, to the ground floor. > EXAMINE BODY > READ PAGES Walk east, west, to the door. > OPEN DOOR Walk to the counter. > EXAMINE COUNTER > GET PLIERS Walk to the door. > OPEN DOOR Walk west, to the meat on the table. > GET MEAT Walk to the body. > EXAMINE BODY > REMOVE NAILS WITH PLIERS > OPEN DOOR Walk to the counter. > LOOK AT COUNTER > GET ENVELOPE > EAT PILL Switching to the horror hotel is time-driven. If it happens while you’re not ready in the normal hotel, eat a pill. Walk to the door. > OPEN DOOR Walk east, east, to the painting. > EXAMINE PAINTING > TOUCH PAINTING Walk to the cabinet. > EXAMINE CABINET > GET BRANDY Walk to the cellar door. > PUT PAINTING UNDER DOOR Walk to the east door. > OPEN DOOR Walk to the cellar door. > OPEN DOOR > EXAMINE PAINTING > GET PAPER Walk to the counter. > EXAMINE COUNTER > GET MATCHBOX Walk to the office. door. > OPEN DOOR > PICK LOCK > OPEN DOOR Walk to the safe. > CRACK SAFE Walk to the door. > OPEN DOOR Walk north, east on the first floor, to the smoke alarm. > LIGHT MATCH Walk to the fire escape door. > OPEN DOOR Walk to the table. > EXAMINE TABLE > GET CROWBAR Walk to the ladder. > CLIMB LADDER Walk west, east on the ground floor, west, west. Walk east, west until you return to the horror hotel. Walk to the boarded door. > REMOVE BOARDS WITH CROWBAR > EAT PILL > OPEN DOOR > EXAMINE TABLE Walk to the small table. > GET DRINK Whenever you need to go to the horror hotel, drink the cola. Walk to the chisel. > GET CHISEL Walk to the man working on the boat. > POINT TO CHISEL Walk to the ladder. > CLIMB LADDER > EXAMINE CRATE > CARVE IDOL Walk to the ladder. > CLIMB LADDER Walk to the east side of the ship. Walk to the paper. > GET PAPER > OPEN DOOR Walk to Abed. > ASK ABED ABOUT CHISEL Walk east, to the door. > OPEN DOOR Walk to Siobhan. > ASK SIOBHAN ABOUT CHISEL Walk to the door. > OPEN DOOR Walk east, north, east on the second floor, to the door to room 2A. > KNOCK > OPEN DOOR Wait until the masked man kneels. > KICK MAN Walk to the bag. > OPEN BAG Walk to the desk. > EXAMINE DESK > GET PISTOL Walk downstairs, towards the man. > SHOOT MAN Walk to the paper. > GET PAPER Walk to the door. > OPEN DOOR Walk west, east at the ground level, west, west, to the kitchen door. > EAT PILL > OPEN DOOR Walk to the north door. > OPEN DOOR > EXAMINE FLOOR > GIVE MEAT TO BEETLES Walk to the water. > EXAMINE BODY > EXAMINE WATER > TOUCH WATER Walk upstairs, to the east door. > OPEN DOOR Walk to the northeast doors. > OPEN DOOR > ASK ABED ABOUT UNICORN Walk to the shingle. > EXAMINE SHINGLE > TOUCH SHINGLE Walk to the innkeeper. > ASK INNKEEPER FOR ROOM > ASK INNKEEPER ABOUT CURSE > ASK INNKEEPER ABOUT CURSE > ASK INNKEEPER ABOUT CURSE Walk to the west door. > OPEN DOOR Walk to the beds. > SLEEP > GET SHEET Walk downstairs, to the fire. > PUT OUT FIRE Walk to the paper. > GET PAPER > OPEN DOOR Walk east, to the door. > OPEN DOOR > EXAMINE ABED Walk to Abed. > ASK ABED ABOUT HEAD Walk to the door. > OPEN DOOR Walk west, to the kitchen door. > OPEN DOOR Walk to the cellar door. > OPEN DOOR Walk to the wine rack. > EXAMINE RACK > GET WINE Walk upstairs, to the east door. > OPEN DOOR Walk east, to the door. > OPEN DOOR > DRINK COLA > OPEN DOOR > OPEN DOOR Walk to Abed. > GET HEAD > EAT PILL Walk to the door. > OPEN DOOR Walk east, to the desk. > EXAMINE DESK > GET LEG Walk to the office door. > OPEN DOOR Walk to the shelf. > EXAMINE SHELF > GET LEG Walk to the door. > OPEN DOOR Walk to the front door. > OPEN DOOR Walk to the arm. > GET ARM Walk to the door. > OPEN DOOR Walk north, east on the third floor, to the door to room 3C. > OPEN DOOR Walk to the bed. > EXAMINE BED > GET ARM Walk to the door. > DRINK COLA > OPEN DOOR Walk west, to the top of the stairs. > EXAMINE BODY > REPLACE HEAD > EAT PILL Walk east on the third floor, west, to the door at the top of the stairs. > OPEN DOOR Walk to the paper. > GET PAPER > GET ROCK > THROW ROCK Walk east on the ground floor, west, west, to the kitchen door. > OPEN DOOR Walk to the cellar door. > OPEN DOOR Walk to the hole. > ENTER HOLE Walk to the stump. > TOUCH STUMP > GET IDOL > GET IDOL Wait until only your stubborn nature keeps you from dying. > DIE

The New Adventures of Zak McKracken

Push the plant. Pull the carpet corner if you can select it. Open the door. Walk east. Pick up the seat cushion. Pick up the butter knife. Open the cupboard. You should now have the CashCard. Pick up the small key. Open the east door. Use the small key on the mailbox. Pick up the mail. Close the mailbox. Look at the note. Open the door to Harry’s Mondo Video. Pick up the video. Open the door. Walk to 14th Avenue. Open the door to Lou’s Loans. Pick up the chainsaw. Pick up the camera. Open the door. Use the CashCard on the red door. Use the butter knife on the box. Pick up the black book on the third shelf. Walk west, to 13th Avenue. Use the gas can on the chainsaw. Use the chainsaw on the bus. Use the reservations terminal. Select Bogota. Walk west. Walk east, east, east, northwest, east. Talk to the kidnapper. 11113 Walk west, west, northeast, north, west. Use the reservations terminal. Select San Francisco. Walk west. Use the reservations terminal. Select Seattle. Walk west. Walk east. Talk to the seller. 111 Give the coupon to the seller. Walk west. Use the reservations terminal. Select San Francisco. Walk west. Use the reservations terminal. Select London. Walk west. Use the reservations terminal. Select Berlin. Walk west. Walk east. Give the video tape to the supervisor. Take the toe bone from the dianosaur skeleton. Walk west. Use the reservations terminal. Select Windhoek. Walk west. Walk east. Talk to the bum. 11 Use the bone on the sand. Take the bucket. Walk west. Use the reservations terminal. Select Kinshasa. Walk west. Walk east, east, north, west. Open the door. Take the blackboard. Open the door. Walk east, east, west, west. Use the reservations terminal. Select Windhoek. Walk west. Use the reservations terminal. Select Berlin. Walk west. Use the reservations terminal. Select Beijing. Walk west. Use the reservations terminal. Select Hanoi. Walk west. Walk east. Use the bucket and shovel on the flower. Walk west. Use the reservations terminal. Select Beijing. Walk west. Use the reservations terminal. Select Shanghai. Walk west. Walk east. Look at the sign. Use the submarine. Walk west. Use the reservations terminal. Select Beijing. Walk west. Use the reservations terminal. Select San Francisco. Walk west. Use the reservations terminal. Select Brasilia. Walk west. Walk east, east, east, east, west. Talk to the shaman. 22 Give the bucket with flower to the shaman. Walk east, north, west, northwest, west. Use the reservations terminal. Select London. Walk west. Use the reservations terminal. Select Paris. Walk west. Walk east. Use the aneasthetic on the hamburger. Give the hamburger to the night-watchman. Use the camera on the right-most painting. Walk west. Use the reservations terminal. Select London. Walk west. Use the reservations terminal. Select San Francisco. Walk west. Walk east. Use the car keys on the car. Walk to 14th Avenue. Open the door to Lou’s Loans. Give the camera to the seller. Open the door. Walk to 13th Avenue. Use the chain saw on the bus. Use the reservations terminal. Select Bogota. Walk west. Walk east, east, east, northwest, east. Use the photo on the blackboard. Give the fake painting to the kidnapper. Walk west, west, northeast, north, west. Use the reservations terminal. Select San Francisco. Walk west. Use the reservations terminal. Select London. Walk west. Walk east, north. Use the car battery on the altar stone. Walk east, west. Use the reservations terminal. Select Rome. Walk west. Walk east. Open the door. Give the Box-o-Cheese to Luigi. Walk west. Use the reservations terminal. Select Berlin. Walk west. Use the reservations terminal. Select Bern. Walk west. Walk east. Open the gate. Walk east. Pick up the device. Use the pizza on the hatch. Walk west, west. Use the reservations terminal. Select Berlin. Walk west. Use the reservations terminal. Select Beijing. Walk west. Walk east. Use the car battery on the tractor beam. Use the tractor beam on the moon. Give the brochure to Annie.

No-Action Jackson

Pick up the star wars comforter. Pick up the sheets. Open the desk drawers. Pick up the open drawer. Walk west. Knock on Thurston’s door. 1114 Walk east, to the bathroom. Open the mirror. Pick up the facial cleansers. Walk east, southeast, to the bedroom. Open the window. Use the facial cleanser pads on the window. Use Dexcalibur on the cracked window. Use the comforter on the sheets. Use the blanket rope on the bed. 11244 Walk through the door, west. Go home. Walk to Grandpa. 4 Walk to the kitchen. Talk to Grandma. 2234 Use the dishwasher. Move the slide. Push the high temperature scrub button. Walk west, to the laundry room. Pick up the hanger. Open the dryer. Pick up the quarter. Use the washing machine. Set the load size to large. Set the temperature to hot. Use the dial. Walk east, upstairs. Open the guest room door. Walk to the guest room. Open the chest o’drawers. Pick up the granny bra. Walk west, to the bathroom. Pick up the sponge. Push the shower curtain. Pick up the bath robe. Walk east, east. Knock on Thurston’s door. 14 Walk east, downstairs, to the kitchen. Use the sponge on the greasy pot. Walk outside through the door. Go to the construction site. Use the quarter on the coin slot. Open the hatch. Pick up the newspaper. Walk to the gameshop. Look at the TV. Pull the cable wire. Use the hanger on the signal in. Pick up the cd player. Open the cd player. Open the open cd player. Walk through the door, west. Go to the fitness club. Look at the display sign. Look at the newspaper. Give the coupon to the fitness professional. Pick up the Kaboom! fitness supplement. Walk east, to the park. Look at the Kaboom! Use the Kaboom! on the pedestrian. Pick up the coffee drink. Use the dice on the granny bra. Use the double barrelled sling on the bird. Pick up the cane. Walk west. Go to the Dojo. Use the greasy sponge on the vent hatch. Open the vent hatch. Talk to the open vent. Walk inside. Use the bath robe. Push the chair. Pick up the door stop. Pick up the card. Walk east, east. Go home. Use the doorstop on the kitchen door. Go to the kitchen. Give the super-mocha-caffaccino to Grandma. Walk west. Give the cane to grandpa. Push the sunflower. Pick up the sunflower seeds. Walk west. Open the bird cage door. Give the sunflower seeds to Knuckles. Pick up the pocket knife. Talk to Mom. 4 Walk downstairs, to the laundry room. Push Rufus the Aloofest. Walk east. Chase Rufus into the kitchen. Walk into the kitchen. Pick up the brownies. Pick up the cutting board. Walk west, upstairs, southeast. Knock on Thurston’s door. Walk east, to the guest room. Use the batteries on the hearing aid. Give the hearing aid with batteries to Grandpa. Walk west, downstairs, south. Go to the park. Talk to the hireling. 3 Pick up the ketchup. Walk west. Go to the construction site. Use the ketchup on the laborer while he is looking at the walkie-talkie. Pick up the walkie-talkie. Pick up the walkie-talkie. Pick up the glue gun. Walk to the gameshop. Give the seven layer hotdog to the Gamekeep. Pick up the cooler. Walk through the door, west. Go to the dojo. Use the walkie-talkie on the open vent. Walk inside, to the students. 2 Walk east. Go to the fitness club. Give the 25-hours fitness card to the fitness professional. Use the pocket knife on the fitness ball. Use the bench press. Use the glue gun on the bench press. Use the bench press. Walk west, west. Use the cooler on the hot rocks.

Nick it and Run!

Use the bin. Walk east. Go to the computer shop. Pick up the mintie between the lollies. Talk to the shopkeeper. 311121111 Pick up the Blues Brothers album. Talk to the shopkeeper. 2 Use the door. Walk north. Go to the Hall of Fame. Talk to the ticket man. 3334 Talk to the mum. 33234 Give the mintie to the kid. Give the HOF ticket to the ticket man. Walk east, to Balboa’s. Use the door. Pick up the kangaroo. Wait until the hair pin is on the east table. Use the kangaroo on the west table. Wait until Al picks up the hair pin while Obby fetches the kangaroo. Talk to Obby. 12222 Walk east, east. Use the Blues Brothers album on the bouncer. Walk east. Talk to the Blues Brothers. 44 Give the Blues Brothers album to the Blues Brothers. Walk east, south. Look at the suggestion box. Use the door. Talk to Obby. 44 Walk east. Use the note on the suggestion box. Walk east, east. Give the Blues Brothers album to the Blues Brothers. Walk east, south. Use the door. Talk to Obby. 44 Talk to Obby. 4 Note the answer to the question. Walk east, south, to the alley, east. Use the hairpin on the boot. Pick up the open boot. Walk northeast, east. Go to the winding road. Pick up the stick. Talk to the republican guard. 3334 Walk west. Go to the park. Use the broken piece of glass on the string. Use the half string with the magnet. Use the stick on the magnet and string. Use the magnetic fishing rod on the water. Walk east. Go to the Little Ben. Talk to Reggie. 2111211111124 Use the magnetic fishing rod on under the door. Give the silver key to Reggie. Use the silver key on the door. Walk to the door. Pick up the matchbox. Use the levers. Walk south, west. Go to the food court. Walk to McHammad’s. Pick up the ketchup. Talk to Hammad. 4212122224 Walk east, to the Burger Ming. Pick up the ketchup. Talk to Ming. 33123 Give the signed album to Ming. Walk south, to McHammad’s. Give the Camels’ cupholder to Hammad. Pick up the ketchup. Walk east, to the Burger Ming. Talk to Ming. 3 Walk south, northeast. Use the coin on the coin slot. Pick up the instant photos. Talk to the bouncer. 4 Talk to the bouncer. 111 Look at the newspaper. Walk west, west, to Balboa’s. Use the cordless phone. 13 Walk to the office door. Pick up the key. Wait for Balboa to return. 4 Walk south, to the alley. Use the storage room key on the keyhole. Use the sceptre of power on the cupboard. Walk upstairs. Use the broken cupboard. Go to the dark corridor. Use the box. Use the smoke machine on the shelf. Use the matches on the smoke machine. Look at the burger box. Use the other half string on the open burger box. Use the sceptre of power on the grate. Use the sophisticated gas mask on the open grate. Pick up the Stan. Walk to the open grate, upstairs. Use the door. Walk west, east. Go to the park. Talk to Marty. 2111113 Give the camel burger to Marty. Talk to Marty. 1123 Give the ketchup to Marty. Give Ming’s ketchup to Marty. Give Macca’s ketchup to Marty. Walk east. Go to the park. Walk east. Go to the winding road. Talk to the republican guard. 3 Walk east. Talk to Quasi. 12223 Talk to Vlad. 1123 Look at the batman poster. Use the batman poster. Use the blue tack on the sample passport. Use the photo on the sticky passport. Give the high quality fake passport to Vlad. Give the Elixir of Life to Vlad. Use the door.

Nedy’s Adventure: The curse of Vera

Talk to Frank. 11242 Look at the closet. Use the key on the door. Get the parachute. Use the exit. Walk outside. Use the parachute on Nedy. 5 Get the rock. Get the glass. Walk east. Go to the volcano. Get the axe. Walk southwest. Go to the beach. Use the axe on the palm tree. Walk to the cheese, east. Go to the cliff. Use the wood on the landslide. Use the rock on the hole. Use the glass on the water stream. Use the unidentified vegetation. Walk to the cave. Look at the board. Exit the board. Get the note. Look at the note. Get the seed on the floor near the shelves. Get the saucepan. Use the valerian root on the saucepan. Walk north, to the island. Go to the forest/village. Get the right flower. Use the camomila flower on the saucepan. Use the seed on the wet sand. Use the full glass on the wet sand. Get the rose. Use the rose passion on the saucepan. Walk to the island. Go to the volcano. Use the saucepan on the volcano’s mouth. Walk to the island. Go to the beach. Use the sleeping potion on Phitus. Get the wand. Walk to the cheese, east. Go to the volcano. Use the wand on the volcano’s mouth. Go to the forest/village. Walk into the hut in the back. Get the anti-curses book. 1 Look at the hanging rope. Use the almost full glass on the rope around Nedy. Use the broken glass on the rope around Nedy. Use the stones on the hanging rope. 2 Get the knife near the wet sand. Walk east, into the hut in the back. Get the anti-curses book. Look at the anti-curses book. Get the spices. Walk north, to the island, to the cheese. Use the knife on Vera. Use the flavouring on the piece of cheese. Use the flavored cheese on Nedy. Use the flavored cheese on Nedy. Use the flavoured cheese on Nedy. 1251633 Look at the little piece of paper on top of the leftmost picture. Use the strange bird on the little piece of paper. Look at the mysterious paper. Exit. Look at the symbol. Talk to Stéfano’s. 223 Use the high-tech kaginawa on the bottle. Look at the mysterious paper. Use the bottle on the mysterious blank paper. Exit. Talk to Stéfano’s. 122 Press 3. Press 5. Press 4. Walk down the stairs. Talk to Doctor Blasa. 133 Give the sleeping potion to Doctor Blasa. Give the spices to Doctor Blasa. 6333 Get the potion. Use the potion on Nedy.

Mourir en Mer

Pick up the blanket. Use the dressmaker’s dummy on the mattress. Search the box next to the wardrobe. Use the scissors on the piece of mirror in the broken mirror. Use the wardrobe. Use the piece of mirror on the bedsheet. Use two pieces of bedsheet together. Use the bedsheet rope on the piece of bedsheet. Wait until father leaves. Use the blanket on the dressmaker’s dummy. Pick up the toolbox. Pick up the toolbox. Look at the toolbox. Look at the toolbox. Look at the toolbox. Use the handsaw on the iron bars. Push the iron bars. Use the rope on the window. Use the nails on the rope. Use the nails on the toolbox. Use the hammer on the toolbox. Use the toolbox on the shelf. Use the rope. Walk west. Go to the train station. Pick up the mousetrap. Look at the phone. Walk southeast. Go home. Use the dustbin. Use the cheese on the mousetrap. Use the rope. Use the baited mousetrap on the mouse hole. Use the rope. Walk west. Go to the fast food restaurant. Use the dustbin. Use the rat on the hamburger. Give the hamburger to the cashier. 11 Pick up the mobile phone. Give the hamburger to the cashier. 2 Pick up the mobile phone. 3 Use the entrance. Go to the train station. Enter the coach.

Larry Vales II: Dead Girls are Easy

Walk northwest. Open the door. Pick up the hat. Leave. Walk northeast. Open the door. Talk to the cashier. 23 Give the hat to the cashier. Walk south, northwest. Use the cup on the trashbin. Walk northeast. Open the door. Give the cup to the cashier. Open the door. Walk south, northwest. Open the door. Use the sponge on the forehead. Leave. Walk northeast. Use the sponge on the car. Walk northwest. Use the wet wall. Walk northeast. Use the car. Pick up the map. Use the sponge on the oil. Use the map on Larry. Go to Larry’s house in Middleclass Acres. Use the spinklers. Use the map on Larry. Go to Honest Engine. Use the staple remover on the small key. Use the small key on the toolbox. Use the map on Larry. Go to the Gates Motel. Use the sponge on the bell. Use the wrench on the bell. Open the box while Rusty Boyler is facing the other way. Use the wrench on the bell. Use the pen on the box while Rusty Boyler is facing the other way. Use the map on Larry. Go to Phar-Mor Drugs. Use the SAC card on the SAC machine. Use the map on Larry. Go to Middleclass Acres. Give the money to the landlord. Pick up the FBI identification. Pick up the lampshade. Use the map on Larry. Go to the Gates Motel. Give the FBI identification to officer Bradbury. Use the wrench on the desk bell. 13 Use the stairs going down. Talk to Arnold Rimmer in the bottom right cell. Walk south. Pick up the hand. Leave. Use the map on Larry. Go to Crust Never Sleeps. Open the door. Give the cigarettes to the cashier. Use the condiment rack. Use the map on Larry. Go to Phar-Mor Drugs. Open the door. Pick up the Yum gum. Leave. Use the map on Larry. Go to the morgue. Give the hand to the mortician. Pick up the liquid nitrogen. Use the map on Larry. Go to the police department. Use the stairs going down. Give the Yum gum to Arnold Rimmer. Use the stairs. Open the right door. Use the crowbar on the middle drawer of the third file cabinet. Use the open drawer. Open the door. Use the stairs going up. Walk south. Pick up the shoelace. Walk south. Open the west door. Look at the commissioner. Use the liquid nitrogen on the fishbowl. Use the shoelace on the ice. Use the salt on the ice. Pick up the shoelace. Give the file to commissioner Fishbian. Leave. Walk east. Use the keys on the locker. Pick up the gun. Pick up the wad of paper. Use the pen on the ticketpad. Leave. Use the map on Larry. Go to Top Storage. Use the receipt on the panel. Use the panel. Use the gun on the lock. Use the pen on the fake locker interior. Pick up the book. Pick up the envelope. Use the stairs. Use the stairs going up. Open the west door. Use the book on the bookcase. Use the hidden passage. Talk to professor Semprini. 25 Open the firebox. Pick up the fire blanket. Pick up the receipt. Touch doctor Ratched. Pick up the sample beaker. Use the sample beaker on the fourth tube on the third row. Leave. Use the sample beaker on the microscope. Touch doctor Ratched. Use the sample beaker on the bowl. Use the lampshade on the bowl. Use the map on Larry. Go to Honest Engine. Use the lampshade on officer Rocky Hill. Use the grey toolbox. Use the grey toolbox. Use the sponge on the oil. Use the map on Larry. Go to Phar-Mor Drugs. Open the door. Give the drug store receipt to the clerk. Leave. Use the map on Larry. Go to the police department. Open the west door. Pick up the coffee. Use the coffee on the coffee maker. Use the stairs going up. Open the east door. Pick up the jacket. Use the sponge on the desk. Use the desk. Leave. Use the map on Larry. Go to Crust Never Sleeps. Open the door. Use the jacket on the oven. Use the map on Larry. Go to Middleclass Acres. Use the cutter on the power outlet. Use the map on Larry. Go to Clam’s Casino. Look at the contest. Use the map on Larry. Go to the morgue. Talk to the mortician. Use the map on Larry. Go to Camp Value. Walk north. Look at the second bush from the right. Use the cutter on the second bush from the right. Use the map on Larry. Go to the morgue. Give the berries to the mortician. Hit the man. Hit the man. Hit the man. Hit the man. Use the bag of jawbreakers on the man. Hit the man. Use the dentist’s chair. Use the pistol on the Goat Man. Use the jacket on the sea. Use the squid on the commissioner. Use the pen on the commissioner.

Larry Vales I: Traffic Division

Open the door. Look at the messageboard. Talk to the woman. 33 Walk east. Use the room key on the middle door. Use the television. Pick up the plunger. Use the pillow. Talk to the bathroom. 133 Use the telephone. Use the wires on the telephone. Look at the fire escape route. Walk south, west, west. Use the double doors. Look at the sleeping man. Use the candy on the man. Use the candy on the pool. Use the dooropening. Talk to the couple. 113 Use the plunger on the woman. Pick up the dried grass. Walk south, east, east, east. Use the room key on the middle door. Use the dried grass on the smoke detector. Use the matches on the dried grass. Walk south, west, west. Use the double doors. Use the door opening. Walk north. Use the partly hidden bush. Use the wires on the door. Use the keycard on the door. Walk to the top right of the screen. Use the nightstick on the darkness left of Larry. Use the body. Use the body. Use the robot. Use the gun on the box. Pick up the scissors. Leave the robot. Use the scissors on the body. Use the nightstick on the toolbox door. Use the panel. Use the gum on the middle button. Use the dial. Leave the panel. Use the open vent. Give the hair to the man. Use the flashlight on the darkness. Use the doors. Use the room key on the middle door. Use the body. Walk south, west, west. Use the closet key on the middle door. Pick up the screwdriver. Pick up the drill. Use the hairpin on the lockers. Use the door. Use the double doors. Use the door opening. Walk north. Pick up the rubble. Walk south, south, east, east, east. Use the double doors. Look at Charlie. Talk to Charlie. 1445 Use the drill on the dice. Use the rubble on the dice. Talk to the man with the tie. 223 Give the badge to Ufarte. Talk to the rightmost man. Use the rubbing alcohol on the drink. Use the screwdriver on the slot machine. Use the doors. Walk west, west. Talk to the right door. Use the paper mat. Use the FBI identification on the man. Look at the cell phone. Walk east. Give the drink to the woman. Use the door. Use the screwdriver on the magnet. Use the ladder. Look at the homing pigeon. Give the bag of money to the homing pigeon. Use the magnet on the key. Use the cell phone on the box. Use the magnet on the flashlight. Use the flashlight on the robot. Pick up the screwdriver. Pick up the drill. Use the panel. Use the keycard on the slot. Use the whistle on the speaker. Press button 4. Leave the panel. Use the drill on the pole.

Keptosh I: The Search for Junc

Take the junc port. Walk southwest, west, north, inside. Walk southwest, west, south, east, inside. Use the east chair. Walk south, south, east. Take the Portable Terminal. Use the Portable Terminal on Adis. Walk west, north, inside. Walk south, west. Talk to the robot. Take the junc. Walk north, north, inside. Use the junc on the terminal. Talk to the barman. Talk to the barman. Walk south, east, inside. Give the junc packet to Nesa. Walk southwest, east, inside. Talk to the robot. Take the cloaker. Take the levitator. Walk south, east, south, west. Use the cloaker on Adis. Walk inside, west. Use the keyboard. Look at the broken data chip. Note the code. Enter the code from the broken data chip. Walk east, east, northeast. Take the red books on the rightmost bookshelf in the back. Use the lever. Use the levitator on Adis. Use the terminal.

James Peris es el agente 00,5

Before you start the game, view the credits. Look at the left poster. Take Homer Look at the window. Take the pile of rubbish. Look at the pileof rubbish. Look at the phone. Open the interesting book. Look at the note. Open the door. 5 Talk to the computer addict. 1 Talk to the computer addict. 4 Take the condom. Talk to Pache-Q. 1333 Talk to Pache-Q. Look at the Nash-Car manual. Give the magazine to the computer addict. Use the mystery button. Talk four times to Salador. Talk to Pache-Q. Use the bell. Walk into the hotel. Use the bell. 222 Use the bell. 3 Use the bell. 3 Walk east. Use the tv. Open the drawer. Take the poster. Use the resize gun on the poster. Walk north, west. Use the phone. Take the map. Exit. Walk north. Talk to Lord Williams. 2223 Talk to Ear-Man. 2314 Take the sugar. Use the sugar on Lord Williams. Use the spitoon. Walk south, east. Look at the trash. Open the door. Walk north. Look at the left advert. Look at the right advert. Look at the computer. Use the voucher on the pizza-man. 312 Use the resize gun on the mini martoni. Use the martoni on the vodka. Walk south, west, southwest. Talk to James Bond. 3 Use the martoni with vodka on James Bond. Look at the pics. Look at the bikini top of the right picture. Look at the bikini bottom. Look at the address. Use the pics on the map. Use the remote control. Use button 1. Look at the steering wheel. Use the trim on the thing inserter. Look at the condoms machine. Use the condoms machine. Open the car. Talk to the doorman. 333 Look at the boys. Talk to the barman. 1 Talk to Fred. Use the gun. Talk to the barman. 1 Use the Play Car magazine on the thing inserter. Look at the great mansion. Use the intercom. Use the intercom. Use the intercom. Use the intercom. Use the K-00,5-R40 on the bar. Walk to the rear of the house, to the door. 24113 Take the flowers. Look at the pic of Spencer Tunick. Use the K-00,5-R40 on the sofa. Look at the mansion map. Go to the cleaning room. Use the crumpled CD on the iron. Open the washing machine. Look at the open washing machine. Use the G-string on Homer. Look at the mansion map. Go to the living room. Use the ironed CD on the stereo. Look at the mansion map. Go to the theatre. Look at the mansion map. Go to the gym. Take the medieval device. Open the closet. Take the rod. Look at the mansion map. Go to the theatre. Take the hat. Look at the hat. Look at the mansion map. Go to the music room. Look at Chus. Look at Levi’s Perisley. Use the dance floor. Look at the turkey. Take the pineapple juice. Use the resize gun on the pineapple juice. Look at the mansion map. Go to the game room. Look at the mansion map. Go to the bathroom. Use the rod on the fishtank. Open the screen. Use the bath. Look at the mansion map. Go to the library. Use the computer. Open the door. Look at the mansion map. Go to the cook’s room. Take the Roquefort cheese. Look at the mansion map. Go to the gardener’s room. 22 Take the tomatoes. Take the carrots. Look at the mansion map. Go to the cinema. Take the butter. Look at the mansion map. Go to the guest’s room. Look at the mansion map. Go to Harry’s room. Open the drawer. Look at the note. Look at the mansion map. Go to Mar Jane’s room. Open the closet’s door. Open the closet’s door. Look at the mansion map. Go to the kitchen. Talk to the French cooker. 21122 Take the knife. Use the knife on the grill. Use the knife on the oven. Use the knife on the dishwasher. Open the fridge. Take the note from the fridge. Use the recipe on the books. Look at the cookbook. Open the microwave. Use the milk on the microwave. Use the cheese on the microwave. Use the big pineapple juice on the future meal. Use the roquefort sauce on the future meal. Use the anchuvas pizza on the future meal. Use the butter on the future meal. Use the carrot on the future meal. Use the rabbit on the future meal. Use the tomato on the future meal. Use the herbs on the future meal. Use the fish on the future meal. Look at the mansion map. Go to the kitchen. Look at the grill. Look at the microwave. Look at the future meal. Look at the mansion map. Go to the entry. Walk to the rear of the house. Take the turkey feather. Walk southeast. Use the feather on the mailbox. Look at the evil note. Use James. Talk to Mar. 23 Use Harry. Talk to Peris. 222 Look at the mansion map. Go to the kitchen. Look at the future meal. Look at the mansion map. Go to the living room. Use the stereo. Look at the mansion map. Go to the cleaning room. Look at the open washing machine. Use Harry. Look at the graffiti at the far left 11 times. Walk southwest to the school entry. Talk to the caretaker. 22 Walk to the stairs. Open the far right classroom door. Take the keys. Look at Loafer magazine. Open the door. Walk to the stairs, to the playground. Use the keys of the school on the gym door. Use James. Talk to JK. 131413121 Give the Homer with panties to JK. Walk to the school entry. Talk to the caretaker. 222234 Use Mar. Talk to JK. 11 Walk to the school entry. Talk to the caretaker. 11 Use James. Walk to the stairs. Open the left classroom door. Use the knife on Alvarito. Use the indian arrow on Alvarito. Use the medieval device on Alvarito. Talk to the teacher. 1 Talk to the teacher. 4 Talk to the teacher. 4 Talk to the teacher. 4 Get the paper from the wall. Open the right classroom door. Look at Marta’s panties on Sharon. Talk to the teacher. 4 Talk to the teacher. 4 Talk to the teacher. 4 Talk to the teacher. 2 Talk to the teacher. 4 Talk to the teacher. 4 Talk to the teacher. 4 Walk to the stairs. Use the advertising paper on the caretaker. Take the golden key. Use the golden key on the principal’s office door. Take the flat cap. Look at the Tranger picture. Use the key on the drawer. Walk southwest, to the playground. Give the dietary to JK. Open the gym door. 12 Use the K-00,5-R40 on the rope. Take the hockey stick. Walk east, to the school entry. Use the hockey stick to Mar. Use Mar. Walk to the stairs. Open the women’s toilet. Take the revolting stain. Look at the mirror. Open the left door. Open the right door. Open the right door. Open the right door. Use the hockey stick on the hatch. 3242514241

The Great Stroke-Off

Interact with the door. Talk to uncle Ernie. Talk to uncle Ernie. 3 While uncle Ernie is distracted, pick up the hot dogs. Wait until uncle Ernie returns to his spot. Talk to uncle Ernie. 4 While uncle Ernie is distracted, pick up the key. Interact with the door. Walk to the toilet. Use the big key with the toolshed. Interact with the toolshed. Pick up the fishing net. Pick up the screwdriver. Pick up the chainsaw. Walk south. Interact with the toilet door. Use the fishing net with the toilet. Interact with the door. Walk west, to the mini-golf course. Interact with the trash bin. Walk west, to the arkade. Interact with the arcade door. Eat the hot dog. Use the half of the hot dog with the small hole. Interact with the door. Interact with the arcade door. Interact with the small hole. Use the quarter with the coin slot. Interact with the coin return tray. Interact with the door. Walk south, to the haunted house. Interact with the door. Look at the odd mirror. Use the screwdriver with the odd mirror. Pick up the odd mirror. Interact with the ladder. Interact with the lever. Use the screwdriver with the gears. Interact with the lever. Interact with the ladder. Walk to the west side. Interact with the ghost. Walk west, east, east. Interact with the door. Use the red ball with the ball washer. Use the blue ball with the ball washer. Use the white ball with the ball washer. Use the yellow ball with the ball washer. Interact with the ball washer. Interact with the door. Walk to the mini-golf course. Choose the nerds. Walk west, to the toilet. Use the chainsaw with the old tree. Use the chainsaw with the fallen tree. Interact with the toolshed. Pick up the batteries. Walk south, west, to the mini-golf course. Give the batteries to Dexter. Walk east, west, west, to the arkade. Interact with the arcade door. Interact with the small hole. Walk east. Use the quarter on Drunken Violent Bums. Interact with Drunken Violent Bums. Win a game. Interact with each of the coin return trays. Use the dime with the coin slot of the bubble gum machine. Pick up the bubble gum. Eat the piece of gum. Use the chewed bubble gum with the broken ruler. Walk west. Interact with the door. Walk south, to the mini-golf course, east, east, to Dexter. Use the mirror with the dark bushes. Walk west, west, west. Interact with the door. Pick up the rags. Use the rag with the mirror. Interact with the door. Walk to the mini-golf course, east, east. Use the mirror with the dark bushes. Walk west, west, west, to the arkade. Interact with the arcade door. Walk east. Give the white ball to Nora. Walk west. Interact with the door. Walk south. Interact with the door. Choose the punks. Walk west, to the arkade. Interact with the arcade door. Interact with the small hole. Walk east. Use the quarter on Drunken Violent Bums. Interact with Drunken Violent Bums. Win a game. Interact with each of the coin return trays. Use the dime with the coin slot of the bubble gum machine. Pick up the bubble gum. Eat the piece of gum. Walk west. Interact with the door. Walk south, to the mini-golf course. Use the chewed bubble gum with the klown hole. Walk east, east, west. Talk to Nora. 22 Walk west, west, to the haunted house. Interact with the door. Walk to Nora. Use the chainsaw with the ghost. Walk west, east, east, to the mini-golf course, east, east, to Ivan Trash. Use the mirror with the dark bushes. Walk west, west, west, to the arkade. Interact with the arcade door. Walk east. Give the white ball to Gunther Grunge. Walk west. Interact with the door. Walk south. Interact with the door.

Garfield: Attack of the Mutant Lasagna

Pick up the blanket. Look at the bed. Pick up the bed. Walk east. Open the middle door. Walk through the middle door. Pick up the bucket. Walk east, west. Use the bucket on Odie. Walk east. Open the left door. Walk through the left door. Pick up the scissors. Open the far closet door. Pick up the pants. Pick up the shirt. Use the full bucket on Jon. Walk west. Talk to Odie. 1 Walk east. Open the right door. Walk through the right door, west. Climb the chair. Kick Odie. Climb the chair. Walk east. Walk north. Open the left door. Walk through the left door. Pick up the pillow. Walk north, through the right door. Use the key on the back door. Open the back door. Walk east. Pick up the stick. Walk east, north. Use the stick on the mousetrap. Take the cheese. Walk south. Talk to the mouse hole. 23 Give the cheese to Squeaky. Walk south, through the right door. Use the lockpad key on the fridge security system. Open the fridge door. Pick up the food. Use the scissors on the sealed container. Open the container. Use the special soup on the mutant. Move the stool. Climb the stool. Open the cupboard doors. Pick up the medical stuff. Climb the stool. Use the notepad on Liz. 123 Walk west. Go to the alley. 11112 Talk to Arlene. 223 Use the blanket on the hole. Walk east. Use the scissors on the poster. Walk west. Climb the ladder. Walk south. Go to the outskirts. Use the stick on the mutant. Use the cardboard leg on the tree. Go to Jon’s parents’ house. Give the letter to Jon’s mum. Walk west. Go to the barn. Move the blue switch. Take the straw. Use the straw on the auto=spinning-wheel. Move the red switch. Move the red switch. Use the cotton on the auto-spinning-wheel. Walk north. Go to the forest. Leap across the solid stones to the other side. (second stone from the left, NE, NE, E, NW, W, NW, NW) Walk north. Use the rope on the branch. Swing. Walk east. Pick up the mushrooms. Walk south. Swing. Walk west. Leap to the right-most stone. Walk south. Go to the big lab. Use the bucket on the green stream. Walk south. Go to Jon’s parents’ house. Give the mushroom to Jon’s mum. Give the toxic bucket to Jon’s mum. Walk west. Go to the road, to Liz’s vet. Walk west. Go to Yuck TV. Walk through the revolving door. Pick up the glue. Walk east. Open the right door. Walk through the right door. Open the cupboard. Pick up the stilts. Walk west, south, through the revolving door, around the corner. Go to the park. Walk to the man. Climb the tree. Use the hair on the man. Use the glue on the bench. Climb the tree. Walk east. Talk to Nermal. 224 Give the wool to Nermal. Walk south. Pick up the smoke bomb. Walk south. Go to the house. Walk south, through the middle door. Pick up the wallet. Walk east, through the right door, east. Pick up the flowers. Walk east, through the left door, west. Pick up the bed. Walk east, south, north. Go to the park. Climb the tree. Use the hair on the man. Climb the tree. Pick up the hat. Walk north. Go to the supermarket. Wear the hat. Walk inside, northwest, west. Pick up the lasagne box. Look at the lasagne box. Walk south. Pick up the mozzarella. Walk south. Pick up the tomatoes. Pick up the spinach. Walk south, north. Pick up the ham. Pick up the ground beef. Walk east. Give the wallet to the cashier. Walk east, southwest. Go to the house. Walk south, through the right door. Walk through the left door, south, north. Go to the alley. Give the lasagna to Guido. Give the flower to Arlene. Walk south. Go to Yuck TV. Walk through the revolving door, east, east. Walk north, upstairs, east. Look at the pipes. Look at the computer terminal. Navigate the computer terminal. Connect the source to set A1 and set A2 through the split. Walk west, downstairs, south, through the revolving door, around the corner. Go to Liz’s vet. Walk west. Go to the park. Walk east. Talk to Nermal. Walk east. Go to the alley. Talk to Guido. Talk to Arlene. Walk south. Activate the smoke bomb.

Gaea Fallen

Use the box of matches. Walk west. Get the lump of coal. Use the cabinet drawer. Walk south, west. Get the head of lettuce. Get the pestle. Walk east, south, west. Use the roses. Use the brown door. Use the basket. Talk to Odert. Use the penny on the Bag of Wind beneath the counter. Walk south. Use the red door. Use the “Grendal’s Book of Spells” book on the lower left shelf. Use the “Ancient Symbols” book on the top right shelf. Note the symbol for life. Use the “History of Gaea” book on the lower right shelf. Walk east, south, east, south, east, south. Use the seashell. Look at the cliff. Construct the symbol of life by using the four pieces. Get the staff. Get the substance from the wall. Walk south, north, west, north, west, south. Look at the boat. Use the boat. Use the Bag of Wind on the boat. Use the shore. Walk east, east. Use the heliotrope bush. Walk west, north, north. Talk to Lamia. 41 > SEE 1213 Walk north. Get the seed of wisdom. Get sulfur from the wall. Walk south, south, south, west. Use the boat. Use the Bag of Wind on the boat. Use the shore. Walk north, west, north, west, onto the stone. Get the pomegranate. Walk onto the stone. Walk east, east. Use the brown door. Use the Bag of Wind on the Cloak of Invisibility. Walk south, south, east. Get an apple from the lower branches. Walk south, east. Talk to the hare. 4 Give the lettuce to the hare. Walk north, north. Talk to the nymph. 1345 Give the pomegranate to the nymph. Walk north. Use the large rock. Wait until the quicksilver lizard appears. Use the Cloak of Invisibility on Eve. Use the net on the quicksilver lizard. Use the lizard. Use the separation crosshair on Eve. Use the pool. Use the myrtle bush. Use the palace. Talk to Vivia. 12 Give the staff of healing to Vivia. Use the key on the chest. Get the mortar. Walk south. Use the pool. Walk south, south, south. Use the sulfur on the mortar. Use the quicksilver lizard scale on the mortar. Use the pestle on the mortar. Give the mortar to the hare. Walk west, north, west, north. Use the brown door. Use the Cloak of Invisibility on the Bag of Wind. Walk south, south, south. Use the boat. Use the Bag of Wind on the boat. Use the shore. Walk east, north, north, north. Get sulfur from the wall. Walk south, south, south, west. Use the boat. Use the Bag of Wind on the boat. Use the shore. Walk north, north, east, north. Use the door. Use the match on the flint. Use the lit match on the fireplace. Use the living gold on the fire. Use the fire. Talk to the Phoenix. 12 Use the sulfur on the mortar. Use the lump of coal on the mortar. Use the white substance on the mortar. Use the pestle on the mortar. Use the mortar on the flame of death. Talk to the Phoenix. Walk south. Use the fireplace. Walk south, south, west. Use the brown door. Use the clump of gold on the sieve powder. Walk south, east, north, north, east. Look at the rock on the right. Use the sieve powder on the circle of rocks. Use the heliotrope on the rainbow. Walk to the rainbow. Talk to Charity. 113 Use the golden needle on the spinning wheel. Talk to Charity. 112 Give the apple to Charity. Give the rose to Love. Give the myrtle to Beauty. Talk to Beauty. 11 Walk west, west, south, south. Walk west, west, west, onto the stone. Walk north. Use the seed of life on the southeast patch of dirt. Use the seed of wisdom on the north patch of dirt. Use the seed of wellbeing on the northeast patch of dirt. Use the seed of transcendence on the southwest patch of dirt. Walk south, north, south, north. Walk south, to the stone, east, east. Talk to Simon. Choose your destiny.

The Amazing Adventures of Lucy Lavender

Walk east. Use the carpet. Walk north. Use the key on the cabinet. Use the cabinet. Use the table. Walk north. Use the fridge. Walk northeast, upstairs. Use the southeastern door. Use the makeup kit. Use the vanity desk. Use the door. Use the northeastern door. Talk to the boy. 34455 Give the Playboy to the boy. Talk to the boy. 445 Use the door. Walk downstairs, northwest. Use the macaroni on the microwave. Use the macaroni on the gamepad. Walk northeast, upstairs. Use the northeastern door. Give the gamepad to the boy. Talk to the boy. 45 Use the door. Use the northern door. Use the basket. Use the cup on the tap. Use the door. Walk west, north. Use the cup of water on the microwave. Use the cherry flavour on the cup of hot water. Use the lotion on the cherry drink. Use the nail polish on the spiked drink. Walk northeast, upstairs. Use the northeastern door. Give the spiked drink to the boy. Use the door. Walk west. Walk upstairs. Use the northeastern door. Use the drawers. Use the door. Walk west, east, north. Use the intercom. 2 Walk west, south, upstairs. Use the northeastern door. Talk to the boy. 2322222 Use the door. Walk west. Give the photo to the bully.

A Friend Indeed…

Take the paper towel. Use the key on the locked door. Walk north. Take the tire iron. Use the tire iron on the jeep. Interact with the jeep. Walk south, upstairs. Use the keycard on the security door. Interact with the terminal in the security room. Interact with the locker in the security room. Interact with the phone in the master bedroom. Use the boot disk on Cosmo’s computer. Walk downstairs, downstairs. Take the whiskey from the bar. Interact with the shelves. Interact with the transport. Interact with the terminal. Walk into the teleportation beam. Interact with the ticket machine. Take a space suit. Use the space suit. Interact with the elevator call button. Take the wires. Interact with the tollbooth. Use the empty jar on the leaking coolant. Walk north. Use the coin on the telescope. Exit the telescope. Walk inside the ship. Use the wires on the power supply. Walk up to the navigational deck. Walk up to the rec deck. Walk up to the bridge. Interact with the captain’s chair. Run the pre-launch diagnostics. Launch the ship. Walk down to the rec deck. Walk down to the navigational deck. Walk down to the engineering deck. Use the full jar on the power supply.

Frank the Farmhand Part 2: The Secret of Guija

Use the window. Walk to the tent. Pick up the hedge-cutters. Walk west. Use the hedge-cutters on the fence. Walk east. Go to the village. Talk to the carpenter. 113357 Pick up the chisel and mallet. Walk east. Pick up the thing in the sand. Walk west, west. Go to the mountain pass. Pick up the tape. Walk east. Go to the archeological site. Pick up the termites. Pick up the pile of dirt. Pick up the charcoal. Pick up the note. Look at the recipe. Look at the potassium. Look at the top of the hill. Walk east. Go to the hill. Pick up the long leafed plant. Pick up the wunderbaum. Walk inside. Walk east. Look at the coconut-man. Pick up the iron rod. Walk west, inside. Talk to Clifford. 2556 Walk south, east. Use the charcoal on the coconut-man. Walk north. Wait until Clifford walks away. Walk inside. Pick up the bottle of oil. Pick up the firewood. Use the cannabis on the termites. Use the termites on the log. Walk south, west. Go to the mountain pass. Use the wunderbaum on the cave entrance. Walk into the cave. Use the plate of food with the jar. Use the plate of food with the ground. Use the jar on the ground. Pick up the sulphur. Wait until the pink creature goes in the jar. Pick up the jar. Walk east, east. Go to the archeological site. Use the powdered sulphur on the bowl. Use the potassium. Walk east. Go to the mountain pass. Use the bomb on the debris. Use the magnifying glass on the bomb. Walk north. Go to the village. Walk east. Give the pink creature to the girl. Walk west, west. Go to the mountain pass. Walk east. Go to the hill. Walk inside. Give the book to Clifford. Talk to Clifford. 25 Walk south, west. Go to the mountain pass. Walk north. Go to the village. Walk east. Use the dart on the boy. Walk west, east. Pick up the inflatable snake. Use the duct tape on the inflatable snake. Walk west, west. Go to the military camp. Use the window. Use the inflatable snake on Jim. Use the chisel and mallet on the door. Open the door. Push the green button. Use the iron rod on the coil. Push the red button. Walk west. Go to the village. Walk west. Go to the village. Use the pulley. Use the magnetized rod on the rope. Use the pulley. Use the pulley. Pick up the iron rod. Walk west. Go to the mountain pass. Walk east. Go to the archeological site. Pick up the fossilized bone. Walk east. Go to the mountain pass. Walk north. Go to the secret door. Give the fossilized bone to the guarddog. Use the key on the keyhole. 55 While Max is occupied: Use the valve. 54 Use Max. Use the chainsaw. Open the door. Walk north, north. Use the elevator. Go to level 2. Walk south, east. Open the rightmost grid. Pick up the card. Walk west, north. Use the elevator. Go to level 6. Pick up the brochure. Look at the brochure. Use the elevator. Go to level 2. Walk north. Use the chewing gum on Frank. Use the chewed gum on the card reader. Walk west, north until the robot appears near the emergency exit. Wait until the robot destroys the card reader.

Frank the Farmhand Part 1: The Big Escape

Look at the trash. Walk north. Pick up the sticker. Use the sticker on the Dr Pepper can. Open the west door. Walk north. Pick up the screwdriver. Push the lever. Walk east, east. Push the cart. Open the door. Walk east. Use the can on the faucet. Walk west, north. Give the can to Ben. Push the cart. Use the screwdriver on the grate. Use the ventilation shaft. Use the door. Use the mailslot. Open the door. Walk inside. Open the refrigerator. Pick up the steak. Close the refrigerator. Look at the photo. Walk south. Close the door. Talk to the tough guy. 2123 Walk northeast. Talk to the lady. 1212 Pick up the lures. Walk west. Pick up the knife. Use the car. Go to the docks. Walk west, into the boat. 11615 Walk east, east. Open the door. Walk inside. Pick up the propellor. Talk to the depressed man. 11211211 Walk west, east. Go to Winslow park. Walk east. Talk to the fat clanmember. 1224 Give the steak to the fat clanmember. Pick up the blue thingie. Walk west. Use the car. Go to Peacock avenue. Walk northeast, inside. Pick up the toolboxes. Talk to the customer. 17 Use the toolbox on the shopping bag. Give the weenies to the customer. Walk south. Use the knife on the shopping bag. Talk to the customer. Pick up the groceries. Walk west. Use the car. Go to the docks. Walk west. Pick up the bucket. Use the ski on the end of the pier. Use the bucket on the ski. Pick up the ball of twine. Use the lure on the ball of twine. Walk east, east. Go to Winslow park. Use the rope-n-hook on the blanket. Pick up the blanket. Use the knife on the blanket. Walk east. Use the KKK disguise on Frank. Use the knife with the rope. Give the propellor to the professor. Give the toolbox to the professor.

Escape from Evergreen Forest

Walk east. Take the branch. Walk east. Take the white flower. Use the branch on the hole. Use the bucket on the fresh water. Walk west, west, west. Talk to the tree thing. 334 Use the full bucket on the tree thing. Talk to the tree thing. 23 Walk south, south. Talk to the crow. 12255 Walk east, north, north. Use the gold key on the round door. Use the round door. Use the paper pieces. Reconstruct the message “Ash, Klaatu verrata. Indy, Orichalcum. Hiker, Breeblebrox. Ripley, LV 426”. Exit the message. Look at the open book. Take the flute. Take the lantern. Walk west, south, east, east, to the entrance, north. Take the arm bone. Talk to the bones. Walk around until you find the lion. Use the flute on Don. Use the bone on the lever in the northwest corner of the cave. Walk west, north. Use the lever. Walk north. Take the shears. Use the branch on the crystals. Walk south, south, east, south, south. Walk east, east, over the bridge. 1133 Take the blue mushroom. Walk south, west, west, west, north, north. Use the shears on the rose bush. Walk south. Use the round door. Use the red flower on the mortar. Use the white flower on the mortar. Use the blue mushroom on the mortar. Use the mortar and pestle. Use the prepared ingredients on the empty flask. Talk to Don. Take the full flask. Walk west, south, east, east, to the entrance, north. Walk east, north, northeast, east. Use the small hole. Walk west, west, northwest. Use the adventurous statue. Walk west, to the woman. 23 Walk to the woman. Use the full flask on Don. Use the mirror on the woman. Use the red crystal on the strange wall. Walk north, to the wizard. 333 Walk south. 3334 Talk to the rock wall. Walk south, east, south, south, west. Walk south, south, west, west, west, north. Talk to the tree thing. 12 Walk south, east, east, east, to the entrance. Walk north, east, north, northeast, east. Use the ladder. Walk south, east, east, north. 13 Walk south, west, north. Use the stump. 1 Walk west, west. Use the whip on the wood beam. Walk west, northwest. Take the small object. Walk west, north. Take the dagger of Ra. Walk northeast.

Emily Enough: Imprisoned

Take the pen from the sign near the crying boy. Walk around the corner to the west. Use the pen on the brittle lock on the arcade. Take the change from the container. Use the change on the automed controls. Walk to the east bookshelves. Take the Serial Killer Weekly magazine. Walk west, north. Take the cup. Use the cup on the water cooler. Take the petrified branch. Use the room key on room 01. Talk to Lucinda. 13 Walk southeast, south, south, east. Talk to security Steve. 2 Open the door. 5313321 Use the door knob. Walk around the corner, to Pete. Talk to Pete. 33235 Look at the Serial Killer Weekly magazine. Talk to Pete. 4 Walk north. Open the men’s room door. Walk east. Open the ladies’ room door. Talk to Mr. Juarez. 124 Use the cup of water on the exposed wire. Take the bag of money while Mr. Juarez is distracted. Walk west, south, south. Talk to Erwin E. Cummings. 4 Talk to Claudette. 12112 Walk to Pete, north. Use the room key on room 01. Use the extremely sharp knife on Lucinda. Walk south. Give the skin to Pete. Look at the stack of coupons. Walk south, east. Open the door. Use the phone. Use the door knob. Talk to security Steve. 3 Open the door. Use the phone. Use the door knob. Walk around the corner, to the west bookshelves. Use the petrified stick on the damaged window. Walk south, east. Open the door. Use the phone. Use the door knob. Walk around the corner, to the delivery man. Talk to the delivery man. Walk south. Talk to Erwin E. Cummings. 1 Give the money bag to Erwin E. Cummings. 1 Give the meds to Erwin E. Cummings. 1 Talk to Erwin E. Cummings. 1 Walk north, north. Open the ladies’ room door. Talk to Mr. Juarez. 1 Use the printer. Use the pen on the dot-matrix printout. Walk west, south, south, east. Open the door. Give the signed printout to Coopernickel. 2 Use the door knob. Walk around the corner, north, north. Open the men’s room door. Talk to Percy. 2 Use the melon on the little dress. Use the other melon on the jumpsuit. Use the lipstick on the DressMelon. Use the lipstick on the JumpsuitMelon. Walk east, south. Use the door knob on the door with the sign. Take the pillow. Take the purple blanket. Use the extremely sharp knife on the small hole. Use the big hole with straw. Use the straw on the incomplete decoy. Use the door knob. Walk north. Open the men’s room door. Talk to Percy.


Take the package. Use the ring on Rosaline. Walk south, south, east, south. Use the southwest pile of rubble. Use the northwest pile of rubble. Use the enormous pile of rubble. Walk north, east. Use the bottle on the fountain. Walk west, west, north, west, west. Talk to the man in the back. 435 Talk to the man to the right. 444 Take the shovel. Walk south, east, east, south, south. Use the shovel on the enormous pile of rubble. Walk east. Use the body. Take the bag. Walk west, north, north, west, west, west. Give the bag to the man in the back. Walk south, east, east, north, north. Take the cloth. Walk south, east, east, east. Walk south, east, north, east, upstairs. Talk to the man. 3333334 Give the handguns and id to the cleric. Take the rope. Walk south, west, south, south. Give the bone to the dog. Walk east. Use the red keycard on the slot. Talk to the intercom. 1 Walk west, west, north, west, west. Walk west, south, west, west. Talk to the man in the back. 46 Walk south, east, east, east. Walk north, east, east, south. Walk south, east, east. Talk to the intercom. 2 Walk inside. Talk to the girl. 3334 Walk east, east, south. Take the cassette recorder. Walk north, east. Talk the red book on the third shelf. Walk north. Take the notice requesting volunteers. Read the notice on the assasination attempt on cleric Preston. Walk west. Give the wanted notice to the man. Walk east, east. Give the note to the woman. Use the screen. Walk west, south, west, west. Open the door. Talk to the cleric. 1124 Walk south, west, north, west, west. Walk north, west, west, west. Walk south, west, west. Talk to the woman. 34434 Walk south, east, east, east. Walk north, east, east, south. Walk south, east, east, inside, east. Use the phone book. Walk west, north, west, west. Walk north, west, west, west. Walk south, south. Use the telephone. 4111111 Walk north, north, east, east. Walk east, east, south, south. Walk east, east, inside, east. Walk east, east, north, west. Talk to the man. 4 Walk north, east, north, north, past the sweepers. 1 Use the cloth on the camera. Use the east wall. Talk to the east wall. 1322222 Use the shovel on the ground. Take the bag. Use the cassette player on the bench. Use the hole. Walk east. Open the door. Walk north. Use the keyboard. Walk south, south, north, north. Use the rope on the bridge. Use the rope. Talk to the contact. 1 Use the rope. Walk south, south, west, west, north. Take the sledgehammer. Use the sledgehammer on the wall. Use the hole. Walk west. Talk to the man in the back. 11 Walk south, east, north, east. Walk east, east, east, south. Walk east, north, east, north. Talk to the girl. 111 Walk south, west, south, south. Walk east, inside. Talk to Sparkplug. 2 Walk east, east, east, east. Walk north, west. Give the contract to Trent. Talk to Trent. 333 Walk east, south, west, west. Walk west, north, west, north. Walk north, east, north. Give the green keycard to the girl. Walk south, west, south, west, west, west, west, Walk south, south, south, south, south. Talk to the man. 33 Take the dead fish. Walk north, north, north, north. Walk west, west. Talk to the man. Walk south, east, north, east, east. Open the door. Use the key on the trapdoor. Use the ladder. Walk east, south, south, north. Walk west, south, west, south. Walk north, south. Use the picture on the hole. Walk south. Talk to the cleric. 233 Walk north, west, west, north, west. Walk west, north, north, west, west. Open the door. Use the ladder. Walk north. Use the ladder. Walk north. Open the door. Use the fish on the sweeper. Walk north. Use the five keyboards. Walk south, east, east. Open the door. 11 Use the pistol on the machine.

Duty and Beyond

Look at the window. Use the bike. Use the bike. Use the door. Get the snooker cues. Get the trophies. Get the iron. Look at the blue cup. Use the stairs. Use the coat. Use the east door, the east door. Use the refrigerator. Use the table. Use the trapdoor. Get the cards from the table. Look at the safe. Look at the safe note. Use the stairs, the east door, the east door. Look at the window. Look at the east grave. Use the west door, the west door, the west door, the west door, the stairs, the east door. 2 Use the middle door. Get the plunger. Use the cupboard. Use the iron on the cue. Use the duct tape on the hook device. Use the door, the right door. Get the umbrella. Use the door. Use the key on the door to the east. Use the east door. Use the cupboard. Use the window. Look at the nest. Use the strong hook device on the nest. Use the lock cutter on the shed door. Use the shovel on the east grave. > WEB Get one of the plates. Use the east door, the east door. Use the left chest. Look at the harpoon manual. Use the right chest. Use the east door. Use the towels. Use the west door, the west door, the west door, the hatch, the west door. Talk to the mechanic. Use the east door, the east door. Get the slime. Use the west door, the hatch, the west door. Get the wires. Use the east door, the east door, the east door. Use the right arcade machine. Use the coins on the vending machine. Use the west door, the west door, the stairs, the west door. Give the snack to the mechanic. Use the toolbox. Use the east door. Use the wrench on the panel. Look at the panel. Use the hatch, the hatch. Talk to the scientist. 123 Talk to the left crew member. 112 Talk to the right crew member. 123 Look at the blue cup. Use the east door. Get the healthy food. Look at the lamp. Talk to the doctor. 23 Use the yellow wire on the lamp. Use the east door. Use the faucet. Use the shovel on the tanks. Use the east door. Talk to the guard. Use the egg on the eggs while the guard smokes. Use the west door, the west door, the west door, the hatch, the east door. Use the sacks. Use the east door. Talk to the crew member. 123 Talk to the left guard. 12 Talk to Stan. 13 Talk to the right guard. 122 Look at the recipe. Use the west door, the west door, the stairs, the stairs, the stairs. Use the orange wire on the panel. Use the hatch, the east door. Talk to the crew member. 123 Use the west, the hatch. Talk to the scientist. 3 Talk to the left crew member. 2 Use the old food on the healthy food. Give the disguised food to the crew member. Wait until you receive the admission form. Use the stairs, the east door. Give the admission form to the crew member. Use the west door, the hatch, the hatch, the east door, the east door. Give the admission form to the left guard. Use the submarine. Get the starfish from the left pillar. Move to a position where shooting would kill the fish. Use the harpoon gun on the fish. Go down. Move to a position where shooting would kill the fish. Use the harpoon gun on the fish. Use the crowbar on the oyster. Talk to the guard at the bottom of the right pillar. Go up, up to the station. Give a fish to the crew member. Use the west door, the west door, the west door. Talk to the captain. 112 Use the east door, the ladder, the ladder, the ladder, the ladder. Use the scuba gear on the ladder. Use the crowbar on the octopus. Use the hatch, the east door. Use the cupboards. Give the termination form to the chef. Use the slime on the pot. Use the starfish on the pot. Use the pepper on the pot. Use the amphibian egg on the pot. Use the plate on the pot. Use the west door, the hatch, the hatch, the hatch, the west door. Talk to the captain. 1123 Use the east door, the east door, the east door. Give the illegal dish to the right guard. Use the submarine. Talk to the mermaid. 112 Give the pearl to the mermaid. Go down. Talk to the giant squid. Use the scuba gear on the hole in the shipwreck. Use the loose rocks between the oyster and the guard. Use the scuba gear on the path. Use the chest. Use lots of money on the chest. Go to the submarine. Go up, up to the station. Use the west door, the west door, the west door. Give the chocolate to the captain. Use the east door, the east door, the east door. Use the submarine. Go down. Give the admission form to the guard. Get the feet. Use the west door, the west door, the west door. Talk to the suit of armour. > JOUST Use the doorway. Talk to the chief. 112 Use the east door. Use the cupboard. Use the west door, the south door. Get the axe. Talk to the merchant. 123 Give the trophy to the merchant. Walk east. Get the bucket. Use the left doorway. Look at the blue cup. Talk to the local. 1112 Talk to the adventurer. 11122 Talk to the barman. Give the ale to the shady character. Talk to the barman. Give the ale to the shady character. Talk to the barman. Give the ale to the shady character. Talk to the shady character. 11112 Use the stairs. Use the cupboard. Use the pillow. Use the stairs, the exit, the right doorway. Talk to the blacksmith. 1123 Get the hammer. Use the exit. Walk east. Get the flower. Walk east. Get the right sign. Walk east. Use the door. Look at the books. Look at the books. Look at the books. Look at the books. Get the pen and paper. Use the ladder. Talk to the wizard. 11112 Look at the spell book. Use the ladder, the door, the path, the south path. Walk west. Use the sleeping scroll on the rock. Talk to the fairy. 1123 Walk west. Get the mushrooms. Use the body. Use the pickaxe on the rock. Walk west. Use the axe on the weed. Get the acorn. Walk east. Get the stick. Use the stick on the camp fire. Use the ember on the cloth. Use the south path, the large entrance. Give the apple to the unicorn. Use the unicorn. Use the hair on the broken harp. Look at the flower. Talk to the unicorn. 123 Use the acorn on the flower. Use the exit. Walk west, west. Use the sleeping scroll on the peasant. Use the pen and paper on the peasant. Use the flower on the love poem. Use the right doorway, the east door. Give the flower and poem to the woman. Use the door. Give the metal to the blacksmith. Use the exit. Walk west. Talk to the pig. Use the harp on the pig. Use the sign post on the ground near the cliff. Use the hammer on the sign. Use the rope on the sign. Use the sign. Walk east. Use the left doorway. Give the harp to the adventurer. Use the sleeping scroll on the herbs. Use the mind scroll on the local. Use the mind scroll on the remote. Use the mind scroll on the nectar. Use the mind scroll on the root. Talk to the barman. Use the enchant scroll on the ale. Use the enchant scroll on the fruit. Use the enchant scroll on the mushrooms. Use the exit. Use the emblem on the hole in the tree. Use the back of the house, at the left side of the inn. Walk east, east. Use the lever. Use the umbrella on the lever. Walk west. Use the sleeping spell on the guard. Use the tent. Get the armour. Use the sword on the goblin warrior. Use the exit. Walk west, west. Use the doorway. Talk to the chief. 1 Use the exit. Walk east, east, east Use the south path. Walk west. Give the amulet to the fairy. Give the bucket to the fairy. Use the enchant scroll on the water. Use the enchant spell on the armour. Walk west. Use the enchanted armour on the east path. Get the red gem. Use the path, the west path. Walk east. Use the mind control spell on the goblin. Walk east. Use the east door, the east door. Use the plates. Use the east door. Talk to the chef. 1112 Use the cupboard. Get the sausage. Use the east door. Use the garbage bag. Use the spices on the old cheese. Use the west door, the west door, the west door, the ladder, the east door. Talk to the goblin. 1112 Use the east door. Use the key on the right chest. Look at the wooden box. Use the west door, the west door, down, the stairs down. Use the knife on the jailer. Use the cheese on the wooden box. Use the box with cheese on the mouse hole. Talk to the right door. 112 Use the key on the right door. Use the stairs, the east door, the east door. Give the mouse to the chef. Use the sausage on the cauldron. Use the poison on the cauldron. Use the plate on the cauldron. Use the west door, the west door, the ladder, the ladder, the east door. Talk to the goblin. 22 Use the east door. Give the stew to the goblin leader. Use the east door. Get the pillow. Use the bronze fist on the pillow. Use the balcony. Use the stuffed pillow on the trashcan. Use the west door, the west door, the west door, the west door, down, down, the east door, the east door, the east door. Use the west door, the west door, the west door, the west door, the west path. Use Piet. Use the west door, the stairs, the east door, the right door. Use the axe on the cupboard. Use the west exit, the ladder, the west door, the west door, the west door. Look at the safe note. Note the first part of the combination is 221. Use the east door, the east door. Get the spring. Use the boards. Use the body. Use the south door, the west door, the stairs, the east door, the east door. Get the knife. Use the east door, the east door. Use the kitchen knife on the comfy chair. Use the magnifying glass on the tiny piece of paper. Use the west door, the west door, the trapdoor. Use the safe. > 680 Use the safe. Talk to the safe. > SECURE Talk to the guy in the coat. 1112 Give the money to the guy in the coat. Look at the newspaper. Talk to the guy in the coat. 1 Use the phone. Talk to the taxi. 1 Get the ???? from the fence. Use the dumpster. Use the right door. Get the ???? from the floor. Talk to the jeweller. 1112 Use the exit, the left door. Talk to the owner. 1123 Use the torn piece of clothing on the owner. Talk to the customer. 1112 Use the exit. Talk to the taxi. 2 Talk to Bess. Use the umbrella on Bess. Use the dumpster. Use the right door. Talk to the baker. 11 Use the money on the baker. Use the torn piece of clothing on the baker. Use the exit, the left door. Talk to the girl. 11 Use the torn piece of clothing on the girl. Talk to the girl. 1 Use the exit. Use the old fish on the vent. Use the hairpin on the left door. Use the left door, the north door. Use the kitchen knife on the prisoner. Use the kitchen knife on the boxes. Use the stairs, the exit. Talk to the taxi. 3 Talk to the officer. Talk to the beggar. 112 Give the bread to the beggar. Use the plank on the officer. Use the door, the stairs. Look at the paper. Get the forms while the officer looks to the right. Use the safe. > 33456 Use the uniform on the door to the east. Look at the body. Use the magnifying glass on the body. Use the west door, down. Use the number on plate on the urgent form. Give the plate number to the officer. Use the exit. Talk to the taxi. 4 Get the crowbar. Use the meat on the street. Use the car. Talk to the taxi. 5 Talk to the bouncer. > RAIN Use the door. Look at the blue cup. Talk to the card player. Use the cards on the card player. Use the exit. Talk to the taxi. 6 Talk to the taxi. Use the drain. Use the gun on the man. Use the body. Use the net on the gem in the water. Use the crowbar on the door. Use the door. Use the flashlight on the desk. Use the small key on the drawer. Use the exit, the ladder. Talk to the taxi. 7 Use the plant. Use the door, the west door. Use the phone. Use the east door, the east door. Use the strange vase. Use the west door, the stairs, the east door. Get the stone head. Use the stairs, the west door, the west door, the stairs, the east door. Use the right door, the west exit, the ladder, the east door, the east door. Look at the rope. Talk to the ghost. 1111 Use the ladder. Use the window. Walk west. Get the rooster. Walk east. Use the window. Use the ladder, the west door, the west door, the west door. Use the rooster on the strange slot. Talk to the dragon painting. > SAND Get the rocks. Use the rock on the vulture. Use the skeleton. Use the rock on the coconuts. Note the three green symbols around the door. Use the panel. Use the three symbols. [+] Use the exit. Use the door, the lift. Go through the left passage. Use the switch. Use the lift. Go down, through the upper left passage. Look at the engravings. Use the switch. Use the lift. Go up, through the lower right passage. Walk across the floor button. Avoid the crusher. Push the button. Push the button when the snake is under the crusher. Get the dead snake. Use the east door. Use the switch. Talk to the archeologist. 1123 Use the lift. Go through the lower left passage. Use the switch. Use the spring on the wire. Use the tape on the wire. Use the lift. Go through the upper right passage. Use the switch. Use the coin on the vending machine. Use the opening. Get the gem. Use the west exit, the lift. Go through the lower right passage. Look at the blue mark. Use the hatch. Use the stairs down, the stairs down. Get the old jug. Use the stairs up, the stairs up, the lift. Go up, through the lower right passage. Use the east door. Get the whip. Use the west door, the lift. Go through the top right passage. Use the stairs. Use the jug on the water. Use the door, the lift. Go down, through the lower right passage. Use the stairs down, the stairs down. Use the skull on the middle skeleton. Use the east exit, the east door. Use the left stairs. Use the whip on the hook. Get the pin. Note that there are 17 red dots in total on the sacrophagi. Use the pin on the holes. > 17 Use the ladder, the stairs. Look at the stone slab over the native. Use the stairs. Use the crowbar on the stone floor. Use the stairs. Use the native. Look at the small paper. Use Bess. Use the stairs down. Use the crowbar on the stone slab. Use the stone slab. Look at the blue cup. Use the door. Use the coconut on the jug. Use the dead snake on the jug. Use the jug on the root. Use the door, the vine, the west door, the west door, the stairs, the east door. Give the mirror to Bess. Use the west door. Use the red gem on the sockets. Use the blue gem on the sockets. Use the green gem on the sockets. Use the yellow gem on the sockets. Use the door. Use the fish on the water. Get the ticket. Use the exit, the east door, the east door, the ladder. Use the opening, the south door, the west door, the stairs. Use the east door, the east door, the trapdoor, the west door. Use the marble head on the statue. Use the stone hand on the statue. Use the bronze fist on the statue. Use the stone foot on the statue. Use the stone eye on the statue. Use the tunnel Use the plunger on the ceiling. Use the rope on the plunger. Walk into the darkness.

Da New Guys

Open the wardrobe. Use the Brainwear (TM). Open the door. Use the lamp. Open the Gym door. 14 Open the men’s locker room door. Use Brain’s locker key on Brain’s locker. Take the coins. Open the door. Walk east. Use the coins on the can machine. Choose Dr. Fizz’s Energy Drink. Talk to the Steve. 214 Walk west. Open the men’s locker room door. Talk to Ice Cold. 444 Use the sweater. Use Ice Cold’s locker key on Ice Cold’s locker. Take the energy drink. Open the door. Open the Gym door. 312 Walk east. Talk to Steve. 1 Talk to Smiley Joe. 2112332113 Talk to Eddie. 13 Use the customer-opinion box. Take the drinks cup. Use the drinks cup on the deep fat frier. Open the maintenance door. Open the alleyway door. Use the metal bar. Open the door. Open the basement door. Use the power box. Use the opinion card on the power box. Use the button. Look at the motor. Open the fuel cap. Use the filled cup on the fuel cap. Close the fuel cap. Use the button. Open the door. Open the alleyway door. Take the metal bar. Open the door. Open the restaurant door. Open the wardrobe. Use the Brainwear (TM). Open the wardrobe. Take the golf club. Open the door. 1 Take the bottle. Use the books. 3 Look at the wallet. Use the window. Use the bottle on the crack. Use the golf club on the rope. Use the rope on the wedged bottle. Use the cradle. Use the left arm plate. Use the left arm plate. Use the left arm plate. Take the crowbar. Talk to Ice Cold. 31 Use the crowbar on the bracket. Use Mr. Fluffy on the shelf. Use the shelf. Use the key on the right arm plate. Use the car keys on the car boot. Take the car jack. Use the jack on the padlock. Open the warehouse doors. Use the box. Switch to Defender. Use the window. Switch to Simon. Give the wire cutters to Simon. Walk upstairs. Use the green button. Use the trolley. Use the hook. Use the trolley. Use the door handle on the hook. Use the green button. Use the red button. Take the fire axe. Open the door. Switch to Defender. Use the wire cutters on the fence. Walk to the fence. Use the metal grate. Use the dustbin. Switch to Brain. Walk to the fence, to the sewer. Use the bottom rung. Use the rung on the water. Use the rope on the barrel. Use the iron rung on the rope. Use the rope with rung on the grid. Use the barrel. 1 Walk to the security system. 2111 Use the control panel. Use the pipes. Switch to Simon. Open the Manager’s office door. Use the middle drawer. 4224 Use the bottom drawer. 125 Switch to Defender. Walk to the fence, west, inside. Open the door. 2 Talk to Eddie. 31 Open the door. Use the mirror on the northwest sensor. Take the mirror. Use the mirror on the wall sensor. Open the door. Open the curtain. Walk west. Switch to Simon. Use the telephone. Switch to Defender. Open the door to the men’s locker room. Use Smiley Joe’s locker key on Smiley Joe’s locker. Take the paper. Open the door. Walk east. Use the scribbled numbers on the lift. Switch to Brain. Use the button near the lift. Use the swivel chair. Push the swivel chair south. Use the swivel chair. Push the swivel chair east. Use the swivel chair. Push the swivel chair north. Walk north. Use the handle. Use the swivel chair. Open the hatch. Use the hole. Switch to Simon. Walk south. Use the fire axe on the lift. Use the small key on the crack. Switch to Brain. Use the hole. Use the swivel chair. Walk west. Use the small key on the keyhole. Use the scribbled numbers on the keypad. Switch to Brain. Talk to Smiley Joe. Switch to Defender. Use the free barrel. Switch to Simon. Use the free barrel. Give the fire axe to Defender. Switch to Brain. Use the free barrel. Switch to Defender. Talk to Smiley Joe. Switch to Brain. Use the free barrel. Switch to Defender. Use the fire axe on the hose. Use the grappling hook on the Apache. 3 Walk to the doorway. 11111

Norman Cooks: Seach for the Don

Pick up the box. Pick up the books. Pick up the note. Look at the note. Use the door. Walk to the street, to the park. Walk east. Talk to Baldie. 1111111 Use Baldie. Pick up the matches. Look at the matches. Look at the membership card. Walk west, west, to the club. Use the membership card on the door. Use the upstairs door. Use the little statue. Use the secret room. Note the hole east of the metal box, just over the floor. Use the lockpicking tools on the hole. Look at the safe. Pick up the diamonds. Use the exit. Use the exit. Use the west door.


3 Walk inside. Look at the sheet of rules. Use the bell. Walk south, inside. 11112 Get the magazine. Walk east, east. Talk to the barmaid. 11122222 Exit the scene by using the middle of the bottom of the screen. Walk south, west, upstairs, east. Use the key on door 101. Use door 101. Use the bed. Get the cup. Look at the blotter. X-ray the blotter by shaking the eyes cursor. Exit the scene. Examine the magazine. Look at the room picture. Exit the scene. Look at the awning. Look at the glass panel. Exit the scene. Open the door. Walk east. Look at the mirror. Walk south, upstairs, west. Look at the tower. X-ray the wall hanging. Use the wall hanging. Walk upstairs. X-ray the boxes. Use the box containing the umbrella. Walk downstairs, east. Use the door 201. Use the carpet. Get the pin. Exit the scene. Walk west. Walk downstairs, downstairs, east. Look at the sheet of rules. X-ray the scene. Walk east, east. Talk to the blonde. 1123445 Exit the scene. Look at the clock. Walk west. Talk to the girl. 122234 Walk north. Exit the scene. Walk behind the chair. Use the pack of cigarettes. X-ray the scene. Walk east, east. 121 Look at the letter. X-ray the letter. Exit the scene. Move the greenish rock. Use the hole next to the pile of rocks. Move the branches. Move the lower right leaf. Move the lower left leaf. Move the grass. Use the hole in the tree. Move the loose brick. Move the broken pot. Get the key. Walk west, south, south. Give the letter to the receptionist. Talk to the receptionist. 23412345 Walk west, upstairs, east. Use door 102. Get the bulge. Use door 102. Talk to Carmille. 122 Use the door. Walk west, downstairs, west. Use the far door. Use the east door. Get the screwdriver. Look at the carrot. Look at the carrot. Use the carrot on the lower left web. Use the table top. Use the red box. Use the tube. Use the green box. Look at the carrot. Look at the carrot. Use the carrot on the web between the tube and the green box. Use the brown box. Use the cup on the tube. Use the tube. Get the cup. Exit the scene. Use the spider on the wine crate. Use the west door. Use the far door. Use the west door. Walk south, east, east, east. Talk to Julianna. 4 Walk south, south, into the shrubbery. Get the fly. Repeat until you catch it. Use the pin on the fly. Use the fly on the cigarette. Exit the scene. Walk inside, west, downstairs. Use the door. Walk west. Get the bottle of red wine. Use the shelves. Use the cigarette on the fly zapper. Walk west, south, upstairs, west. X-ray the coat. Use the lit cigarette on the coat. Use the east door. Get the key. Use the garbage can. Use the computer. While you’re typing, look at the monitor. Complete the “Slug Princess” game with the maximal score of 2000. Exit the scene. Get the gem. Exit the scene. Walk south, downstairs. Open the lid. Get the sheets. Repeat until you get the sheets. Use the banana peel on the ground. Walk upstairs, upstairs, upstairs. Use the railing. Walk upstairs, upstairs, east. Use the door to room 102. Give the ring to Carmille. Use the door. Walk west, downstairs, east, east, east. Give the bottle of wine to the barmaid. X-ray the scene. Exit the scene. Walk west, west. Get the croquet hoop. Walk west, south, south, west, upstairs, upstairs. Use the hoop on the hole. Walk west, upstairs. Open the bottom half of the window. Use the hook on the shelf. Use the sheets on the shelf. Use the sheet rope. Get the film. Examine the film. Look at the periscope. Look at the camera. Use the sheet rope. Walk south. Use the door to room 203. Open the large cabinet door. Use the bed. Repeat until you jump on the bed. Close the drawers. Close the right cabinet door. Close the left cabinet door. Use the rusty key on the cabinet doors. Open the closet door. Walk into the closet. Close the closet door. Use the lit cigarette on the closet. Walk south, downstairs, downstairs, downstairs, west, west. Set the floor to 1. Set the room to 03. Set the slide to 99 F. Push the button. Exit the scene. Walk south, upstairs, upstairs, west. Use the door. Look at the doll. Pick up the doll. Walk west, south, downstairs, east, east. Use the screwdriver on the vacuum cleaner. Use the doll on the vacuum cleaner nozzle. Use the button. Walk south, west, west. Use the west door. 3 X-ray Fenelda. 11111 X-ray Fenelda. Use the switch. Use the switch. Look at the plaque. Use the gem on the hole in the back of the folly. Walk through the door.

Cedric and the Revolution

Pick up the bellows. Pick up the hammer. Look at the matches. Talk to Victor. 2 Walk south. Pick up the fishing net. Use the hammer on the nails. Walk to the passage to the castle. Pick up the bouncy ball. Walk south, east. Use the bellows on the tax collector. Pick up the monocle. Pick up the crab. Pick up the monocle. Use the monocle on Captain Howard. Walk to the bar. Pick up the glass. Pick up the coffee beans. Pick up the honey. Walk west, west, to the door. Use the empty glass on the bucket with water. Walk south, east, to the bar. Use the glass of water on the coffee machine. Use the matches on the coffee machine. Use the coffee beans on Pinchy the crab. Use the coffee powder on the coffee machine. Use the empty glass on the coffee machine. Use the glass with coffee on the barman. Use the honey on the fishing net. Walk west, west, west. Use the sticky fishing net on the hole. Talk to Victor. 2 Use the bouncy ball on the hat. Walk east. Wait until the guard returns. Talk to the guard. 15 Use the pretzel on Victor. Wait until the guard returns. Talk to the guard. 15 Use the soup on the toilet. Wait until the guard returns. Wait until the guard turns around. Use the bowl on the guard. Use the spoon on the key. Use the keys on the lock. Use the drawer. Look at the drawer. Use the burger on Cedric. Walk east. Pick up the plank. Walk east. Use the plank on the desk. Pick up the key. Walk to the cell. Use the keys on Victor. Walk west, east. Talk to the rat. 23 Use the cheese on the rat. Talk to the rat. 23 Talk to Victor. 3 Talk to Victor. 3 Talk to the gargoyle. Talk to the gargoyle. 1112 Use the right window. Walk east. Use the left window. Pick up the candles. Use the candles on the hot water pipe. Talk to Victor. 3 Use the bricks. Use the melty candles on the floor. Pick up the tree. Pick up the feather. Walk east. Use the right window. Use the right window. Look at the book. Exit. Walk east. Use the feather on the gargoyle. Use the bowl on the gargoyle. Use the left window. Walk east. Use the bowl on the potato press. Use the leaves on the potato press. Use the potato press. Pick up the bowl. Use the photo of Cedric and Victor on the bowl. Walk east. Talk to Victor. 3 Use the bricks. Use the bowl on the circle of candles. Use the knurled handle. Walk north. Use the cabinet. Pick up the handle. Walk east, east. Use the left window. Use the handle on the cold water pipe. Use the handle. Talk to Victor. 3 Use the bricks. Walk north. Use the bowl on the king.

Chick Chaser

Interact with the drawers. Use the bed side. Interact with the mag. Use Mahatma’s mag with the bathroom. Interact with the door. Look at the door. Interact with the door. Walk north, to the WTU Library, north. Look at Carmen. Talk to Con the Watchdog. 33 Walk north, south, to the Geology faculty. Look at the windows. Walk inside. Look at the Top 10 Books list on the noticeboard. Walk upstairs. Look at Theresa. Talk to Theresa. 111 Talk to the geek of the week. Talk to Theresa. 11222 Look at the examination room. Interact with the noticeboard. Walk downstairs, west, west, to the sporting facilities. Look at the sign. Walk south, to the fountain. Talk to Mahatma. 13 Walk south, to the WTU Library, north. Talk to Con the Watchdog. 3 Talk to Carmen. 11231112 Walk north. Use the scissors on the hand ladder. Look at the top shelf. Walk north. Talk to Carmen. 1 Interact with the health magazine. Walk north. Interact with the broken hand ladder. Interact with the poetry book. Look at the book. Walk south, to the Geology faculty. Interact with the ladder. Use the thumbtack with the short piece of wood. Use the makeshift harpoon with the exam papers. Interact with the ladder. Walk inside, upstairs. Give the exam paper to Theresa. Walk downstairs, past the dean’s office. Interact with the alarm. > MORONS Interact with the trophies. Walk west, west, to the sporting facilities. Use the pool pass on Rodney. Walk east. Interact with the flowers. Use the scissors on the makeshift harpoon. Use the thumbtack on the brainless pile of muscles. Interact with the collateral damage. Look at Shawnee. Use the sports trophy on Shawnee. Wait until the airplane passes. Look at the airplane. Walk north, south, to the Geology faculty, inside, upstairs. Use the muscles unplugged on the geek of the week. Interact with the despicable form of life. Walk downstairs, west, west, to the sporting facilities, west. Interact with the lockers. 3 Interact with the lockers. Interact with the ladies dressing room. Use the brace on the wall. Look at the peekholes. Walk east, south, to the fountain. Walk south, to the bar. Look at the drain. Use the magnet on the drain. Talk to the bouncer. 11 Walk south, to the oval. Interact with the sports bag. Walk east, to the sporting facilities, west. Use the coin on the snacks machine. Walk east, south, to the bar. Give the invitation to the bouncer. Walk inside. Look at the girl of dubious morals. 3 Talk to Rodderick. 22 Interact with the door. Talk to the sick one. Walk south, to the Geology faculty, inside. Interact with the Dean’s office. Interact with the phone. 2 Interact with the Dean’s office. Interact with the chair. Interact with the statue. Interact with the cabinet. Use the key on the box. Interact with lotsa cash. 2 Interact with the folders. Interact with the exit. Interact with the cabinet. Interact with the windows. Walk inside. Interact with the phone. 2 Walk west, west, to the college. Interact with the bus ticket. 1 Look at the mailbox. Use the bottle opener on the vent. Interact with the vent. 32111111

Cirque de Zale

Walk northeast. Open the cabin door. Walk to the cabin door. Pick up the wolf head. Walk west. Talk to Little Red Riding Hoodie. 3335 Use the wolf head on Little Red Riding Hoodie. Pick up the basket of goodies. Walk west. Pick up the dog. Walk east, south. Talk to the pimp. 23 Give the basket of goodies to the pimp. Walk southeast, east. Use the dog on the cat. Pick up the cat fur. Open the cottage door. Walk to the doorway. Talk to Crazy Old Granny Meg. 1114 Give the cat fur to Crazy Old Granny Meg. Look at the poorly balanced jar. Walk south, west, west. Talk to the old man. 23 Walk to the alleyway. Use the sleeping potion on the pie. Walk to the street, to the Guild doors. Walk southeast, east, east, to the circus, to the circus entrance. Talk to the Ringmaster. 111 Talk to Missy. 33 Give the pamphlet to Missy. Talk to Strongman. 33 Give the poster to Strongman. Pick up the face paint. Walk east, south. Talk to the south cricket player. 224 Look at the face paint. Give the face paint to the cricket player. Walk east. Talk to the kids. 223 Talk to the mother. 11111 Give the hairy doll to the mother. Pick up the little bike. Walk west, west, west, west. Look at the carved sign. Walk upstairs. Talk to Drew Lander. 11112 Talk to Drew Lander. 13 Give the glasses to Drew Lander. 11 Walk southeast, northeast. Talk to the bear. 111113 Give the little bike to the bear. Walk west. Talk to the fisherman. 113 Give the can o’seal to the fisherman. Walk east, south, southeast, east. Walk east, to the circus tent, to the circus entrance. Talk to the Ringmaster. 3 Walk east, south, east. Give the circus deed to the mother. Walk west, west, west. Give the circus deed to Zanebono. 23 Walk west. Give the circus deed to Laria. Talk to Adrastos. 2222212 Give the circus deed to Adrastos. Walk north. Give the circus deed to the bear. Walk south, southeast, east, east. Walk to the circus tent, to the circus entrance. Give the colouring book to Welk. Walk east. Use the large low window. Pick up the martini glass. Pick up the umbrella. Pick up the sun hat. Walk to the jungle. Give the fishing rod to Welk. Walk north. Use the pitchfork on the bird. Pick up the blue lego brick. Walk south, east. Give the blue lego brick to Dustin. Give the martini glass to Dustin. Give the umbrella to Dustin. Give the sun hat to Dustin. Walk to the jungle. Use the key on the cover. Use the ladder. Pick up the bat. Use the bat on the device of destruction.

Calsoon 2: The Legend of the Looncalsoon

Walk west. Talk to the deep hole. Walk south, west, northeast. Pick up the saw. Walk west. Use the saw on the frozen object. Pick up the block of ice. Walk east, north, north, east. Pick up the hammer. Pick up the pliers. Pick up the shovel. Use the pliers on the burning coal. Use the burning coal on the block of ice. Use the coins on the pliers. Use the pliers on the burning coal. Walk west, west. Use the burning coin on the deep hole. Talk to the deep hole. 11111111 Walk south, west, northwest. Talk to the military guy. 33 Walk east, southeast, east. Use the button. Wait until Tork expresses his interest. Walk east. Look at the southeastern grave. Use the shovel on the southeastern grave. Walk west, west, west, northwest. Give the holy grenade to the military guy. Walk east, southeast, north, north, east. Use the bomb on the burning coal. Walk west, west, south, east. Use the lit bomb on the elevator. Walk east, east. Pick up the Looncalsoon. Walk west, west, north, north. Pick up the stick. Walk west, south. Use the stick on the rock. Use the shovel on the rock. Walk north, north, north. Talk to Fat Willy. 312 Walk to the cave. Pick up the log. Walk east, north, east. Pick up the mug. Talk to Skully. 6666 Pick up the mug. Walk west, south, south, east, east. Take the tool box. Look at the tool box. Walk west, west. Look at the west torch. Use the west torch. Look at the west torch. Use the file on the stick. Use the west torch. Use the wooden peg on the west torch. Walk east, north. Use the button. Use the button. Use the button. Use the button. Walk south, west. Use the ladder. Use the button. Use the button. Use the button. Use the button. Use the button. Use the button. Use the ladder. Walk north, north. Use the ladder. Walk south. Use the button. Use the button. Use the button. Use the button. Walk north. Use the ladder. Walk south, east. Use a wooden block. Walk north. Pick up the book. Use the mug on the pool of water. Walk south. Use a wooden block. Walk west, north, east. Give the book to Skully. Use the hammer on the magnifier. Use the file on the glass shards. Use the lenses on the copper wire. Give the glasses to Skully. Talk to Skully. 67 Walk west, south, south, east, north. Use the mug on the hole. Walk south, west, north, east. Use a wooden block. Walk north. Use the panel. Leave the panel. Use the mug on the pool of water. Walk south. Use a wooden block. Walk west, south, east, north. Use the mug on the hole. Use the hole. Walk south, west, north, east. Use a wooden block. Walk north. Use the stone piece on the panel. Use the panel. Construct the image.

Bestowers of Eternity

Talk to the kid. 224 Look at the letter. Walk west. Go to Bellevue Hospital. 11222 Walk east. Go to Central Park. Talk to the hotdog seller. 111 Walk east. Talk to Nishanthi. Walk south, east. Walk inside, to apartment 16F. Look at the manilla envelope. Search through the letters. Put away the picture. Put away the letters. Walk south, east, west. Go to Bellevue Hospital. Go to Bellevue Hospital. Look at the wrist watch. Use the stopwatch control. Put away the wrist watch. Talk to Dr. Quentin. 2 Use the notebook entry “Lauren Blackwell” on the file cabinet. Wait until the doctor returns. Go to the Mid-Manhattan Library. Use the notebook entry “Encyclopedia of the Occult” on the computer. Use the notebook entry “Two for Heaven?” on the encyclopedia of the occult. Use the notebook entry “Recipe” on the computer. Walk east. Go to Central Park. Take the small object. Walk west. Go to 125 Christopher Street. Walk inside, to apartment 16F. Use the whistle on the kitchenette. Walk south, to apartment 16E. 234 Walk east, west. Go to Central Park. Walk east. Use the whistle. Use the notebook entry “Recipe” on the flowers. Take the flowers. Walk west, west. Go to 125 Christopher Street. Walk inside, to apartment 16F. Use the notebook entry “Recipe” on the kitchenette. Use the flower on the bowl. Use the lemon wedge on the bowl. Use the solution on the old picture.

Ben Jordan, Paranormal Investigator Case #5: Land of the Rising Dead

Use the bathroom door. Get the robe. Use the newspaper. Walk south. Use the door. Go to the police department. Question the desk sergeant. Ask the desk sergeant for inspector Yoshi. Say goodbye. Give Percy’s card to the desk sergeant. Use the door. Use the east door. Question inspector Yoshi. Ask inspector Yoshi about the ghost murders. Ask inspector Yoshi about the case status. Say goodbye. Walk west. Use the west door. Question the attendant. Ask the attendant about evidence retrieval. Say goodbye. Question the lab technician. Ask the lab technician about the crime lab. Say goodbye. Walk south. Take the note that was signed by inspector Yoshi. Use Yoshi’s note on the E.R. form. Use the west door. Give the signed form to the attendant. Use the notepad on the names list. Walk south, west, east. Go to the hotel. Give the victim names to Simon Booth. Use the door. Go to Shinobi. Use the doors. Question Mr. Shinobi. Ask Mr. Shinobi about the ghost murders. Ask Mr. Shinobi about zombies. Ask Mr. Shinobi about the cult. Ask Mr. Shinobi about the murder victims. Say goodbye. Walk west. Use the call button. Go to Yamamoto. Question the desk clerk. Ask the desk clerk about Yamamoto Inc. Ask the desk clerk about Mr. Yamamoto. Say goodbye. Use the sliding doors. Go to the hotel. Use the bathroom door. Use the newspaper. Walk south. Get the crime scene kit. Use the door. Go to Shinobi. Use the crime scene kit. Use the fingerprint set on the sword. Question inspector Yoshi. Ask inspector Yoshi about the crime scene. Ask inspector Yoshi about Mr. Shinobi. Ask inspector Yoshi about zombies. Say goodbye. Walk west. Use the call button. Go to Yamamoto. Question the desk clerk. Ask the desk clerk about Mr. Yamamoto. Say goodbye. Use the call button. Question Mr. Yamamoto. Tell Mr. Yamamoto about Shinobi’s murder. Say goodbye. Use the call button. Use the sliding doors. Go to the hotel. Question the teenager. Ask the teenager about himself. Ask the teenager what’s wrong. Ask the teenager about the mysterious deaths. Ask the teenager about the purification. Say goodbye. Walk west, west. Look at the stone lamp. Use the door. Ask the woman about the mysterious deaths. Ask the woman about her husband. Ask the woman about the purification ritual. Ask the woman about the priest. Ask the woman what the priest looks like. Say goodbye. Walk west. Get the basket. Use the flower basket. Use the basket on the robe. Walk south. Use the priest outfit on Ben Jordan. Use the west door. Use the syringe on the dead man. Use the doorway. Use the bathroom door. Use the newspaper. Walk south. Use the door. Go to the police department. Use the door. Use the east door. Question inspector Yoshi. Ask inspector Yoshi about the case status. Ask inspector Yoshi about Asuka. Tell inspector Yoshi about zombies. Say goodbye. Walk west. Use the west door. Give the fingerprint to the lab technician. Give the blood sample to the lab technician. Walk south, west, east. Go to Yamamoto. Use the call button. Question Mr. Yamamoto. Ask Mr. Yamamoto about the ghost murders. Ask Mr. Yamamoto about relaxation. Say goodbye. Use the call button. Use the sliding door. Go to the sushi bar. Question the sushi chef. Ask the sushi chef about Yamamoto. Ask the sushi chef about the sushi bar. Ask the sushi chef about the menu. Ask the sushi chef for fugu. Question the sushi chef. Ask the sushi chef about the menu. Ask the sushi chef for today’s special. Walk west. Go to Asuka. Walk west, west. Use the priest outfit on Ben Jordan. Use the fingerprint set on a sword. Walk west, southeast, east, east. Go to the police department. Use the door. Use the west door. Give the fingerprint to the lab technician. Walk south. Use the east door. Give the evidence report to inspector Yoshi. Walk west, west, east. Go to the hotel. Use the bathroom door. Use the newspaper. Walk south. Use the door. Go to the TV studio. Question the desk clerk. Ask the desk clerk about Yamamoto. Ask about the TV show. Answer ankylosing spondylitis. Answer Harry Haller. Answer a daughter. Answer Ehrich Weiss. Answer cats. Answer Venus. Answer Tiddlywinks. Answer the human brain. Wait until you receive your prizes. Go to the sushi bar. Question the sushi chef. Ask the sushi chef about the menu. Ask the sushi chef for fugu. Use the curtain. Use the door to the men’s bathroom. Use the trash can. Use the trash can. Look at the vent. Use the hook on the chain. Use the hook-chain on the fugu remnants. Use the vent. Walk south, west, west. Go to the police department. Use the door. Use the west door. Give the fugu to the lab technician. Walk south. Use the east door. Question inspector Yoshi. Ask inspector Yoshi about Yamamoto’s disappearance. Tell inspector Yoshi about the lab findings. Walk west, west, east. Go to the hotel. Use the camera on the zombie. Walk west. Go to the hotel. Give the photographs to Simon Booth. Use the door. Go to the police department. Use the door. Use the east door. Walk west. Question the desk sergeant. Ask the desk sergeant about inspector Yoshi. Use the door. Use the spare key on the east door. Look at inspector Yoshi. Walk west. Go to the hotel. Question Simon Booth. Tell Simon Booth about Yoshi’s death. Either ask Simon to come along or go to Yamamoto’s alone. If you decide to go alone, skip the next section. Use the vent Question Simon Booth. Ask Simon Booth about the vent. Use the hatch. Use the hatch. Use the hatch. Use the door. Question Simon Booth. Ask Simon Booth about the keypad. Say goodbye. Walk south. Use the west door. Look at the computer. Use the computer. Use the door. Walk south. Give the metal door to Simon Booth. Give the wire to Simon Booth. Use the DoorSucker 2000 on the vent. Use the manhole. Walk north, upstairs, south. Look at the painting. Note the number of sumo wrestlers in the picture. Use the door to the west. Look at the painting. Note the number of people eating. Use the filing cabinets. Use the door. Use the east door. Look at the fish tank. Note the number of fugu in the fish tank. Use the door. Walk south. Use the keypad. > 3115 Use the DoorSucker 2000 on the vent.

Ben Jordan, Paranormal Investigator Case #4: Horror at Number 50

Act humble. Walk upstairs, upstairs. Use the east door. Use the door. Question Simon Booth. Ask Simon Booth about the door. Say goodbye. Walk south, downstairs. Use the west door. Use the west door. Use the box. Use the door. Use the doors. Walk downstairs. Use the door to your room. Use the nightstand. Use the door. Use the door to Otto Schneider’s room. Question Otto Schneider. Ask Otto Schneider for a lockpick. Say goodbye. Use the cellphone. Dial 020 7428 4800. Ask Mr Miggs about Number 50. Ask Mr Miggs about the locked door. Say goodbye. Use the east door. Walk downstairs. Get the book from the harlequin romance novels. Use the scissors on the fake book. Walk upstairs, upstairs. Use the east door. Use the door. Give the key to Simon Booth. Use the door. Walk upstairs. Use the east door. Use the door. Walk south, downstairs, downstairs. Use the door to Alice Wilkins’ room. Question Alice Wilkins. Ask Alice Wilkins about herself. Ask Alice Wilkins about Madame Tilly’s nightmare. Ask Alice Wilkins about the locked door. Use the door. Use the door to Simon Booth. Use the bathroom door. Use the door to Otto Schneider’s room. Question Otto Schneider. Ask Otto Schneider about Madame Tilly’s nightmare. Tell Otto Schneider about the meeting. Say goodbye. Use the door. Use the door to Alice Wilkins’ room. Question Alice Wilkins. Tell Alice Wilkins about the meeting. Say goodbye. Use the door. Walk downstairs. Use the rug. Use the cellphone. Dial 020 7428 4800. Ask Mr Miggs about the trapdoor. Say goodbye. Review your notebook. Use the cellphone. Dial 020 4469 0976. Ask Percival Quentin Jones to do some research. Ask Percival Quentin Jones about the house history. Say goodbye. Walk upstairs, upstairs. Use the west door. Hang out with Simon and Alice. Use the door. Walk upstairs. Use the west door. Question Madame Tilly. Ask Madame Tilly about herself. Ask Madame Tilly about the sight. Ask Madame Tilly about the other investigators. Ask Madame Tilly about Alice Wilkins. Ask Madame Tilly about Simon Booth. Ask Madame Tilly about Otto Schneider. Say goodbye. Use the doors. Walk downstairs. Use the door to Simon Booth’s room. Question Simon Booth. Ask Simon Booth about last night. Say goodbye. Use the bathroom door. Use the cabinet. Use the door. Walk south. Use the door to Alice Wilkins’ room. Question Alice Wilkins. Ask Alice Wilkins about the seance. Ask Alice Wilkins about last night. Use the bathroom door. Use the toilet. Use the toilet top. Use the toilet cleaner on the water. Use the mechanism. Get the key. Exit. Use the door. Use the cellphone. Dial 020 4469 0976. Ask Percival Quentin Jones for the personal items. Ask Percival Quentin Jones for the ring. Say goodbye. Walk downstairs. Use the scissors on Ben Jordan. Use the silver key on the trapdoor. Use the open trapdoor. Use the cabinet. Use the matches on the candle. Use the ladder. Walk upstairs, upstairs. Use the west door. Give the jar of blood to Madame Tilly. Give the lit candle to Madame Tilly. Give the ring to Madame Tilly. Give the ring to Madame Tilly. Use the door. Use the door. Use the door to Otto Scheinder’s room. Question Otto Schneider. Ask Otto Schneider about research. Say goodbye. Use the door. Use the door to Alice Wilkins’ room. Question Alice Wilkins. Ask Alice Wilkins about Simon. Say goodbye. Use the door. Walk upstairs. Use the east door. Use the door. Question Simon Booth. Ask if he’s okay. Suggest exploration. Walk to the east side of the room. Walk to the west side of the room. Walk to the east side of the room. Use the door. Save your game. Use one of the three identical doors. If you don’t end up in the hallway, restore your game. Repeat until you reach the hallway. Use the door to your room. Use the window. Use the windowsill. Use the drain pipe. Use the window. Use the door. Walk upstairs. Use the east door. Use the door. Use the pipe on the padlock. Walk south, downstairs, downstairs. Use the door to Otto Schneider’s room. Question Alice Wilkins. Ask Alice Wilkins about ghost expulsion. Ask Alice Wilkins about Simon. Tell Alice Wilkins about the top floor room. Use the rope. Use the pipe on Madame Tilly.

Ben Jordan, Paranormal Investigator Case #3: The Sorceress of Smailholm

Talk to the innkeeper. Ask the innkeeper about the murders. Ask the innkeeper about the witches. Say goodbye. Talk to the nervous man. Ask the nervous man about the murders. Ask the nervous man about the witches. Say goodbye. Talk to the constable. Ask the constable about the prisoner. Ask the constable about himself. Ask the constable about the other investigator. Say goodbye. Use the far right door on the top floor. Use the bed. Walk east. Use the front door. Use the door to the jail. Talk to the prisoner. Ask the prisoner about herself. Ask the prisoner about the murders. Ask the prisoner about the witches. Ask the prisoner for her side of the story. Say goodbye. Use the door. Walk east. Use the door to the McBee house. Look at the painting. Talk to the McBees. Ask the McBees about the murders. Ask the McBees about the daughters. Ask the McBees about the witches. Ask the McBees about the old lady. Ask the McBees about the painting. Say goodbye. Use the door. Walk west, west, north, east. Walk east, east, west, west. Use the door. Tell the woman you saw her at the river. Talk to Wilma. Ask Wilma about the murders. Ask Wilma about the spell. Say goodbye. Walk south, west, north, east. Use the door to the jail. Talk to the prisoner. Ask the prisoner for a personal item. Say goodbye. Use the door. Walk east. Use the door to the McBee house. Walk east. Get the teddy bear. Walk west, west, west, north, east. Use the door. Give the locket to Wilma. Give the teddy bear to Wilma. Walk east. Use the front door. Walk west, north, east. Use the door. Walk south. Use the flowerbed. Walk west. Look at the markings. Leave. Walk west. Use the crowbar on the door. Use the door. Use the crowbar on the lighter floorboard. Use the hole. Look at the Old Diary. Look at the Witch Code translation. Use the information in the PI handbook and the translation to decode the message on the tree: WW dead Mary will die innocently BJ where we want Walk east, east, north, east. Use the door to the jail. Talk to the prisoner. Tell the prisoner about the diary. Say goodbye. Use the door. Walk west, north, east, east, north. Walk west, west, north, east. Use the door to the jail. Talk to the prisoner. Tell the prisoner about constable McGee. Ask the prisoner about escape. Say goodbye. Use the door. Walk west. Use the crowbar on constable McGee before he shoots. Use constable McGee. Walk east. Use the door to the jail. Use the keyring on the cell door. Walk east. Use the front door. Tell the truth. Accuse the McBees. Say nobody killed them. Use the front door. Walk west, north, east, east. Look at the markings. Use the information in the PI handbook and the translation to decode the message. Leave. Walk west, west, north, east. Use the door to the inn. Use the far left door on the top floor. Tell about the Witch Code. > ELIMINATE PQJ Get the shovel. Walk south. Use the front door. Walk east, east. Use the shovel on the McBee childrens’ grave. Use the coffin. Ask about Zortherus. Say goodbye. Get the stick. Use the tranquilizer gun on Zortherus. Use the stick on Zortherus.

Ben Jordan, Paranormal Investigator Case #2: The Lost Galleon of the Salton Sea

Talk to Annie. Ask Annie about her husband. Ask Annie about the Lost Galleon. Say goodbye. Get the silver bowl. Use the door. Walk northwest. Use the crate. Walk east. Use the door to the medicine man building. Get the mortar and pestle. Talk to the medicine man. Ask the medicine man about the items for sale. Say goodbye. Walk south. Use the door to the supermarket. Get the corn. Use the door. Use the door to the Drunken Scorpion. Get the matches. Talk to the bartender. Ask the bartender about the Lost Galleon. Ask the bartender about the George. Order a beer. Say goodbye. Talk to the old man. Ask the old man about the Lost Galleon. Ask the old man about moonshine. Say goodbye. Walk west. Use the door to the coffee shop. Talk to the employee. Order a coffee. Say goodbye. Use the tray of sugar packets. Use the door. Use the door to the abandoned house. Use the dynamite on the safe. Use the matches on the stick of dynamite. Use the safe. Use the yeast on the silver bowl. Use the packet of sugar on the silver bowl. Use the corn on the mortar and pestle. Use the cornmeal on the silver bowl. Use the dowsing stick on the lower receptacle. Use the matches on the furnace. Use the beer bottle on the top receptacle. Use the glob of malt on the silver bowl. Use the silver bowl on the top receptacle. Walk west. Use the door to the Drunken Scorpion. Walk west. Use the door to Annie’s house. Use the door to the medicine man building. Talk to the medicine man. Ask the medicine man about the Salton sea. Say goodbye. Walk south. Use the door to the coffee shop. Look at the banner over the door. Talk to the employee. Ask the employee about the banner. Order Jitter Juice. Say goodbye. Use the door. Use the door to the Drunken Scorpion. Talk to the boy. Ask the boy about the knife. Challenge the boy. Walk west, northwest. Use the knife on the cactus. Walk east. Use the door to the abandoned house. Use the cactus on the top receptacle. Walk west. Use the door to the medicine man building. Give the cactus extract to the medicine man. Walk south. Use the door to Annie’s house. Get the flower. Walk west. Talk to the man. Ask the man about the Lost Galleon. Ask the man about the map. Ask the man about the desert. Say goodbye. Use the metal box. Use the medical tape on the wetsuit. Walk west. Talk to the woman. Ask the woman about the Lost Galleon. Ask the woman about the balloon. Ask the woman about the oxygen tank. Say goodbye. Walk west. Use the door. Get the large snowglobe. Ask the shopkeeper about the shop. Ask the shopkeeper about the souvenirs. Say goodbye. Use the door. Walk south. Use the knife on the snowglobe. Give the valve to the woman. Use the makeshift helmet on the repaired wetsuit. Use the oxygen tank on the diving suit. Walk east. Use the pen on the moonshine recipe. Use the flower on the man. Look at the map. Walk northeast. Use the diving suit on the water. Use the anti-venom kit on George. Talk to George. Ask George about the Galleon. Say that’s all. Use the moonshine on the lock. Use the match on the moonshine. Walk through the right door. Get a bottle of wine. Walk north, through the left door. Use the black pearls. Talk to George. Ask George about the ghost. Ask George about the spirit box. Ask George for a distraction. While the ghost is distracted, get a black pearl. Use the black pearl on the mortar and pestle. Use the black pearl pieces on the bottle of wine. Use the black pearls. Use the spirit box on the ghost.

Ben Jordan, Paranormal Investigator Case #1: In Search of the Skunk-Ape, Deluxe Edition

Use the dead ranger. Get the hair. Look away. Question the old ranger. Ask the old ranger about the Skunk-Ape. Ask the old ranger what a Skunk-Ape is. Ask the old ranger about the sightings. Ask the old ranger about the animals. Ask the old ranger about the park. Ask the old ranger about a plan. Ask the old ranger about Ranger Rick. Say goodbye. Use the map. Go to the ranger station. Use the door. Use the drawers. Question Ranger Rick. Ask Ranger Rick about Ranger Rick. Ask Ranger Rick about the plan. Ask Ranger Rick about the nature amulet. Say goodbye. Use the map. Go to the visitor center. Question the strange man. Ask the strange man about himself. Ask the strange man about the protests. Say goodbye. Use the door. Question the receptionist. Ask the receptionist about the visitor’s center. Ask the receptionist about the animatronic Miccosukee. Say goodbye. Use the door to the toilet. Get the toilet paper. Use the toilet paper on the toilet.. Use the toilet. Walk south. Look at the mug. Use the diuretic on the mug. Use the display case. Use the door outside. Get the sign. Use the map. Go to the forest. Use the picket sign on the tree. Use the hair on the sap. Use the sappy hair on the shark tooth. Use the map. Go to the visitor center. Use the door. Walk east. Look at the coin slot. Use the notepad on the coin slot. Use the amulet on the shaman. Use the coin return. Use the quarter on the coin slot. Use the map. Go to the ranger station. Use the door. Give the blessed amulet to Ranger Rick. Wait until you get the compass. Use the backpack. Walk west. Use the decongestant on Ben Jordan. Smell. Follow the smell. Repeat until you reach the Skunk-Ape. Walk into the mound. Use the nest. Use the arrowhead on the compass. Use the spark on the stick. Use the lit stick on the hole. Walk into the mound, south. Look at the smoke. Walk north. Use the door. Walk west. Use the table.

Ben Jordan, Paranormal Investigator Case #1: In Search of the Skunk-Ape

Use the drawers.
Use the refrigerator.
Talk to the ranger.
Ask about the Skunk-Ape.
Ask what a Skunk-Ape is.
Ask about the murders.
Ask about the sightings.
Ask about a plan.
Ask about Ranger Rick.
Say goodbye.
Walk west.
Talk to the ranger.
Ask the ranger about himself.
Ask Ranger Rick about the plan.
Ask Ranger Rick about the amulet.
Say goodbye.
Walk west.
Take the right photograph.
Use the computer.
Use the photograph on the slot.
Use the brochure on the slot.
Wait until you get the photo.
Give the altered photograph to the bearded man.
Use the display case.
Walk north.
Use the liverwurst sandwich on the bush.
Walk south, north.
Get the hair.
Use the hair on the shark tooth.
Walk south, east.
Give the amulet to the ranger.
Talk to the ranger.
Ask Ranger Rick about the Skunk-Ape.
Say goodbye.
Walk west.
Get the stick.
Walk west.
Use the stick on the ground behind the hole.
Use the compass on the rock wall.
Use the lit stick on the hole.
Walk west.
Use the couch.
Use the remote control on the television.
Use the compass on the television.

Book of Spells

Pick up the walkman. Look at the walkman. Use the tape on the stereo. Talk to the High Priest. 1 Talk to the boy. 2 Use the bar’s window. Walk west. Interact with the bard. Walk north, to the forest. Pick up the baseball sticks. Walk west, to the bridge. Pick up the nest. Walk west, to the seashore. Pick up the pail. Walk east, to the mountain, to the cave. Use the sticks on the branches. Talk to the cave man. 111 Walk west, east, to the desert. Talk to the gunman. Talk to the gunman. 11 Use the pail on the big rock. Pick up the pail. Walk east, to the village. Pick up the bottle of milk. Walk north, to the forest. Use the milk on the snake. Pick up the snake. Use the snake on the pail. Walk west, to the village. Use the useful pail on the well. Walk north, to the seashore. Use the fish on the sea. Wait until you get the ring. Talk to the bird. 212 Walk east, to the mountain, to the cave. Use the potion. Wait until you get the papers. Use the page on the Book of Spells. Look at the music sheet. Pick up the bar. Walk west, east, to the forest. Use the bar on the lid. Walk to the hole. Pick up the page. Use the page on the Book of Spells. Use the tree. Pick up the orange. Walk east, to the palace gate. Pick up the shield. Walk to the dungeon. Look at the hole. Use the hole. Talk to the guard. 4 Walk to the dungeon. Pick up the cockney. Look at the straw. Use the shield on the nail. Walk west, east. Talk to the king. 111 Use the pail on the king. Walk west, west, to the market’s door. Talk to the shop keeper. 22 Wait until you receive the fishfood. Pick up the apple. Pick up the apple. Pick up the mouse trap. Walk east, to the cafe door. Pick up the coffee. Talk to the man. 23 Use the dice. Walk to the animal. Walk west, up the stairs. Pick up the pipe. Talk to the bat. Pick up the cockney. Use the 2-leaf cockney on the 2-leaf cockney. Walk south, to the cafe door. Use the dice. Walk west, to the market’s door. Talk to the shop keeper. 23 Walk east, east. Use the rock. Walk south, west. Use the rock. Pick up the glass pieces. Use the pieces of glass on the pipe. Walk east, to the palace gate, to the dungeon. Use the microscope on the straw. Pick up the coin. Wait until you get the page. Use the page on the Book of Spells. Walk west, west, to the market’s door. Talk to the shop keeper. 22 Walk east, to the cafe door, east. Use the cauldron. Use the stool. Pick up the cheese can. Use the tool box. Use the can opener on the cheese can. Use the cheese on the mouse trap. Walk west, west, upstairs, north. Look at the writing. Notice the capital letters. Use the four pedestals. Use the coffee on the first pedestal. Use the orange on the second pedestal. Use the apple on the third pedestal. Use the banana on the fourth pedestal. Use the hole. Go to the lake. Use the fishfood on the lake. Use the bar on the shell. Pick up exculiber. Walk east, east. Go to the alchemist’s house. Walk west, south, to the market’s door. Wait until you receive the page. Use the page on the Book of Spells. Walk east, upstairs, north. Use the hole. Go to the snake. Talk to the snake. 1111 Walk west. Go to the room with the light. Use the ready trap on the mouse. Walk east. Go to the snake. Use the mouse on the snake. Use the tail. Walk west. Go to the room with the light. Use the seed on the pod. Walk east. Go to the room with the light. Use the bean. Walk west. Pick up the page. Use the page on the Book of Spells. Walk east. Use the bean. Walk west. Use the healing potion. Walk east. Talk to the boy. 1111 Pick up the boulder. Walk east. Pick up the axe. Use the door in the middle house. Talk to the lender. 11111111 Walk west. Use the brush on the steel bar. Use the door in the middle house. Use the golden bar on the lender. Pick up the golden coins. Wait until you receive the bar. Walk west. Use the golden coin on the coin slot. Use the rocka rolla machine. Pick up the rocka rolla. Walk west. Use the rocka rolla on the boy. Pick up the ball. Walk east. Use the east door. Pick up the golden book. Pick up the push broom. Use the golden book. Wait until you get the cigar. Wait until you get the bottle of whiskey. Wait until you get the ice. Wait until you get the sheet. Wait until you get the lighter. Wait until you get the dispenser. Wait until you get the note. Look at the note. Talk to the king. 12333 Walk west, to the camp. Use the sheet on the broomstick. Use the white flag. Walk east, to the east tent. Pick up the drink. Use the ice on the warm drink. Use the cold drink. Use the glass with ice. Use the empty glass on the mage. Talk to the mage. 1111112222 Pick up the blood. Use the blood on the dispenser. Walk west, west, west. Use the east door. Use the dispenser on the king. Walk west, east. Use the axe on the log. Use the boulder on the swing system. Pick up the boulder. Use the ball on the pothole. Use the boulder on the swing system. Walk east. Pick up the snow. Use the iron key on the gate. Use the gate. Walk to the open gate. Use the lighter on the cigar. Use the smoking cigar on the open gate. Walk to the open gate. Use the laser lock. Talk to the ghost. 1111111 Use the candles on sign. Use each candle once. Wait until you receive the ghost clothing. Walk east. Use the blood on the ghost clothing. Use the blue ice on the ghost clothing. Use the ghost clothing on the reflection. Walk east. Pick up the wall. Use the yellow cloak. Walk west, west, west, west, south. Walk west, to the camp, east, to the east tent. Use the golden book on the mage. Use a page on the Book of Spells. Use the page on the Book of Spells. Walk west, west, west, west. Use the invisible cloak. Walk west. Use the sheet. Go to the village. Go to the seashore. Use the sword on the knot. Pick up the rope. Use the small boat. Look at the cut palm tree. Pick up the red seashell. Use the seashell. Use the page on the Book of Spells. Walk west. Talk to the barber. 1111122 Pick up the trash bin. Talk to the barber. 123 Walk east, north. Pick up a flower. Find your way back to the beach. Walk west. Use the flower on the barber. Pick up the trash bin. Use the wool on the sheet. Pick up the needles. Use the needles on the sheet of wool. Walk east. Use the small boat. Walk east. Go to the cave. Walk to the cave. Use the rope on the chest. Use the rope. Pick up the rope. Use the chest. Leave the chest. Walk east. Go to the forest. Pick up the staff. Walk west. Go to the bridge. Talk to the bird. 111111 Use the pillow on the bird. Walk west. Go to the forest. Walk west. Go to the desert. Pick up the carrot. Walk east. Go to the forest. Use the carrot on the bunny. Pick up the map. Walk west. Go to the seashore. Use the small boat. Walk north. Follow the directions on the map. Go to the jailhouse. Talk to the guard. 1122222 Look at the lock. Talk to the guard. 2 Walk west. Use the needle on the staff. Use the staff and needle on the page. Use the rope on the staff and needle. Use the harpoon on the page. Use the page on the Book of Spells. Pick up the pile of rocks. Talk to the prisoner. 1111 Walk east. Use the whiskey on the guard. Walk west, east. Pick up the bottle. Use the mastik on the bottle. Use the finger print on the lock. Walk east. Go to the lighthouse. Look at the rocks. Use the harpoon on the rocks. Use the page on the Book of Spells. Walk into the lighthouse. Talk to the prisoner. 11233 Use the pile of papers. Use the page on the Book of Spells. Look at the map. Use the page on the Book of Spells. Walk upstairs. Talk to the bird. Use the ring on the bird. Walk east. Use the manhole. Use the manhole. Walk east. Use the book on the boy. Walk east. Use the east door.

The Adventures of Fatman: Toxic Revenge

Open the west cabinet beneath the Fat computer. Take the Swiss army knife from the west cabinet. Open the bottom drawer. Take the wallet from the bottom drawer. Open the wallet. Take the ATM card from the wallet. Use the ATM card. Look at the ATM card. Open the east cabinet. Take the test tube from the east cabinet. Take the duct tape. Walk south. Open the hatch. Talk to the Fat computer. Go to the ACNE labs. Talk to the police officer. Talk to the police officer. 2235 Walk west. Talk to the Fat computer. Go to the Bank of Shadowlands. Use the ATM machine. Use the ATM card on the ATM machine. Enter the code 7883. Withdraw the money. Walk west. Talk to the Fat computer. Go to Doughnut World. Talk to the clerk. 111111111 Walk east. Talk to the Fat computer. Go to the Quik E Mart. Open the dumpster lid. Look at the garbage in the dumpster. Take the VHS tape from the garbage in the dumpster. Use the quarter on the paper machine. Look at the paper. Use the paper. Look at the third wanted ad in the first column. Exit the paper. Walk west. Talk to the Fat computer. Go to La Fattoria. Open the door. Talk to Bruno. 2 Open the Swiss army knife. Use the knife on the cheese. Wait until the bell sounds. Talk to Bruno. Open the door. Walk east. Talk to the Fat computer. Go to 542 West Boulevard, Apartment C. Use the buzzer. Push the button c. Use the knife. Use the corkscrew. Use the screwdriver on the buzzer. Use the screwdriver. Use the scissors on the broken wires. Use the stripped wires. Use the duct tape on the repaired wires. Use the buzzer cover on the buzzer. Look at the pizza. Exit the buzzer. Walk east. Talk to the Fat computer. Go back to the Fatcave. Use the pizza on the Fatmobile. Open the hatch. Talk to the Fat computer. Go to 542 West Boulevard, Apartment C. Use the buzzer. Push the button c. Walk east. Talk to the Fat computer. Go to La Fattoria. Open the door. Open the door. Walk east. Talk to the Fat computer. Go to the Quick E Mart. Open the door. Take the doughnuts. Look at the pink drugs bottle. Take the pink drugs bottle. Use the super-doze-off on the doughnut. Take the comic books. Read the comic. Take the comic books. Read the comic. Take the comic books. Read the Stud! Monthly. Walk southwest, west. Talk to the Fat computer. Go to the ACNE Labs. Give the iced doughnut to the police officer. Take the wires. Walk west. Talk to the Fat computer. Go back to the Fatcave. Walk east. Use the scissors. Use the knife. Use the corkscrew. Use the screwdriver on the video camera. Use the screwdriver on the VHS tape. Use the video reel on the VHS tape. Use the VHS tape on the VCR. Give the cheese to the hamster. Take the hamster. Walk south. Open the hatch. Talk to the Fat computer. Go to Wrent a Wreck. Open the door. Talk to Robin. Talk to Robin. Talk to Robin. Use the hamster on Robin. Take the ink pen. Look at the ink pen. Use the computer. > ROBIN > AUCH-74 Print the document. Take the printout. Look at the printout. Use the cartridge part of the printer. Use the screwdriver. Use the scissors on the ink pen. Use the scissors. Use the knife. Use the corkscrew on the printer cartridge. Use the ink pen on the printer cartridge. Use the duct tape on the printer cartridge. Use the printer cartridge on the printer. Use the paper on the printer. Use the computer. > ROBIN > AUCH-74 Print the document. Take the printout. Look at the printout. Open the door. Walk east. Talk to the Fat computer. Go to 7835 South Water Street. Use the button. Use the bell. Use the button. Use the panel. Push the button two. Use the door 203. Use the door 203. Use the door 203. Walk south. Use the panel. Push the button one. Talk to the attendant. Use the button. Use the panel. Push the button three. Use the door 302. Walk south. Use the panel. Push the button one. Walk west, west. Talk to the Fat computer. Go back to the Fatcave. Walk east. Use the printout on the Fat computer. Walk south. Open the hatch. Talk to the Fat computer. Go to the Burrito Barn. Open the door to the Burrito Barn. Give the coupon to the cowboy. Use the MEGA burrito on the hot sauce. Use the MEGA burrito. Walk west. Use the printout on the bouncer. Use the door to the boarded house. Take the poster. Walk west. Talk to the Fat computer. Go to Big’n’Tall. Talk to the bum. 12 Take the glue from the box of glue. Talk to Billy Bob. 23 Give the MEGA burrito to Billy Bob. Walk inside the shop. Take the credit application. Use the ink pen on the credit application. Give the credit application to Pete. Take the black t-shirt. Take the pants. Take the sock. Take the shoe. Take the studded belt. Take the hat. Walk south, east. Talk to the Fat computer. Go to La Fattoria. Use the corkscrew. Use the screwdriver. Use the scissors on the poster. Use the glue on the skull logo. Use the skull logo on the outfit. Use the outfit on the phone booth. Walk east. Talk to the Fat computer. Go to the Burrito Barn. Use the door to the boarded house. Talk to Merv. 212 Talk to Merv. 321 Walk northeast. Open the door. Look at the towel rack. Look at the drain. Look at the drain. Open the door. Walk west. Talk to the bartender. 54 Open the closed door. Take the cleaner. Walk northeast. Open the door. Use the cleaner on the drain. Take the game tokens from the drain. Take the towels. Open the door. Walk west, east until the PONG machine is unoccupied. Use the game tokens on the PONG machine. Lose the game. Walk west. Talk to Merv. 24 Walk northeast. Use the PONG machine. Use the game tokens on the PONG machine. Win 9 rounds of PONG. Use Merv. Walk west. Open the door. Walk west. Talk to the Fat computer. Go to La Fattoria. Use the Fat suit on the phone booth. Walk east. Talk to the Fat computer. Go to 1217 Lucas Lane. Take the bump in the carpet. Use the key on the door. Open the door. Take the bottle. Walk upstairs. Look at the phone. Use the phone. Look at the phone. Open the top drawer. Take the flashlight. Walk downstairs. Open the door. Walk east. Talk to the Fat computer. Go to the Mary Kate Cosmetics offices. Look at the green goo. Walk east. Talk to the Fat computer. Go to La Fattoria. Use the outfit on the phone booth. Walk east. Talk to the Fat computer. Go to the Burrito Barn. Open the door to the boarded house. Talk to the bartender. 54 Open the closed door. Take the eyedropper. Walk northeast. Take the darts. Walk west. Open the door. Walk west. Talk to the Fat computer. Go to La Fattoria. Use the Fat suit on the phone booth. Walk east. Talk to the Fat computer. Go to the Mary Kate Cosmetics offices. Use the eyedropper on the green goo. Use the eyedropper on the test tube. Walk east. Talk to the Fat computer. Go back to the Fatcave. Walk east. Use the toxic sample on the Fat computer. Use the eyedropper on the chlorine. Use the eyedropper on the toxic sample. Talk to the Fat computer. Walk south. Open the hatch. Talk to the Fat computer. Go to the water tower. Use the bomb. Use the scissors on the yellow wire. Use the scissors on the orange wire. Use the scissors on the brown wire. Use the scissors on the green wire. Use the scissors on the blue wire. Take dynamite from the bomb. Take the bomb timer from the bomb. Use the chlorine on the darts. Use the flashlight. Use the darts on the tube. Walk west. Take the rock. Use the rock on the street light. Use the blow darts on the mutants. Use the bomb timer on the dynamite. Use the duct tape on the dynamite. Use the bomb on the steel doors. Walk north. Use the elevator. Use the panel. Push the button three.

Adventures in the Galaxy of Fantabulous Wonderment

Get the brick. Use the brick on the window. Use the doors. Walk east. Use the barrel. Walk west. Talk to the thug. 2 Walk south. Talk to the boy. 45 Give the sachet to the boy. Use the doors. Use the elevator. Trade until you have at least 75 credits. Trade pornography at Tarabis 6 with baconburgers at Cary 7. Warp to the Bloody Towel. The best trading route in this sector is trading chocolate at the Bloody Towel with armament at Bergman Prime. Warp to the wormhole. Open communications with the wormhole authority. Pay the fee. Warp to the Protected Zone wormhole. Open communications with the wormhole authority. Pay the fee. The best trading route in this sector is trading baconburgers at Frumious Prime with armament at Remus 3. Ask Hole about the bulletin board. Warp to Frumious Prime. Buy at least 15 redshirts from Redshirt Security. Buy the tractor beam from Dirty Laura’s Dealership. Warp to the wormhole. Open communications with the wormhole authority. Pay the fee. Warp to the Free Zone wormhole. Open communications with the wormhole authority. Pay the fee. Warp to the Bloody Towel. Make sure you have at least 700 credits. Beam down a redshirt. Talk to the barman. 154 Talk to Whistler. 1321 Walk west. Use the toilets. Walk east, east, east. Warp to Tarabis 6. Beam down a redshirt. Use the doors. Walk west. Get the rope. Walk east, south, west. Travel to the Protected Zone. Warp to Thermus 8. Beam down a redshirt. Walk south, south, south, east, east, south. Use the tractor beam on the cover. Use the ladder. Avoid the guards. Fight the Culthorpe until you meet the High Ones. Warp to Remus 3. Beam down a redshirt. Use the doors. Navigate the maze to the bottom exit. Note the color of the time drive beams. Use the vent. Navigate the maze to the east exit. Open the panel. Use the wires until the rightmost display is opened. Get the jetpack. Use the vodka on the jetpack. Use the wires until the beams of the color matching the time drive beams are off. Use the vent. Go through the bottom exit. Use the jetpack on the time drive. Use the rope on the time drive. Use the scanner on the time drive. Note: this is the final chance you have to scan the time drive for the “Galactic Database” mission. Use the time drive. Travel to the Lifeless Zone. Warp to Gerald. Scan the anomalous thingy. Note: this is the only chance to scan the anomalous thingy. Fight the anomalous thingy. Travel to the Free Zone. Warp to the Bloody Towel. Make sure you have at least 3000 credits. Beam down a redshirt. Talk to Whistler. 33 Walk east, east. Travel to the Protected Zone. Warp to Thermus 8. Use the right lever. Use the Culthorpe. Use the necklace on the left lever. Use the right lever. Walk east. Travel to the Lifeless Zone. Warp to Gerald. Travel to the Protected Zone. Warp to Earth. Warp to Remus 3. Open communication to Grimbace University. 41 Open communication to Grimbace University. 41 Travel to the Lifeless Zone. Warp to the Necronox Belt. Beam down a redshirt. Walk north, north, north, east. Talk to the Reman. 342 Use the cave. Walk west. Search the caves for 2 green crystals, 3 blue crystals and 5 red crystals. Find your way back to the entrance room. Use two green crystals on the west statue. Use the shape. Use three blue crystals on the north statue. Use the shape. Use five red crystals on the east statue. Use the passage. Travel to the Protected Zone. Warp to Quorn 8. Beam down a redshirt. Walk east, east, north, east. Get the bucket. Use the bog. Walk to the dark spot. Go through the southern passage. Note at the symbols. Get the chalk. Use the passage. Go through the northern passage. Use the chalk on the panel. Copy the first symbol (triangle) on the panel. Push the button. Use the chalk on the panel. Copy the second symbol (square) on the panel. Push the button. Use the chalk on the panel. Copy the third symbol (diamond) on the panel. Push the button. Use the passage. Travel to the Free Zone. Warp to Warhol 3. Beam down a redshirt. Walk west, west, north, north. Talk to the salty sailor. 2221 Talk to the salesman. 6 Use the scanner on the licence. Give the licence to the salesman. Give the licence copy to the salty sailor. Talk to the salty sailor. 2 Walk west, west. Use the west plaque. Get the hand. Walk east, east. Use the bucket on the well. Use the hand on the bucket. Use the handle. Use the handle. Use the bucket. Walk west. Use the switch. Use the passage. Use the hand on the palm reader. Walk south. Travel to the Lifeless Zone. Note: this is the last chance to finish any secondary goals. Warp to the Choking Nebula. 1 Walk southeast, east, southeast, east, southeast. Use the elevator. Use the Culthorpe. Use the elevator. Walk west. Use the keycard on the console. Walk southeast. Use the elevator. Kill the Culthorpe. Walk east, southeast. Kill the Culthorpe. Walk east, southeast. Kill the Culthorpe. Use the doors. Walk east. 4 Walk east, south, northwest. Wait until the cart arrives. Use the left catapult. Use the middle catapult. Use the right catapult before the middle rock falls. Walk east. 2 Walk west. Use the console. Walk southwest, west. Use the console. Walk southwest, west. Use the console. Walk southwest, west. Use the console. Use the conduit. Switch to Dan. Walk east, southeast, east. Use the console. Switch to Hole. Walk southwest. Kill the Culthorpe. Walk west. Use the conduit. Switch to Dan. Walk southwest, west. Use the console. Switch to Hole. Walk southwest. Kill the Culthorpe. Walk west. Use the conduit. Switch to Dan. Walk southwest, west. Use the console. Switch to Hole. Walk southwest. Kill the Culthorpe. Walk west. Use the conduit. Switch to Dan. Walk southwest, west. Use the console. Get the tin of paint. Wait until Gail Dronerod cleans his glasses. Open the north door. Wait until Gail Dronerod cleans his glasses. Use the printer. Wait until Gail Dronerod cleans his glasses. Use the paint on the printer. Wait until Gail Dronerod cleans his glasses. Use the printer. Use the ticket machine. Wait until Gail Dronerod calls “Next”. Give the ticket to Gail Dronerod. Choose either way. Travel to the Free Zone. Ask Hole about the bulletin board. Warp to Bergman Prime. Open communication to Le Jardin Restaurant. 13 Travel to the Protected Zone. Warp to Begurath 3. Beam down a redshirt. Walk west until you find the fishing boat. Talk to the fishing boat. 4 Use the tractor beam on the fishing boat. Walk around until the redshirt dies. Travel to the Lifeless Zone. Warp to Slovac 6. Beam down a redshirt. Shoot only the small fish. Keep beaming down redshirts until you have 50 fish. Travel to the Free Zone. Warp to Bergman Prime. Open communication to Le Jardin Restaurant. 2 Travel to the Protected Zone. Ask Hole to show the bulletin board. Warp to Remus 3. Open communications to the Grimbace University. 21 Warp to Frumious Prime. Buy the scanner from Dirty Laura’s Dealership. Tell Hole to scan the location. Buy or sell armaments from any location. Go hunting for a fight. Fight the police. Scan the police. Warp to Quorn 8. Tell Hole to scan the location. Warp to Earth. Tell Hole to scan the location. Warp to Thermus 8. Tell Hole to scan the location. Warp to Centre of Justice. Tell Hole to scan the location. Warp to Begurath 3. Tell Hole to scan the location. Warp to Remus 3. Tell Hole to scan the location. Make sure you have finished the “The Missing People” mission. Beam down a redshirt. Use the scanner on the book. Use the door. Go through the right exit. Use the scanner on the fragment. Use the vent. Go through the left exit. Use the book. Warp to the wormhole. Tell Hole to scan the location. Travel to the Lifeless Zone. Go hunting for a fight. Fight a crab. Scan the Crab. Fight a innocuous trader. Scan the Trader. Warp to Slovac 6. Tell Hole to scan the location. Warp to Itegen 5. Tell Hole to scan the location. Warp to Necronox Belt. Tell Hole to scan the location. Warp to the Choking Nebula. Tell Hole to scan the location. Warp to Gerald. Tell Hole to scan the location. Travel to the Free Zone. Go hunting for a fight. Fight a Culthorpe. Scan the Culthorpe. Fight an anti-social trader. Scan the trader. Warp to the Bloody Towel. Tell Hole to scan the location. Beam down a redskirt. Use the scanner on Whistler. Use the scanner on Barman. Use the scanner on the small man. Use the scanner on the game machine. Walk east, east. Warp to Bergman Prime. Tell Hole to scan the location. Warp to Cary 7. Tell Hole to scan the location. Warp to Tarabis 6. Tell Hole to scan the location. Beam down a redshirt. Use the doors. Use the scanner on the portrait. Walk east. Use the scanner on the creature. Use the scanner on the fridge(?). Walk west, west. Use the scanner on the thug. Walk east, south, west. Acquire one of the scepters by doing the appropriate part of the “Krun Scepters” mission. Warp to Warhol 3. Tell Hole to scan the location. Make sure you have finished the “The Think Tanks” mission. Beam down a redshirt. Use the scanner on the scepter. Walk west, west, north, north. Use the scanner on the salesman. Use the scanner on the salty sailor. Make sure you gave the salty sailor the copied license. Talk to the salty sailor. 2 Walk west. Use the scanner on the monument. Walk east. Talk to the salty sailor. 1 Walk around until you find a crate. Use the scanner on the crate. Walk around until the redshirt dies. Travel to the Protected Zone. Warp to Remus 3. Open communication to Grimbace University. 3 Travel to the Protected Zone. Ask Hole to show the bulletin board. Warp to Begurath 3. Open communications to Bernard Tospott. 12 Get the boat by doing the appropriate part from the “Gone Fishing” mission. Travel to the Free Zone. Warp to the Bloody Towel. Talk to the small man. 1 Defeat the game. 1 Defeat the game. 1 Defeat the game. Travel to the Lifeless Zone. Warp to Itegen 5. Beam down a redshirt. Walk south until you reach the scepter. Get the scepter. Walk around until the redshirt dies. Warp to Slovac 6. Beam down a redshirt. Shoot a harpoon at the object on the river bed. Travel to the Protected Zone. Warp to Remus 3. Make sure you have finished the “The Missing People” mission. Beam down a redshirt. Use the door. Go through the right exit. Open the panel. Use the wires until the leftmost display is opened. Use the vent. Go through the top exit. Get the gold scepter. Use the vent. Go through the left exit. Use the book. Warp to Belgurath 3. Open communications to Bernard Tospott. 1 Travel to the Free Zone. Warp to Tarabis 6. Talk to Bromide. Warp to the Bloody Towel. Talk to Bromide. Travel to the Protected Zone. Warp to the Thermus 8. Talk to Bromide.
Remus 3406723
Frumious Prime542425
Begurath 3394717
Quorn 8428520
Thermus 8523823
Slovac 6395920
Itegen 5466719
Necronox Belt403918
Bergman Prime2961215
Cary 73451119
Tarabis 63591013
Bloody Towel443812

A Second Face

Walk upstairs. Get the Goozon fruit. Use the key on the fourth door to the left. Walk through the door. Get the pen. Open the closet Get the bag. Walk west, west, south. Walk to the avenue. Walk west. Walk to the council of science. Walk west, upstairs west, south. Walk to the avenue. Talk to the beggar. Open the west door. Walk north. > STOMACH > CONTAINER > BYE Walk west, west. Walk to the council of science. Walk east, downstairs west. Talk to the left student. Walk east. Talk to the right student. Give the plans to the left student. Walk east, upstairs west. Talk to the scientists. Walk east, downstairs west. Talk to the left student. Use the construction plans on the form. Walk east, upstairs west, south. Walk to the avenue. Open the west door. Give the construction plans to Grogoz. Walk west. Give the stomach to the beggar. Walk south, west. Get the bucket. Walk south, north. Open the east door. Get the glass. Get the glass. Get the permit. Walk west, west. Walk to the margin factory. Walk east. Use the bucket on the tap. Use the wheel. Get the bucket. Walk west, west. Walk to the avenue. Walk south. Give the bucket of margin to Effot. Walk into the alley. Get the rib. Use the rib on the opening. Get the margin cleaner. Walk to the door. Get the lantern cage. Walk south, east. Walk to the Goozon park. Talk to the dark man. > BYE Give the strange stone to the dark man. Walk south. Walk to the market. Talk to Orga. > VEGETABLE > CUCUMBER Talk to Orga. > CABBAGE Talk to Orga. > GOOZON Talk to Krak. > ROD > FISH Walk north. Open the east door. Talk to Rovinklus. > WINE Walk west, east. Walk to the palace. Walk east, north. Get the glass. Open the door. Walk north. Talk to the cook. > KNIFE > BYE Give the cucumber to the cook. Use the knife on the fish. Use the kra-herb on the chopped fish. Walk south, west, south, south. Go to the temple of fertility. Use a glass on the water. Use the mixture on the glass of water. Use a glass on the water. Walk east. Walk to the avenue. Walk south, east. Walk to the dark manor. Use the door. > MOROK > LIGHT Walk south. Walk to the market. Talk to Orga. > CABBAGE Talk to Krak. > FISH Use the knife on the fish. Use the kra-herb on the chopped fish. Use the mixture on the glass of water. Walk into the tent. Use the bag of margin on the table. > GELTZ Use the glass of substance on the goblet. > GELTZ Use Ugal. Walk west. Talk to Krak. > ROD Talk to Trof. > STUFF > TRADE > SOUVENIR Walk north. Use the east door. Talk to Groth. > BYE Show the luminescent statue to Groth. Walk west, east, north. Get the leather suit. Walk west. Get the mallet. Walk south, north. Talk to the upper class. > MARGIN Use the mug of margin on the margin cleaner. Walk north. Get the mace. Walk south, west, east. Get the statue. Use the mace on the wall. Use the mace on the wall. Use the mallet on the wall. Use the wall. Walk east, east. Walk to the avenue. Walk west. Walk to the council of science. Walk east, east. Wait until Brafok is facing north. Use the small statue on the statue. Walk west, south. Give the margin cleaner to the cleaning lady. Walk north, upstairs west, south. Walk to the avenue. Walk south, south. Use the mop on the fruit. Get the fruit. Walk east, north, east. Walk to the palace. Walk east, north, north. Use the glass on the spigot. Open the lid. Use the Goozon fruit on the lid. Close lid. Use the lever. Get the glass. Use the glass of Goozon juice on the lantern. Use the glass on the spigot. Open the lid. Use the Goozon fruit on the lid. Close lid. Use the lever. Get the glass. Use the glass of Goozon juice on the lantern. Use the glass on the spigot. Open the lid. Use the Goozon fruit on the lid. Close lid. Use the lever. Get the glass. Use the glass of Goozon juice on the lantern. Walk south, west, south, south. Walk to the temple of fertility. Use the mop on the water. Walk west. Use the hole. Use the wet mop on the dirt. Walk west, west. Use the knife on Groth’s suit. Use the margin on the piece of leather. Use the sticky leather on the fishing rod. Use the sticky fishing rod on the eye of Geltz. Walk south, east. Use the eye of Geltz on the relief. Use the lantern on the walkway. Denote (1,1) as the top room, and (1,4) as the rightmost room. Use the blue statue on the pedestal (1,1). Use the blue statue on the pedestal (2,1). Use the grey statue on the pedestal (1,2). Use the blue statue on the pedestal (2,2). Go down room (3,2). Use the grey statue on the pedestal (1,1). Use the blue statue on the pedestal (1,2). Use the grey statue on the pedestal (1,1). Go up room (2,1). Use the luminescent statue on the pedestal (3,3). Go down room (3,2). Go down room (2,3). Use the grey statue on the pedestal (2,1). Go up room (1,2). Use the grey statue on the pedestal (3,3). Use the blue statue on the pedestal (3,2). Use the grey statue on the pedestal (3,3). Go up room (2,1). Use the blue statue on the pedestal (4,4). Use the luminescent statue on the pedestal (3,4). Go down room (3,2). Go down room (2,3). Go down room (2,2). Get the object. Walk west.


Take the scroll. Walk downstairs. Take the coffee bean grinder. Look at the coffee bean grinder. Use the coffee bean grinder on the dish towel. Use the right cupboard. Take the ???. Use the Master’s door. While the Master is in his room, walk to the dark corner. Wait until the Master is in the kitchen. Walk upstairs. Use the laundry chute. Take the broom. Walk outside, to the cliff. Talk to the snake. 211 Take the book. Take the picnic blanket. Walk to the hill. Talk to the highwaywoman. 355555 Use the gate. Use the plant ID book on the plant. Use the broom on the left sheep. Take the oregano. Use the coffee bean grinder on the oregano leaves. Use the broom on the right sheep. Use the gate. Use the sandwich book on the sandwich. Walk to the barn. Take the stool. Take the milk pail. Use the stool on the saddle. Use the broom on the saddle. Walk outside. Use the picnic blanket on the horse. Use the saddle on the horse. Look at the scroll. Use the milk pail on the saddle. Take the saddle. Walk to the tower. Walk upstairs.

Apprentice II: The Knight’s Move

Use the nightstand. Take the coppers. Take the picture besides the scroll. Take the scroll. Walk downstairs. Walk down the path. Go to the fishery. Talk to the lady pirate. 21313334524 Take the gear. Take the pinchers. Walk into the doorway. Take the cask. Look at the potion. Talk to the fisherman. 311114 Walk outside, to the main map. Go to the camp. Go to the village. Talk to the highwaywoman. 1222 Use the quill pen on the desk. Talk to Navy Joe. 44 Talk to Navy Joe. 11 Each time, guess the pocket of first number plus 2. Take the lantern at the far west of the screen. Talk to the bird. 4 Use the pinchers on the cage. Take the clay. Walk into the bakery. Open the center stove. Use the gear on the center vent. Take the molasses. Take the bellows. Take the butter. Walk west, to the main map. Go to the races. Talk to the ticket master. 331113 Talk to the old man. 2222 Walk to the stable. Use the butter on the bucket. Use the bucket. 24 Take the bucket part. Look at the awning. Look at the peg. Take the peg. Walk south, to the main map. Go to the village. Leave and return until the guard appears. Take the quill pen. Leave and return until the guard disappears. Talk to the highwaywoman. 44245 Talk to Lloyd. 1 Talk to the guard. 45 Walk inside the bakery. Open the west stove. Use the bucket part on the west vent. Walk west. Use the ladder. Use the east stovepipe. Use the ladder. Walk inside the bakery. Take the gear. Walk west, to the main map. Go to the races. Walk to the stable. Use the postcard on the centaurs. Walk south, to the main map. Go to the tent. Talk to Foolkiller. 31 Walk to the main map. Go to the tent. Take the armor. Walk to the main map. Go to the camp. Use the uniform. Take the t-shirt. Use the pinchers on the stocks. Go to the village. Use the charcoal on the lantern. Give the autograph to Navy Joe. Give the t-shirt to the guard. Use the gate. Look at the shrub. Take the shrub. Talk to Lorenzo. 13122222111222 Use the cup on the fishbowl. Walk south, to the main map. Go to the tower. Talk to Master. 66 Walk down the path. Go to the fishery. Walk into the doorway. Talk to the fisherman. 4334 Use the lemon on the cask. Use the rum on the cask of lemon seawater. Use the molasses on the lemon rum seawater. Give the grog to the fisherman. Take the potion. Walk outside. Use the armor part on the diving rig. Use the pinchers on the diving rig. Use the gear on the diving rig. Use the butter on the lever. Talk to Jezelle. 44 Use the diving suit. Use the potion. 123 Use the quill pen on the book wyrm. Use the charcoal-filled lantern on the book wyrm. Use the shelf of books. Use the valve. 2321 Take the curse book. Use the bucket to leave the well. Go to the races. Walk to the stable. Give the picture to Seacookie. Walk south. Give the coppers to the ticket master. Use the turnstile. Walk south. Go to the tower. Give the silvers to Master. Take the rose. Walk north. Go to the fishery. Give the rose to Jezelle. Walk into the doorway. Talk to the fisherman. 3 Take the cutlasses. Walk east. Give the cutlass to Jezelle. Walk to the main map. Go to the tower. Enter the tower. Use the clay on the cauldron. Use the glowing lantern on the cauldron. Use the cup of water on the cauldron. Use the bellows on the cauldron. Use the golem scroll on the cauldron. Walk downstairs.

Anticipating Murder

Get the package. Give the package to the man. Use the gear lever. Walk west. Talk to the nurse. 111 Get the medical chart. Get the pen. Use the medical chart. Use the pen on the release form. Give the forged release form to the nurse. Use the wallet. Look at the driver’s license. Walk northwest. Go to the apartment. Use the mat. Walk northeast, north. Get the photo from the table. Look at the photo. Walk northwest. Use the toilet. Use the toilet. Use the plastic bag. Walk south, northeast, northeast. Get the cellphone. Use the cellphone. Use the cellphone. Walk west. Use the yellow pages. Walk west, west. Talk to the woman. Give the cash to the woman. Walk northeast. Use the yellow pages. Walk west, southwest. Go to Rob’s office. Talk to Robert. 111 Look at the bottle behind the desk. Walk west. Go to Bailey’s pub. Talk to the door. Walk inside. Talk to Bailey. 111 Get the sherry. Walk northwest. Go to Rob’s office. Give the bottle of sherry to Robert. Walk west. Go to Rob’s office. Talk to Robert. Walk west. Go to the apartment. Give the cash to the woman. Look at the letter. Walk inside. Use the yellow pages. Walk west, southwest. Go to the photo studio. Talk to the man. 111 Walk northwest. Go to the apartment. Talk to the woman. Use the package. Walk inside. Use the DVD on the television. Walk west, southwest. Go to the photo studio. Talk to Brett. 111 Walk northwest. Go to the motel. Walk south. Go to the motel. Use the cart. Use the cart. Walk west. Use the laptop. Use the laptop. Use the laptop. Walk northeast, south. Go to the photo studio. Talk to Brett. Walk northwest. Go to Rob’s office. Talk to Robert. Walk west. Go to the hospital. Talk to the nurse. Walk northwest. Go to Bailey’s pub. Walk northeast. Use the photo of Jessica on Bailey. 1 Walk west. Go to the motel. Walk west. Use the laptop. Use the laptop. Walk northeast, south. Go to Rob’s office. Talk to Robert. Walk west. Go to the motel. Walk west. Use the laptop. Use the laptop. 1111 Talk to Lauren. 1111111 Use Lauren. Use the hair pin on the locked box. Use the hand saw on the ladder. Use the switch board. Use John. Use John. Use John’s cellphone. Use John’s cellphone. Use John’s cellphone. Use the cellphone battery on the cellphone. Use the cellphone.

Abducted: 10 Minutes

Use the car. Use the glove box. Take the gun. Take the handcuffs. Take the wallet. Look at the wallet. Exit the car. Use the ID on the bum. 1312 Walk inside. Use the bell to the caretaker’s room. Look at the intercom. Use the ID on the caretaker. 3 Walk north, north. Use the gun on the caretaker. Talk to the caretaker. Use the handcuffs on the caretaker. Use the caretaker. Take the broken broomstick. Use the plug. Walk north. Use the key on the open door. Use the elevator call button. Use the broken broomstick on the elevator top cover. Use the broken broomstick on the open cover. Use the broken broomstick. Walk east, over the middle cover. Walk to the hiding place behind the west column. Wait until the terrorist arrives. Use the gun on the terrorist. Use the terrorist. Walk west. Use the open cover. Walk north. Take the floorboard. Use the gun on the west door. Use the gun on the terrorist. Use the terrorist. Look at the note. Note the code. Walk north. Use the knife on the gag. Look at the window. Walk south. Use the telephone. Use the garbage bin. Use the bomb. The top row represents the numbers 1-5. The bottom row represents the numbers 6-9 and 0. Enter the code on the bomb.

7 Days a Skeptic

Open the door. Open the north door. Use the panel. 16 Walk south. Use the elevator. Go to the communal deck. Open the east door. Use the desk. Open the door. Use the elevator. Go to the engine deck. Walk east, east. Take the wrench set. Open the door. Use the elevator. Open the east door. Talk to Adam. 1114 Use the dispenser. Choose a continental breakfast. Use the breakfast on the counter. Use the wrenches on the hatch. Use the shaft. Walk west. Use the butter on the object. Take the object. Use the shaft. Walk east. Use the machete on Adam. Open the door. Use the elevator. Go to the ops deck. Open the north door. Walk south. Use the elevator. Go to the residence deck. Open the east door. Talk to Adam. 54 Open the door. Use the elevator. Go to the engine deck. Walk east, east. Use the airlock pass on the airlock. Use the left switch. Open the closet. Use the EVA suit. Use the right switch. Walk east. Use the clip on the horizontal safety rail. Walk to the steps. Use the horizontal safety rail. Use the clip on the vertical safety rail. Use the steps up. Open the door. Use the elevator. Go to the engine deck. Walk east, east. Use the airlock pass on the airlock. Use the left switch. Open the closet. Use the EVA suit. Use the right switch. Walk east. Use the clip on the horizontal safety rail. Walk to the steps. Use the horizontal safety rail. Use the clip on the vertical safety rail. Use the steps up. Use the steps. Use the steps down. Walk to the keyring. Use the safety rail. Use the clip on the keyring. Use the clip on the safety rail. Walk to the steps. Use the steps. Use the vertical safety rail. Use the clip on the horizontal safety rail. Walk to the door. Use the horizontal safety rail. Walk through the door. Use the right switch. Open the closet. Use the uniform. Use the left switch. Walk west, west, west. Use the elevator. Go to the ops deck. Open the north door. Use the captain’s keycard on the panel. Take the book. Open the door. Give the codedoor to Angela. Open the door. Use the elevator. Go to the residence deck. Open the east door. Use the dispenser. Use the wrenches on the dispenser. Open the door. Use the elevator. Go to the communal deck. Open the northeast door. Give the hand to William. Walk south. Use the elevator. Go to the residence deck. Use the east door. Use the UV ray emitter on the dispenser. Use the shaft. Use the UV ray emitter on the wall. Walk east. Open the door. Use the elevator. Go to the communal deck. Use the UV ray emitter on the vent. Use the wrenches on the panel. Take the towel rail. Talk to Angela. 44 Quickly take the stungun, before Barry reaches you. Quickly use the stungun on Barry. Open the door. Walk east, to the shadow behind the tube. Wait until Barry arrives, and turns to face the reactor core. Use the towel rail on Barry. Walk west. Use the elevator. Go to the residence deck. Use the middle panel. Open the east door. Use the shaft. Talk to Adam. Walk east. Open the door. Use the elevator. Go to the ops deck. Open the north door. Open the door. Use the captain’s keycard on the panel. Use the console. > HELP > EMAIL > DATE Note the birthday of the captain is 28-07-2330. > CAPTAIN > 280730 > 2 > EXIT Open the door. Walk south. Use the elevator. Go to the residence deck. Open the middle door. Open the door. Use the elevator. Go to the ops deck. Open the north door. Open the east door. Quickly use the east lever. Use the chair. Use the chair. Use the chair. Wait until William leaves the scalpel on the trolley. Take the scalpel. Use the scalpel on the chair. Wait until William is standing next to the trolley. Use the scalpel on William. Take the stungun. Whenever the welder appears, use the stungun on the welder. Open the door. Use the elevator. Go to the ops deck. Open the north door. Use the captain’s keycard on the panel. Use the console. > CAPTAIN > 280730 > 1 > EXIT Open the door. Walk south. Use the elevator. Go to the engine deck. Walk east, east. Use the airlock pass on the airlock. Use the left switch. Open the closet. Use the EVA suit. Wait until the left door opens and the welder enters. Use the right switch. Use the steps up. Lure the welder onto the lowered radio masts. Continue until the welder is pierced. Use the steps. Use the steps down. Use the idol on the exhaust. Use the steps. Use the vertical safety rail. Use the clip on the horizontal safety rail. Walk to the door. Use the horizontal safety rail. Walk through the door. Use the right switch. Open the closet. Use the uniform. Use the left switch. Walk west.

5 Days a Stranger

Use the window. Use the door. Walk downstairs. Take the newspaper. Look at the newspaper. Use the telephone. Use the double doors. Use the east door. Use the north door. Use the television. Take the cord. Use the east door. Use the door. Use the west door. Use the west door. Walk upstairs. Talk to Simone. Walk downstairs. Use the west door. Use the west door. Use the north door. Take the twig. Use the tree. Talk to the tree. Use the west door. Use the east door. Use the east door. Use the east door. Talk to Jim. 222 Talk to Philip. 222 Look at the article. Talk to Simone. 2222 Use the west door. Use the west door. Use the west door. Use the north door. Look at the water. Look at the pipeline. Walk east. Talk to Philip. 4441 Walk west. Use the west door. Use the east door. Use the east door. Walk upstairs. Use the door with the broken lock. Look at the blue books on the bottom shelf. Take the blue book on the bottom shelf. Take the yellow books on the second shelf. Look at the Family History book. Look at the plan. Use the door. Walk downstairs. Use the west door. Use the west door. Use the north door. Walk east. Give the plan to Philip. Walk west. Use the metal detector on the pipeline. Use the dirt. Use the panel. Walk west. Use the ladder. Use the west door. Use the west door. Use the west door. Use the north door. Use the car. Use the lockpicks on the north door. Use the north door. Take the saw. Take the pickaxe. Use the door. Use the west door. Use the east door. Use the east door. Walk upstairs. Use the lockpicks on the east door in the north wall. Use the east door in the north wall. Use the wardrobe. Take the book. Use the window. Use the window. Look at the tree. Use the west window. Use the door. Use the door with the broken lock. Talk to Jim. 33 Use the door. Walk downstairs. Use the west door. Use the west door. Use the north door. Wait until Jim arrives. Use the saw on the tree. Use the west door. Use the east door. Use the east door. Walk upstairs. Use the east door in the north wall. Use the window. Use the grolly on the loose tile. Use the east window. Take the teddy. Use the nightstand. Look at the green diary. Look at the red diary. Look at the article. Use the door. Use the door with the broken lock. Take the black books at the right side of the second shelf. Look at the book on White Magic. Use the cord on the stick. Use the cord and stick on the teddy. Use the door. Walk downstairs. Use the west door. Use the west door. Use the second cabinet from the left. Use the bear and stick on the salt. Use the east door. Use the east door. Walk upstairs. Use the third door from the left. Use the salty bear and stick on the bed. Look at the salty bear and stick. Use the door. Walk downstairs. Use the west door. Look at the salty bear and stick. Use the west door. Look at the salty bear and stick. Use the pickaxe on the wall. Use the hole. Look at the salty bear and stick. Follow the directions of the salty bear. Repeat until you reach the area. Use the area. Walk upstairs. Use the east door. Use the east door. Use the east door. Use the north door. Use the east door. Use the idol. Use the door. Talk to the window. Talk to the window. 5232 Take the tie. Use the lockpick on the door. Use the door. Use the west door. Use the east door. Use the east door. Walk upstairs. Use the east door. Wait until the killer steps on the rug. Use the rug. 211 Use the third door from the left. Talk to Jim. 21 Use the door. Use the door with the broken lock. Take the black books at the right side of the second shelf. Look at the book of Black Magic. Use the door. Walk downstairs. Use the east door. Take the scissors. Use the scissors on the apron. Use the strip on the machete. Use the machete and strip on the welding mask. Use the west door. Use the west door. Use the west door. Use the mask and machete on the salt. Use the hole. Use the salty mask and machete on the chains. Walk upstairs. Look at the salty mask and machete. Use the east door. Use the east door. Walk upstairs. Look at the salty mask and machete. Use the east door. Follow the directions of the salty mask. Repeat until you reach the tiles. Use the scissors on the salty mask and machete. Use the machete on the tiles. Take the body. Use the door. Walk downstairs. Use the east door. Use the north door. Use the east door. Use the remains on the floor. Use the welding mask on the body. Use the west door. Use the west door. Talk to Simone. 4 Use the west door. Walk upstairs. Use the third door from the left. Talk to Jim. 3 Use the door. Walk downstairs. Use the east door. Use the north door. Use the east door. Take the rifle. Give the rifle to Simone. Give the teddy to Jim. Use the book of Black Magic on Trilby.

King’s Quest II VGA: Romancing the Stones

Walk east. Swim west, to the net. Take the net. Swim east. Walk north. Take the picket. Walk east, east. Use the log. Walk north. Use the eastern lemon tree. Walk west. Use the net with the baby bird. Walk north, west, west. Use the log. Use the clam. Walk east, east, north, east. Use the baby bird with the pond. Take the feather. Walk east. Use the pumpkin patch. Talk to the pumpkin mother. Walk south, east, north. Use the hole in the central tree. Walk north. Use the haystack. Walk north, to the eastern door. Look at the door. Use the sword with the door. Use the letter. Talk to the merchant. Use the library door. Wait until the librarian is facing the other way. Use the library card with the quill. Give the signed library card to the librarian. Talk to the librarian. Use the open book. Walk east, south, south, south, south. Walk south, east, east, to the rock wall. Talk to the stone face. Walk south, west, west. Look at the rope. Use the sword with the coins. Take the coins. Walk west. Walk north, north, east, east. Walk north, north, north. Use the fool’s gold with the fountain. Talk to the merchant. Take the pumpkin. Use the library door. Talk to the librarian. Use the open book. Walk east. Talk to the merchant. Talk to the merchant. Talk to the merchant. Give the pearl to the merchant. Walk south, south, south. Walk west, west, west, west. The girl in red clothes should be here now. Talk to the girl. Wander around, in search for the basket. Take the basket. Return to Possum. Give the basket to Possum. Walk south, south. Give the shell comb to the mermaid. Use the seahorse. Talk to king Neptune. Talk to king Neptune. Talk to king Neptune. Talk to king Neptune. Ride north, west, to the wreck. Use the wreck. Use the bottle. Ride south, west, west, north, to the grass. Take the grass. Use the grass with the bottle. Use the bottle with the luminescent fish. Take the glowing bottle. Ride south, south, south, west, south. Ride west, west, west, west, west Ride east, east, to the east side of the giant shell. Use the sword with the shell. Swim north. Note the combination to open the vault. Use the seahorse. Use the vault. Repeat the combination to open the vault. Take the trident. Swim south. Use the seahorse. Complete the arcade sequence. Use the trident with the illusionary wall. Ride east, east, north, east, north, north. Ride east, east, east, east. Wait until you receive the Gem of Birth. Walk north, north, east, east. Walk east, east, north, north. Use the cloth with the haystack. Take the needle. Walk north. Use the library door. Talk to the librarian. Use the open book. Talk to the librarian. Use the open book. Walk east. Use the antique shop door. Talk to the shopkeeper. Use the door. Walk south, south, south, west, north. Use the baby pumpkin with the pumpkin patch. Wait until you receive the brooch. Talk to the mother pumpkin. Walk west, west, west. Look at the right skull. Look at the left skull. Use the Gem of Birth with the left skull. Use the mallet with the left skull. Use the left skull. Use the right skull. Walk to the cave, to the cloak. Use the cloak. Walk to the cage. Use the cloth with the cage. Use the key with the chain. Take the nightingale. Walk west. Use the mallet with the left skull. Take the Gem of Birth. Walk east, east, east, south. Walk east, north, north, north. Use the antique shop door. Use the nightingale cage. Look at the nightingale cage. Use the letter. Give the nightingale cage to the shopkeeper. Take the lamp. Use the lamp. Look at the statue. Use the statue. Walk to the trap door. Use the letter on the table. Take the carpet. Take the youth potion. Use the trapdoor. Use the statue. Use the door. Walk south. Use the carpet with Graham. Walk east. Use the opal necklace with the snake. Walk east, east. Look at the inscription. Look at the workbench. Use the book. Use the earrings with the beaker. Use the flower with the beaker. Use the sword with the flint. Use the feather with the beaker. Use the mallet with the sword. Use the clear crystal with the beaker. Talk to the beaker. Take the emerald. Walk west, west. Use the emerald with the snake. Talk to the winged horse. Talk to the winged horse. Talk to the winged horse. Walk west. Use the carpet with Graham. Walk south, south, south. Use the bowl with the spring water. Use the lemon with the bowl. Walk north, north, north, west, north. Use the bowl with the pumpkin patch. Talk to the mother pumpkin. Walk south, west, west. Use the emerald with the second rock from the right. Take the bridle. Walk east. Use the carpet with Graham. Walk east. Use the bridle with the winged horse. Use the winged horse. Talk to the king. 5 Talk to the Father. 3 Wait until Graham reaches the throne. 2 Take the Gem of Growth. Use the winged horse. Walk east. Use the door. Use the bible. Take the page. Note how each word is capitalized. Use the altar. Talk to the monk. Talk to the monk. Talk to the monk. Use the door. Walk west, south, south, south, west. Talk to Possum. Walk north, north, to the back of the treehouse. Use the door once the dwarf has left. Use the ladder. Walk east. Use the chest. Take the pot of soup. Walk west. Use the ladder. Walk west, south, west, west. Use the door. Use the pot of soup with the fire. Give the pot of soup to grandma. Talk to grandma. Use the bed. Talk to grandma. Talk to grandma. Walk south, west, north, north, north, north, east. Follow the directions on the bible page. The first letters combined tell you how to conquer the maze. Walk north. Talk to the boatman. Talk to the boatman. Talk to the boatman. Talk to the boatman. Give the coins to the boatman. Use the cloak with Graham. Use the ruby ring with Graham. Use the sugar cube with Graham. Walk to the castle. Walk to the door. Use the silver cross with the door. Use the door. Walk west upstairs. Take the shovel. Use the candle with the torch. Walk east, east upstairs, east, downstairs, west. Use the cloak with Graham. Use the coffin. Use the coffin. Talk to count Caldaur. Wait until the count attacks. Use the ring with count Caldaur. Use the coffin. Use the pillow. Take the Gem of Death. Walk east, upstairs, west, west, west upstairs, upstairs. Use the window. Climb down until you fall. Note the Gem of Death is taken from you. Take the ham. Walk west, north. Talk to the vampire. Use the book with Graham. Use the book. Use the bookcase in the back. Use the book “Cinderella” on row three, column one. Use the book “The Three Little Pigs” on row six, column three. Use the book “Little Bo Peep” on row two, column three. Use the book “Rumplestiltskin” on row three, column four. Use the book “Romeo and Juliet” on row one, column two. Take the book “Treasure Island” on row three, column four. Use the key on the book. Use the book. Walk south. Walk south, west. Use the bracelet with the ghosts. Use the bracelet with the double grave of Lord Herbert and Lady Lillian. Take the ring. Use the shovel with the grave of count Christopher Eveer. Use the hole. Use the tin box. Walk south, south. Use the boat. Walk south, south, south, south. Walk south, south, south, east. Use the door. Use the pillow with the large bed. Walk south, east, east, east, north, north, east. Use the door. Use the book. Read through the passages. Walk south. Use the shovel with the grave of Larmon Odnarb. Use the hole. Use the tin box. Take the tiara. Walk south. Use the door. Walk west, to the middle of the road. Use the wolfbane with Graham. Walk west, west, west, west. Walk north, north, north, east. Follow the directions on the bible page. The first letters combined tell you how to conquer the maze. Walk north. Take the reed. Use the needle with the swamp. Use the toxic needle with the reed. Use the blowpipe with the leader. Wait until you receive the Gem of Death. Walk west, south, south. Use the boat. Walk south, south, south, south, east, east. Walk east, east, north, north, north. Use the library door. Talk to the librarian. Use the open book. Walk east, south, south, south, south, south. Walk east, east. Use the cloth with the Gem of Birth. Use the bag of gems with the east side of the chasm. Talk to the dwarf. Use the knife with the exposed rope. Use the bridge. Use the bag of gems. Use the Gem of Birth with the Door of Destiny. Use the Gem of Growth with the Door of Destiny. Use the Gem of Death with the Door of Destiny. 4 Use the net with the water. Repeat until you catch a fish. Take the fish. Use the water. Use the fish. Walk east, east, to the patch of sand. Look at the lines in the sand. Use the lines in the sand. Take the stone of quartz. Walk to the patch of sand. Look at the western lines in the sand. Use the high tree. Climb to the coconuts. Take the coconuts. Climb down. Use the sword with the coconut. Use the coconut with the water. Use the coconut with the western lines in the sand. Use the blue portal. Walk west, north. Look at the door. Use the disc with the rim. Use the stone of quartz with the door. Talk to the right statue. Look at the door. Select air. Select sun. Select water. Select mountain. Walk upstairs, upstairs. Use the emerald with the lion. Take the hair. Move the beam. Open the door. Look at the woman. Use the emerald with the woman. Use the vanity table. Use the mirror. Use the emerald with the woman. Use Valanice. Use the lion hair with the youth potion. Give the youth potion to Hagatha. Use the mirror. Talk to Valanice. Take the globe. Take the globe. Walk west.

King’s Quest I VGA: Quest for the Crown

Walk west, west, behind the rock. Push the rock. Look in the hole. Take the dagger from the hole. Walk north. Use the tree. Walk to the nest. Take the gold egg. Walk south, east, to the patch. Take the carrot from the garden. Walk north. Walk south, north until you meet the elf. Walk to the elf. Talk to the elf. Walk north. Take the bowl. Look at the bowl. Use the bowl. Walk west. Take the walnut. Use the walnut. Walk west, west, to the house. Use the house (not the door). Walk east, west and repeat until the witch is gone. Knock on the door. Open the door. Open the cabinet. Take the cheese. Take the note from the nightstand. Look at the note. Wait until the witch returns. Walk to the witch unseen. Push the witch. Walk west, north, east, north, north. Take the pebbles. Walk west, south, inside. Give the bowl to the man. Walk to the fiddle. Take the fiddle. Walk west, west, south, south, south, west, west. Take the four-leaf clover fromt the patch. Walk east, east, south, east. Walk to the well. Use the dagger with the rope. Use the handle. Use the rope. Use the water. Use the water. Swim to the tunnel west. Use the shore. Use the bucket with the water. Walk west. Walk near the dragon. Use the bucket with the dragon. Take the mirror. Walk west, west, south. Open the gate. Use the carrot with the goat. Walk south. Look into the stump. Take the pouch from the stump. Use the pouch. Walk west, south, south, to the bridge. Wait until the goat attacks the troll. Walk west, to the gnome. Talk to the gnome. > NIKSTLITSELPMUR Walk east, east. Use the beans with the fertile soil. Use the stalk. Climb up. Climb up. Walk east, east, south, east, east. Take the sling from the hole. Walk west, north. Evade the giant until he falls asleep. Walk to the giant. Take chest. Walk west, west, west. Use the stalk. Climb down, down. Walk south, south. Stand near the pebbles just to the right of the middle of the screen. If no bird appears, walk south, north and repeat. Wait until the condor is at it’s lowest point and right over Graham. Use the condor. Walk west. Take the mushroom. Walk east, to the hole, south, west, near the rat. Give the cheese to the rat. Walk west. Use the fiddle with Graham. Walk west. Take the shield. Take the sceptre. Walk west, to the hole. Use the mushroom with Graham. Walk west. Walk north, north, east, east, east, to the gate. Use the gate.