Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders
Pick up the plastic card.
Pick up the torn wallpaper.
Use the torn wallpaper on the plastic card.
Open the desk drawer.
Pick up the kazoo.
Open the dresser drawer.
Pick up the phone bill.
Pick up Sushi in the fish bowl.
Open the door.
Walk east.
Pick up the seat cushion on the floor.
Pick up the other seat cushion.
Pick up the remote control.
Use the power cord on the power outlet.
Use the remote control.
Open the cabinet.
Pick up the box of crayons.
Use the yellow crayon on the torn wallpaper.
Pick up the butter knife.
Open the refrigerator.
Pick up the egg.
Close the refrigerator.
Pick up the small key.
Use the remote control.
Open the eastern door.
Walk east.
Use the doorbell.
Use the doorbell.
Use the doorbell.
Pick up the stale bread.
Walk to 14th Avenue.
Open the door to Lou’s Loans.
Buy the nose glasses.
Buy the wet suit.
Buy the hat.
Buy the tool kit.
Buy the golf club.
Walk east.
Open the tool kit.
Use the wire cutters on the bobby pin sign.
Walk to the bus.
Open the door to TPC.
Put on the nose glasses.
Put on the hat.
Walk into TPC.
Pick up the application.
Use the yellow crayon on the application.
Read the phone bill.
Open the counter door.
Use the terminal.
Walk west.
Use the small key on the mailbox.
Use the application on the mailbox.
Walk to the stairs.
Use the monkey wrench on the pipe.
Use the stale bread on the sink.
Turn on the switch.
Turn off the switch.
Pick up the bread crumbs.
Use Sushi in the fish bowl on the sink.
Walk east, to the bus.
Use the kazoo.
Use the CashCard on the CashCard reader.
Give the CashCard to the devotee.
Walk west.
Open the door in the back.
Pick up the toilet paper.
Use the toilet paper on the sink.
Turn on the sink.
Wait until the sink overflows.
Use the call button.
Open the microwave oven.
Use the egg on the microwave oven.
Close the microwave oven.
Turn on the microwave oven.
Pick up the cushion.
Pick up the lighter.
Wait until the stewardess reaches the microwave oven.
Open all bins.
Pick up the oxygen tank.
Walk to the seat.
Wait until you reach Seattle.
Walk east.
Pick up the tree branch.
Walk to the hole.
Give the peanuts to the two-headed squirrel.
Use the tree branch on the loose dirt.
Walk east.
Turn on the lighter.
Use the branch on the abandoned bird nest.
Use the branch on the fire pit.
Use the bird nest on the branch in the pit.
Turn off the lighter.
Use the lighter on the nest and branch.
Use the yellow crayon on the strange markings.
Walk east.
Use the remote control.
Pick up the blue crystal.
Walk west, west, west.
Use the reservations terminal.
Select Miami as your destination.
Walk west.
Give the book to the bum.
Use the reservations terminal.
Select San Francisco as your destination.
Walk west, east, north.
Take off the nose glasses.
Take off the hat.
Use the blue crystal on the drop slot.
Wait until Annie opens the door.
Give the whiskey to Annie.
Give the wire cutters to Annie.
Walk west, north.
There should be a letter in the mailbox by now.
Use the small key on the mailbox.
Pick up the letter.
Close the mailbox.
Walk to the bus.
Switch to Annie.
Pick up the blotter.
Pick up the CashCard.
Walk west, north.
Use the wire cutters on the bus.
Walk into the bus.
Switch to Zak.
Use the CashCard on the CashCard reader.
Switch to Annie.
Use the CashCard on the CashCard reader.
Switch to Zak.
Use the reservations terminal.
Select London as your destination.
Walk west.
Use the reservations terminal.
Select Katmandu as your destination.
Walk west, east.
Give the book to the guard.
Walk inside.
Read the postcard.
Walk to the Guru.
Walk west.
Use the lighter on the hay.
Pick up the flagpole.
Use the CashCard on the Yak.
Use the reservations terminal.
Select Kinshasa as your destination.
Walk west, east.
The jungle maze is randomly generated each game, so there is no set route through it.
Walk through the jungle maze to the village.
Enter the Shaman hut.
Read the photograph.
Give the golf club to the Shaman.
Note in which order the people bend their knees.
Walk east, to the airport.
Switch to Annie.
Use the reservations terminal.
Select London as your destination.
Walk west, east.
Give the whiskey to the sentry.
Pull the switch.
Use the wire cutters on the gate.
Walk to Stonehenge.
Switch to Melissa.
Open the door.
Enter the door.
Open the glove compartment.
Pick up the CashCards.
Pick up the fuse.
Pick up the boom box.
Pick up the digital audio tape.
Walk to the door.
Give the second CashCard to Leslie.
Use the CashCard on the monolith.
Walk inside the Hostel.
Use the token on the metal plate.
Pick up the burnt fuse.
Use the fuse on the fuse box.
Close the fuse box.
Switch to Leslie.
Use the CashCard on the monolith.
Walk inside the Hostel.
Push the button in the north wall.
Push the button in the east wall.
Walk east.
Pick up the vinyl tape.
Open the rightmost lockers.
Pick up the flashlight.
Pick up the covers.
Pick up the broom alien.
Pick up the ladder.
Walk west.
Push the button in the east wall.
Push the button in the north wall.
Give the vinyl tape to Melissa.
Walk north.
Use the broom alien on the sand.
Walk east.
Use the ladder on the door.
Push the buttons in the order of Kinshasa.
Pick up the ladder.
Walk north, to the western massive door.
Use the ladder on the pedestal.
Switch to Melissa.
Use the vinyl tape on the digital audio tape.
Use the digital audio tape on the boombox.
Walk north, east, north, to the western massive door.
Turn on the boombox.
Use the crystal sphere.
Turn off the boombox.
Walk south.
Switch to Leslie.
Pick up the ladder.
Turn on the flashlight.
Walk north.
Walk through the purple doorway.
Walk through the blue doorway.
Walk through the purple doorway.
Use both switches.
Wait until both gauges are at green level.
Take off the helmet.
Walk east, east, east, east.
Walk through the blue doorway.
Walk east.
Read the map.
Read the carvings.
Read the strange markings.
Note the sphinx markings.
Walk west.
Walk through the purple doorway.
Walk through the yellow doorway.
Walk west, south.
Give the lit flashlight to Melissa.
Switch to Melissa.
Take off the helmet.
Walk to the second massive door.
Turn on the boombox.
Turn off the boombox.
Walk north, northeast.
Pick up the ankh.
Walk west, west, south, to the eastern massive door.
Turn on the boombox.
Turn off the boombox.
Walk north, northeast.
Use the ankh on the panel.
Pick up the golden key.
Walk east, west, south.
Turn off the lit flashlight.
Read the strange markings.
Note the statue markings.
Switch to Zak.
Use the reservations terminal.
Select Cairo as your destination.
Walk west.
Use the reservations terminal.
Select Miami as your destination.
Walk west.
Use the reservations terminal.
Select Mexico City as your destination.
Walk west, east, through the jungle to the temples.
Take the eastern temple entrance.
Use the lighter on the torch.
Walk west, east, east, east, northeast.
Use the yellow crayon on the strange markings.
Complete the statue markings seen on Mars.
Pick up the yellow crystal shard.
Walk west, east, east, northeast, west, east.
Walk west, through the jungle to the airport.
Use the reservations terminal.
Select Lima as your destination.
Walk west, east, through the jungle to the river.
Use the bread crumbs on the bird feeder.
Use the blue crystal on the bird.
Fly to the huge carving.
Fly through the left eye.
Pick up the scroll.
Fly outside, south.
Give the scroll to Zak.
Switch to Zak.
Walk west, through the jungle to the airport.
Use the reservations terminal.
Select San Francisco as your destination.
Walk west.
Use the reservations terminal.
Select Miami as your destination.
Walk west.
Use the reservations terminal.
Select the Bermuda Triangle as your destination.
Walk west.
Wait until you’re transported.
Note the colour code the pilot enters.
Push the button.
Wait until you meet the King.
Give the fan club card to the King.
Note the colour code for home.
Read the Lott-O-Dictor.
Note the winning sequence.
Push in the colour code for home.
Walk to the platform.
Wait until you are transported.
Walk east.
Open the eastern door.
Walk east, north.
Open the door to Lou’s Loans.
Walk inside.
Buy Lotto.
Enter the winning sequence.
Walk east.
Wait until the winning numbers are announced.
Walk inside Lou’s Loans.
Walk east, north.
Use the kazoo.
Use the CashCard on the CashCard reader.
Use the reservations terminal.
Select London as your destination.
Walk west, east, to Stonehenge.
Use the two crystal shards on the altar stone.
Use the flagpole on the altar stone.
Give the scroll to Annie.
Switch to Annie.
Read the scroll.
Switch to Zak.
Pick up the yellow crystal.
Walk east, west.
Use the reservations terminal.
Select Cairo as your destination.
Walk west, east, to the lower leg.
Use the yellow crayon on the strange markings.
Complete the sphinx markings seen on Mars.
Walk inside.
Keep following the doors with the sun markings.
Enter the door with the eye markings.
Switch to Annie.
Walk east, west.
Use the reservations terminal.
Select Cairo as your destination.
Walk west, east, to the lower leg, inside.
Keep following the doors with the sun markings.
Enter the door with the eye markings.
Read the hieroglyphics.
Push the buttons in the suggested order.
Switch to Zak.
Use the yellow crayon on the wallpaper map.
Read the strange markings.
Note the Martian Face markings.
Walk west, east, east, east, east.
Walk east, west, west, to Cairo.
Use the reservations terminal.
Select Kinshasa as your destination.
Walk west, east, through the jungle to the village.
Enter the Shaman hut.
Give the yellow crystal to the Shaman.
Use the yellow crystal.
Select the location in South America.
Pick up the candelabra.
Use the yellow crystal.
Select the northwest location.
Walk west, west, west.
Use the reservations terminal.
Select Miami as your destination.
Walk west.
Use the reservations terminal.
Select the Bermuda Triangle as your destination.
Walk west.
Use the parachute.
Use the kazoo.
Use the blue crystal on the dolphin.
Swim underwater.
Pick up all the seaweed.
Pick up the glowing device.
Swim to the surface.
Give the glowing object to Zak.
Switch to Zak.
Use the yellow crystal.
Select the eastern location.
Use the glowing object on the base.
Use the candelabra on the glowing object.
Pull the lever (not the switches).
Walk to the stairs, east.
Switch to Annie.
Walk west, east, east, east, east, east, west.
Walk west, west, to the pyramid door, north.
Walk to the doorway behind Zak, northwest.
Switch to Zak.
Walk to the doorway behind Zak, northwest.
Pull the lever.
Use the duct tape on the fish bowl.
Put on the wet suit.
Put on the oxygen tank.
Put on the taped fish bowl.
Use the yellow crystal.
Select the Martian face chamber.
Use the yellow crayon on the strange markings.
Complete the Martian Face markings.
Walk through the western tunnel.
Turn on the lighter.
Walk west, through the yellow doorway, west.
Turn off the lighter.
Walk south, west, west, to the Space Bug door.
Use the oxygen valve.
Walk outside.
Use the CashCard on the monolith.
Walk to the tram.
Switch to Leslie.
Put on the helmet.
Walk west, west, to the tram.
Switch to Melissa.
Walk west, west.
Use the token on the tram.
Switch to Zak.
Use the token on the tram.
Switch to Leslie.
Use the token on the tram.
Wait until the tram leaves.
Walk to the pyramid.
Use the broom alien on the sand pile.
Switch to Zak.
Walk to the pyramid.
Use the bobby pin sign on the key hole.
Switch to Melissa.
Walk to the pyramid.
Turn on the flashlight.
Walk north, northeast.
Switch to Leslie.
Walk north, northeast.
Push the sarcophagus feet.
Switch to Zak.
Walk north, northeast, upstairs.
Switch to Melissa.
Walk upstairs.
Switch to Leslie.
Walk east.
Switch to Zak.
Walk to the white crystal.
Switch to Melissa.
Use the golden key on the key hole.
Push the button.
Select Zak.
Pick up the white crystal.
Use the yellow crystal.
Select the Egyptian pyramide.
Take off the taped fish bowl.
Take off the oxygen tank.
Use the blue crystal on the crystalabra.
Use the white crystal on the crystalabra.
Use the yellow crystal on the crystalabra.
Pull the east switch.
Switch to Annie.
Pull the west switch.