
Access the PAX. Type in your verification code.[+] Choose the bulletin board. Read through the messages. Note that Crazy Edo wants to trade caviar. Note the Cheap Hotel link code CHEAPO. Note the Regular Fellows link code REGFELLOW. Note the Asano Computing link code ASANOCOMP. Note the World Chess Confederation link code WORLDCHESS. Note that Shiva at the Gentleman Loser has a Cryptology chip for you. Note that Armitage is offering instant money. Note that Hitachi Biotech is in need of volunteers. Go to your back account and note the BAMA id number 056306118. Send a message to the bulletin board. > ARMITAGE > 056306118 End and send the message. Download 12000 credits from your bank account. Read the new message from Armitage on the bulletin board. Note that General Armitage wants to meet you outside the Matrix Restaurant. Give 46 credits to the owner. 3 Walk south, east, east, east. Talk to the woman. 3223 Walk east, east, east. Talk to the woman. 3223 Walk east, east, south, east. 32 Walk south, south, west. Talk to Shiva. 14 > CHIP Buy the Cryptology chip. Talk to Shiva. 1 > MATRIX Take the guest pass. Operate Comlink 1.0 software on the UXB. > REGFELLOW > VISITOR Read through the gallery messages Note that the second level password of Cheap Hotel is COCKROACH. Note that the encoded second level password for Asano is PANCAKE. Download BattleChess 2.0 and Scout 1.0 from the checkout corner. Exit the system. Operate Comlink 1.0 software on the UXB. > CHEAPO > COCKROACH Edit the bill so that you’ve paid it. Order caviar by room service. Edit the bill so that you’ve paid it. Close the link. Walk east, north, west. Wait until room service arrives. Walk east, east, east, north. Talk to Finn. 3 Talk to Finn. 2 > JOYSTICK Buy a joystick. Walk south, east, south. 12 Erase Comlink 1.0 from your UXB. Walk north, north, north. Talk to the Zen master. 1222 Give the joystick. Take the Zen and Sophistry chips. Operate the Cryptology, Zen and Sophistry chips. Walk south, south, south, west, west, west, west. Operate Comlink 2.0 software on the UXB. > WORLDCHESS > NOVICE Apply for Full Membership. Play until you win two Tournaments. Erase BattleChess 2.0 from the UXB. Close the link. Operate Comlink 2.0 software on the UXB. > CHAOS > MAINLINE Read the messages on the Modern BBS. Note that Hosaka password is FUNGEKI. Note that Julius Daene has skill chips. Note that Larry Moe has CopTalk. Note that Lupus has Evasion. Note that Modern Bob has link codes for Hitachi and SEA. Send a message. > MODERN BOB > SEA End and send the message. Read the new messages. Note that the SEA link code is SOFTEN. Download Comlink 3.0 from the software library. Close the link. Erase Comlink 2.0 from your UXB. Walk east, north, north, north. Talk to Larry Moe. 4 > COPTALK Buy the CopTalk chip. Operate the CopTalk chip. Walk south, west, south. Use the CopTalk skill. 1 Talk to the cop. 1 Talk to the cop. 2 Talk to the cop. 3 Walk north, east, south, south, south, south, east. Talk to Julius Daene. 3 > TOZOKU Talk to Julius Daene. 1 > HITACHI Talk to Julius Daene. 1 > FUJI Talk to Julius Daene. 1 > HOSAKA Talk to Julius Daene. 1 > UPGRADE Buy two upgrades. Use Cryptology skill. > DUMBO > VULCAN > PANCAKE > SMEEGLDIPO > ABURAKKOI Walk west, north, north, west. Operate Comlink 3.0 software on the UXB. > ASANOCOMP > VENDORS Read the manufacturers list. Note that the Fuji Electric link code is FUJI. Note that the Hosaka link code is HOSAKACORP. Close the link. Operate Comlink 3.0 software on the UXB. > SOFTEN > PERMAFROST Download Comlink 4.0 and Sequencer 1.0. Upgrade CopTalk skill to level 2. Close the link. Erase Comlink 3.0 from you UXB. Walk east, north, north, west, south. Use the CopTalk level 2 skill. 1 Talk to the cop. 4 Talk to the cop. 4 Walk north, east, south, south, south, west. Talk to Shiva. 2 Talk to Shiva. 1 > LOSER Use Cryptology skill: > SNORSKEE Operate Comlink 4.0 software on the UXB. > FUJI > UCHIKATSU Look at the employee list. Note that Larry Moe’s BAMA id is 062788138. Close the link. Operate Comlink 4.0 software on the UXB. > KEISATSU > SUPERTAC Edit the fourth warrant (software pandering). > LARRY MOE > 062788138 Close the link. Walk east, north, north, north, north, north. Talk to Lupus Yonderboy. 1 Talk to Lupus Yonderboy. 1 > TOZOKU 1 > BANK Note Lupus siphons from bank account number 646328356481. Walk south, south, south, south, west. Operate Comlink 4.0 software on the UXB. > LOSER > WILSON Read the Loser BBS. Note that the Eastern Seaboard link code is EASTSEABOD. Note that the Bank Gemeinschaft’s link code is BANKGEMEIN. Close link. Operate Comlink 4.0 software on the UXB. > EASTSEABOD Use Sequencer 1.0. Read the messages. Note that the Bank Gemeinschaft link code is AGABATUR. Note that the level 2 password for the Gentleman Loser is LOSER. Download Comlink 5.0. Close the link. Erase Comlink 4.0 from you UXB. Use Cryptology skill: > GNU Operate Comlink 5.0 software on the UXB. > YAKUZA > YAK Download Comlink 6.0. Close the link. Erase Comlink 5.0 from you UXB. Operate Comlink 6.0 software on the UXB. > BOZOBANK Use Sequencer 1.0. Open an account. > 1000 Note your account number is 712345450134. Close the link. Operate Comlink 6.0 software on the UXB. > LOSER > LOSER Read the Sorcerer BBS. Note the coded password for Bank Gemeinschaft is EINHOVEN. Close the link. Use Cryptology skill: > AGABATUR > EINHOVEN Operate Comlink 6.0 software on the UXB. > BANKGEMEIN > VERBOTEN Transfer funds. > 646328356481 > BOZOBANK > 30000 > 712345450134 Close the link. Operate Comlink 6.0 software on the UXB. > BOZOBANK Use Sequencer 1.0. Download credits. > 31000 Close the link. Operate Comlink 6.0 software on the UXB. > HOSAKACORP > FUNGEKI Look at the Employee list. Edit a person. Enter your name. > 056306118 Upload Comlink 6.0 to Hosaka. Close the link. Walk east, east, east, east, north, east. Talk to the salesman. 314 Buy the Ninja 5000. Walk south, east, east, east. Talk to the intercom. 3 > HOSAKA Walk east, north, east. Note you receive a paycheck. Walk west, south, west, west, west, south. Talk to the men. 1 Buy Logic, Musicianship and Warez Analysis. Operate Logic, Musicianship and Warez Analysis. Walk north, west, west, north. Walk south, west, north. Talk to Finn. 1 Buy Drill 1.0. Talk to Finn. 1 > SKILL Buy the ICE breaking and Debug chips. Operate the ICE breaking and Debug chips. Walk south, west, west, south, south, east. Talk to Julius Daene. 3 > CHIPS Buy Philosophy, Phenomology and Psychoanalysis. Operate Philosophy, Phenomology and Psychoanalysis. Talk to Julius Daene. 1 > HARDWARE Buy the gas mask. Walk west, north, north, north, north, north, north. Talk to Lupus Yonderboy. 1 Talk to Lupus Yonderboy. 1 > EVASION Buy the evasion chip. Operate the evasion chip. Talk to Lupus Yonderboy. 1 > PASS Buy the pass. Walk south, south, south, south, west. Operate Comlink 6.0 software on the Ninja 5000 for link. > LOSER > LOSER Download Hammer 1.0 and Blowtorch 1.0. Close the link. Operate Comlink 6.0 software on the Ninja 5000 for cyberspace. Go to 224,112. Break the ICE with Drill, Hammer and Blowtorch. Download Cyberspace 1.0, Decoder 2.0, Blowtorch 3.0 and ThunderHead 1.0. Close the link. Erase Blowtorch 1.0 from the deck. Walk east, south, west. While in cyberspace, use virii at your own discretion. You can identify virii with the Warez Analysis skill. Also use the Debug skill to repair corrupted programs. Operate Cyberspace 1.0 software on the Ninja 5000. Go to 272,64 (IRS). Break the ICE with Drill, Decoder, Hammer and Blowtorch. Download Hammer 2.0, Jammies 1.0 and Mimic 1.0. Erase Hammer 1.0 from the deck. Go to 416,64 (Gentleman Loser). Corrupt the ICE with Jammies. Break the ICE with Drill, Decoder, Hammer and Blowtorch. Download Slow 1.0 and Injector 1.0. Go to 320,32 (Copenhagen University). Corrupt the ICE with Jammies and Slow. Break the ICE with Drill, Decoder, Hammer and Blowtorch. Download DoorStop 1.0. Go to 352,64 (SEA). Corrupt the ICE with Jammies and Slow. Break the ICE with Drill, DoorStop and Blowtorch. Download ThunderHead 2.0. Upgrade CopTalk to level 4. Go to 480,80 (Tozoku). Corrupt the ICE with Jammies and Slow. Break the ICE with Drill, DoorStop and Blowtorch. Download Drill 2.0 and Acid 1.0. Erase Drill 1.0 from the deck. Leave cyberspace. Walk east, north, east, east, east, east, south. Talk to the men. 2 > UPGRADE Buy the zen, evasion and warez analysis upgrade. Buy three debug upgrades. Walk north, east, east. Talk to the intercom. 3 > HOSAKA Walk east, north, east. Operate Cyberspace 1.0 software on the Ninja 5000. Go to 144,160 (Hosaka). Corrupt the ICE with Jammies and Slow. Break the ICE with Drill, DoorStop and Blowtorch. Download Hammer 4.0, Concrete 1.0 and Mimic 2.0. Download Injector 2.0 and Slow 2.0. Erase Mimic 1.0, Hammer 2.0 and Slow 1.0 from the deck. Leave cyberspace. Walk west, south, west, west, west, west, west, west, west. Walk south, south, south, west. Buy a ticket to Freeside. Talk to the ticket vendor. 11 Walk south, east, north. 3 Talk to the secretary. 1 Walk north. Operate Cyberspace 1.0 software on the Ninja 5000. Go to 336,240 (DARPO). Corrupt the ICE with Jammies and Slow. Break the ICE with Concrete, Drill, DoorStop and Hammer. Download all available software. Erase Jammies 1.0, Concrete 1.0 and Drill 2.0 from the deck. Go to 464,160 (Screaming Fist). Corrupt the ICE with Jammies and Slow. Break the ICE with Concrete, Drill and DoorStop. Download all available software. Use ArmorAll to restore the deck shield at your own discretion. Erase Slow 2.0, Blowtorch 3.0, Decoder 2.0 and DoorStop 1.0 from the deck. Go to 432,240 (Turing Registry). Corrupt the ICE with Jammies and Slow. Break the ICE with Concrete, DepthCharge and Drill. Upgrade all available skills. Use Easyrider 1.0. Go to 160,320 (Gridpoint). Corrupt the ICE with Jammies and Slow. Break the ICE with Concrete, DepthCharge and Drill. Download all available software. Erase Jammies 2.0 and Hammer 4.0 from the deck. Go to 48,320 (Sense/Net). Corrupt the ICE with Jammies and Slow. Break the ICE with Concrete, DepthCharge and Drill. Write down the ROM Construct codes of the available ROM Construct. Go to 416,368 (Nihilist). Corrupt the ICE with Jammies and Slow. Break the ICE with Concrete, DepthCharge and Drill. Download all available software. Erase Slow 3.0 from the deck. Go to 384,288 (Bell Europe). Corrupt the ICE with Jammies and Slow. Break the ICE with Concrete, DepthCharge and LogicBomb. Download ThunderHead 4.0 and Acid 5.0. Go to 448,320 (INSA). Corrupt the ICE with Jammies and Slow. Break the ICE with Concrete, DepthCharge and LogicBomb. Upgrade Cryptology to level 4. Download all available software. Erase Hammer 5.0 from the deck. Leave cyberspace. Walk south, south, west, north. Talk to the ticket vendor. 1 Talk to the ticket vendor. 11 Buy a ticket to Chiba City. Walk east, north, north, north, east, east, east, east, east, east. Talk to the intercom. 3 > HOSAKA Walk east, south. Give the security pass. Enter the ROM Construct code you wrote down. Operate Cyberspace 1.0 software on the Ninja 5000. Set the ROM Construct in Monitor mode. Go to 96,32 (Psychologist). Corrupt the ICE with Jammies and Slow. Break the ICE with Concrete, DepthCharge and LogicBomb. In dealing with AI, you gain a point in every skill you use once you defeat it. Always use all the skills Philosophy, Logic, Sophistry and Phenomenology after hitting the AI with it’s weakness. Use Zen to recover health at your discretion. Defeat Chrome by exploiting it’s weakness Philosophy. Go to 160,80 (World Chess). Corrupt the ICE with Jammies and Slow. Break the ICE with Concrete, DepthCharge and LogicBomb. Defeat Morphy by exploiting it’s weakness Logic. Download BattleChess 4.0. Go to 352,112 (Free Matrix). Corrupt the ICE with Jammies and Slow. Break the ICE with Concrete, DepthCharge and LogicBomb. Defeat Sapphire by exploiting it’s weakness Sophistry. Go to 448,32 (NASA). Corrupt the ICE with Jammies and Slow. Break the ICE with Concrete, DepthCharge and LogicBomb. Defeat HAL by exploiting it’s weakness Logic. Go to 288,208 (Free Sex Union). Corrupt the ICE with Jammies and Slow. Break the ICE with Concrete, DepthCharge and LogicBomb. Defeat Xaviera by exploiting it’s weakness Phenomenology. Go to 336,160 (Bank of Berne). Corrupt the ICE with Jammies and Slow. Break the ICE with Concrete, DepthCharge and LogicBomb. Defeat Gold by exploiting it’s weakness Philosophy. Read the messages in the message base. Transfer funds: > 121519831200 > LYMA1211MARZ > 500000 > BOZOBANK > 712345450134 Go to 336,368 (Bozobank). Corrupt the ICE with Jammies and Slow. Break the ICE with Concrete, DepthCharge and LogicBomb. Download funds. > 500000 Go to 112,480 (Maas Biolabs). Corrupt the ICE with Jammies and Slow. Break the ICE with Concrete, DepthCharge and LogicBomb. Defeat Sangfroid by exploiting it’s weakness Phenomenology. Access the security systems. Turn the lawbot alarm off. Unlock the main entrance. Leave cyberspace. Walk north, west, west, west, west, west, west, west, south, south. Use the gasmask. Walk west. 1 Talk to the security system. 1 Buy the CyberEyes. Use the gasmask. Walk north, west. Operate Cyberspace 1.0 on the CyberEyes deck. Use KGB 1.0. Corrupt the ICE with Jammies and Slow. Break the ICE with Concrete, DepthCharge and LogicBomb. Defeat Lucifer by exploiting it’s weakness Logic. Download all software. Erase Logicbomb 3.0 and DepthCharge 3.0 from the deck. Erase Slow 4.0, Jammies 3.0 and Concrete 2.0 from the deck. Go to 320,464 (Phantom). Corrupt the ICE with Jammies and Slow. Break the ICE with Concrete, DepthCharge and LogicBomb. Send BattleChess 4.0 to Phantom. Download Hemlock 1.0. Go to 208,208 (Musabori). Corrupt the ICE with Jammies and Slow. Break the ICE with Concrete, DepthCharge and LogicBomb. Send Hemlock 1.0 to Greystroke. Download Kuang Eleven 1.0. Go to 384,416 (Tessier-Ashpool). Corrupt the ICE with Jammies and Slow. Break the ICE with Concrete, DepthCharge and LogicBomb. Defeat Wintermute by exploiting it’s weakness Sophistry. Go to 432,464 (Allard Technologies). Corrupt the ICE with Jammies and Slow. Break the ICE with Concrete, DepthCharge and LogicBomb. Use Philosophy, Phenomenology, Sophistry and Logic. Send Kuang Eleven 1.0 to the Neuromancer. Defeat the Neuromancer.

Manhunter 2: San Francisco

Take the ID card. Take the Manhunter Assignment Device. Ask Info. > PETER BROWN Exit. Use the tracker. Track both individuals leaving the bank. Close the MAD. Travel to the Bank of Canton, Chinatown. Walk west. Look at the body’s hand. Look at the body’s face. Take the broken fang. Take the laundry receipt. Walk east. Enter the building. Walk to the tunnel, to the room. Note the name on the door. Use the MAD. Ask Info. > TAD TIMOV Close the MAD. Take the newspaper from the trash. Look at the body’s hand. Take the note. Walk back, back, back. Travel to Embarcadero Fountain. Go to the spin space. Spin to the tunnel. Defeat the bats and rats. Take the driver’s license. Look at the body. Take the flask. Walk back, back. Leave the spin area. Travel to the warehouse. Walk inside, north. Walk to the other end. Look at the table. Take the mallet. Use the MAD. Ask Info. > MIC STONE Close the MAD. Walk back, to the other end, back. Travel to the Ferry Building. Walk inside. Look at the plaque. Walk back, back. Travel to the Manhunter’s Apartment. Walk inside. Look at the drawer. Take the cloth. Walk back, back. Travel to Hyde Street Pier. Look at the crates. Climb down the ladder. Look under the pier. Climb to the hole. Walk back, back. Look in the hole. Climb in the hole. Resurrect. Walk upstairs. Travel to Tad Timov’s Apartment. Walk inside. Resurrect. Travel. > MIC STONE There is no name for the second suspect. Track the three suspects and the attackers at the cable car barn. Close the MAD. Walk back. Travel to Pier 5. Look at the body. Take the muzzle. Note the broken fang. Use the fang. Walk back. Travel to Tad Timov’s Apartment. Walk inside. Use the muzzle when the dog attacks. Look at the picture. Note the bar graphs. Walk back. Take the camera. Walk back, back. Travel to the temple. Walk inside. Take the shield. Shield yourself from the attacks. Walk north. Look at the Dragon Note. Look at the third statue on the right. Look at the first statue on the left. Look at the fourth statue on the right. Look at the cloth. Look at the second statue on the left. Use the cloth. Walk north. Cross the water. Take the scroll. Jump out of the window. Walk east. Use the MAD. Ask Info. > ZAC WEST Close the MAD. Walk inside. Look at the bench. Take a pinch from the second pot from the left. Take a pinch from the second pot from the left. Take a pinch from the second pot from the left. Take a pinch from the second pot from the left. Smoke the pipe. Take the statue. Note the inscription. Travel to the Transamerica Pyramid. Walk north. Note the broken chain. Walk inside. Look at the glass case. Take the empty gun. Walk north, inside, to the robot. Walk around to robot to free the man and escape. Travel to the laundry. Walk to the door. Walk back. Travel to the Doctor’s house. Walk inside. Look at the person on the table. Note the mark. Walk back, north. Look at the doctor. Note the mark. Take the letter. Look at the newspaper. Use the MAD. Ask Info. > NOAH GORING Close the MAD. Note the urine sample. Use the empty flask. Walk back, back, back. Travel to the Scientist’s house. Walk inside. Look at the briefcase. Read all notes. Leave the briefcase. Look at the table. Take the matches. Note the needle and thread. Leave the table. Look through the window. Note Julius Castle. Walk back, back. Travel to the wax museum. Walk inside. Look at the figure. Use the mallet. Press the start button. Walk west, west. Climb the chimney. Climb down. Walk east, east, east, south. Travel to the cable car barn. Walk north. Enter the cable car. Enter the top right block from the right. Flip the switch. Walk back, to the hole in the fence. Look at the posters. Look at the body. Take the letter. Look at the hand. Walk back, back. Enter the cable car. Walk back. Travel to the shop. Walk inside. Note the finger. Walk back. Travel. There are no names for the suspects. Track the suspects and the attackers on the ground. Walk back. Travel to Ghirardelli square. Walk to the alley. Take the rat’s paw. Walk to the alley. Resurrect. Walk back. Travel to the laundry. Walk to the door, inside, to the woman. Use the laundry receipt. Follow the girl. Take the walking stick. Leave. Travel to the shop. Walk inside. Look at the vendor. Give the rat’s paw to the vendor Play the three aces game. Continue playing. Choose the left rat mask. Walk back. Travel to the wax museum. Walk north. Look at the figure. Use the mallet. Walk west. Look at the robed body. Note the white thread. Use the fang. Take the card. Walk east, east, south. Travel to the private club. Look at the door. Use the rat mask 1. Knock. Note the symbols on the hand. Use the full flask when the rats threaten you. Take the hatchet. Walk east. Travel to Ghirardelli square. Walk north. Climb up. Walk east. Make your way right next to the man. Use the walking stick. Take the ring. Walk west. Enter the window. Look at the grate. Use the ring. Take the orb-on-a-stick. Wait until you’re thrown in the pit. Use the camera. Climb down. Look under the pier. Climb up. Use the hatchet. Use the hatchet. Find the mutant from the tobacco heaven vision. Give the statue to the mutant. Look at the card slot. Use the orb card. Use the orb-on-a-stick. Look at the burner. Turn the handle. Use the matchbook. Move the burning match to the gas. Land on the castle tower. Look at the screen. Move all slaves to the Slavery. Move all the robots to the lowest room possible. Close all gates. Open the gate nearest to the lava. Open the gate north of the room of guards. Open the gate below the two buildings. The three orb buildings should be flooded now. Move the slaves to Hell. Enter the symbols from the hand. Press the black button. Look at the map. Reach the exit of the maze. Look at the tiny print.

Manhunter: New York

Watch the tracker display until the person disappears. Travel to Bellevue Hospital. Walk to the side. Walk inside. Look at the dead man’s foot. Go back, back, back. Look at the MAD. Choose Info. > RENO DAVIS Choose exit. > C Travel to the Flatbush Bar. Enter the bar. Look at the video game. Succesfully play the knife throwing game. Look at the video game. Note the map and the magic squares. Three of the magic squares are on the way to the exit. Note which kewpies are hit when you touch those three. Win the game. Step back, go back. Travel to Prospect Park. Walk inside. Enter the women’s room and go right, right. Sit on the toilet. Flush three times. The sewer maze is the maze on the video game.[+] Right, left, front nine times, left. Take keycard. Back, right, front five times, left, front, left, left. Right, front four times, right, front, left, left. Take keycard. Back, right, right, front, left, front, left, front. Right, left, front, right, front. Take keycard. Right, front, right, left, right. Take keycard. Back, left, right, front, front, right, front, left. Front, left. Take keycard. Back, right, front, right, front, left, front, right. Right, front, left, front, left, right, left, right. Front, left, left, front, front, right. Take keycard. Back, left, front, front, right, right, front, left. Right, left, right, front, left, right, left, front. Right, front, left, left, front, front, left, right. Front three times, right, right, front, front. Take keycard. Back, front five times, left, front, left, left, right. Take keycard. Back, left, right, right, front, right, front. Front, right, left, right, front, right, front, left. Take keycard. Right, left, front, front, right, left, front, left. Left, right, front, right, left, front, front, right. Front, front, right, right, left. Take keycard. Back, right, left, left, front, left, front, front. Left, front, right. Take keycard. Back, left, front, left, front, left, right. Take keycard. Front. Look at the medallion at the dock. Take the medallion. Walk forwards. Travel to Coney Island. Step forwards to test your skills. Play Kewpie Doll Baseball. Hit the third doll in the top row. Hit the second doll in the middle row. Hit the last doll in the bottom row. Note that you hit the same three dolls as in the video game. Use the medallion. Take the prize. At this moment, there are no suspects. Track the movements of the tagged person. Choose track and tag each of the two helpers. Travel to the Wretched Excess NightClub. Enter the alley and walk forwards. Dodge the dangerous objects and knock out the four punks. Take a better look at the only person wearing a brown hood. Take the keycard. Travel to Central Park at Strawberry Fields. Examine the sign and step back. Follow the exact movements of the tagged person. Use the exit route twice north from straight east. Go to the left side of the red tree. Use the path east just below the tree on the right. Use the path between the left reddish tree and blue-green tree. Use the first path left of the right-most red tree. Use the most northern path west. Take the crowbar. Walk back. Use the path just to the right of the dark blue bush. Use the most northern path east. Use the path just right of the red bush. Notice the word on the rock. Look at the man’s face. Step back and take a look at the items on the floor. Note the names. Use the MAD. Choose info. > ANNA OSBORNE Choose exit. > C Travel to 150 West 82nd. Enter the building and appartment 5-B. Look at the shopping bag. Take the key. Step back and push the button. Look at Anna. Step back and push the button. Leave the appartment and the building. Travel to the American Museum of Natural History. Walk right. Use the key. Walk inside. Follow the exact movement of the tagged person through the building. Right, front. Look at the left door. Use the keycards. Walk left, look at the door and use the keycards. Walk front, look at the door and use the keycards. Walk left, front, look at the door and use the keycards. Walk front, front, look at the front door and use the keycards. Walk front, front, look at the door and use the keycards. Walk front, look at the door and use the keycards. Walk right, look at the door and use the keycards. Walk front, right, look at the right door and use the keycards. Walk right, front, look at the right door and use the keycards. Walk right, front, front, look at the door and use the keycards. Walk right, front, front, look at the door and use the keycards. Walk front, look at the front door and use the keycards. Walk front. Use the crowbar. Use the medallion. Walk front, right, front. Look at the blackboard. Step back and look at the man. Get the module. Note the tattoo. Step back. Try to travel. The suspects names so far: > H. OSBORNE > ANNA OSBORNE Watch the tagged person. Travel to Greenwood Cemetery. Walk inside. Note the name on the grave the orb was placed on. Step back. Travel to the Trinity Church. Walk inside. Look at the left candles. Take a match. Light the first candle at the top row. Light the third candle at the middle row. Light the fourth candle at the bottom row. Take the module. Extinguish the candles. Step back, leave the church. Travel to Abdul’s Pawn Shop. Enter the shop. Walk up to Abdul. Take the cross, the five bars and the pentagram. Look at the sign. Step back and look at the picture. Type 4-1. Look at the picture. Type 1-0-3-1. Look at the picture. Type 2-6-4. Look at the picture. Type 4-2-5. Look at the body. Notice the name. Step back and walk right. Punch the attacker. Take the note. Back up and leave through the manhole. Travel to the Theater in Times Square. Walk inside, to the right. Remove the painting. Look at the safe. Enter the code of the note: 843769. Get the note. Step back. Note the pictures on the wall. Use the MAD. Choose info. > HARRY JONES Choose exit. > C Leave the office and the theater. Travel to 21 Pearl Street. Walk to the door and enter the house. Look at the radio. Use the crowbar. Take the module. Step back, leave the room and the house. Use the MAD. Choose info. > PHIL COOK Choose exit. > C Travel to the Empire State Building. Enter the building. Look at the computer. Use the power switch. Type the code on the second note: > UCUCC Choose Continue. Choose Alpha. Choose Security. Set Alpha Security to Hall Patrol. Return, return and quit the computer. Go back. Try to travel. The suspect’s name: > HAROLD JONES Ignore the assignment. Travel to the Bellevue Hospital. Walk to the side, enter the hole. Walk through the door. Look at the grate. Use the crowbar. Wait until the orb, the guard and the robot leave. Take a look at the machine. Take module D. Flip the switch up. The belt should be moving away from the human shredder. Climb the ladder. Go through the maze. Step back. Travel to Grand Central Terminal. Look at the small window. Use the crowbar. Enter the building. Enter the ship. Use all four modules. Push the power button. Push the middle square button. Push the right square button. Push the button below the screen. Slide the right switch. Push the left square button. Move the ship through the hatch. Push the middle square button. Move through the maze. Look at the screen. Bomb the Empire State Building. Bomb the Bellevue Hospital. Bomb Grand Central Terminal. Bomb the small purple square at the very lower left of the map.

Keptosh I: The Search for Junc

Take the junc port. Walk southwest, west, north, inside. Walk southwest, west, south, east, inside. Use the east chair. Walk south, south, east. Take the Portable Terminal. Use the Portable Terminal on Adis. Walk west, north, inside. Walk south, west. Talk to the robot. Take the junc. Walk north, north, inside. Use the junc on the terminal. Talk to the barman. Talk to the barman. Walk south, east, inside. Give the junc packet to Nesa. Walk southwest, east, inside. Talk to the robot. Take the cloaker. Take the levitator. Walk south, east, south, west. Use the cloaker on Adis. Walk inside, west. Use the keyboard. Look at the broken data chip. Note the code. Enter the code from the broken data chip. Walk east, east, northeast. Take the red books on the rightmost bookshelf in the back. Use the lever. Use the levitator on Adis. Use the terminal.


The symbol is a circle with three line on the top part, and one on the bottom. Open the wallet on the table. Take the cashcard. Take the list. Use the list. Note the doorcode. Drop the list. Leave the wallet. Walk east. Open the micro cooker. Take the key. Leave the micro cooker. Take the cartridge from the crate. Use the button next to the exit. Walk east. Use the control. Walk west. Take the screwdriver from the car. Walk south, west. Travel to your flat. Walk west, north. Use the left keypad. Enter 5106. Walk west. Take the red cartridge. Open the interface. Put the cartridge labelled “Important!” in the interface. Leave the interface. Use the network screen. > LOGON RYAN > BLACKDRAGON > LIST > LIST CARTRIDGE > READ PRIVATE > LIST MAILBOX > READ LOUIS > EXIT Take the knife from the bed. Walk east, south, east. Use the lift control. Travel to Louis’ flat. Walk west. Walk west, south. Use the keypad. Enter 5238. Walk west. Talk to Louis. Take both trainers. Use both trainers. Open the unit. Take the card. Leave the unit. Look at the card. Walk east, north, east, south. Travel to Sparky’s Bar. Walk north. Talk to Sparky. Use the cashcard on the card scanner. Talk the east man. Walk south, west. Travel to the pool hall. Walk east. Talk to the assistant. Use the card on the reader. Drop the card. Walk north. Use the lift control. Walk south. Talk to the bartender. Note the door code. Walk west, west. Use the keypad. Enter 5222. Walk south. Talk to Mr. Silverman. Use the cashcard on the card scanner. Take the gun. Walk north, east, east, north. Use the lift control. Walk south, west, north. Travel to the Regency Hotel. Walk north. Talk to the receptionist. Use the cashcard on the card scanner. Take the keycard. Use the pad. Walk north. Use the keycard on the controls. Use the knife on the controls. Use the knife on the wire. Drop the keycard. Drop the knife. Walk south, west. Open the firepoint. Take the axe. Leave the firepoint. Walk east, north. Use the handle. Use the axe on the lift doors. Use the axe. Use the gun. Walk west, south. Use the gun. Talk to the keeper. Walk south, south, east. Use the west door. Use the key on the plinth. Walk east, south. Travel to your flat. Walk west, north. Use the left keypad. Enter 5106. Walk west. Use the network screen. > LIST NEWSNET > READ TVSPECIAL > EXIT Walk east, south, east. Use the lift control. Travel to Channel 6 Studios. Walk east, east, east, south, south, west. Talk to the old man. Use the gun. Use the control panel. Walk west, north. Take the brochure. Drop the brochure. Take the passcard. Walk west. Use the passcard on the door lock. Walk south. Drop the passcard. Use the screwdriver on the fusebox. Take the fuse. Drop the screwdriver. Walk north, east, east, north. Use the ladder. Open the winch control. Take the blown fuse. Drop the blown fuse. Put the fuse in the winch control. Leave the winch control. Use the winch control. Talk to the keeper. Walk south, south. Take the crystal. Walk west. Use the east door. Use the key on the plinth. Walk west. Travel to your flat. Walk west, north. Use the left keypad. Enter 5106. Walk west. Take the mug from the table. Note the logo on the mug. Open the interface. Take the cartridge from the interface. Drop the cartridge labelled “Important!”. Put the cartridge in the interface. Leave the interface. Use the network screen. > LIST CARTRIDGE > READ MEETING > READ CODE > EXIT Walk east, south, east. Use the lift control. Travel to Eden’s house. Use the keypad. Enter 2865. Walk north. Use the button. Walk east. Use the lift control. Walk west, west. Use the organiser on the bed. Press the key until you find Sartain Industries. Exit the organiser. Walk east, east. Use the lift control. Walk west, south, west. Travel to Sartain Industries. Use the keypad. Enter 7833. Walk north. Use the computer. Use the gun. Walk west, north. Use the lift control. Walk south. Use the crystal. Walk south. Open the briefcase. Take the papers. Leave the briefcase. Use the papers. Read through the papers until you find both addresses. Exit the papers. Drop the papers. Walk east, north, south, west. Use the gun. Talk to the keeper. Walk south. Use the east door. Use the key on the plinth. Walk west. Take the wire cutters. Walk north, north. Travel to Chapel’s house. Walk east. Talk to the policeman. Walk west. Use the wall. Walk south. Take the cartridge. Walk north. Use the wall. Walk west. Travel to the boathouse. Take the railing. Use the mug on the pipe. Walk east. Use the junction box. Use the railing on the junction box. Use the mug on the junction box. Drop the railing. Drop the mug. Use the hole in the balcony. Use the hole in the window. Talk to Underwood. Use the gun. Talk to the keeper. Walk south, south, west. Use the door. Use the key on the plinth. Walk north. Travel to your flat. Walk west, north. Use the left keypad. Enter 5106. Welk west. Open the interface. Take the cartridge from the interface. Drop the cartridge from Eden’s House. Put the cartridge in the interface. Leave the interface. Use the network screen. > LIST CARTRIDGE > LOGON BECKETT > SEPTIMUS > LIST CARTRIDGE > READ BRIEF > EXIT Walk east, south, east. Use the lift control. Travel to the ruined church. Use the wire cutters on the gate. Drop the wire cutters. Walk south. Take the hand. Walk south, south. Take the cloth. Take a candlestick. Take the candlestick. Drop the cloth. Drop a candlestick. Drop the candlestick. Use the hand on the hole. Use the altar. Use the hole. Open the jar. Take the gem. Use the stone slab. Take a gem. Take the gem. Take the rock. Use a gem on the stone tile. Use a gem on the stone tile. Use the gem on the stone tile. Walk east. Take a rock. Take the rock. Walk north. Use the statue. Reconstruct the symbol from the manual. Push the crystal. Walk south, south, east. Take the rock. Walk west, west, west. Take the rock. Walk north. Take the rock. Walk west. Take a rock. Take the rock. Walk east. Use all eight rocks on the cart. Use the cart. Walk south, south, west, south. Use the hole. Walk west, north, north, west, east.

Circuit’s Edge

Bank code4D424C
Seipolt110NPR56 X
Hassan The Shiite483FJL62
Black Widows292KVM48 XXX
Lt. Okking396ACE58
Abdulaye742DST67 X
AAA Secured Loans1011 STREET555GFX67
Abu Salah’s Rug Shop715 STREET014LBT52
Ad-Dur House576 S. Alley505QNK52
Big Al’s Old Chicago516 STREET653GNE65
The Blue Parrot214 STREET441GOE61
Bougainvillea Apartments402 S. 1st Street441GOH63
Budayeen Hotel963 STREET670TRX60
Cafe de la Fee Blanche277 N. 9th Street772XGW62
Cafe Solace202 S. 12th Street772XGF68
Chiriga’s821 STREET745KBZ69
Cold Tea323 S. 11th Street718WGG67
Crazy Abdul’s666 S. Alley747SRG68
Data Security Systems356 N. 3rd Street876TGF69
Double Wisdom Acupuncture1467 STREET817UEX57
Electroniques422 S. 5th Street981VMK60
Elegant Rooms224 S. Alley981ZTG52
The Eyes of Texas474 N. 1st Street441GRR65
Five Pillars Apartments384 N. 12th Street441GSB51
Franco’s Tattoo Parlor1286 S. Alley476MHH50
Frenchy’s Nightclub956 STREET041GVA69
Friendly’s Pawn Shop1522 STREET045XGW51
The Gambling Den426 S. 5th Street441GTT68
Gray House Apartments462 N. 8th Street441GTK61
Han Lon’s House of Holograms215 N. 6th St270GYH59
Hassan’s Tourist Paradise725 STREET275LTG65
Heavenly Fragrances417 S. 9th Street217OXG51
Hologames and More167 S. 13th Street218HZT61
Hotel del Palazzo29356 Boulevard il Jameel996HDP48
Houri’s325 N. 16th Street217KBL52
House of Snakes929 STREET217LXG62
Iku Iku Bath House230 S. 14th Street377GVD62
Jewels of Morocco368 N. 1st Street419XEL51
Jo-Mama’s521 N. 3rd Street415ZTF69
Kiyoshi’s111 S. 14th Street551HLA69
Laila’s Mod Shop424 S. 3rd Street675ETN62
Leather Goddesses208 S. 1st Street617MAX52
Madame Mimi’s Tarot Den1156 STREET474HMG51
Maq-Allah’s Newstand818 STREET773NTE57
Martyrs of Democracy282 N. 13th Street774MRK62
Medical Clinic271 STREET710BVT52
The Medinah Apartments176 S. 16th Street441GZX55
Meloul’s127 STREET718HNE65
Morgue 57 STREET715ZNX52
Muhammad’s Glass529 N. 12th Street774TFF60
Mustafa’s Pawn Shop258 S. 1st Street775MTY69
Neural Warez1421 Street817KTE57
New Orleans soul and Fast Food Franchise532 STREET869UFU56
Police Station7799 Walid al-Akbar Street911COP58
The Red Light Lounge422 N. 7th Street441GEX52
The Sahara Apartments577 S. 7th Street441GFT57
Sahtayn’s369 S. 3rd Street374MTR55
Salah ad-Din Apartments400 S. 13th Street378TAG60
The Scarlet Orchid461 N. 10th Street441GFV64
The Sea-Ray Hotel124 STREET441GFX65
Sensory Deprivation234 N. 4th Street310LHK62
Shimaal Mosque21006 Boulevard il Jameel243DGE47
Shoukri’s Adult Video Holos34 S. 12th St507EMG55
The Silver Palm509 STREET441GFB58
The Smoke Shop516 N. 11th Street441GFF67
Tab, Caps Pills1221 STREET478LSG67
Transpex Games333 S. 4th STREET447GLI60
Vast Food277 N. 2nd Street675MGS61
When you are attacked, kill the assailant. Get the kiam and a stiletto or switchblade. Leave anything else. Chip in Bio-scanner. Wait until the phone rings. Talk. Note the commcode for Saied. Exit your apartment. Go to Cafe de la Fee Blanche. Talk to Gargotier. Talk about… > FUAD End the conversation. Exit the cafe. Go to Chiriga’s. Talk to Fuad. Talk about… > PACKAGE End the conversation. Use the belt phone. > 131AEP69 Exit. Go to Frenchy’s Nightclub. Talk to Saied. Give the cologne package to Saied. Chip in Chronos 2000. Drop the wrist watch. Wait until the belt phone rings. Talk. Exit. Go to Bougainvillea Apartments. Look. Look. Get the video holodisk. Exit the room. Go to the eastern gate. Talk to Bill. Go to Friedlander Bey’s. Exit the cab. Talk to Papa. Exit. Talk to Bill. Go to the police station. Exit. Talk to Hajjar. Talk about… > KENJI > MORGUE Exit. Talk to Bill. Go to the Budayeen. Exit. Go to the morgue. Talk to the attendant. Talk about… > KENJI Show the morgue pass. See the effects. Get the black wallet. Get the video holodisk. Look at the black wallet. Look at Mustafa’s tag. Drop the morgue pass. Exit. Go to Mustafa’s Pawn Shop. Walk north, east. Talk to the madame. Talk about… > MUSTAFA End the conversation. Exit. Walk north, east. Enter your bank code. [+] Withdraw all kiam from your account. Drop the banking disk. Go to Friendly’s Pawn Shop. Talk to Friendly. Give Mustafa’s tag. Give 20 kiam. Look at the half of a ring. Buy an answering machine. Use the answering machine. Exit. Go to Laila’s Mod Shop. Talk to Laila. Talk about… > ORIENTAL > JAPANESE Buy Kung Fu Master. Chip in Kung Fu Master. Exit. Go to Jewels of Morocco. Talk to the jeweler. Talk about > JAPANESE CHIP Exit. Go to Franco’s Tattoo Parlor. Talk to Franco. Ask about… > SERPENTS Exit. Go to Five Pillars Apartments. Sleep until 18:00. Exit. Go to any cafe. Buy food until you are full. Exit. Go to AAA Secured Loans. Talk to Guido. Talk about… > MANNY Look at the matchbook. Exit. Go to the Silver Palm. Talk to Heidi. Talk about… > MANNY Drop the matchbook. Exit. Go to the Eyes of Texas. Talk to the shopkeeper. Talk about… > MANNY Exit. Go to the Gambling Den. Talk to Karim. Talk about… > MANNY Exit. Go to the Red Light Lounge. Talk to Fanya. Talk about… > MANNY Exit. Go to the ad-Dur House. Look. Talk to the landlord. Talk about… > MANNY Give 100 kiam. Look. Get the crumpled note. Look at the crumpled note. Drop the cumpled note. Exit. By now, you should have a stiletto or switchblade. Go to the warehouse at the south end of 1st street. Look. Use the stilletto or switchblade. Look at the second half of a ring. Drop the second half of a ring. Drop the half of a ring. Exit. Go to the eastern gate. Talk to Bill. Go to the Shimaal mosque. Exit. Wait until 1:00. Exit. Talk to Bill. Go to Friedlander Bey’s. Exit. Talk to Papa. Exit. Talk to Bill. Go to the Budayeen. Exit. Go to Franco’s Tattoo Parlor. Talk to the street dealer. Buy the detective badge. Exit. Go to Electroniques. Talk to Sampson. Talk about… > MARCO Exit. Go to Shoukri’s Adult Video Holos. Answer Yes. Answer Yes. Exit. Go to Laila’s Mod Shop. Talk to Laila. Buy Super Spy. Buy Rad Hacker. Buy The Phantom. Buy Alpine Jack. Exit. Go to the eastern gate. Talk to Bill. Go to the police station. Exit. Use the computer. > KENJI CARTER > TAMARA CARTER > MARCO HERRERA > ALEJANDRO HERRERA Exit. Talk to Bill. Go to the Budayeen. Exit. Go to Electroniques. Talk to Sampson Buy the data-link terminal. Exit. Go to Friendly’s Pawn Shop. Talk to Friendly. Buy the uplink cables. Chip out Kung Fu Master. Chip in Rad Hacker. Use the data-link terminal. > 054AJR86 > GRAVITY > ALEJANDRO HERRERA > Exit. Chip out Rad Hacker. Chip in Kung Fu Master. Go to the Medinah Apartments. Look. Chip out Kung Fu Master. Chip in Super Spy. Use the chip skill of Super Spy in the chip rack. Look. Drop the uplink cables. Drop the data-link terminal. Get the star sapphire. Chip out Super Spy. Chip in Kung Fu Master. Exit. Go to Jewels of Morocco. Talk to the jeweler. Give the star sapphire. Chip in Japan-easy. Use the answering machine. Drop the answering machine. Drop the answering chip. Exit. Go to Five Pillars Apartments. Sleep one hour. Talk. Exit. Go to Hassan’s Tourist Paradise. Talk to Mahmoud. Talk about… > HASSAN Look at the ransom note. Exit. Go to Heavenly Fragrances. Talk to the shopkeeper. Show the ransom note. Drop the ransom note. Exit. Go to the Scarlet Orchid. Talk to the shopkeeper. Talk about… > TIGER ORCHIDS Exit. Go to the eastern gate. Talk to Bill. Go to the ad-Dur docks. Exit. Look. Chip out Japan-easy. Chip in Alpine Jack. Use the chip skill of Alpine Jack in the chip rack. Chip out Kung Fu Master. Chip in The Phantom. Use the chip skill of The Phantom in the chip rack. Look. Exit. Chip out The Phantom. Chip in Kung Fu Master. Talk to Bill. Go to the Budayeen. Go to Heavenly Fragrances. Talk to the shopkeeper. Give the orchid package. Exit. Go to Five Pillars Apartments. Sleep one hour. Talk. Use the belt phone. > 774TFF60 Sleep until 18:00. Exit. Go to Muhammad’s Glass. Talk to Muhammed. Talk about… > ODD WOMAN Give 150 kiam. Exit. Go to any cafe. Buy food until you are full. Exit. Go to Madame Mimi’s Tarot Den. Talk to Madame Mimi. Give the crystal ball. Talk about… > COLOGNE Exit. Go to the western gate. Look. Defeat the assailant. Exit. Go to Electroniques. Talk to Sampson. Buy the radio direction finder. Buy the wire. Exit. Go to the Smoke Shop. Talk to the shopkeeper. Show the Cuban tobacco. Exit. Go to Maq-Allah’s Newstand. Talk to Maq’Allah. Talk about… > TERRORIST Look. Exit. Go to the morgue. Get the morgue pass. Talk to the attendant. Show the morgue pass. Talk about… > TERRORIST Get Demolitionist. Chip out Kung Fu Master. Chip in Demolitionist. Use the chip skill of Demolitionist in the chip rack. Drop the morgue pass. Exit. Go to Crazy Abdul’s. Talk to Crazy Abdul. Talk about… > DETONATOR Give 100 kiam. Use the chip skill of Demolitionist in the chip rack. Exit. Go to Friendly’s Pawn Shop. Talk to Friendly. Buy the countdown timer. Use the chip skill of Demolitionist in the chip rack. Exit. Use the radio direction finder. Follow the directions to the locked warehouse. Use the plastic explosives. Chip out Demolitionist. Chip in Kung Fu Master. Enter the warehouse. Kill the Killer. Get only the kiam. Look. Exit. Go to Hassan’s Tourist Paradise. Talk to Mahmoud. Exit. Go to the Medical Clinic. Talk to the nurse. Talk about… > TAMARA Use the video holoviewer. Exit. Go to Jewels of Morocco. Talk to the jeweler. Talk about… > EMERALD EARRING Exit. Go to Chiriga’s. Talk to the street dealer. Talk about… > EMERALD EARRING Give 50 kiam. Exit. Agree to give her your commcode. Find Kandy in one of the nightclubs. Talk to Kandy. Talk about… > EMERALD EARRING Exit. Find Lily in one of the nightclubs. Talk to Lily. Talk about… > EMERALD EARRING Exit. Go to the House of Snakes. Talk to the shopkeeper. Buy the green snake. Exit. Find Lily in one of the nightclubs. Talk to Lily. Give the green snake. Exit. Go to the Medical Clinic. Talk to the nurse. Give the emerald earrings. Exit. Find Arissa in one of the nightclubs. Talk to Arissa. Talk about… > TAMARA Exit. Wait until the phone rings. Talk. Go to Gray House Apartments. Look. Exit. Go to the warehouse at the south end of 1st street. Look. Kill Abu Salah. Get the notebook. Exit. Go to Abu Salah’s Rug Shop. Look. Get the black key. Exit. Go to the warehouse at the south end of 1st street. Use the black key. Exit. Go to the eastern gate. Talk to Bill. Go to Friedlander Bey’s. Exit. Talk to Papa.

Beneath a Steel Sky

To access security services, some versions of this game require codes from the game manual. [+] Use the rung. Use the metal bar on the door. Use the door. Walk west, downstairs, east. Look at the junk in the middle. Use the circuit board on the robot shell. Use the transporter. Talk to Joey. 2 Use the lift. Walk east. Open the cupboard door. Take the spanner. Wait until the man returns. Talk to the man. 31313222222 Walk west. Talk to Joey. 2 Wait until the lift goes down. Use the hole. Look at the lock. Wait until Joey arrives. Talk to Joey. 2 Use the corpse. Walk east, east, northeast. Talk to the woman. 1112 Walk east. Use the spanner on the cogs. 2 Use the spanner jammed in cogs. Walk west. Use the spanner on the robot. Talk to Joey. 1 Walk east, to the doorway behind the sensors. Talk to Joey. 2 Use the window. Leave the window. Wait until Joey arrives. Talk to Joey. 2 Talk to Joey. 2 Wait until Joey arrives. Walk to the doorway. Use the gangway. Take the putty from the floor. Walk east. 2 Walk west, west. Look at the cable. Use the cable. Walk to the lift. Wait until Joey arrives. Talk to Joey. 1 Wait until Joey breaks the cable. Walk west, west, west. Use the spanner on the right button. Use the spanner on the left button. Wait until Joey arrives. Talk to Joey. 1 Use the left button while Joey pushes the right button. Use the switch. Take the light bulb. Use the putty on the light socket. Use the switch. Use the eastern switch in the cabinet. Walk east, east, east. Use the ID card on the slot. Wait until Joey arrives. Walk to the lift. Take the cable. Walk west, northeast. Use the ID card on the western slot. Walk northwest. Use the pillow. Take the magazine. Walk east, south, east, east, northeast. Talk to the man. 111213 Give the magazine to the man. Take the ticket. Walk west, southwest, west. Wait until Lamb arrives. Give the ticket to Lamb. Walk east. Use the ID card on the slot. Wait until Joey arrives. Walk to the lift. Walk northeast. Wait until Lamb arrives. Talk to Lamb. 4 Walk east. Talk to Anita. 123322 Give the ID card to Anita. Talk to Anita. 224 Walk west, west, west. Use the ID card on the terminal. Type 4 – Security services. Enter the correct code from the manual. Type 2 – Special operations. Type 1 – File adjustment. Type 1 – Authorise D-LINC. Exit the terminal. Wait until Lamb tries to go down the elevator. Talk to Lamb. 42 Use the ID card on the slot. Wait until Joey arrives. Walk to the lift. Walk west, west, west. Use the projector. 2 Wait until Joey arrives. Talk to Joey. 13 Walk west. Talk to Burke. Talk to Burke. 1 Talk to Burke. 1 Talk to Burke. Talk to Burke. 23 Walk east, east, southeast, northeast. Use the ID card on the eastern slot. Walk northeast. Take the video cassette. Walk west, south, east, east, east. Talk to the man. 12 Wait until Joey arrives. Talk to the man. 21 Talk to Joey. 2 Take the anchor. Use the anchor on the cable. Walk west, west. Use the ID card on the slot. Wait until Joey arrives. Walk to the lift. Walk west, west, northeast, upstairs, east. Use the grappling hook on the sign. Walk east. Use the ID card on the interface slot. Use the interface. Take the ball. Walk east. Use open on the carpet bag. Take the magnifying glass. Use decrypt on the first document. Use decrypt on the second document. Take the birthday surprise. Use decompress on the compressed data. Walk east. Use the green password on the password hole Use the red password on the empty password hole. Take the green password. Use the green password on the northwestern password hole. Take the red password. Use the red password on the northeastern password hole. Take the green password. Use the green password on the eastern password hole. Walk north. Take the bust. Take the book. Use decrypt on the third document. Use disconnect. Use the ID card on the terminal. Type 4 – Security services. Enter the correct code from the manual. Type 1 – View documents. Type 1 – Briefing.doc. Type 9 – Next page. Type 0 – View documents. Type 2 – Report.doc. Type 0 – View documents. Type 0 – Security services. Type 2 – Special operations. Type 2 – Special status request. Exit the terminal. Use the ID card on the elevator slot Walk west, east. Use the ID card on the slot. Wait until Joey arrives. Walk to the lift. Walk west. Use the ID card on the slot. Walk to the lift. Walk west. Talk to the doorman. 133 Walk southeast. Look at the door. Use the ID card on the lock. Walk southeast. Take the secateurs. Walk west, northeast. Wait until Mrs Piermont appears. Talk to Mrs Piermont. 31 Talk to the gardener. 22 Talk to the boy. 223 Talk to the gardener. 2 Use the button. 21111 Use the video cassette on the VCR. Look at the dog bowl. Take the dog biscuits. Walk to the elevator. Walk northwest. Wait until Mrs Piermont arrives. Use the dog biscuits on the plank. Use the rope. Walk northeast, north. Use the middle locker. Look at the body. Walk west, west. Use the ID card on the slot. Walk to the lift, east. Use the ID card on the slot. Walk to the lift, northeast, east, east. Use the middle locker. Use the overalls. Walk east. Use the control panel. Type 2 – Open reactor door. Exit the terminal. Walk north. Take the LINC card. Walk west. Use the control panel. Type 2 – Close door. Exit the terminal. Walk west. Use the coat. Walk west, west, west, west, northeast. Use the ID card on the slot. Use the LINC card on the interface slot. Use the interface. Walk east. Use blind on the eyeball. Walk north, north. Use playback on the well. Use disconnect. Use the ID card on the elevator slot. Walk west, east. Use the ID card on the slot. Walk to the lift, west. Use the ID card on the slot. Walk to the lift, east. Talk to the gardener. 2 Talk to the gardener. 2 Walk northwest, west, west. 111112122 Walk to the club. 3 Walk to the club. Use the jukebox. 1 Wait until one of the men changes the tune. Take the glass. Walk west, northeast. Use the ID card on the slot. Walk to the lift, west, west, west. Give the glass to Burke. Walk east, east, southeast. Use the ID card on the slot. Walk to the lift, west, to the club. Use the metal plate. Use the metal bar on the packing case. Use the wooden lid. Use the box. Use the box. Use the metal bar on the grill. Use the secateurs on the grill. Use the narrow passage. Walk east, northeast, east. Use the light bulb on the socket. Walk east, east. Run to the hole. Use the metal bar on the plaster. Use the metal bar on the brickwork. Use the metal bar on the swelling. Take the brick. Use the brick on the crowbar stuck in vein. Take the crowbar stuck in vein. Wait until the robot arrives. Walk east, north. Use the control unit. Type 2 – Reduce temperature. Use the metal bar in the ceiling. Walk west. Use the grill. Leave the grill. Walk east, northeast. Use the circuit board on the slot. 2 Wait until Joey returns. Talk to Joey. 1 Talk to Joey. 432 Wait until Joey returns. Walk northwest. Walk northeast, northeast. Use the ID card on the terminal. Type 2 – Access to restricted Area. Type 1 – Open door. Exit the terminal. Walk west. Use the robot. Use the corpse. Walk northeast. Use the red LINC card on the slot. Use the interface. Use blind on the eyeball. Walk east. Use blind on the eyeball. Walk north, north, east. While the eye is blinded, take the tuning fork. Walk west, west. Use divine wrath on the crusader. Walk east. Use oscillator on the crystal. Take the helix. Use disconnect. Walk west, southeast. Use the red LINC card on the console. Take the tongs. Use the tongs on the eastern huge tank. Use the tongs on the western huge tank. Walk east. Open the middle cabinet. Use the circuit board on the middle cabinet. Use the middle console. Type 2 – Download character data. Type 0 – Main menu. Type 3 – Startup program. 133 Walk east. Wait until Ken arrives. Talk to Ken. 3 Use the hand panel while Ken uses the other hand panel. Walk east, east. Use the cable on the pipe support. Use the rungs. Use the tongs on the orifice. Use the cable. Talk to Ken. 2

Bureau 13

Search the newsstand. Use the quarter on the newsstand. Open the newsstand. Pick up the paper. Walk east, inside. Pick up the superglue. Push the ash tray. Push the ash tray. Make Thief pickpocket the sergeant. Use the superglue on the fire extinguisher. Push the ash tray. Walk northwest. Open the eastern desk drawer. Pick up the keys. Close the eastern desk drawer. Open the fuse box. Pick up the fuse. Push the circuit breaker. Close the fuse box. Walk north. Use the sheriff’s keys on the evidence locker door. Open the evidence locker door. Walk northeast. Pick up the camera. Pick up the police report. Pick up the evidence. Make Hacker look at the bomb fragments. Walk south, south, west, west, west. Open the door. Walk inside. Pick up the dry ice. Walk south, south. Open the door. Walk northwest. Wait until the attendent leaves. Open the door. Throw the dry ice to the locker room. Wait until the attendent leaves. Walk west. Open the window. Walk to the window. Pick up the waster basket. Pick up the aluminum foil. Search the open locker. Open the fuse box. Pick up the bad fuse. Make Hacker tinker on the bad fuse. Use the electronic fuse on the fuse box. Close the fuse box. Open the locker. Pick up the jacket. Search the jacket. Walk west, south, northwest. Wait until the attendent leaves. Walk west. Close the window. Walk southeast. Close the door. Walk south. Close the door. Walk east, east, east. Search the wall. Make Thief open the lock on the door. Use the brick on the door. Walk inside. Pick up the wire cutters. Open the filing cabinet. Pick up the file. Pick up the cassette tapes Search the desk. Use Answering Machine Tape 5 on the answering machine. Pick up Answering Machine Tape 5. Make Thief pick the cash register. Walk northwest, northeast, east. Open the dumpster. Search the dumpster. Walk west. Make Witch cast Divination on the security buzzer. Open the security buzzer.
If Witch is not part of the mission: show the AI computer box to the security guard. Walk inside.
Pick up the note. Look at the secretary’s note. Open the copier. Pick up the memo. Look at the office memo. Open the door to the security office. Walk northeast. Pick up the video tapes. Walk southeast. Open the door to Mr. Simpson’s office. Walk northwest. Open the smoke detector. Pick up the battery. Pick up the remote control. Open the painting. Push the control button. Use the battery on the remote. Use video tape 3 on the VCR. Use the remote control on the VCR. Pick up video tape 3. Pick up the VCR tape from the safe. Use video tape 4 on the VCR. Use the remote control on the VCR. Walk northeast, southeast, southwest, south, east. Open the door. Walk inside. Give JPs van key to the night manager. Pick up the items. Walk south. Close the door. Walk southwest. Use the magnetic scan card on the RV. Enter the RV. Leave the RV. Look at JPs battle journal. Walk south, west, west, west, west, north. Walk south, east, east, east, south, into the RV. Engage autodrive. Go to the clearing in the woods. Walk east, north. Pick up the tree limb. Walk south. Use the tree limb on the road. Wait until the truck arrives. Enter the truck. Open the door. Walk inside. Pick up the wood saw. Open the fuse box. Push the button. Close the fuse box. Walk south. Close the door. Walk to the scaffolding. Use the level 4 AI badge on the western door. Walk west. Push the elevator access control. > 2112 Walk to the elevator to the sub basement. Look at the trip wire. Use the wire cutters on the trip wire. Open the door. Walk north. Pick up the ledger. Look at the ledger. Walk southwest. Close the door. Walk southeast, east. Close the western door. Walk south, west, west, west, into the RV. Access the RV database. > HOUSTON > STERLING > SAWBUCK > CARVER > COTTON Engage the autodrive. Go to the suburbs. Walk west, west, southwest. Open the trunk. Pick up the items in the car. Close the trunk. Walk west. Use the crowbar on the book return box. Open the book return box. Pick up the book. Close the book return box. Look at the book on botany. Walk west. Let Thief pick the lock. Open the window. Go in through the window. Pick up the assignment list. Look at the assignment list. Walk south. Close the window. Walk south. Use the crowbar on the door. Open the door. Walk north. Push the computer. > DEMON CONTAINMENT Leave the computer. Walk to the basement. Search the second bookcase from the left. Walk upstairs, southwest. Close the door Walk southeast, southeast. Use the crowbar on the front door. Open the front door. Walk inside. Push the answering machine. Walk into the garage. Open the second cabinet from the left. Pick up the book. Look at Jane’s book of bombs. Close the second cabinet from the left. Walk south. Close the front door. Walk east. Use the crowbar on the front door. Open the front door. Walk inside. Pick up the vampire hunter’s kit. Look at the vampire hunter’s kit. Walk southeast. Close the door. Search the trash. Open the door. Walk northwest, northwest. Close the front door. Walk southeast. Search Dennis Sterling. Use the wire cutters on the RV. Walk east. Look at the door. Use the crowbar on the front door. Open the front door. Walk inside. Pick up the book. Look at the book of magic. Walk north. Close the front door. Walk west, west, west, southwest, west. Walk west, west, west, west, west, west. Walk to the bouncer. 1 Open the door. Walk inside. Open the door. Walk northeast. Open the door. Walk north. Search the coffin. Look at the note to the band. Walk south. Close the door. Walk south. Close the door. Walk south. Close the door. Walk west. Search the poster. Open the poster. Walk inside. 111 Pick up the depressants. Pick up the stimulants. Walk northwest. Close the poster. Walk east, east. Open the bus. Search Edward Houston. Close the bus. Walk east, east, downstairs. Walk to Clyde Carver. Walk to Clyde Carver. Walk to Clyde Carver. Walk to Clyde Carver. Walk to Clyde Carver. Walk to Clyde Carver. Walk to Clyde Carver. Walk east. Search Clyde Carver. Walk northwest, northwest, west. Open the door. Walk inside. Pick up the amulet. 3 Pick up the drug. Pick up the powder. Pick up the potion. Pick up the charm. Give the amulet to Myra. Walk south. Close the door. Follow the cat southeast, southeast, south, southeast. Follow the cat southeast, southeast, southeast. Wait until the cat leaves. Walk into the RV. Engage autodrive. Go to the cemetery. Follow the cat west, east, north. Open the door. Walk inside. Attack Veronica Cotton. If the team only consist out of Priest, search Veronica Cotton. Walk south. Close the door. Walk south, southeast. Use the camera on the defaced tombstone. Use the shovel on the grave of Spike Clemmins. Open the coffin. Walk south. Open the door. Walk inside. Talk to Father Dominic. 11 Open the door. Walk east. Open the eastern door. Walk east. Pick up the crucifix. Search the floor. Open the floor. Close the floor. Walk west. Close the eastern door. Use the finger bone on the blood. Walk west. Close the door. Give the photo of the tombstone to Father Dominic. Walk south. Close the door. Walk west. Use the wood saw on the dogwood tree. Use the wood saw on the dogwood tree limb. Use the finger bone on the dogwood disc. Walk south, west. Use the crucifix on Stellerex. Walk west. Open the mausoleum. Enter the mausoleum. Walk south, east, east, north, west. Walk east, southeast, into the RV. Go to the clearing in the woods. Walk southeast, southeast, east, to the scaffolding. Use the level 6 AI badge on the eastern door. Walk east. Wait until the guard leaves. Use the depressants on the coffee cup. Walk south, east. Search the guard. Use the level 7 AI badge on the door. Walk north, east. Make Witch cast Divination on the northern door. Walk south. Use the stimulants on the programmer. Talk to the programmer. Walk east. Open the door. Pick up the EMP device. Walk north, southwest. Use the level 7 AI badge on the door. Push the bust. Walk northeast. Use the EMP device on the floor. Walk south. Push the bust. Walk northwest, southeast. Open the door. Use the EMP device on the pedestal. Walk north, south, north. Search the yellow wall. Walk to the yellow wall. Talk to Ted Simpson. Walk to the chair. Use the EMP device on the virus. Push the mainframe.

A Second Face

Walk upstairs. Get the Goozon fruit. Use the key on the fourth door to the left. Walk through the door. Get the pen. Open the closet Get the bag. Walk west, west, south. Walk to the avenue. Walk west. Walk to the council of science. Walk west, upstairs west, south. Walk to the avenue. Talk to the beggar. Open the west door. Walk north. > STOMACH > CONTAINER > BYE Walk west, west. Walk to the council of science. Walk east, downstairs west. Talk to the left student. Walk east. Talk to the right student. Give the plans to the left student. Walk east, upstairs west. Talk to the scientists. Walk east, downstairs west. Talk to the left student. Use the construction plans on the form. Walk east, upstairs west, south. Walk to the avenue. Open the west door. Give the construction plans to Grogoz. Walk west. Give the stomach to the beggar. Walk south, west. Get the bucket. Walk south, north. Open the east door. Get the glass. Get the glass. Get the permit. Walk west, west. Walk to the margin factory. Walk east. Use the bucket on the tap. Use the wheel. Get the bucket. Walk west, west. Walk to the avenue. Walk south. Give the bucket of margin to Effot. Walk into the alley. Get the rib. Use the rib on the opening. Get the margin cleaner. Walk to the door. Get the lantern cage. Walk south, east. Walk to the Goozon park. Talk to the dark man. > BYE Give the strange stone to the dark man. Walk south. Walk to the market. Talk to Orga. > VEGETABLE > CUCUMBER Talk to Orga. > CABBAGE Talk to Orga. > GOOZON Talk to Krak. > ROD > FISH Walk north. Open the east door. Talk to Rovinklus. > WINE Walk west, east. Walk to the palace. Walk east, north. Get the glass. Open the door. Walk north. Talk to the cook. > KNIFE > BYE Give the cucumber to the cook. Use the knife on the fish. Use the kra-herb on the chopped fish. Walk south, west, south, south. Go to the temple of fertility. Use a glass on the water. Use the mixture on the glass of water. Use a glass on the water. Walk east. Walk to the avenue. Walk south, east. Walk to the dark manor. Use the door. > MOROK > LIGHT Walk south. Walk to the market. Talk to Orga. > CABBAGE Talk to Krak. > FISH Use the knife on the fish. Use the kra-herb on the chopped fish. Use the mixture on the glass of water. Walk into the tent. Use the bag of margin on the table. > GELTZ Use the glass of substance on the goblet. > GELTZ Use Ugal. Walk west. Talk to Krak. > ROD Talk to Trof. > STUFF > TRADE > SOUVENIR Walk north. Use the east door. Talk to Groth. > BYE Show the luminescent statue to Groth. Walk west, east, north. Get the leather suit. Walk west. Get the mallet. Walk south, north. Talk to the upper class. > MARGIN Use the mug of margin on the margin cleaner. Walk north. Get the mace. Walk south, west, east. Get the statue. Use the mace on the wall. Use the mace on the wall. Use the mallet on the wall. Use the wall. Walk east, east. Walk to the avenue. Walk west. Walk to the council of science. Walk east, east. Wait until Brafok is facing north. Use the small statue on the statue. Walk west, south. Give the margin cleaner to the cleaning lady. Walk north, upstairs west, south. Walk to the avenue. Walk south, south. Use the mop on the fruit. Get the fruit. Walk east, north, east. Walk to the palace. Walk east, north, north. Use the glass on the spigot. Open the lid. Use the Goozon fruit on the lid. Close lid. Use the lever. Get the glass. Use the glass of Goozon juice on the lantern. Use the glass on the spigot. Open the lid. Use the Goozon fruit on the lid. Close lid. Use the lever. Get the glass. Use the glass of Goozon juice on the lantern. Use the glass on the spigot. Open the lid. Use the Goozon fruit on the lid. Close lid. Use the lever. Get the glass. Use the glass of Goozon juice on the lantern. Walk south, west, south, south. Walk to the temple of fertility. Use the mop on the water. Walk west. Use the hole. Use the wet mop on the dirt. Walk west, west. Use the knife on Groth’s suit. Use the margin on the piece of leather. Use the sticky leather on the fishing rod. Use the sticky fishing rod on the eye of Geltz. Walk south, east. Use the eye of Geltz on the relief. Use the lantern on the walkway. Denote (1,1) as the top room, and (1,4) as the rightmost room. Use the blue statue on the pedestal (1,1). Use the blue statue on the pedestal (2,1). Use the grey statue on the pedestal (1,2). Use the blue statue on the pedestal (2,2). Go down room (3,2). Use the grey statue on the pedestal (1,1). Use the blue statue on the pedestal (1,2). Use the grey statue on the pedestal (1,1). Go up room (2,1). Use the luminescent statue on the pedestal (3,3). Go down room (3,2). Go down room (2,3). Use the grey statue on the pedestal (2,1). Go up room (1,2). Use the grey statue on the pedestal (3,3). Use the blue statue on the pedestal (3,2). Use the grey statue on the pedestal (3,3). Go up room (2,1). Use the blue statue on the pedestal (4,4). Use the luminescent statue on the pedestal (3,4). Go down room (3,2). Go down room (2,3). Go down room (2,2). Get the object. Walk west.