Nancy Drew: Secret of the Scarlet Hand

If you cannot continue with the described steps, it is likely because it is too late in the day. Return to the hotel, set the alarm for 11 am, and continue where you left off. 112231111 Walk through the door, to the red banner directly right of the counter. Approach the paper. Take the paper airplane. Open the paper airplane. Return to the counter. Walk around the counter. Open the drawer. Raise the tray. Take the keycard. Leave the drawer. Approach the cabinet. Use the keycard on the latch. Use the keycard on the latch. Take the headphones. Leave the cabinet. Walk to the exhibition hall. Walk forward until you reach the bottom of the steps. Turn right. Enter the “Employees Only” door. Note the glyph for water over the water fountain. Enter the “Laboratory” door. Approach the desk immediately to the right of the entrance. Examine the clipboard. Examine the note on the desk. Use the phone to call Silvio Jr. (555-9963). 3112 Open the drawer. Take the door knob. Note the Koko Kringle wrappers. Read through the notebook. Note the narratives layout. Leave the desk. Talk to the man. 22121213 Approach your desk. Examine the task list. Cross out the ordering task. Leave the desk. Walk through the door, through the “Shipping and Receiving” door. Walk to the end of the right aisle. Examine the box labelled “Sonny’s Stuff”. Take the pottery shard. Take the diskette. Walk through the door, out the “Employees Only” area. Return to the counter. Leave the museum. Go to the Mexican Consulate. Talk to the clerk. 11212212 Put the contract on the desk. 11 Leave the consulate. Go to the Colonial Hotel. Approach the laptop. Put the diskette in the drive. Approach the screen. Choose the diskette. > KOKO KRINGLE Read through the “Stuff to Do”. Read through the “Stuff to Remember”. Read through the “Stuff to Forget”. Leave the computer. Leave the hotel. Go to the Beech Hill Museum. Walk to exhibition A (first aisle on the right, righthand display case). Look at the plaque. Hold the headphones. Walk to exhibition F (first aisle on the right, lefthand display case). Open the display case. Approach the tablets. Take the tablet. Close the display case. Walk to exhibition C (in the garden). Take the tablet. Look at the plaque. Hold the headphones. Approach the monolith in the center of the garden. Note one side is missing the cylinders. Step back. 211112 Walk to exhibition J (in the garden). Look at the plaque. Hold the headphones. Walk to exhibition G (third aisle on the right, far display case). Look at the plaque. Hold the headphones. Walk to exhibition D (third aisle on the left). Look at the plaque. Hold the headphones. Open the display case. Examine the display. Put the numbers on their correct places according to Sonny’s notes. [+] Close the display case. Return to the temple. Walk up the stairs. Examine the pots. Take the pottery shard. Return to the “Employees Only” door. Walk through the “Employees Only” door, through the “Laboratory” door. Approach your desk. Examine the task list. Cross out the consulate task. Cross out the numbering system task. Leave the desk. Examine the broken pottery. Reconstruct the vase. Leave the pottery. Talk to Henrik. 1113 Walk through the door, through the “Shipping and Receiving” door. Approach the autonarrator in the left wall. Examine the setting for exhibition A. Examine the setting for exhibition D. Set the number to 7. Examine the setting for exhibition C. Set the number to 14. Examine the setting for exhibition A. Set the number to 5. Examine the setting for exhibition J. Examine the setting for exhibition G. Set the number to 9. Examine the setting for exhibition J. Set the number to 13. Walk through the door, through the “Laboratory” door. Approach your desk. Examine the task list. Cross out the pottery task. Cross out the matching task. Walk through the door, out the “Employees Only” area. Return to the counter. Leave the museum. Go to the Colonial Hotel. Approach the alarm clock. Set the alarm for 9:00 am. Leave the hotel. Go to Taylor Sinclair’s Office. Talk to Sinclair. 212111223 Leave the office. Go to the Beech Hill Museum. Return to the “Employees Only” door. Walk through the “Employees Only” door, to the “Laboratory” door. Walk around until the sirens sound and the police arrive. Return to the counter. Walk through Joanna’s office door. Talk to Joanna. 223 Return to the crime scene (exhibition E). Take the scarlet hand paper. Return to the counter. Walk through Joanna’s office door. Talk to Joanna. 1114 Return to the “Employees Only” door. Walk through the “Employees Only” door, through the “Laboratory” door. Approach the Spectro X Archaeo-Analyzer. Flip the power switch. Open the compartment. Put the scarlet hand paper in the compartment. Examine the screen. Start the analysis. Choose to compare. Use the arrow buttons to find a match with the spectometer’s findings. Push the match button. Exit the machine. Take the scarlet hand paper. Flip the power switch. Leave the machine. Approach the periodic table. Examine the Hg entry. Examine the S entry. Walk through the door, out the “Employees Only” area. Return to the counter. Walk through Joanna’s office door. Talk to Joanna. 111 Walk through the door, to the garden area. Return to the Mayan pyramid. Walk around until Henrik falls down the stairs. Leave the hotel. Go to the Beech Hill Museum. Walk through Joanna’s office door. Talk to Joanna. 123 Return to the “Employees Only” door. Walk through the “Employees Only” door, through the “Laboratory” door. Approach your desk. Examine the note on the desk. Listen to the voice mails. Use the phone to call Franklin Rose. 21 Use the phone to call nurse Bluefoot (555-4000). 1123111 Use the phone to call Keep It Real Restoration (555-6766). 211111121 Walk through the door, out the “Employees Only” area. Return to the counter. Leave the museum. Go to the Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Hospital. Approach the reality board. Put the scarlet hand paper on the reality board. Talk to Henrik. 1111112212 Leave the hospital. Go to the Beech Hill Museum. Walk through Joanna’s office door. Talk to Joanna. 13 Walk through the door. Leave the museum. Go to Taylor Sinclair’s Office. Talk to Sinclair. 221113 Take the picture. Leave the office. Go to the Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Hospital. Approach the reality board. Put the picture on the reality board. Talk to Henrik. 211111214 Leave the hospital. Go to the Beech Hill Museum. Walk through Joanna’s office door. Approach to the round table in the corner. Examine the copy of “Art in the Americas”. Leaf through to the necklace. Note the Topeka Commission for the Arts. Leaf through to the closeup. Note the glyph means south. Return the magazine. Leave the table. Walk through the door. Turn around. Examine the plaque to the right of Joanna’s office. Examine the lower list of names. Return to the “Employees Only” door. Walk through the “Employees Only” door, through the “Laboratory” door. Approach Henrik’s desk. Examine the card on the desktop. Use Henrik’s key on the top drawer. Take the disk. Close the drawer. Use Henrik’s key on the bottom drawer. Take the notes. Examine the book. Read through the book. Note the password. Walk through the door, out the “Employees Only” area. Return to the counter. Leave the museum. Go to the Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Hospital. Approach the reality board. Put Henrik’s notes on the reality board. Leave the hospital. Go to the Mexican Consulate. Talk to Alejandro. 4121262216 Leave the consulate. Go to the Colonial Hotel. Use the phone to call Franklin Rose. 1121 Approach the laptop. Put Henrik’s disk in the external drive. Approach the screen. Choose Henrik’s disk. Leave the computer. Set the alarm for 9:00 am. Leave the hotel. Go to the Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Hospital. Talk to Henrik. 1 Look at the notes. 22221217 Leave the hospital. Go to the Colonial Hotel. Approach the laptop. Approach the screen. Choose Henrik’s disk. > STONE Open the notes. Read the entry “Prison of Stone”. Read the atanzahab entry. Read the whisperer entry. Read the north entry. Read the south entry. Read the east entry. Read the west entry. Read the Copan fool entry. Read the Pacal entry. Leave the notes. Open the contacts. Read the Honduras entry. Leave the computer. Use the phone to call the Chaco Canyon Cultural Center (1-505-555-1222). 211221 Use the phone to call Prudence Rutherford (1-785-555-7279). 111212112112 Use the phone to call Henry Daddle (1-605-555-3195). 2 Use the phone to call Penelope Daddle (1-605-555-3197). 1122111221212111 Leave the hotel. Go to Taylor Sinclair’s Office. Talk to Sinclair. 5 Take a cookie. Talk to Sinclair. 3 Use the cookie on the jade carving. Leave the office. Go to the Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Hospital. Talk to Henrik. 2125 Leave the hospital. Go to the Beech Hill Museum. Return to the “Employees Only” door. Walk through the “Employees Only” door, through the “Laboratory” door. Approach your desk. Listen to the voice mail. Use the phone to call Franklin Rose. 112131 Leave your desk. Walk through the door, out the “Employees Only” area. Return to the counter. Walk through Joanna’s office door. Approach Joanna’s desk. Open the drawer. Take the display case key. Close the drawer. Read the paper. Leave the desk. Approach the file cabinet. Open the drawer. Take the Pacal Provenance document. Walk through the door. Leave the museum. Go to the Mexican Consulate. Talk to Alejandro. 1 Put the provenance papers on the desk. 21 Leave the consulate. Go to the Beech Hill Museum. Return to the “Employees Only” door. Walk through the “Employees Only” door, through the “Laboratory” door. Approach the HAM radio. Flip the power switch. Flip the power switch. Approach the side of the HAM radio. Open the panel. Take the burnt radio tube. Leave the HAM Radio. Walk through the door, out the “Employees Only” area. Walk to exhibition A (first aisle on the right, righthand display case). Use the display case key on the lock. Approach the HAM radio. Move the radio. Open the panel. Take the radio tube. Close the panel. Replace the radio. Close the display case. Return to the “Employees Only” door. Walk through the “Employees Only” door, through the “Laboratory” door. Approach the HAM radio. Approach the side of the HAM radio. Open the panel. Put the replacement radio tube in the socket. Leave the HAM radio. Approach Henrik’s desk. Read the instruction manual. Leave the desk. Approach the HAM radio. Flip the power switch. Tune in to station 2050. Listen to the message. Tune in to station 2731. Send coatl: > -.-. > — > .- > – > .-.. Note the password was received. Send leche: > .-.. > . > -.-. > …. > . Note the package will be sent. Flip the power switch. Leave the HAM radio. Walk through the door, out the “Employees Only” area. Return to the counter. Leave the museum. Go to the Colonial Hotel. Use the phone to call the Chaco Canyon Cultural Center (1-505-555-1222). 1 Set the alarm for 9:00 am. Leave the hotel. Go to the Beech Hill Museum. Return to the “Employees Only” door. Walk through the “Employees Only” door, through the “Shipping and Receiving” door. Open the box in the receiving bin. Examine the box. Move the first eye. Move the sixth eye. Move the fourth eye. Move the second eye. Note all the faces are looking cross-eyed. Open the box. Take the copan fool key. Approach the counter. Look at the packing list. Note item 1113 is a jade carving from Diego de Landa. Leave the counter. Walk through the door, out the “Employees Only” area. Return to the counter. Leave the museum. Go to the Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Hospital. Talk to Henrik. 13 Leave the hospital. Go to the Beech Hill Museum. Walk to exhibition L (first aisle on the left, leftmost display case). Look at the plaque. Note the glyph. Walk to the ink well exhibition opposite of exhibition B (third aisle on the left). Look at the plaque. Note the glyph. Walk to the throneback sculpture near the monolith in the garden. Look at the plaque. Note the glyph. Walk to exhibition M (second aisle on the right, leftmost display case). Look at the large plaque about Pacal. Look at the smaller plaque. Look at the plaque at the beginning of the aisle. Walk to the calender stone exhibition near exhibition I (second aisle on the left). Look at the calendar stone plaque. Walk to exhibition B (third aisle on the left, leftmost display case). Look at the plaque at the beginning of the aisle. Return to the Mayan pyramid. Enter the pyramid. Put the keycard in the computer in the far end of the pyramid. View your progress. Begin the quiz. > PALENQUE > ZAC KUK > TZOLKIN > ITZAMNA > QUICHE Leave the computer. Put the keycard in the slot of the pillar puzzle. Match the symbols with their meanings.[+] A bell sounds if you’re correct. Leave the puzzle. Put the keycard in the computer near the exit of the pyramid. Play a game of Bul. Make sure you win. Leave the computer. Walk to the exhibition between exhibition K and exhibition J (garden area). Read the plaque. Walk to exhibition H (garden area). Read the plaque. Walk to the exhibition between exhibition H and the monolith. Read the plaque. Walk to exhibition C (garden area). Read the plaque. Walk to the locked door in the back of the pyramid. Use the keycard on the card swipe. Walk through the door. Put the keycard in the computer to the left. View your progress. Begin the quiz. > LADY XOC > BICEPHALIC > HUIPIL > NOBLE MAN > ATANZAHAB Leave the computer. Put the keycard in the other computer in the room. > SJOON > SPACEBABY Press the “M” key to display a mirrored map of the maze. Navigate the maze to the white square. Leave the computer. Put the keycard in the ball game computer. Set the power to 4. Set the angle to high. Shoot the ball. Set the power to 3. Set the angle to medium. Shoot the ball. Set the power to 5. Set the angle to medium. Shoot the ball. Set the power to 6. Set the angle to low. Shoot the ball. Leave the computer. Push the button to the viewscreen. Return to the exhibition hall. Walk to exhibition I (second aisle on the left). Hold the headphones. Turn to the right. Examine the left plaque. Walk to the exhibition just after exhibition C (garden area). Examine the plaque. Walk to the locked door in the back of the pyramid. Use the keycard on the card swipe. Walk to the locked door. Use the keycard on the card swipe. Walk downstairs and through the archway to the calendar puzzle. Look at the top plaque. Look at the bottom plaque. Put the keycard in the slot. Rotate the inner cylinder to 12. Rotate the outer cylinder to the Kaban symbol. [+] Leave the calendar puzzle. Walk to the match-up puzzle. Put the keycard in the slot. Match the gods with their description.
XBalanqueJaguar god
KukulcanWind god
Yum CimilGod of death
EkahauGod of travellers
IxchelMoon goddess
BalacWar god
TlalocRain god
Ahau KinSun god
Yum KaaxCorn god
Leave the puzzle. Walk across the bridge to the computer. Put the keycard in the computer. Begin the quiz. > COATIMUNDI Leave the computer. Return to the tomb near the calendar puzzle. Use the keycard on the card swipe. Open the tomb. Move the jade mask. Take the Pacal key. Close the tomb. Take the chemical flare. Return to the computer across the bridge. Use the keycard on the card swipe. Hold the flare. Walk to the exit. Return to the “Employees Only” door. Walk through the “Employees Only” door, through the “Shipping and Receiving” door. Walk straight ahead and examine the metal box. Note item 1113 is locked with a number combination. Open the box in the receiving bin. Read the note. Take the South key replica. Walk through the door, through the “Laboratory” door. Approach your desk. Use the phone to call Franklin Rose. 1111 Walk through the door, out the “Employees Only” area. Return to the counter. Leave the museum. Go to the Colonial Hotel. Set the alarm for 9:00 am. Leave the hotel. Go to the Beech Hill Museum. Walk through Joanna’s office door. Talk to Joanna. 1 Walk through the door. Return to the “Employees Only” door. Walk through the “Employees Only” door, through the “Shipping and Receiving” door. Walk straight ahead and examine the box for item 1113. Enter code 0677. Open the box. Take the East key. Open the box in the receiving bin. Open the case. Take the mold. Walk through the door, through the “Laboratory” door. Approach the casting apparatus near the periodic chart. Put the mold under the device. Move the device. Use the device. Open the mold. Take the plaster North key. Approach the reconstructed pottery. Rotate the base until the top can be placed. Reconstruct the key. Take the key. Walk through the door, out the “Employees Only” area. Walk to the calender stone exhibition near exhibition I (second aisle on the left). Use the display case key on the lock. Take the tzolkin. Close the display case. Return to the monolith. Put the tzolkin on the empty spot. Examine the tzolkin. Rotate the inner cylinder to 6. Rotate the outer cylinder until it points to the Lamat symbol. Walk around to the left side of the monolith, to the empty niche. Examine the new niche. Put the monolith key in the niche. Select the west key (to the right of the white plaster north key). Walk around to the left side of the monolith, to the empty niche. Examine the new niche. Put the monolith key in the niche. Select the north key (the white plaster part). Walk around to the left side of the monolith, to the empty niche. Examine the new niche. Put the monolith key in the niche. Select the east key (to the left of the white plaster north key). Walk around to the left side of the monolith, to the empty niche. Examine the new niche. Put the monolith key in the niche. Select the south key (across from the white plaster part). Enter the monolith. Examine the book. 112 Hold the chemical flare. Turn around to the body. Open the mouth. Take the bar. Turn to the right. Approach the hole. Put the bar in the hole. Turn twice. Look down. Take the book. Take the pin. Look up. Turn left. Approach the hole. Put the pin in the hole.

Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake

Walk around until the phone rings. Answer the phone. 22112 Approach the cabinet over the couch. Open the cabinet. Move the Iggy statue. Close the cabinet. Leave the house. Talk towards the dock. 311212121 Walk into the house. Walk around until the dogs attack. Approach the kitchen counter. Read the note. Approach the sink. Take the rubber gloves. Approach the cabinet over the sink. Open the cabinet. Take the lamp. Take the map. Close the cabinet. Leave the kitchen counter. Approach the ice box. Take the bottle of water. Walk up the stairs. Sleep until morning. Leave the house. Approach the pump. Use the handle. Take the bucket. Leave the pump. Walk to the dock. Approach the boat. Use the bucket on the water until the boat is empty. Take the screwdriver. Take the life jacket. Approach the engine. Pull the rope. Open the engine. Leave the boat. Turn right before the house and walk to the shed. Enter the shed. Approach the shelves. Approach the iron. Take the key. Leave the shelves. Approach the chest. Use the key on the padlock. Use the key. Use the screwdriver on the screws. Open the chest. Take the mask. Take the hammer. Leave the shed. Walk to the house. Walk up the stairs. Sleep until nightfall. Leave the house. Turn right before the docks and continue to Red’s observation tree. Climb up the ladder. Talk to Red Knott. 12121111 Take the items. 1 Climb down the tree. Walk to the house. Walk up the stairs. Sleep until morning. Leave the house. Walk to the boat. Approach the engine. Open the engine. Put the spark plug in the slot. Read the note on the inside of the lid. Approach the right-most screw. Use the screwdriver on the screw twice. Approach the left-most screw. Use the screwdriver on the screw once. Close the engine. Pull the rope. Go to Em’s Emporium. Talk to Emily Griffen. 21221111 Take the cassette player. 1422212 Leave the store. Pull the rope. Go to the Moon Lake State Park Ranger Station. Talk to Jeff Akers. 1122211 Take the test vial. 212411 Approach the computer. Select Health and Safety Tips. Read the document on priming a pump. Return to the main menu. Select History of Moon Lake. Read the document on famous residents. Select the Creation of Moon Lake State Park. Read the document on roman numberals. Read the document on Jeff Akers. Leave the computer. Leave the station. Pull the rope. Go to Sally McDonald’s home. Walk around the house to the blue tarp. Move the tarp. Take the board. Move the tarp. Walk into the until you find the board. Take the board. Look at the cassette recorder. Put the tape in the recorder. Push the play button. Leave the recorder. Walk to the cemetery. Take the board. Approach the pillars near the crypt. Note the birth dates for the four dogs. Wander around the forest. Make pictures of the robin, the bluejay, and the goldfinch. Try to make a picture of a tanager or cardinal. Walk to the house. Walk up the ladder. Sleep until nightfall. Leave the house. Turn right before the docks and continue to Red’s observation tree. Climb up the ladder. Talk to Red Knott. 11 Take the sandpaper. 1 Climb down the tree. Walk to the house. Walk up the stairs. Sleep until morning. Read the poem near the exit. Note each of the walls has the pictures of trees, swans, deers or birds more clear. Approach the cabinet over the couch. Open the cabinet. Approach the Iggy statue. Use the sandpaper on the statue. Move the Vitus statue once. Move the Iggy statue two times. Move the Lucy statue three times. Close the cabinet Approach the rotten floor. Put the three boards on the rotten floor. Use the hammer on the boards. Walk through the secret door, down the steps. Take the picture. Walk through the door. Approach the wall to the left. Open the wall. Read the note. Approach the safe. Walk through the metal door. Read the note on the steps. Walk up and out the basement. Approach the pump. Put the bucket under the pump. Approach the top of the pump. Use the water bottle on the pump. Leave the pump top. Use the handle. Use the vial on the bucket. Leave the pump. Walk to the boat. Pull the rope. Go to Em’s Emporium. Talk to Emily Griffen. 42116 Leave the store. Pull the rope. Go to the Moon Lake State Park Ranger Station. Talk to Jeff Akers. 32121214 Leave the station. Pull the rope. Go to Sally McDonald’s home. Walk to the basement doors. Approach the tile in front of the doors. Move the tile. Take both bugs. Walk to the forest. Search the forest for bugs under rocks and logs until you have 7. Walk to the house. Walk up the stairs. Wait until nightfall. Walk to the cemetery. Approach the pile of stones just outside the cemetery. Move the rock. Take both bugs. Move the rock. Walk to the forest. Search the forest for bugs under rocks and logs until you have 12. Walk to the house. Walk up the stairs. Wait until morning. Leave the house. Go to Em’s Emporium. 15 Leave the store. Pull the rope. Go to Sally McDonald’s home. Walk to the forest. Make pictures of the tanager and the cardinal. Walk to the house. Walk up the stairs. Sleep until nightfall. Leave the house. Turn right before the docks and continue to Red’s observation tree. Climb up the ladder. Talk to Red Knott. 111 Walk to the house. Walk up the stairs. Sleep until morning. Leave the house. Use the stump in the direction of the docks. Use the camera on the hawk. Wait until the insecticide sprayer catches fire. Kick the hoe. Kick the sprayer. Kick the hoe. Kick the garden gnome. Kick the jack. Kick the jack. Walk to the pump. Take the bucket. Walk to the shed. Use the bucket on the fire. Leave the house. Walk to the boat. Pull the rope. Go to the Moon Lake State Park Ranger Station. Talk to Jeff Akers. 121212212 Approach the boxes near the computer. Put the following envelopes in the columns from top to bottom:
Read the contents of folder MCMXXXII. Talk to Jeff Akers. 21 Take the pin. 3 Leave the station. Pull the rope. Go to Sally McDonald’s home. Walk to the basement. Approach the safe. Use the pin on the hole. Push the round button between the dial and the hole. Dial to 1. Push the button. Dial to 2. Push the button. Dial to 9. Push the button. Dial to 3. Push the button. Dial to 2. Push the button. Use the protective equipment on the journal. Read through the journal. Take the map. Leave the safe. Walk up the stairs. Use the telephone. Call Vivian Whitmore. 1222123 Leave the house. Walk to the boat. Pull the rope. Go to the Moon Lake State Park Ranger Station. Talk to Jeff Akers. 11 Open the envelope. 4 Leave the station. Pull the rope. Go to Sally McDonald’s home. Walk to the house. Walk up the stairs. Sleep until nightfall. Leave the house. Turn right before the docks and continue to Red’s observation tree. Climb up the ladder. Talk to Red Knott. 222 Climb down the tree. Walk to the house. Walk up the stairs. Sleep until morning. Leave the house. Walk to the boat. Go to the Moon Lake State Park Ranger Station. Talk to Jeff Akers. Open the envelope. Take the key. 4 Leave the station. Pull the rope. Go to Sally McDonald’s home. Walk to the cemetery. Approach the first tombstone on the left. Use the key on the ornament. Move one of the letters. Walk to the house. Use the telephone. Call Vivian Whitmore. 24 Leave the house. Walk to the cemetery. Approach the first tombstone on the left. Use the key on the ornament. Use the second letter twice. Use the third letter twice. Use the fourth letter twice. Walk into the passage. Hold the lamp. Walk until the batteries run out. Turn around and walk until you hit the end of the path. Turn left. Pull the lever. Leave the passage. Walk to the boat. Pull the rope. Go to Em’s Emporium. Talk to Emily Griffen. 71 Take the paper. Approach the display. Arrange the cans so they resemble the example on the paper. Leave the display. Talk to Emily Griffen. 1 Use the batteries. Take the lamp. Leave the store. Pull the rope. Go to Sally McDonald’s home. Walk to the cemetery. Approach the first tombstone on the left. Use the key on the ornament. Use the second letter twice. Use the third letter twice. Use the fourth letter twice. Walk into the passage. Hold the lamp. Keep turning left until you get to the speakeasy. Approach the picture of Vitus. Approach the picture of Lucy. Approach the picture of Xander. Approach the picture of Iggy. Approach the roulette wheel. Open the top. Push the button. Close the top Leave the roulette wheel. Approach the soda spigots. Pull the red handle. Push the first button. Repeat until the first letter is X. Pull the blue handle. Push the second button. Repeat until the first letter is V. Pull the red handle. Push the yellow button. Repeat until the first letter is I. Pull the green handle. Push the fourth button. Repeat until the first letter is L. Leave the speakeasy through the tunnels. Hold the lamp. Follow the light into the picture tunnel. Approach the picture of Xander. Note the locations of the four dogs on the map. Approach the map between Xander and Lucy. Push the square at row 1, column 7. Push the square at row 3, column 11. Push the square at row 4, column 9. Push the square at row 5, column 7. Close the passage. Turn left. Walk through the upper tunnel. Walk to the kennel. Continue to the workbench. Take Malone’s key. Return to the picture tunnel. Approach the map between Xander and Lucy. Push the square at row 1, column 7. Push the square at row 3, column 11. Push the square at row 4, column 9. Push the square at row 5, column 7. Enter the passage. Approach the door. Use Malone’s key on the lock. Walk through the door. Take the valve wheel. Approach the valves. Turn the wheel. Go to the right. Turn the wheel. Put the valve wheel on the empty spot. Approach the gauge. Use the screwdriver on the hole. Leave the gauge. Turn the left wheel. Approach the gauge. Take the screwdriver. Leave the gauge. Take the valve wheel. Leave the valves. Approach the vault door. Turn the wheel. Open the door. Enter the well. Climb down. Approach the lock. Move the first number once. Move the second number twice. Move the fifth number once. Move the last number once. Note the numbers now read 50, 10, 5 and 1. Put the valve wheel on the pipe. Approach the gold. Walk up the ladder. Enter the vault. Close the door. Open the drain. Enter the drain. Climb up the other end of the sewer. Climb up the ladder.

Nancy Drew: The Haunted Carousel

Leave the room. Walk through the door in the whale’s mouth. Talk to Harlan. 121211222 Take the fun card. 23 Leave the security office. Go to Joy. Walk to the building. 11 Enter the building. Talk to Joy. 1122222 Examine the photos near the carousel advert. Leave the office. Go to the Tidal Terror Roller Coaster. Approach the card swipe. Use the access card on the card swipe. Leave the roller coaster. Go to the Carousel. Walk to the band organ. Move the band organ. Use the access card on the card swipe on the back of the organ. Use the access card on the card swipe on the carousel. Leave the carousel. Go to the Midway Games. Approach the game that is out of order. Approach the Swimmer’s Itch game. Use the fun card on the slot. Win the game at either difficulty setting.[+] Take the seahorse token. Approach the squid toss game. Use the fun card on the slot. Move one step to the left. Set the force to “Shrimp”. Launch the squid. Move one step to the right. Set the force to “Dolphin”. Launch the squid. Move one step to the right. Set the force to “Whale”. Launch the squid. Take the anchor token. Approach the prize-o-matic. Select the top left prize. Put the seahorse token in the slot. Take the prod. Leave the arcade. Go to Ingrid. Walk inside. Talk to Ingrid. 21221131 Take the macro resistor. Take the handbook. 344 Leave the building. Go to Elliott. Open the door. Leave the building. Go to Joy. Walk to the machine on top of the cabinet. 111111 Approach the cabinet. Open the drawer. Take the note. Approach the desk. Use the notepad. Leave the building. Go to the haunted house. Walk to the door. 21 Use the access card on the card swipe. Approach the broken dummy. Take the portable keyboard. Walk through the door, cross the tracks and through the door to the radiator room. Leave the haunted house. Go to the Midway Games. 11 Approach the game that is out of order. Move the machine. Use the access card on the card swipe. Read the notes on the inside of the back. Close the back. Note the serial number. Use the access card on the card swipe. Use the keyboard on the screen. Use the screen. > SUPER > KM5200 Approach the Barnacle Blast machine. Use the fun card on the slot. Win both levels at either difficulty setting. Take the tokens. Approach the prize-o-matic. Select the harmonica. Put the shell token in the slot. Put the mermaid token in the slot. Put the anchor token in the slot. Take the harmonica. Leave the arcade. Go to Elliott. Walk to the door. 1 Enter the building. Talk to Elliott. 21121 Take the soldering gun. 2 Approach the shelves. Approach the wooden box. Take the tissue strips. Leave the shelves. Approach the workbench. Take the duct tape. Leave the building. Go to the Tidal Terror Roller Coaster. Use the cellphone. Call Bess Marvin. 1136 Approach the card swipe. Open the swipe. Read the notes. Open the circuitry. Look in the engineering handbook, at the circuits topic. Leave the handbook. Put the macro resistor in the empty spot near the diode. Use the soldering gun to solder a route from the switch, through the top resistor and the macro resistor to the diode. Move the switch. Close the card swipe. Take the red tag. Leave the roller coaster. Go to Harlan. Enter the building. Talk to Harlan. 44 Leave the building. Go to the Tidal Terror Roller Coaster. Use the access card on the card swipe. Walk to the emergency stop button. Take the pencil. Walk to the door. Open the panel. Connect the blue wire to the top pin. Connect the red wire to the middle pin. Connect the green wire to the bottom pin. Push the power button. Push the button corresponding to the “A” track. Leave the roller coaster. Go to Joy. Enter the building. Talk to Joy. 22221112 Leave the building. Go to Elliott. Walk into the building. Talk to Elliott. 2222 Leave the building. Go to the Captain’s Quarters Hotel. Pick up the courtesy telephone. 11 Wait until room service arrives. Open the door. Take the Fundae. Eat the Fundae. Take the spoon. Leave the hotel. Go to Joy. Enter the building. Talk to Joy. 2 Open Miles. Put the spoon in Miles. 12 Take the message. 22 Leave the building. Go to the Captain’s Quarters Hotel. Enter the closet. Open the ironing board. Flip the switch. Put the message on the ironing board. Use the iron. Use the iron. Use the iron. Take the message. Flip the switch. Approach the laptop. Read the “Steno Info” mail in the inbox. Learn steno. Leave the laptop. Look at the note. > GLORY Leave the building. Go to Joy. Enter the building. Talk to Joy. 2112 Leave the building. Go to the Carousel. Walk to the band organ. Move the band organ. Approach the back of the band organ. Use the access card on the card swipe. Examine the note. Use the cellphone. Call Tink. 1221 Leave the back of the band organ. Use the access card on the carousel door card swipe. Approach the cabinet. Turn the dial to 1. Push the top button. Turn the dial to 8. Push the top button. Turn the dial to 9. Push the top button. Turn the dial to 3. Push the top button. Turn the dial to 9. Push the top button. Push the round button. Take roll #3. Leave the cabinet. Open the trap door. Crawl under the carousel. Take the remote transmitter. Climb back up. Use the extendable prod on the letter. Read the letter. Leave the carousel. Walk to the band organ. Move the band organ. Approach the back of the band organ. Use the access card on the card swipe. Open the cabinet. Put the roll on the dowel. Take the broken dowel. Leave the carousel. Go to Elliott. Enter the building. Talk to Elliott. 3 Approach the workbench. Use the broken dowel on the ruler. Leave the workbench. Open the box. Examine the horse tails. Approach the drill. Read the magazine. Take the receipt from the ground. Approach the bookshelf. Read the book on carousels. Aproach the lathe. Take a rod. Take the safety goggles. Turn the machine on. Put the rod in the lathe. Set the machine to 3 cm. Set the chisel at it’s deepest setting. Turn on the lathe. Repeat the process until the part from 2.5 cm until 11.5 cm is thin. Set the machine to 12 cm. Set the chisel to the shallowest setting. Turn on the lathe. Take the dowel. Leave the building. Go to the Carousel. Walk to the band organ. Move the band organ. Approach the back of the band organ. Use the access card on the card swipe. Open the cabinet. Put the dowel in place. Put the roll on the dowel. Approach the pipes. Turn the dial to “Roll”. Put the tissue strips on the pipes. Use the tape on the strips. Turn on the power. Turn off the power. Leave the carousel. Go to Joy. Enter the building. Talk to Joy. 2 Play the tune A-E-D-E-F-E-A-E. 1111 Leave the building. Go to the haunted house. Use the cellphone. Call Tink. 1212 Call Anton Sukov. 122 Use the access card on the card swipe. Approach spook 10, the dummy near the tracks. Note the red tag. Continue to the radiator room. Approach the radiator. Open the secret compartment. Use the transmitter on the receiver. Examine the lock. Leave the building. Go to Harlan. Enter the building. Examine the magazine near the monitors. Approach the locker. Turn the dial to 1. Push the top button. Turn the dial to 0. Push the top button. Turn the dial to 1. Push the top button twice. Turn the dial to 9. Push the top button. Turn the dial to 0. Push the top button. Push the round button. Look up. Read the appointment book. Look down. Take the video. Close the locker. Approach the VCR. Put the video in the VCR. Approach the locker. Open the locker. Look down. Put the video in the shoes. Leave the building. Go to Ingrid. Approach the lock. Type the code 0726. Approach the little bag on the desk. Read the receipt. Read the advertisement near the mouse. Approach the workbench. Read the note. Leave the building. Go to Harlan. Enter the building. Talk to Harlan. 5525 Leave the building. Go to Elliott. Use the telephone. Call Luis G. 112 Walk to the door. 1 Enter the building. Talk to Elliott. 222 Leave the building. Walk around until Harlan calls you. Go to Harlan. Enter the building. Talk to Harlan. 11 Leave the building. Walk around until Harlan calls you. Go to Harlan. Enter the building. Talk to Harlan. Take the key. Leave the building. Go to Ingrid. Enter the building. Talk to Ingrid. 8 Take the dummy’s arm. 8 Leave the building. Go to the haunted house. Use the access card on the card swipe. Approach the dummy near the tracks. Approach the missing arm. Put the arm on the empty spot. Use the pliers on the screw. Use the pliers on the screw. Use the pliers on the screw. Use the pliers on the screw. Leave the arm. Take the red tag. Continue to the radiator room. Approach the radiator. Open the secret compartment. Use the transmitter on the receiver. Use the key on the lock. Enter the secret passageway. Leave the building. Go to Harlan. Enter the building. Talk to Harlan. 55 Leave the building. Go to the Carousel. Use the fun card on the slot. Grab the brass ring. Go to the haunted house. Use the access card on the card swipe. Approach the dummy near the tracks. Open the panel. Turn the letters so it reads “Spatzi”. Approach the arm. Put the brass ring on the arm. Walk down the stairs. Take the jewels. Read the letter to Joy. Walk through the door to the workshop. Open the door across the workshop. 2 Walk to the exit until you’re trapped. Approach the arm. Take the brass ring.

Nancy Drew: Danger on Deception Island

22 Approach the sink. Use the sink. Open the cabinet. Reconstruct the pipes from the bottom up. Numbering the parts 1-13, the order to place them is: 11-8-5-1-12-13-9-10-6-2-3-7-4.[+] Read the card. Leave the pipes. Walk outside. Talk to Katie. 11112 Walk upstairs. Examine the GPS device. Examine the note. Talk to Katie. 22 Walk to the docks. Take the helmet. Use the bike. Go to the Hot Kettle Cafe. Walk inside. Talk to the man at the bar. 1111111211 Take the paper. 12 Look at the paper. Approach the flag chart on the wall. Examine the flag codes Look down to the international communication alphabet. Examine the postcard stand. Examine the postcard in the postcard stand. Leave the chart. Talk to the woman behind the bar. 11223 Leave the building. Take the helmet. Use the bike. Go to Whale World. Enter the building. Examine the poster. Leave the poster. Talk to the man. 2114 Leave the building. Take the helmet. Use the bike. Go to the lighthouse. Walk down to the beach. At the beach, there are two stones and a roof tile that can be moved. Underneath, there may be a crab. If you catch a crab, turn it over. Make sure the crab has narrow abdomen.[+] If it doesn’t, leave the crab. Otherwise, take the crab. Continue until you capture a male Dungeness Crab. Walk up to the lighthouse. Approach the lock. Walk down to the beach, to the bike. Take the helmet. Use the bike. Go to Katie’s boat. Walk into the boat. Use the laptop. Use the DI portal. Search for morse code. Search for knot examples. Search for Nautical terms. Search for sun, moon, north star and sea. Search for sail boat types. Leave the laptop. Look at the quiz. > WEST > 138.43 > PORT > EAST > VOTE4HOLT > URSA MINOR Turn the page. > MASTS > FISHERMAN > BEND Leave the boat. Take the helmet. Use the bike. Go to the Hot Kettle Cafe. Walk inside. Talk to Holt. 22 Take the GPS device. 1 Leave the boat. Take the helmet. Use the bike. Go to the lighthouse. Walk to a pile of stones. Take three stones. Find the bottle floating in the sea. Use a stone on the bottle. Select the flat stone. Set the angle to the third from the left. Set the power to maximum. Skip the stone. Take the note from the bottle. Continue across the rocks. Take the driftwood. Leave the boat. Take the helmet. Use the bike. Go to Katie’s boat. Talk to Katie. 313 Walk down into the boat. Use the cellphone. Call Casey Porterfield. 11 Walk up to the front of the ship. Examine the books. Open the drawer. Solve the puzzle of putting the books back.[+] Read the book on botany. Note the the author’s name. Leave the drawer. Approach the microscope. Use the razor blade. Use the glass slide. Use the wood sample. Use the microscope. Use the cellphone while looking in the microscope. Call Dr. Preduviciu. 12212211 Call Casey Porterfield. 1 Leave the microscope. Leave the boat. Walk to the kayak. Take the equipment. Take the bottle. Take the message. Use the kayak. Go forward until you find another bottle. Take the bottle. Take the message. Use the GPS. Note the waypoint to the far north. Leave the GPS. Turn around. Go forward. Turn to the right. Go forward until you reach the buoy (buoy 12). Turn left. Go forward until you reach the warning buoy. Turn left. Go forward until you enter the cave. Go through the left part. Take the bottle. Take the message. Leave the cave. Use the GPS. Create a new waypoint at N48 42.517 by W123 08.615. Go forward until you reach the buoy (buoy 15). Turn right. Go forward until you reach the warning buoy. Turn right. Go forward twice. Turn left. Go forward until you reach the beach. Walk to the end of the beach. Examine the seaweed. Lift the seaweed. Take the box. Examine the markings. Push the flags associated with the word ROSEBUD. Push the third flag on the second row. Push the first flag on the third row. Push the first flag on the first row. Push the second flag on the third row. Push the third flag on the first row. Push the second flag on the second row. Push the third flag on the third row. Take the first paper. Take the second paper. Note the story contains words of the international communications alphabet. > ASK HS AJ JD FOR HILDAS GIFT Read the third paper. Return to the kayak. Use the kayak. Go forward until you reach the warning buoy. Turn left. Go forward until you reach rock. Turn right. Go forward until you reach Katie’s boat. Take the helmet. Use the bike. Go to the Hot Kettle Cafe. Enter the building. Talk to Holt. 11 Take the chess problem. Approach the duffle bag. Open the bag. Examine the book on chess. Note the bookmarker. Leave the duffle bag. Look at the chess problem. > R H5 > R H7 Talk to Holt. 11 Talk to Jenna. 411 Take the clam bucket. 4 Leave the building. Take the helmet. Use the bike. Go to Whale World. Enter the building. Talk to Andy. 3131 Approach the Caddy model stand. Assemble the model.[+] Walk into the museum room. Approach a computer. Examine the card slot. Return to Andy. Talk to Andy. 3 Take the card. 3 Take the clam tube. 3 Enter the museum. Approach the killer whale display. Push the button. Read the plaques. Approach the gray whale display. Push the button. Read the plaques. Approach the minke whale display. Push the button. Read the plaques. Approach the dall’s porpoise display. Push the button. Read the plaques. Approach the humpback whale display. Push the button. Read the plaques. Walk to the audio station. Read the plaques. Use the key card on the slot. Match the sounds with the whales. Walk to the feeding frenzy game. Read the plaques. Use the key card on the slot. Get at least 15 points. Walk to the interactive station. Approach the right computer. Use the key card on the slot. Answer at most 1 question incorrectly. Approach the left computer. Use the key card on the slot. Win the game. Approach the whale of fortune. Use the key card on the slot. Spin the wheel. Return to Andy. Talk to Andy. 31313 Look at the key chain. Leave the building. Take the helmet. Use the bike. Go to the lighthouse. Walk down to the beach. Walk around, looking for holes in the sand. When you find one, use the tube on the hole. Use the tube. Take the clam. Repeat until you have 4 clams. Take the helmet. Use the bike. Go to Katie’s boat. Walk to the kayak. Take the equipment. Use the kayak. Go forward until you reach rock. Turn left. Go forward until you reach a warning buoy. Turn right. Go forward until you reach the beach. Find 9 clams on this part of the beach. Go to rocky area. Walk to the crack to the right. Jump from nearby large rock to nearby large rock to the small sandbank. Find 2 clams on this sandbank. Jump back to the main beach. Return to the kayak. Use the kayak. Go forward until you reach the warning buoy. Turn left. Go forward until you reach rock. Turn right. Go forward until you reach Katie’s boat. Use the cellphone. Call Casey Porterfield. 11112 Enter Katie’s boat. Use the laptop. Read Casey’s email. Use the DI portal to go to the internet address Casey suggested. Leave the boat. Take the helmet. Use the bike. Go to the Hot Kettle Cafe. Enter the building. Talk to Jenna. 111 Talk to Jenna. 44 Approach the toy box. Defeat the game of memory. Examine the necklace. Open the duffle bag. Read the poker book. Note the small boxes in the pillars throughout the cafe. Four of these boxes will open. These boxes contains five diamond-shaped buttons with a suit and a number. Push the buttons such that it becomes a royal flush. Approach the box to the right of the exit. Select the second button until it becomes the 10 of diamonds. Select the third button until it becomes the King of diamonds. Select the first button until it becomes the Queen of diamonds. Select the fifth button until it becomes the Ace of diamonds. The box near the exit now should show a royal flush in diamonds. Approach the box near the two chairs. Select the first button until it becomes the Jack of clubs. Select the second button until it becomes the Queen of clubs. Select the fourth button until it becomes the King of clubs. The box near the two chairs now should show a royal flush in clubs. Approach the box next to the window in the back of the bar area. Select the first button until it becomes the Ace of spades. Select the third button until it becomes the Jack of spades. The box next to the window in the back of the bar area now should show a royal flush in spades. Approach the box in the dining hall booth. Select the fifth button until it becomes the King of hearts. Select the fourth button until it becomes the Ace of hearts. Select the third button until it becomes the Queen of hearts. Select the second button until it becomes the Jack of hearts. Select the first button until it becomes the 10 of hearts. The box in the dining hall booth now should show a royal flush in hearts. If done correctly, you will hear grinding gears. Approach the table in the dining hall. Open the secret trap door. Try to enter the trap door. Talk to Jenna. 34 Leave the building. Take the helmet. Use the bike. Go to Katie’s boat. Walk to Katie. Talk to Katie. 111 Walk down into the boat. Use the laptop. Use the anagram buster. Move the letters such that it reads “Telephone Number”. Leave the laptop. Approach the bread. Take the peanut butter from the shelf. Put the peanut butter on the bread. Leave the bread. Keep the bread. Walk outside. Talk to Katie. 1 Take the headlamp. 1 Take the helmet. Use the bike. Go to the Hot Kettle Cafe. Enter the building. Open the secret trap door in the dining hall. Climb down the passage. Walk to the crossroads. Note the cairn. Turn right. Walk until you note the next cairn. Turn left. Climb up the boxes. Open the trapdoor. Return to the cairn and turn left. Walk until you note the next cairn. Turn left. Walk until you note the next cairn. Turn around. Walk back, past the cairn, to the long tunnel. Walk until you note the next cairn. Walk past the cairn. Approach the box. Take the oil spray. Leave the box. Pull the lever on the door. Walk through the door to the dead end. Approach the rectangle on the door. Move the second and third part up. Make sure the first and fourth part are in the lower position. Leave the door. Turn around. Walk until you go through the long tunnel again. Turn left at the cairn. Walk until you find the second cairn. Turn left. Climb up the ladder. Pull the lever. Enter the cafe. Talk to Jenna. 41111 Leave the building. Take the helmet. Use the bike. Go to the lighthouse. Walk down to the beach, up to the lighthouse. Walk past the gate. Note the falling rocks. Look up. Approach the lock. Set the lock to code 3475. Walk inside. Climb up the ladder to the right. Approach the morse lamp. Open the lamp. Examine the shutters. Use the oil spray on the rusted shutters. Leave the lamp. Examine the calendar. Climb down the ladder. Approach the stove. Open the lid. Pull the lever. Leave the building. Walk around the building. Open the door. Climb down the ladder. Approach the rectangle on the door. Move the second and third part up. Make sure the first and fourth part are in the lower position. Climb down the opened trap door. Note the serpent puzzle. Climb up the ladder. Approach the table. Open the box. Take a lamp. Make sure it makes no sound when you pick it up. Climb up the ladder. Open the door. Walk inside. Climb up the ladder to the right. Approach the morse lamp. Open the lamp. Put the lamp in the lid. Close the lamp. Approach the morse machine. Send your telephone number 523-555-4399 in morse code. > …. > ..— > …– > ….. > ….. > ….. > ….- > …– > —-. > —-. Push the send button. Walk back to the ladder. 211 Climb down the ladder. Leave the building. Walk down to the beach, to the bike. Take the helmet. Use the bike. Go to Katie’s boat. Walk into the boat. Use the laptop. Read Hilda’s email. Use the ID portal. Search for Nautical terms. Leave the laptop. Leave the boat. Walk to the kayak. Take the equipment. Use the kayak. Go forward once. Turn left. Go forward twice. Note the two red buoys, including 1 isophase buoy. Turn right. Note the two red buoys. Go forward once. Turn left. Turn around. Go forward until you reach rock. Turn right. Go forward until you reach Katie’s boat. Take the helmet. Use the bike. Go to the Hot Kettle Cafe. Walk inside. Look at the menu. Note you can now reconstruct the GPS coordinates. Leave the building. Take the helmet. Use the bike. Go to Katie’s boat. Walk to the kayak. Take the equipment. Use the kayak. Use the GPS device. Create a new waypoint at N48 42.485 by W123 08.735. Go forward until you reach rock. Turn left. Go forward once. Turn left. Go forward once. Open the floater. Take the transmitter. 22 Leave the floater. Go forward until you reach rock. Turn left. Go forward until you reach rock. Turn right. Go forward until you reach Katie’s boat. Take the helmet. Use the bike. Go to the Hot Kettle Cafe. Enter the building. Open the secret trap door in the dining hall. Climb down the passage. Turn right at the crossroads. Walk to the end of the tunnel. Turn right. Walk through the long tunnel. Turn left at the next cairn. Approach the strange anvil-looking rock. Look up. Climb to the opening. Follow the instructions from the seaweed box: Go left, forward, right, right, left. Go left, right, forward, right, right. Go left, left, right, left, forward. Go left, forward, forward. Approach the rock. Note the coordinates on them. Walk back to the exit. Turn right at the cairn. Walk through the long tunnel. Turn left at the cairn. Walk until you find the second cairn. Turn left. Climb up the ladder. Pull the lever. Enter the cafe. Leave the building. Take the helmet. Use the bike. Go to Katie’s boat. Walk to the kayak. Take the equipment. Use the kayak. Use the GPS device. Create a new waypoint at N48 42.522 by W123 08.799. Go forward twice. Turn left. Go forward until you reach buoy 8. Use the transmitter on the water. Approach the buoy. Open the box. Take the binoculars. Leave the buoy. 11 Turn around. Go forward until you reach rock. Turn right. Go forward until you reach Katie’s boat. Take the helmet. Use the bike. Go to Whale World. Enter the building. Approach the ship in the bottle. Use the binoculars on the sails. Leave the ship in the bottle. Leave the building. Take the helmet. Use the bike. Go to the lighthouse. Walk down to the beach, up to the lighthouse. Approach the lock. Set the lock to code 3475. Open the door. Walk inside. Approach the stove. Open the lid. Pull the lever. Leave the building. Walk around the building. Open the door. Climb down the ladder. Climb down the trap door. Approach the serpent puzzle. Push the five pointed star symbol. Turn the left serpent to the anchor-like symbol. Turn the right serpent to the cross symbol. Push the lever. Climb up the ladder, up the ladder. Walk down to the beach, to the bike. Take the helmet. Use the bike. Go to Katie’s boat. Walk to the kayak. Take the equipment. Use the kayak. Go forward. Turn left. Go forward until you reach the buoy (buoy 12). Turn left. Go forward until you reach the warning buoy. Turn left. Go forward until you enter the cave. Go through the left part. Continue through the new passage to the smuggler’s cave. Leave the kayak. Walk to the crates. Examine the crates. Examine the harness schematics. Examine the gloves. Enter the kayak. Leave the caves. 1 Go forward until you reach the buoy (buoy 15). Turn right. Go forward until you reach the warning buoy. Turn right. Go forward until you reach rock. Turn right. Go forward until you reach the docks. Take the helmet. Use the bike. Go to the Hot Kettle Cafe. Enter the building. Talk to Holt. 1212 Talk to Jenna. Leave the building. Take the helmet. Use the bike. Go to Whale World. Enter the building. Talk to Andy. 2221 Climb up the side of the ship. Walk through the darker area to the hiding place behind the crates. Continue to the hiding place behind the fuel containers. Walk to the boxes. Turn around. Hide behind the yellow pipes. Walk down the stairs. Open the door. Cross the orca bay area. Walk to the chair. Move the chair. Remove the gag from Katie. Hide behind the crates. Walk back through the orca bay area. Take the oxygen tank. Use the oxygen tank on the water.

Nancy Drew: Curse of Blackmoor Manor

Walk out the room, down the stairs. Turn left and walk through the metal door into the conservatory. Walk down the stairs, and past the plants. Talk to Mrs. Drake. 1112 Leave the conservatory. Walk across the hall through the door into the library. Talk to Nigel Mookerjee. 1113225 Approach the computer. Note the computer is password protected. Leave the library. Walk upstairs. Turn left and go through the first room to the right, into Linda’s room. Talk to Linda. 212 Leave Linda’s room. Walk to Nancy’s room. You will be called by Mrs. Petrov. 213 Turn around and go through the first door on the left, into Jane’s room. Talk to Jane. 2112 Talk to Jane. 3 Beat Jane in the game of Skull and Bones. 4 Approach the bookshelves. Read the loose pages. Leave the bookshelves. Approach the table. Read the Mutus Liber book. Leave the table. Leave the room. At this moment, you might encounter Ethel (depending on the time). 11 Walk into Linda’s room. Talk to Linda. 1 Leave Linda’s room. Walk into Nancy’s room. Use the telephone. Call the cook. 31 Walk to the downstairs hall. Walk to Nancy’s room. Remove the lid. Eat the turkey. Replace the lid. Set the alarm for 9:00 am. Note you wake up at 3:15 am. Set the alarm for 2:00 pm. Leave the room. Walk into Linda’s room. Talk to Linda. 11222 Leave the room. Walk past the stairs to the room with the coat of arms on it. Try to open the door. Walk into Jane’s room. Talk to Jane. 12 Win the game of Bul. 1 Take the key. 5 Leave Jane’s room. Walk past the stairs to the covered object. Remove the drape. 111 Walk to the coat of arms door. Note that each segment of the coat of arms is poitning in some direction. Use the key on the door. Approach the green dragon. Move the top left claw to the right position. Move the middle left claw to the down position. Move the middle right claw to the left position. Move the bottom left claw to the down position. Move the bottom right claw to the right position.[+] Enter the dark passage. Leave the room. Walk into Jane’s room. Talk to Jane. 4 Get a high score in the game of petroglyph punch. Take the glowstick. 5 Leave Jane’s room. Walk into the antiquity room. Approach the green dragon. Move the top left claw to the right position. Move the middle left claw to the down position. Move the middle right claw to the left position. Move the bottom left claw to the down position. Move the bottom right claw to the right position. Enter the dark passage. Follow the passage to the door. Approach the door. Open the hatch. Note the picture of the parrot. Leave the passage. Leave the antiquity room. Walk into Linda’s room. Talk to Linda. 2 Leave Linda’s room. Approach the gargoyle between Linda’s and Jane’s room. Move the gargoyle. Leave the gargoyle. Walk to the birdcage. Remove the drape. Talk to Loulou. 11 Leave the birdcage. Walk to the conservatory. Talk to Mrs. Drake. 445 Leave the conservatory. Walk to the birdcage. Remove the drape. Talk to Loulou. 11111 Walk into the antiquity room. Approach the green dragon. Move the top left claw to the right position. Move the middle left claw to the down position. Move the middle right claw to the left position. Move the bottom left claw to the down position. Move the bottom right claw to the right position. Enter the dark passage. Follow the passage to the door. Approach the door. Enter the word LEECH*. Leave the passage. Leave the antiquity room. Walk to the birdcage. Remove the drape. Talk to Loulou. 11 Walk into the antiquity room. Approach the green dragon. Move the top left claw to the right position. Move the middle left claw to the down position. Move the middle right claw to the left position. Move the bottom left claw to the down position. Move the bottom right claw to the right position. Enter the dark passage. Follow the passage to the door. Approach the door. Enter the word BOOK**. Enter the word BONNET. Enter the word GLASS*. Enter the word HILL**. Open the door. Continue to the gargoyle door. Approach the lock. Open the lid. Move the top left square. Move the middle right square. Move the bottom left square. Note all the triangles are pointing up, except for the top and bottom one on the right. Leave the lock. Leave the passage. Leave the room. You will run into Ethel. 22 Walk to the main hall. Walk to the portraits near the conservatory. Approach the painting with the gargoyle and without the coat of arms. Walk to the library. Talk to Nigel Mookerjee. 5 Type fast enough to get to type Nigel’s memoirs. Close the window. Read through the letter. Read through the notes. Read chapter 3. Leave the computer. Get the letter from the desk. Take the sketch. Note the number and position of items on the coat of arms. Leave the desk. Leave the library. Walk to the center of the hall. Look down. Walk upstairs, to the gargoyle. Move the gargoyle right, right, left, right, left, left, right. Walk into the passage. Approach the beetle marking on the right. Open the peephole. Look through the peephole. Leave the peephole. Continue to the door. Read the curse over the hatch. Note the curse refers to Elinor. Open the hatch. Push the E, at row 4, column 2. Push the L, at row 2, column 1. Push the I, at row 1, column 4. Push the N, at row 3, column 2. Push the O, at row 2, column 4. Push the R, at row 4, column 4.[+] Walk downstairs, turn right at the intersection. Continue to the gargoyle door. Approach the lock. Open the lid. Move the top left and top right square. Move the middle right square. Move the bottom left square. Note that all arrows in both the west and east passages are pointing up. Walk to the door. Open the box. Take the glow stone. Open the door. Walk into the room. Open the Mars door. Walk through the door. Open the Moon door. Close the door. Open the Moon door. Walk into the room with the pedestal. Approach the pedestal. Take the device. The red dot represents you. The mercury symbol represents the room you with the mercury symbol. The triangle represents the exit. The demons represent instant death, while the angel represents safety. Leave the pedestal. Approach the door across the room. Open the door. Turn around. Turn around. Open the door. Walk through the door. Look at the device. You should now be in the room north of the pedestal room. Open the Venus door. Close the door. Open the Venus door. Walk into the Mercury room. Open and close the Mars door until the Mercury room is just south of the angel. Open the Mercury door. Walk through the door. Open the hatch. Examine the snake symbol. Turn around. Walk through the door. Open and close the Mars door until the Mercury room is just north of the triangle. Walk through the Mercury door. Leave the passageway through either the east or west passage. Walk to Nancy’s room. Set the alarm for 2:00 pm. Leave Nancy’s room. Walk to the library. Talk to Nigel Mookerjee. 56 Leave the library. Walk upstairs, to the gargoyle. Move the gargoyle right, right, left, right, left, left, right. Walk into the passage, through the door directly left of the curse. Turn left downstairs. Walk past the gargoyle doors through the door into the Mercury room. Open and close the Mars door until the Mercury room is just south of the angel. Open the Mercury door. Walk through the door. Open the hatch. Use the cellphone to search the internet for Alchemy Symbols. Select Nitre at row 2, column 3. Select Vitriol at row 4, column 1. Select the cauldron. Select Nitre at row 2, column 3. Select Vitriol at row 4, column 1. Select Spirit of Salt at row 4, column 2 three times. Select the cauldron. Select Cinnabar at row 2, column 2. Select Fire at row 3, column 1. Select the cauldron. Select Vinegar at row 2, column 1. Select Distillation at row 1, column 1. Select the cauldron. Select Sulphur at row 3, column 3. Select Quicklime at row 4, column 3. Select Sal Ammoniac at row 1, column 2. Select Distillation at row 1, column 1. Select the cauldron. Walk into the forge. Approach the table to the right of the forge. Read the far book. Leave the table. Approach the forge. Take the mold. Leave the forge. Walk up the steps. Approach the wind puzzle. Push the blue gem. Move Aeolus to capture the four winds. Leave the forge. Walk through the door into the Mercury room. Open and close the Mars door until the Mercury room is just north of the triangle. Walk through the Mercury door. Turn left immediately after leaving through the Mercury door. Approach the door. Open the hatch. Move water from 1 to 2. Move water from 2 to 3. Move water from 3 to 1. Move water from 2 to 3. Move water from 1 to 2. Move water from 2 to 3. Note the water is flowing again. Leave the passage through either the west or the east passageway. You will be called by Ned. 122 Walk to the conservatory. Walk to the well. Use the squirt gun. Use the squirt gun on the tiles to make a path from the frog to the woman. The correct path is random. Take Mars’ helmet. Leave the conservatory. Walk to Nancy’s room. Approach the star chart. Read the last page of the star chart. Leave the star chart. Approach the coat of arms over the fireplace. Note the compass. Leave the coat of arms. Approach the moon box. Open the Leo side. Make sure the right quarter of the moon is covered. Set the colour to red. Open the Lynx side. Make sure the entire moon is covered. Open the Draco side. Make sure the moon is uncovered. Set the colour to red. Turn the box twice. Open the Lepus side. Make sure the left half of the moon is covered. Set the colour to green. Open the Pisces side. Make sure the left quarter of the moon is covered. Set the colour to blue. Examine the note. Take the telescope part. Leave the moon box. Approach the window seat. Use the telescope part on the slot. Turn the telescope part. Use the cellphone to search the internet for “Why Stars seem to move”. Approach the puzzle. Push Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer. Push Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio. Push Sagitarrius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.[+] Take the moon symbol. Leave the seat. Leave the room. Walk to Linda’s room. Examine the charm Mrs. Drake put up. Walk into Jane’s Room. Talk to Jane. Turn the threat over. 3 Complete the jigsaw in time. Note pieces that are put in the correct places can no longer be moved.[+] 6 Leave Jane’s room. Walk to the hall. Approach the machine. Use the machine. Leave the machine. Walk to the conservatory. Talk to Mrs. Drake. 21 Put all the plants in the box. Note you can rotate the plants.[+] Leave the plants. Leave the conservatory. Walk to Nancy’s room. Approach the telescope. Put the telescope part on the telescope. Look through the telescope. Note the images. Leave the telescope. Take the telescope part. Leave the room. Walk to the conservatory. Talk to Mrs. Drake. 77 Leave the conservatory. Approach the lower side of the machine. Use the crank on the hole. Look up. Use the machine. Push the Melpomene button. Push the Erato button. Push the Terpischore button. Push the Euterpe button. Push the Thalia button. Push the red button. Win the game of Go Fish. Take the arrow. Leave the machine. Walk to Nancy’s room. Walk up the stairs between Nancy’s and Jane’s room. Note the sounds. Pull the levers in the order B-A-D-C-A-D-E-E. Take the key. Walk to the door to Jane’s room. Approach the ornament on the doorpost. Move the ornament. Use Thomas’ key on the lock. Walk to Nancy’s room. Approach the dish. Remove the lid. Take the butter. Replace the lid. Leave the room. Walk to the door to Jane’s room. Approach the ornament on the doorpost. Move the ornament. Use the butter on the ornament. Use Thomas’ key on the lock. Walk up the ramp. Note the symbols. Climb down. Walk into Jane’s room. Approach the tapestry. Note the order of the words symbolized outside the door. Leave Jane’s room. Approach the ornament on the doorpost. Move the ornament. Use Thomas’ key on the lock. Walk up the ramp. Move the angel up and left. Move the jester right and up. Move the geometer up. Move the knight up and left. Move both the geometer and the jester down. Move the angel right and down. Move both the moon and the sun up and right. Move Atlas, Father Time, the goblets and the knight up, left, and right.[+] Move charity up. Move the angel left. Move the jester up. Move the geometer up and left. Move both the jester and the moon down. Move the sun right, down, and left. Move the moon and the jester up. Move the sun right and down.[+] Move the jester down. Move the moon and Atlas right and down. Move Father Time, the goblets and the knight to the right. Move charity and the angel up and right. Move the geometer left and up. Move the moon and Atlas down, left, and down. Now line up the symbols on the rainbow, goblets first and Father Time last.[+] Take the bolt. Climb down. Walk to Nancy’s room. Set the alarm for 12:00 am. Leave the room. You should now encounter the person in black. Take the spectacles. Walk to the main hall. Look at the coat of arms on the same wall as the library door, to the far right. Note Jane’s grandfather’s coat of arms text. Walk to the library. Use the computer. > PURGAMENTUM Choose to go on the ghost hunt. Leave the library Turn around. Touch the ghost next to the library door. Walk to the stairs. Approach the ball on the left side. Touch the ghost. Walk through the door left of the stairs. Turn left. Walk to the trophy. Turn around. Touch the ghost. Walk up to the kitchen door. Turn to the trophy. Touch the ghost. Walk to the end of the corridor, to the far end of the trophy. Turn around. Touch the ghost. Walk through the door to the left. Turn around. Touch the ghost. Turn around. Touch the ghost near the conservatory door. Walk into the conservatory. Touch the ghost to the right of the door. Walk down the stairs. Touch the ghost. Leave the conservatory. Walk to the antiquity room. Touch the ghost. Walk in the direction of the stairs. Touch the ghost across from Mrs. Drake’s room. Walk to Nancy’s room. Turn to Jane’s room. Touch the ghost. Walk up the singing stairs. Touch the ghost. Walk to the library. Use the computer. > PURGAMENTUM Leave the computer. Leave the library. Walk into the antiquity room. Turn to the left. Move the foot of the shelf. Walk into the passage. Turn left. You will run into Ethel. 1 Walk through the door next to the stairs. Approach the trophy. Take the cricket ball. Walk into the antiquity room. Turn to the left. Move the foot of the shelf. Walk into the passage. Use the cricket ball on the target. Make sure you hit the target. Take Saturn’s symbol. Look up. Turn left. Walk to Nancy’s room. Set the alarm for 2:00 pm. Note you wake up at 3:15 am. Set the alarm for 2:00 pm. Leave the room. Walk to the gargoyle. Move the gargoyle right, right, left, right, left, left, right. Walk into the passage, through the door directly left of the curse. Turn right at the split. Open the door. Open the visor of the knight statue. Look through the peephole. Note the position of Mercury. Approach the hands. Make sure the jewel is in the out position. Move the statue’s right index finger. Move the statue’s left middle finger. Leave the passageway. Walk to the library. Approach the statue of Mercury. Take the wand. Leave the library. Approach the knight pillar. Use Mars’ helmet on the pillar. Move the pipe such that it points left and down. Leave the pillar. Approach Jupiter’s pillar. Use Jupiter’s bolt on the pillar. Move the pipe such that it points left, right and down. Leave the pillar. Approach the “Tempus Fugit” pillar. Use Saturn’s time symbol on the pillar. Move the pipe such that it points right and down. Leave the pillar. Approach Mercury’s pillar. Use Mercury’s wand on the pillar. Move the pipe such that it points left and down. Leave the pillar. Approach the moon pillar. Use the Moon symbol on the pillar. Move the pipe such that it points left and right, and the bulb is on the top. Leave the pillar. Approach the “Omnia Vincit Amor” pillar. Use the arrow on the pillar. Move the pipe such that it points right and down. Leave the pillar. Walk upstairs, to the gargoyle. Use the wand on the head of gargoyle. Walk into the antiquity room. Approach the gargoyle. Use the wand on the head of gargoyle. Move the foot of the shelf. Walk into the passage. Approach the gargoyle. Use the wand on the head of gargoyle. Walk to the middle of the hall. Use the wand on the hole. If you’re quick enough, fire should emerge from the hole for a moment. Walk into Jane’s room. Approach the table. Read the Mutus Liber book. Look at the coat of arms sketch in your inventory. Note the sun symbol and the two dashes before and after the text. Leave the room. Walk to the hall. Examine all the coats of arms and find out the markings next to the text. Examine the mold. Push the parts in so that the key matches the information from the coats of arms.[+] Walk upstairs, to the gargoyle. Move the gargoyle right, right, left, right, left, left, right. Walk into the passage, through the door directly left of the curse. Turn left at the split. Walk past the gargoyle doors through the door into the Mercury room. Open and close the Mars door until the Mercury room is just south of the angel. Open the Mercury door. Walk through the door. Approach the forge. Use the molten metal. Take the key. Approach the lock. Use the Penvellyn key on the lock. 1 Move aside before the trap slams shut. 11 Approach the wind puzzle. Move Aeolus to the trap.

Nancy Drew: Secret of the Old Clock

Enter the Lilac Inn. 12212 Walk upstairs, into Emily’s room at the end of the hallway. Talk to Emily. 11212 Wait until you hear the explosion. 22 Wait until you return to Emily. 122113 Leave the Inn. Approach the coin telephone. Pick up the receiver. Use the 5 cents slot. 1222222 Return to the car. Enter the car. Drive to the Main Street Bank. 22121111121223 Examine the typewriter. Raise the lint. Move the lint until you read the entire message. Leave the typewriter. Examine the clock. Examine the lock. Leave the bank. Drive to Tubby Telegrams. 1 Ride around delivering telegrams until you’re familiar with Titusville. Whenever you need money, deliver some more telegrams. Drive to Twin Elms. Drive to Titusville Telco. Drive to the Turner Home for Orphans. Drive to the general store. Use the machine to buy five toys. Drive to the Turner Home for Orphans. Drive to the Phelps’ Print Shop. Drive to the Lilac Inn. Cross the bridge. Continue until you see a paper fly by. Take the paper. Continue down the path to the house. Enter Josiah’s house. Take the toy mouse. Approach the cat. Give the toy mouse to the cat. Leave the cat. Talk to Topham. 2211211 Take the paper. Approach the clock over the fireplace. Complete the game of memory. Take the mirror. Leave the clock. Approach the desk near the robot. Use the elephant. Read the book “Lest I Forget”. Leave the desk. Approach the table near the gong. Take the photograph. Leave the table. Leave the house. Follow the path to the left to the miniature golf court. Approach the golf ball. Complete the game of mastermind. Note the highlighted sections are actually are numbers. Leave the game. Approach the counter. Push the button. Take the club. Take the ball. Use the coin slot. Take the score card. Leave the counter. Enter the golf court. Make sure your total score is below par. Approach the prize pillar. Put the score card in the slot. Take the toy pony. Leave the prize pillar. Approach the counter. Put the golf club in the return slot. Leave the counter. Walk to the Lilac Inn across the two wooden bridges. Enter the Lilac Inn. Enter the common room to the left. Turn the handle on the machine. Use the coin slot. Push the yellow bard left. Push the green bard left, down. Push the blue bard left, down, right. Push the red bard down, right, up. Push the yellow bard down. Note the word after winning the bard bounce game. Leave the machine. Approach the magazine table. Examine the newspaper. Examine the codes. Leave the table. Approach the clock over the fireplace. Open the clock. Complete the puzzle by moving the bird into the slot to the right.[+] Take the mirror. Approach the couch. Move the drape iron. Enter the passageway. Move the switch. Move through the passage until you find the broken piggy bank on the ground. Take the money. Continue to the wall panel. Complete the puzzle.[+] Take the record. Continue down the corridor and up the ladder. Return to Lilac Inn. Enter Emily’s Room. Talk to Emily. 35 Approach the bed. Open the book. Read the note. Close the book. Note the poet’s name. Leave the Lilac Inn. Enter the car. Drive to Waddell Jewelry. Drive to the Main Street Bank. Talk to Jim. 2313 Approach the clock. Use the key on the clock. Put the gears in a position from which they cannot be moved any more. In that position, the lines on each of the gears match up.[+] Take the mirror. Leave the bank. Drive to Lilac Inn. Cross the three bridges and turn left to the carriage house. Spell out “KEEN” on the doors. Spell out “OMAR” on the doors. Spell out “PONY” on the doors. Spell out “LOIS” on the doors. Enter the carriage house. Approach the workbench. Approach the clock. Set the time to 1 o’clock. Push the top button. Set the time to 2 o’clock. Push the top button. Set the time to 4 o’clock. Push the top button. Set the time to 2 o’clock. Push the top button. Set the time to 8 o’clock. Push the top button. Set the time to 2 o’clock. Push the top button. Set the time to 7 o’clock. Push the top button. Take the mirror. Examine the paper. Leave the table. Approach the machine to the left of the workbench. Open the machine. Put the domino stones in such a way they correctly connect the sides.[+] Pull the lever. Note the stand on the spot the light beam ended. Approach the stand. Put a mirror in the stand. Approach the stand in the next corner. Put a mirror in the stand. Approach the stand in the next corner. Put a mirror in the stand. Approach the stand in the next corner. Put a mirror in the stand. Approach the machine. Open the machine. Pull the lever. Make the top right mirror reflect the light to the bottom right mirror. Make the bottom right mirror reflect the light to the top left mirror. Make the top left mirror reflect the light to the bottom left mirror. Make the bottom left mirror reflect the light to the bulb on the right side of the screen. Climb up the stairs. Approach the radio. Open the panel. Take the paper. Leave the radio. Approach paper hanging from the tube. Approach the machine. Leave the machine. Leave the carriage house. Look at the challenge paper. > ALL WET > DOLL UP > DOUBLECROSS > DRY UP > BIG CHEESE Walk to Josiah’s house. Enter Josiah’s house. Talk to Topham. 1333212 Topham will signal what card he’s looking at by using specific phrases. However, what phrase is associated with what card does not seem to be fixed across games. The list of questions is below. Alternatively, Save and Load to pass the test.
This is which card?
What card am I thinking about?
What card am I looking at?
Tell me, what card is this?
Which card am I thinking of?
What card am I concentrating on?
What card is this?
Can you tell what card this is?
What card am I holding?
Do you know what card I’m looking at?
Complete the session. Take the quartz. 2 Leave the house. Walk to the Lilac Inn. Enter the Lilac Inn. Walk to Emily’s room. Talk to Emily. 44 Approach the drawer below Emily. Open the drawer. Examine Marcel. Take the safe deposit key. Leave the inn. Enter the car. Drive to Waddell Jewelry. Drive to the Main Street Bank. Talk to Jim. 32113 Leave the bank. Drive to the Lilac Inn. Enter the Lilac Inn. Talk to Jane. 112414 Walk to Emily’s room. Examine the sewing machine. Walk to Jane. Talk to Jane. 42 Leave the Lilac Inn. Open the curtain across the telephone. Read the paper Jane gave you. On the Sandgate line, put two large cherry pies, a small blueberry and a small chocolate pie. On the Riverville line, put two large cherry pies, a small and large blueberry pie and a small and a large chocolate pie. On the Appleton line, put a small and large cherry pie, two small blueberry pies and a small and a large chocolate pie. On the Skydale line, put a small and large cherry pie, two large blueberry pies and two large chocolate pies. On the Knoxview line, put two small cherry pies, one large blueberry pie and a small and two small chocolate pies. On the Smithfield line, put a small and large cherry pie and a small and large chocolate pie.[+] Enter the Lilac Inn. Walk behind Jane’s podium. Take the picture. Turn the picture over. Walk to the common room. Open the scret passage. Enter the secret passage. Flip the switch. Take one step forwards. Pull the lantern. Enter the newly discovered secret passage. Walk to the end of the passage. Look through the cracks. Return to the Lilac Inn. Walk to Jane. Talk to Jane. Take the sewing needle. 2124 Walk to Emily’s room. Examine the sewing machine. Put the needle in the sewing machine. Use the dress on the sewing machine. Sew over the line. Leave the inn. Enter the car. Drive to the Main Street Bank. 1 Open the box. Take the journal. Leave the box. 3 Leave the bank. Deliver telegrams until Waddell finishes the blank. Drive to Waddell Jewelry. Drive to Bogart’s Pond. Take the fishing rod. Bait the rod with minnow. Throw the rod to the grassbeds. Pull the fishing rod once the bobber goes under. Catch a nineteen inch largemouth bass. Leave the pond. Drive to Phelps’ Print Shop. Drive to Titusville Telco. Drive to Twin Elms. Note the symbols on the trivet. Drive to the Lilac Inn. Enter the Lilac Inn. Walk to Emily’s room. Approach the drawer below Emily’s place. Open the drawer. Examine the letter. Approach the record player. Remove the record. Put the Creepy’s Corner record on the record player. Play the record. Note the sound effects. Take the record. Leave the record player. Examine the trivet. Decode the sound effects. Examine the journal. Spell out GOODFELLOW on the journal. Read through the journal. Walk to the common room. Open the scret passage. Enter the secret passage. Flip the switch. Follow the passage to Josiah’s house. At this moment, Topham should not be in the living room. Open the trap door. Find the toy mouse. It usually is under the chair near the dead parrot. Take the toy mouse. Approach the cat. Give the toy mouse to the cat. Leave the cat. Approach the calendar. Look at the calendar. Move the vase before it breaks. Approach the desk. Take “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”. Read the book. Leave the desk. Approach the table with the gong. Open the trap door. Enter the secret passage. Flip the switch. Return to Lilac Inn. Leave Lilac Inn. Walk to the carriage house. Enter the carriage house. Approach the machine. Open the machine. Pull the lever. Climb up the ladder. Approach the HAM radio. Open the panel. Put the blank in the panel. Tune the radio to 7.025 MHz. 11 Tune the radio to 7.050 MHz. 2 Tune the radio to 7.057 MHz. Recite the passage “I am that merry wanderer…”. Leave the radio. Approach the machine. Enter the three hobo symbols from Flute: hit the road, owner is in and there are thieves about. [+] Enter the three hobo symbols from Thisby: authorities alerted, bad water and no use going this way. [+] Enter the three hobo symbols from Pyramus: barking dogs, keep quiet and dangerous neighhourhood. [+] Enter the three hobo symbols from Gloria’s note: kind lady, fresh water and the sky is the limit. [+] Approach the panel. Push the numbers in the following order: 4-8-6-10-1-9-7-3-2. Take the golden golf ball. Read the note. Leave the carriage house. Walk to the miniature golf court. Push the button. Take the club. Take the ball. Enter the golf court. Hit the golden ball in the grey part. Take the safe deposit box key. Put the golf club in the return slot. Walk to the Lilac Inn. 2 Walk to Emily’s room. Talk to Emily. 11 Walk to Jane. Talk to Jane. Leave the inn. Enter the car. Make sure your tank of gas is near full. Drive to the Main Street Bank. Talk to Jim. 31 Examine the paper. Examine the photo. Follow Jane until Nancy suggests to head her off at the state line. Drive to the state line.

Nancy Drew: Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon

121 Talk to the Hardy boys. 2113 Walk through the door past Charleena to the sleeping carriage. Turn to the left. Approach the puzzle box. Solve the puzzle. Take the paper. Leave the box. Walk past the sleeping quarters to the far door. Approach the grate to the right of the door. Open the lid. Leave the grate. Walk through the door to the left to enter Camille’s carriage. Walk to John Grey in Camille’s room. 11113 Examine the sofa. Take the slug. Leave the sofa. Approach the game on the table across from the sofa. Wind the game. Win the game. Take the sheet music. Leave the game. Approach the piano. Put the sheet music on the stand. Play a note. Leave the piano. Approach the side table. Try to open the puzzle box. Leave the table. Approach the grate. Try to move the bolts. Leave the grate. Examine the sewing samplers hanging over the grate. Note the symbols on the carriage. Leave the samples. Walk out the room. 112 Walk to the next carriage, Jake’s carriage. Examine anything in the room. 1111111 Take the slug. 3 Approach the box on the table underneath the chart. Note the letters on it. Leave the box. Take the book. Read through the book. Leave the book. Approach the periodic table of elements. Leave the table. Approach the grate. Open the grate. Connect the pipes.[+] Leave the grate. Leave the room. Approach the scales. Put the 7 slug on either scale. Put the 3 slug on the same scale. Leave the scales. Walk through the owl-cherry door to the machinery carriage. Approach the drawers. Open the third drawer. Move the bottom. Take the blueprints. Close the drawer. Open the second drawer. Read the strip of paper. Close the drawer. Open the top drawer. Take the slug. Close the drawer. Leave the drawers. Turn the handle on the circular stand. Approach the machine near the door to the back. Open the lid. Approach the back door. Solve the puzzle by pressing the buttons in the correct order. Enter the last carriage, the caboose. 1113 Read the letter. Approach the cabinet. Try to open the cabinet. Leave the cabinet. Approach the dance floor. Examine the dance shoes. Use the cellphone to call Bess Marvin. 21 Use the cellphone to photograph the shoes. Send the picture to Bess Marvin. Leave the dance floor. Open the box near the exit. Take the tool. Leave the box. Approach the object near the exit. Spell out Calico. Spell out Silverado. Spell out Central City. Spell out Dodge City. Spell out Virginia City. Spell out Tombstone. Note the remaining letters. Leave the object. Walk to the machinery carriage. Approach the machine near the door to the caboose. Open the lid. Enter the code NVRZTBAA. Approach the drawers. Open the bottom drawer. Read the paper. Leave the drawers. Walk to Jake’s carriage. Approach the globe. Take the tiger’s eye. Appoach the cigar box. Turn the dial to orange. Push the triangle. Turn the dial to blue. Push the triangle. Turn the dial to green. Push the triangle. Turn the dial to red. Push the triangle. Turn the dial to purple. Push the triangle. Turn the dial to yellow. Push the triangle. Take the codewheel. Open the box. Take the right paper. Read the left paper. Leave the cigar box. Examine the photo near the box. Examine the periodic table. Leave the table. Walk to the niche behind Tino. Open the carbide tin. Take the carbide. Leave the tin. Turn around. Examine the amethyst. Talk to Tino. 133 Examine the note besides the couch. Walk to the sleeping carriage. Examine the poem on the wall. Approach the goat statue near the dining carriage exit. Take the peridot. Walk to the dining carriage. Walk to the Hardy boys. 33 Examine the chandelier. Take the zircon. Approach the eagle painting. Try to move the painting. Leave the painting. Examine the tiny shoes on the chair. Leave the shoes. Walk to the front of the carriage. Look at the stove. Leave the stove. Examine the steam valve. Read the warning. Leave the valve. Walk to Camille’s carriage. Approach the table with the puzzle box. Open the drawer. Read the note. Examine the lock of hair. Leave the table. Approach the box on the chair opposite of the piano. Read the note. Leave the box. Approach John’s trunk. Read the note behind the trunk. Leave the trunk. Examine the sewing samplers. Leave the samplers. Use the cellphone to call Bess Marvin. 1 Walk in the direction of the caboose. At this moment, somebody will throw the emergency brake. 11 Walk to Jake’s carriage. Talk to Tino. 2231113 Walk to Camille’s carriage. Talk to John. 516 Walk to Jake’s carriage. Examine the packing material near the bookcase. Leave the packing material. Talk to Tino. 323 Walk to the caboose. Talk to Lori. 213 Walk to Jake’s carriage. Talk to Tino. 213 Walk to the caboose. Talk to Lori. 3122 Walk to Jake’s carriage. Talk to Tino. 3211 Walk to the dining room. Talk to Charleena. 1424 Walk to the caboose. Approach the dance floor. Use the shoes. Follow the directions on the dance step paper. Look down. Take the tourmaline. Look up. Open the cabinet. Note there are 11 dolls, and the maker’s name consists of 22 letters. Note each pair of letters defines a doll. Place the dolls in the following order:[+]
  1. Chantilly Hildegardwith the necklace
  2. Awful Ursula, with the red hair
  3. Sickly Sara, with one blue and one green eye
  4. Edna the Terrible, who talks when you pick her up
  5. Teddy Eberhardt, with his kilt
  6. Sadie Crawford, with two left feet
  7. Hagar Anderson, wearing suspenders
  8. Thomasina O’Neill, who is missing hair
  9. Yawning Alice, who is sleepy
  10. Naughty Tina, who is cracked
  11. Eliza Sandberger, with the red ribbon
Take the slugs. Walk to Jake’s carriage. Approach the scales. Put the 8 and 3 slugs on left scale. Put the 7 slug on the right scale. Add the 1 and 2 slugs on left scale. Move the 3 slug to the right scale. Remove the 2 slug. Note the square and the duck are lit. Walk to the dining carriage. Open the stove. Read the paper. Talk to the Hardy boys. Talk to the Hardy boys. 22 Talk to Charleena. 4214 Talk to the Hardy boys. 2 Walk to the museum. Walk inside. 111211 Approach the trunk. Talk to the museum owner. 112 Approach the gold rush game. Pull the plunger to release a ball. The longer you pull, the more speed the ball will start with. Win the game. Take the coin. Approach the horse race game. Win the game. Take the coin. Approach the taffee machine. Put the horseshoe coin in the slot. Put the nugget coin in the slot. Take the taffee. Leave the museum. Go to the station. Talk to Charleena. 2 Walk to Jake’s carriage. Talk to Tino. 21 Win the game of peg solitaire.[+] Take the pen. 2 Walk to the dining carriage. Talk to Charleena. Take the photo. 2 Leave the train. Go to the museum. Walk inside. 21 Leave the museum. Go to the station. Walk to Camille’s carriage. Approach the piano. Play the piano piece.[+] Take the spyglass. Walk to Jake’s carriage. Take the amethyst from the cougar statue. Leave the train. Go to the cemetery. Approach the grate. Use the taffy on the key. Use the key on the lock. Enter the crypt. Take the slug. Approach a pillar in one of the corners. Approach the design. Note Nancy’s remark. Leave the pillar. Approach the crypt. Approach the stained glass. Leave the stained glass. Approach the tomb. Put the codewheel in the indent. Turn the dial to green. Push the triangle. Turn the dial to red. Push the triangle. Turn the dial to purple. Push the triangle. Turn the dial to yellow. Push the triangle. Turn the dial to orange. Push the triangle. Turn the dial to blue. Push the triangle. Take the citrine. Leave the tomb. Leave the cemetery. Go to the museum. Talk to the owner. Approach the trunk. Put the codewheel on the holes. Turn the dial to red. Push the triangle. Turn the dial to green. Push the triangle. Turn the dial to blue. Push the triangle. Turn the dial to orange. Push the triangle. Turn the dial to yellow. Push the triangle. Turn the dial to purple. Push the triangle. Take the lamp. Take the slug. Talk to the owner. 1111 Enter the kitchen. Take the wax paper. Approach the machine. Sort the taffees. Talk to the owner. 11 Take the pickaxe. Leave the museum. At this moment, you’ll switch to Frank Hardy. Complete the orders. You’ll switch back to Nancy Drew. 12 Leave the letter. 2 Leave the train. Go to the cemetery. Enter the crypt. Approach one of the four corner pillars. Put the wax paper on the design. Use the pencil on the paper. Repeat for the three other pillars. Leave the cemetery. Go to the station. Walk to Jake’s carriage. Approach the scales. Put the 2, 6 and 8 slug on the left scale. Put the 1, 7 and 10 slug on the right scale. Walk to Camille’s carriage. Approach the grating. Use the tool on the bolts until they align with the lines. Start with the top right bolt. Connect the pipes.[+] Leave the grating. Approach the sofa. Read the book of samplers. Leave the sofa. Approach the sewing samplers. Leave the samplers. Walk to the sleeping carriage. Approach the grate. Note the symbols on the lid. Open the lid. Enter code 7963. Connect the pipes.[+] Walk to the dining carriage. Open the eagle painting. Connect the pipes.[+] Approach the steam valve. Turn the wheel. Walk to the machine carriage. Approach the dual holder. Put the lamp in the left holder. Put the spyglass in the right holder. Use the carbide on the lamp. Approach the six-armed machine. Open the compartment. If the compartment shows a seastar, put the tiger’s eye in the compartment. If the compartment shows a claw, put the zircon in the compartment. If the compartment shows a wave, put the amethyst in the compartment. If the compartment shows a beak, put the citrine in the compartment. If the compartment shows a tentacle, put the tourmaline in the compartment. If the compartment shows a hoof, put the peridot in the compartment. Close the compartment. Turn the machine. Repeat until all the gemstones are placed. If the gemstones are placed correctly, the machine will come glow. Approach the machine near the exit to Jake’s carriage. Put the pickaxe in the slot. Move the pickaxe. Walk to Camille’s carriage. Talk to John. 31 Numbering from left to right, top to bottom, push the squares in this order: 2-4-9-6-3-7-1-5-8.[+] Take the duct tape. Walk to the machinery carriage. Approach the control machine. Use the duct tape on the pickaxe. Pull the pickaxe. 21 Approach the cannon. Solve the puzzle by removing the clasps in the right order. Enter the mine. Go through the purple lizard corridor, red lizard corridor, and yellow lizard corridor. Approach the fireplace. Leave the fireplace. Note the symbol near the fireplace. Walk to the crossroads, through the red lizard corridor, northwest, northwest. Note the symbol near the pond. Walk to the crossroads, through the orange lizard corridor. Note the symbol near the elevator. Enter the elevator. Push the lever in the down position. Walk across the bridge with the snake symbol and turn around. Note the symbol near the bridge. Turn around. Walk ahead to the crossroads. Turn around. Walk into the lower passage. Note the cactus-shaped rock. Note the symbol near the cactus rock. Walk to the winch. Pull the lever. Enter the elevator. Push the lever in the up position. Walk ahead to the crossroads. Turn left. Walk ahead, across the tracks, to the symbol. Note the symbol. Walk one step ahead to the dangerous cave-in. Remove the board with the same symbol as the one near the cactus-shaped rock. Remove the board with the same symbol as the one near the fireplace. Remove the board with the same symbol as the one near the snake bridge. Remove the board with the same symbol as the one near the elevator counterweight. Remove the board with the same symbol as the one near the pond. Remove the board with the symbol you just encountered.[+] Walk through the boards. Approach the skeleton. Take the letter. Enter the cart. Whenever you see a danger sign, go to the opposite side.

Nancy Drew: Danger by Design

During the game, the day may end at some points. When it does, return to the metro and continue. 11 Get the metro pass. 12 Look at the Zippy card. Approach your computer. Use your computer. Use the to do list. Leave your computer. Approach your desk. Open the drawer. Examine the notepad. Read through the notepad. In particular, note the plotter settings list. Note the bar pictures have different heights. Leave your desk. Approach the plotter. Examine the panel. Set V to 1, H to 2 and I to 1. If the setting doesn’t give the right plot, try the other settings from Sonny’s notebook (2,1,5) (3,5,4) (4,4,3) (5,3,2). Leave the plotter. Approach your desk. Answer the phone. 2 Leave your desk. Approach the door to the street. Get the letter. Open the letter. 22 Walk through the door to Minette’s studio. Walk to Minette. 11 Approach the tea set. Read through the instructions. Note that Minette chose an even number, and that her favorite color is red. Note that Minette is not humming, right-handed and not wearing a dress. Put all of the ingredients from the top shelf into the brew except for Balewolf (first), Gillwort (seventh), Orange Slug (tenth), and Ticky Root (thirteenth). Select the teapot. Leave Minette’s studio. Get the bag. Walk through the door, outside. Go to Rue du Bac. Talk to Dieter von Schwesterkrank. 222 Approach the aquarium. Examine the book. Read through the book. Leave the aquarium. Walk through the door with the red light into the bathroom. Approach the developing station. Put one of the negatives in the enlarger. Remember at what locations the three basins are. Flip the light switch. Flip the switch on the enlarger. Wait for 2-9 seconds. Flip the switch on the enlarger. Put the undeveloped photo in the red basin. Wait for 7-12 seconds. Get the undeveloped photo from the red basin. Put the undeveloped photo in the white basin. Wait no longer than 5 seconds. Get the undeveloped photo from the white basin. Put the undeveloped photo in the blue basin. Wait for 8-15 seconds. Get the undeveloped photo from the blue basin. Repeat for the other three negatives. Walk through the door, to Dieter von Schwesterkrank. 113 Walk outside. Go to Hotel de Ville. Walk inside. 2222 Take the menu. 24 Go to Pont Neuf. Approach the stand of Malika, the veiled woman. Get the rings. 4 Leave the stand. Approach the stand of Monsieur Marchand, the painter. Get the movie canister. 4 Leave the stand. 2 Talk to Monique, the woman playing jojo. Get the traffic cone. 5 Get the lava lamp. 2 Leave the stand. Walk out of the park. Go to Place Monge. Walk to JJ Ling. 1114 Get the envelope. 4 Walk outside. Go to Abbesses. Walk inside. Approach your desk. Answer the phone. 111 Leave your desk. Talk to Heather. 44 Approach the drawing table. Examine the book. Examine the book. Read through the book. Flip the sheet. Complete the summer design with the green trousers, green hat, sunglasses, fuzzy pink slippers, boa and pink top. Flip the sheet. Complete the cruise design with the orange trousers, white fuzzy shoes and top, bunny mask and ears and the exotic purse. Flip the sheet. Complete the autumn design with the white trousers, green galoshes, black purse, straight hair, yellow mask and purple sweater.[+] Leave the drawing table. Walk to the door to Minette’s studio. Approach your desk. Open the drawer. Examine the notepad. Read through the notepad. In particular, note the computer talk balloon. Leave the notpad. Approach your computer. Go to Jenny’s Game Portal. > CAROL > RUDE Play Model Match. Get a high score by placing identical faces three in a row. Leave the computer. Walk into Minette’s studio. Talk to Minette. Walk through the door. 1 Walk outside. Go to Place Monge. Talk to JJ Ling. 12511 Walk outside. Go to Hotel de Ville. Walk inside. 413 Get the bill. Get the mint. 5 Go to Pont Neuf. Approach the stand of Monsieur Marchand, the painter. 1 Get the cook book. 5 Leave the stand. Look at the book. Note how to substitute brown sugar. Walk out of the park. Go to Place Monge. Approach the cabinet. Open the cabinet. Examine the books. Get the molasses. Leave the cabinet. Approach the cooking table. Put the mint on the chopping board. Put the molasses on the empty spot on the table. Read the recipe. Put 3 cubes of butter in the bowl. Put 1 1/2 cup of sugar in the bowl. Put 1 teaspoon of molasses in the bowl. Put 3 eggs in the bowl. Put 1 teaspoon of vanilla in the bowl. Put 2 1/4 cup flour (farine) in the bowl. Put 1/2 teaspoon of soda in the bowl. Put 1/4 teaspoon of salt in the bowl. Put the mint in the bowl. Put 1 cup of chocolate chips in the bowl. Use the baking tray. Leave the cookies. Answer the phone. 1 Walk outside. Go to Abbesses. Approach your desk. Answer the phone. 1111 Leave the desk. Approach your computer. Examine the note near the computer. Leave the desk. Approach the dodo box. For the first puzzle, go RDDLL LUURR RDDDD DL. For the second puzzle, go RRLLL UULUU UDDRR DDDLL UUUUU R. Note this sequence can also be found in Sonny’s notebook in the drawer. For the third puzzle, go RRDDR RUULR LLDDR DDDL. Push the egg. Read both red messages. Read the purple message. Leave the dodo box. Walk outside. Go to Pont Neuf. Walk to Monsieur Marchand, the painter. Get the obituary. Get the clock mechanism. Approach the stand of Monsieur Marchand, the painter. 1 Get the parrot. 4 Leave the stand. Talk to Monique, the woman playing jojo. Get the dictionary. 2 Leave the stand. Walk out of the park. Go to Abbesses. Walk inside. 11 Get the chocolate box. Walk around the studio. Seven of the cockroaches can be caught by clicking on them. Note that the cockroaches are location-specific, and it matters whether you’re walking clockwise or anti-clockwise. Walk around the studio anti-clockwise. When the cockroach near the dummy appears, follow it. Get the letter. Notice Lynn Manrique’s phone number. Get the cockroach. Walk around the studio anti-clockwise. When the cockroach on the desk appears, examine the desk. Examine the paper. Get the cockroach. Leave the desk. Large Approach the millstones. Leave the millstones. Examine the magazine on the table. Read the magazine. Leave the magazine. Open the door. Walk through the door, outside. Go to Rue du Bac. Knock on the bathroom door. Approach the panel. Use the clock mechanism on the panel. Set all the clocks to 3 before the time runs out. Counting left to right, top to bottom, set the clocks to 3 o’olock in the following order: 8,1,4,7,3,6,2,9. Follow the passageway to the safe. Approach the safe. Set the number to 1945, the year the second world war ended. Get the diary. Get the grid. Look at the code. Look at the picture. Turn the page. Read the letter. Leave the safe. Leave the passageway. Walk outside. Go to Hotel de Ville. Walk inside. 611 Make the parfaits. Each scoop has to be placed on the correct level to fill the glass. Ring the bell whenever a parfait is ready. Note the discs. 6 Go to Place Monge. Examine the magazine on the table. Read the magazine. Note the number for Zu. Use the phone. Call Zu. Call the Zippy long distance line. Call Lynn Manrique. 1114 Go outside. Go to Pont Neuf. Look at the chocolate box. Approach the stand of Monsieur Marchand, the painter. 1 Get the decoder. Leave the stand. Walk out of the park. Go to Rue du Bac. Knock on the bathroom door. Approach the table. Get the note. Using the dictionary to translate the note. Approach the small table. Get the camera. Approach the panel. Use the clock mechanism on the panel. Set all the clocks to 3 before the time runs out. Look at the spider. Photograph the spider. Walk outside. Go to Abbesses. Talk to Heather. 321 Approach your desk. Photograph the stapler. Walk into Minette’s studio. Photograph the teapot. Walk outside. Go to Pont Neuf. Photograph the cross. Walk out of the park. Go to Place Monge. Talk to JJ Ling. 511 Try the letters in this sequence ZU MY LOVE JING. Get the paper. 25 Walk outside. Go to Denfert Rocherau. Walk to the skull. Photograph the skull. Photograph the candles. Use the autograph on the skull. Walk outside. Go to Rue du Bac. Walk to Dieter. 13 Turn the card over. 11 Use the grid on the clue card. Select all red eyes that are looking to the left, and all green eyes. Walk outside. Go to Pont Neuf. Approach the lorraine. Push the 4, 1, 5 and 4. Note the symbols. Approach the stand of Malika, the veiled woman. Get the Ichi-Do book. 4 Get the stake. 2 Get the string. 3 Leave the stand. Approach the stand of Monsieur Marchand, the painter. 1 Get the wetsuit. 4 Get the pie tin. 5 Get the codebook. 3 Leave the stand. Talk to Monique, the woman playing jojo. Get the flashlight. 4 Leave the stand. Approach te mouthes display. Turn the crank 10 times. Leave the display. Approach the fan display. Turn the handle 6 times, such that the purple fan is on top. Leave the display. Note the squirrel moves the display. Approach the fan display. Use the stake on the ground. Use the string on the ground. Use the pie tin on the ground. Turn the handle 6 times, such that the purple fan is on top. Leave the display. Approach the fish display. Push the button. Go down the ladder. Follow the path. Open the chest. Get the key. Follow the path. Climb the ladder. Walk out of the park. Go to Place Monge. Approach the phone. Use the phone. Call Zu. Leave the phone. Walk outside. Go to Denfert Rocherau. Open the skull. Push the button. While in the tunnels, avoid the police. Walk forwards and turn right before the plank. Walk to the plank further ahead and cross it. Turn left on the other side. Enter the first passage to the right, into the water room. Go into the water. Dive down. Go forward, forward, right, to the pipe, into the pipe, right, forward. Get the bottle of Mouton Fouette. Turn around. Turn left and go forward until you reach the starting point and surface. Turn around. Dive down. Go forward five times. Go right, forward, left, forward, forward. Go right, forward, left, forward, forward. Go right, forward, left, forward four times. Go left, forward, forward, right, forward. Climb the ladder. Open the safe. Note the coloured words are actually stops on metro lines. The numbers of the metro lines are the numbers of the code.[+] Enter 3724. Get the windmill key. Climb down the ladder. Dive. Go left, forward, forward, right, forward four times. Go right, forward, left, forward, forward. Go right, forward, left, forward, forward. Go right, forward, left, forward five times. Walk out of the water. Get the objects. Walk back across the plank and through the secret passage. Walk outside. Go to Pont Neuf. Approach the stand of Monsieur Marchand, the painter. Look at the M380. Open the lower compartment. Set the dials to IX, V and III. Go up. Type the message from the diary (without spaces): > XTI0S MKPQQ LNORE ZA7LX TI0SM KPQQL NOR3A S7LXT I0SMK 3A Walk out of the park. Go to Abbesses. Approach the bomb on the door to Minette’s studio. Open the lid. Arrange the circuits such that connected circuits have the same symbol and/or the same colour.[+] Walk into Minette’s studio. Approach the central beam. Use the windmill key on the indentation. Set the discs to red, white, red, blue, red. Walk through the passage. Use the Noisette key on the lock. Approach the stand. Open the box. Get the letter. Close the box. Open the safe. Note the message “UNE DERNIERE ENIGME, CHER AMI”. Look at the diary. Turn the page. Examine the letter. Note that “CHER AMI” and 380 are underlines. Shift all the letters according to the date shift cipher to obtain the ciphertext “XVE GMRQQEUM EQQGPM, CKMR DUI”. Look at the M380. Open the lower compartment. Set the dials to X, IV and III. Go up. Type the ciphertext (without spaces): > XVEGM RQQEU MEQQG PMCKM RDUI Note the French numbers 2, 1, 5 and 7. Open the safe. Enter the code 2157. Walk through the passage. Look at the Ichi-Do book. Note the battle-cries. Open the trapdoor. Approach the dress. Get the dress. Use the information from the Ichi-Do book to block the attacks.

Nancy Drew: The Creature of Kapu Cave

Walk into the building. Walk to the man. 11111111 Get the box. Walk outside and turn right. Approach the necklace making table with the red tablecloth. Leaf through the pages until you find the Aloha necklace. Note which seashells are necessary.[+] Leave the table. Follow the path through the fence and to the pier. Walk aall the way down the stairs. Examine the little pond and get all the shells. Examine the cairn by the shore and get all the shells. Examine the black sand and get all the shells. Examine the rock beyond the fallen palm tree and get all the shells. Examine the sealine below the pier and get all the shells. Continue until you have the right seashells. Walk up the stairs, along the path through the fence and to the necklace making table. Make an Aloha necklace. Leave the table. Walk into the building. Talk to the man. 11 Get the keys. 2 Walk outside. Use the car. Go to camp Quigley. Go to the left. Approach the log. Get the tape recorder. Rewind the tape. Play the tape. Note the code for the trunk. Walk into the tent. Approach the radio. Examine the note in the binder next to the microphone. Push the power button. Leave the radio. Turn around. Approach the trunk. Numbering the buttons left to right, top to bottom, push the sequence 6, 4, 5, 1, 1, 4, 4, 3. Examine the book. Read through the book. Get the hook. Get the security card. Leave the trunk. Walk out of the tent, left. Approach the winch cable. Use the hook on the winch rope. Get the hook. Approach the car. Attach the hook to the ring. Leave the car. Approach the winch control. Push the red button. Approach the panel. Leave the panel. Use the car. Go to the Hilihili research facility. Approach the intercom. Push the button. 11111111 Walk downstairs and turn right. Approach the horticulture. Examine the note. Get a pod. Open the pod. Get all the brown seeds with a white dot. Repeat until you have 12 seeds. Walk upstairs. Talk to Dr. Craven. 114 Walk downstairs, outside. Go to camp Quigley. Approach the board. Place the photovoltaic cells such that each of the four corners all contain exactly one cell of the same number. Also, make sure the numbers in each row and each column add up to 30.[+] Leave the panel. Get the hook. Approach the panel. Attach the hook to the panel. Leave the panel. Approach the winch control. Push the red button. Walk into the tent. Approach the radio. Push the power button. Set the frequency to 18.305. Leave the radio. Use the microphone. Use the cell phone. Call Frank and Joe Hardy. Walk into the building. Talk to the man. 11 Get the box. 111 Walk outside, through the fence and onto the pier. Examine the fishing pole. Use the pole. Use the bait to bait the hook. Look up. Cast out the bait. Wait until the floater bobs under water. Use the pole. Continue fishing until you have 6 ulua fish. Walk back into the building. Talk to the man. 11111 Walk outside, in the direction of the beach until you hear the car leave. Walk into the building. Approach the calendar. Examine the note. Get the key. Leave the calendar. Approach the back door. Use the key on the back door. Open the drawer. Get the map from the drawer. Use the car. Enter the coordinates N 19‹°24’42” and W 155°‹9’1″. Go to 3 finger rock. Follow the path all the way down to the tree with the backpack. Look up. Talk to Quigley Kim. 111 Walk down the path to the car. Use the car. Go to camp Quigley. Walk into the tent. Turn around and turn right. Get the clipboard. Walk to the car. Use the car. Go to 3 finger rock. Follow the path all the way down to the tree with the backpack. Look up. Talk to Quigley Kim. 11 Turn around. Walk to the purple flag and turn right. Get a baggie. Use the baggie on the jar. Look at the clipboard. Read through the pages. Look at the plant above the purple jar. Use the cellphone. Call Frank and Joe Hardy. 11 Talk to Pua, halfway between the building and the pier. 1127 Whenever you need more Big Island Bucks, make money by selling fish and seashell necklaces to Pua. Walk into the building. Get the note on the ground. Look at the screen to the left of the man. Insert a coin. Look at the screen. Choose Hawaiian plants. Read through the information. Leave the screen. Walk outside. Use the cellphone. Call Nancy Drew. Walk to the yellow flag. Get a baggie. Use the baggie on the jar. Note the plant is a naupaka. Walk to the blue flag. Get a baggie. Use the baggie on the jar. Note the plant is a banana plant. Walk to the red flag. Get a baggie. Use the baggie on the jar. Note the plant is a miconia. Walk to the car. Use the car. Enter the coordinates N 19‹°20’30” and W 155‹°5’33”. Go to Kapu Cave. Walk to the green flag. Get a baggie. Use the baggie on the jar. Note there are no plants. Walk to the orange flag. Get a baggie. Use the baggie on the jar. Note there are no plants. Walk into the cave. Walk to the doorway statue. Walk to the car. Use the car. Go to camp Quigley. Walk into the tent. Approach the microscope. Use the microscope. Use the car. Go to the Hilihili research facility. Approach the intercom. Push the button. 31 Walk downstairs and turn right. Approach the screen to the right. Use the key on the lock. Use the key. Select the second (cyan) canister. Push the button twice. Select the third (blue) canister. Push the button. Walk upstairs. Talk to Dr. Craven. 34 Walk outside. Use the car. Go to camp Quigley. Walk into the tent. Approach the microscope. Use the lens on the microscope. Use the purple frass baggie on the microscope. Separate the seeds and insect parts away from the scale. Note the weight of the frass and the number of seeds. Use the fourth page of the clipboard to determine the detritus predominance. These data have to be recorded on the clipboard for all baggies.[+] Turn right. Turn on the analyzer. Use the slot. The analyzer should say 119,456. Turn off the analyzer. Get the clipboard. Walk to the car. Use the car. Go to 3 finger rock. Walk to Quigley’s tree. Look up. Talk to Quigley. Talk to Quigley. 12 Walk to the car. Use the car. Go to the Hilihili research facility. Approach the intercom. Push the button. 4 Walk downstairs, past the lockers and to the door. Walk through the door. Walk upstairs, to Dr. Craven. Approach the lab coat. Examine the note. Approach the table. Examine the PDA. Select Settings. Set the PDA to mute. Select Employees. Find the entry for Fiderman. Select Lockers. Find the entry for employee 14-667-93. Leave the PDA. Walk downstairs, to the lockers. Approach locker 13. Turn the dial clockwise to 4. Push the green button. Turn the dial counterclockwise to 2. Push the green button. Turn the dial counterclockwise to 7. Push the green button. Turn the dial clockwise to 9. Push the green button. Get the suit. Leave the lockers. Walk past the lockers and through the door. Walk through the plant area and through the back door. Look at the computer. > 1466793 Select shipping. Select extract codes. Leave the computer. Walk through the door. Look at the plant bed to the left. Get the plant sample. Leave the plant bed. Walk right, forward, left, forward, forward, forward. Walk left, forward, left, forward, right, forward. Walk left, forward, forward, right, forward, right. Make sure there is nobody spraying the plants. Walk forward, forward, forward, right, forward, left. Walk through the door. Walk outside. Go to camp Quigley. Walk into the tent. Approach the test tubes. Use the sample leaf. Use the Bq19 on the test tube. Replace the test tube. Use the sample baggie. Use the Bq19 on the test tube. Replace the test tube. Leave the table. Walk outside, to the car. Use the car. Go to 3 finger rock. Walk down the path to Quigley’s tree. Look up. Talk to Quigley. Look down. Open the backpack. Get the canopy samples. Walk to the car. Use the car. Go to camp Quigley. Walk into the tent. Use the canopy samples on the test tubes. Use the fritillated flag beetle sample. Use the Bq19 on the test tube. Replace the test tube. Leave the table. Walk outside, to the car. Use the car. Go to 3 finger rock. Walk down the path to Quigley’s tree. Look up. Talk to Quigley. 1 Open the backpack. Get the ring. Walk to the car. Use the car. Go to Kapu Cave. Walk to the statue passageway. Approach the nose. Use the ring on the nose. Leave the teeth. Use the cell phone. Call Frank and Joe Hardy. Use the cell phone. Call the pawnbroker. 114 Call Johnny Kuto. Walk towards Pua until Kuto calls. 11 Talk to Pua. 712 Walk into the building. Talk to the man. 111313 Walk outside, to the shave ice station. Buy shave ice. Whenever you bring Big Island Mike shave ice, he’ll tell you how many flavors are right. Using this information, you can find out what flavors he likes. Use the right bottle on the top shelf on the shave ice. Use the middle bottle on the middle shelf on the shave ice. Use the middle bottle on the bottom shelf on the shave ice. Get the shave ice. Walk into the building. Talk to the man. 33 Walk outside. Approach the box. Set the letters to HONI ‘AWA. Examine the paper. Approach the teeth. Set the top row to shark, eel, turtle, octopus. Set the bottom row to porcipine fish, crab, urchin, manta ray.[+] Walk into the cave. Cross the lava river until you find a statue without it’s tongue extended. Use the statue. Continue past the lava river. As you pass through the cave, note the sounds and the order in which they appear along the path to the rock buttons. Push the water button. Push the wind button. Push the fire button. Push the mountain button.[+] Walk down the path to the picture wall. Put the 1 stone in the top right slot. Put the 2 stone in the lower right slot. Put the 3 stone in the top left slot. Put the 4 stone in the bottom left slot. Put the 5 stone in the middle right slot. Put the 6 stone in the middle left slot.[+] Turn right before the boulder falls. Make at least 30 big islang bucks, and sell all your necklaces and fish. Talk to Pua. 1 Get the dry bag. 2 Walk to the beach. Walk into the water near the black area. Swim forwards and head left at the first split. Go into the eel current. Follow the shark current. Follow the turtle current. Follow the octopus current. Follow the porcupine fish current. Follow the urchin current. Follow the manta ray current. Follow the path to the boulder, up the broken bridge, to the door. Push the button. Walk down into the chamber and turn right. Approach the crates. Jump from platform to platform to the other side.

The 7th Guest

The game consists of puzzles scattered across different rooms. Solving puzzles opens up larger portions of the house. NOTE: Some rooms open only after you have seen a certain cutscene. If you have trouble entering some rooms, revisit locations to progress.
Basement Basement Basement Knox' room Julia Heine's room Martine Burden's room Game room Hamilton Temple's room Brian Dutton's room Bathroom Chapel Laboratory Nursery Dollhouse Attic Kitchen Dining room Entrance Library Music room Art room Mausoleum Cellar Cellar Entrance Divide the cake into six pieces, each containing two skulls, two graves, and one piece with only frosting. [+] Arrange the cans in the pantry to form a proper sentence. [+] Move the grates so that a circular opening appears. [+] Find your way through the maze. A map of the maze can be found inside the house. [+] Close all the coffin lids. The starting position is random, so there is no solution that works in every case. Place seven spiders on the points of the star. [+] Spell out a sentence using the letters on the planet. [+] Spell out a sentence on the bedspread. Each letter you select must be 3 or 5 tiles away from the last one. All tiles are used. [+] Switch the positions of the white and black bishops without any one of them ever threatening another. [+] Connect the heart to the exit of the maze. [+] Place 8 queens on the chessboard. [+] Uncover all the cards by only moving horizontally or vertically. [+] Swap the positions of the black and white knights. [+] Flip all the coins by only moving horizontally or vertically. [+] Move across the tiles so that all three color blocks drop as you step onto the exit tile. [+] Win the game by having more bacteria of your color. Repeat each sequence of notes on the piano. Reconstruct Stauf’s face on the painting. Reconstruct the picture. You may have to start over the puzzle when it is not solvable. [+] The doll house is accessible through the nursery. Spell out three words. [+] To open the door, remove all knives but one. You remove a knife by jumping over it with another knife. [+] On the building puzzle, You can set each type of window to a certain direction. Once set, once a window is lit up, it will light up the window in the same direction as windows of the same type. [+]

The 11th Hour

The game consists of puzzles scattered across different rooms and treasure hunt riddles provided by the GameBook. Solving puzzles and riddles opens up larger portions of the house.
Basement Basement Basement Kitchen Music room Library Dining room Foyer Bathroom Edward Knox' room Julia Heine's room Game room Hamilton Temple's room Martine Burden's room Brian Dutton's room Doll room Attic Chapel Gallery Laboratory Room at the top Nursery
1. Winter coat worn for a mixer? [+]
2. Rolling rock, bottle cap. [+]
3. Artsy, excited lecher. [+]
4. A heart attack could put you in the ground. [+]
5. BattleGround. [+]
6. Bars deter cuckoo bird. [+]
7. Modern art flourishes under the sun. [+]
8. SkedAddled. [+]
9. Part of the body examined in the doctor’s office. [+]
10. Libation for an affectionate puppy called Sounder. [+]
11. Animal sullied street. [+]
12. Jfcr vx qctf,
Zay rm umy kcytd.
E dcgf dcurb keyd kdetd ym wmauy,
Zay dcgf um tjmytd.
E dcgf um iflb cur xfy E jau
Eq kf kfjf jficyfr
Xma’r zf ydf bmu mq vx bmu. [+]
13. Zu gotdy od mpy nrmy stpimf.
Zu drvpmf zrsmd
Aogy jrt iq
Viy jrt yp yjr htpimf. [+]
14. Fruit loop on stove. [+]
15. Dreams about of arming the rebels.
What of nocturnal horses’ schedules? [+]
16. A distant, ancient Castle Keep
This famous Prince a place to sleep
To sleep, perchance to dream
Of an upset teagarden indochine. [+]
17. A man-horse on the fly Sounds like A wounded bull’s eye. [+]
18. Put an olive in a stein, mix it up,
and get the equivalent of a fool’s London subway. [+]
19. A vital, instrumental part. [+]
20. 2233642-736846874 [+]
21. Light piece from a great orchestra. [+]
22. Cheesy gadget that sounds larger. [+]
23. 500 = 100 = 0 [+]
24. Blend a TEAPOT SHOT and the pearlies won’t rot. [+]
25. Slyness holding shipment in choppe? [+]
26. Poor drainage could still produce a flower. [+]
27. Sounds like it got higher from wine. [+]
28. What kind of jewelry is angrier? [+]
29. You might hear a well-mannered red Cockney with a 60’s hairstyle. [+]
30. Instrument is sharp, but is missing its head. [+]
31. A defective truck with a crane makes for a ball-busting ballet. [+]
32. Look at key missing first imprinted label. [+]
33. Disabled cutting edge. [+]
34. Unreasonable reason. [+]
35. Paper used in unusual theses. [+]
36. Adroit holding a sharp instrument. [+]
37. A desserted Anthropod. [+]
38. 663 264625 46 2 6455466 [+]
39. Drink left at sea. [+]
40. Snake, baby, trap. [+]
41. A letter from Greece is quite a number in Rome. [+]
42. This eight letter word has kst in the middle, in the beginning, and at the end. [+]
Exchange the positions of the black and white knights, so that the white knights are on the tiles with the white knigth symbol, and the black knights are on the tiles with the black knight symbol. [+] Arrange the books by color, so that the four green books and the four red books are grouped separately. Each action moves two adjacent books to the two empty spots. You can only make 4 moves. [+] Separate the buttons into two groups of the same value. Only certain combinations work, which possibly have something to do with symmetry. [+] Lead the mouse to the rightmost entrance by placing maze pieces. Prevent the AI from moving the mouse to the leftmost entrance. There is no set solution to this puzzle, and it relies heavily on luck. You and the AI take turns selecting pieces on the painting. Each time a piece is selected, the piece and all adjacent pieces are blocked. Make sure you are the last one to select a piece. [+] Select all the billiard balls in order. Whenever you select one of the balls, your next choice is restricted, depending on the ball you just selected. [+] Exchange the positions of the brown and the white spiders. You have a limited number of moves. [+] Reconstruct the sliding tile mirror puzzle. Note that the puzzle is not always solvable. [+] Build a path that connects all three sides of the triangle before the AI does. [+] Use the train set to rearrange the word FAUST into STAUF. [+] Move the plates to make 5 stacks of 2 plates on each of the points of the pentagram. Each plate may only be moved once, and each plate must pass over exactly 2 other plates. [+] Make a path from the red square with the arrow to the square with the black arrow. Each number can be set to one of 8 directions once, and only one number can be set to each direction. That is, once you set number 4 to east, whenever you land on a square with 4 pips, you will move east. [+] Spell out words from the piramids. Subsequent letters must be adjacent, but all outside letters are considered adjacent. [+] Rotate and swap the gems until adjacent quadrants have the same colour. [+] Win the game by having more cells of your color. Move the piano piece off the board to the right. [+] Play connect 4 against the AI. Exchange the black and white bishops without them ever threatening one another. [+] Connect 5 of your own pieces, or capture 5 pieces of the AI. Whenever 2 pieces are blocked on both sides by a piece of the opponent, the pieces are captured and removed from the board.