
Walk west, to the village. Walk into the west building, east, to the people east. Pick up the distaff. Inspect the egg. Learn the Opening pattern. Weave Opening on the egg. Inspect the Loom. Learn the Transcendence pattern. Walk west, west, west, east. Inspect the book. Inspect the flask. Learn the Emptying pattern. Inspect the dye pot. Learn the Dyeing pattern. Walk north, north out of the village, to the woods. Inspect the thornes. Inspect the grave. Leave the grave. Inspect all four holes. Learn the Night Vision pattern. Walk east, to the village, to the northern hut. Weave Night Vision on the darkness. Inspect the wheel. Learn the Straw into Gold pattern. Walk north, north out of the village, east. Weave Opening on the sky. Walk west, to the docks. Jump in the water. Swim to the tree. Inspect the waterspout. Learn the Twisting pattern. Weave Twisting backwards on the waterspout. Go to the shore. Walk to the forest. Head west until you meet the Shepherds. Walk away. Learn the Invisibility pattern. Walk to the city. Weave Invisibility on the workers. Enter the tower. Inspect the talking people. Use the crystal. Inspect the scythe. Learn the Sharpening pattern. Use the left bell. Inspect the sphere. Learn the Terror pattern. Use the bell. Use the right bell. Walk north, west. Head west until you meet the Shepherds. Weave Terror on the Shepherds. Walk west. Inspect the sheep. Wait until the shepherd rounds up the sheep again. Learn the Sleep pattern. Walk west, to the large hut. Inspect the lamb. Inspect the lamb. Learn the Healing pattern. Walk north. Weave Dyeing on the sheep. Weave Straw into Gold backwards on the gold. Weave Terror or Sleep on the dragon. Walk north. Weave Night Vision on the darkness. Find your way through the maze to the pool. Inspect the pool. Learn the Reflection pattern. Weave Emptying on the pool. Inspect the sphere. Walk east around the bend, to the exit. Weave Twisting backwards on the steps. Walk east. Inspect the boy. Weave Sleep backwards on the boy. Weave Reflection on Rusty. Walk east, to the gate, east, to the man. Inspect the straw. Pick up the distaff. Weave Opening on the door. Walk west, downstairs. Inspect the conversation. Wait until the forger lift the sword. Weave Sharpening backwards on the sword. Weave Opening on the cage. Walk to the sphere. Walk north. Inspect Mandible. Pick up the distaff. Walk east, north. Weave Opening backwards on the Cleric hole. Inspect the Forger hole. Walk to Rusty. Weave Healing on Rusty. Walk to the hole. Weave Opening backwards on the Forger hole. Inspect the Shepherd hole. Weave Healing on the shepherds. Walk to the hole. Weave Opening backwards on the Shepherd hole. Inspect the Crystalgard hole. Weave Healing on Goodmold. Walk to the hole. Weave Opening backwards on the Crystalgard hole. Float to the pool west. Float to the hole. Walk east, east. Inspect the Loom. Inspect the Loom. Learn the Silence pattern. Weave Silence backwards on Hetchel. Inspect the Loom. Learn the Shaping pattern. Weave Death backwards on Hetchel. Inspect the Loom. Learn the Rending pattern. Weave Rending on the Loom. Walk to the rift. Weave Transcendence on myself.