Teen Agent
Give the pass to the guard.
Walk east.
Open the door.
Take the bulb.
Talk to the crates.
Talk to the crates.
Talk to the crates.
Talk to the crates.
Use the live cable.
Use the switch.
Talk to the crates.
Use the body.
Use the jail key on the door.
Open the door.
Open the jail door.
Use the spring.
Open the door.
Walk west.
Use the spring on solid ground.
Use the spring.
Take the plant.
Walk southeast.
Open the door.
Use the delicate plant on the captain.
Take the Swiss Army knife.
Open the door.
Walk north.
Use the Swiss Army knife on the fence.
Use the shovel on the mysterious object.
Walk south, south.
Give the kaleidoscope to the guard.
Walk east.
Open the door.
Give the “Soldier News” to the captain.
Talk to the barman.
Take the crumbs.
Walk south, south.
Take the grenade.
Walk east.
Use the trash can.
Open the door.
Use the rope on the grenade.
Use the rope tied to the grenade to the drawer.
Use the drawer.
Open the door.
Walk west, northeast.
Use the medicine on the crumbs.
Use the drugged food on the post.
Take the bird.
Use the post.
Use the post.
Use the mug on the mud pool.
Walk south, southeast.
Open the canteenagent door.
Use the bird on the radio.
Use the mug full of mud on the mug.
Talk to the barman.
Open the door.
Use the blinking hole.
Use the boat.
Walk west.
Open the door.
Take the chainsaw.
Take the rotten cheese.
Walk south, south, east.
Take the wrapper.
Talk to the guard.
Talk to the guard.
Walk northeast.
Use the wild plant.
Walk west.
Take the rock.
Walk west.
Wait until the guard drinks.
Talk to the guard.
Take the bottle.
Walk northeast.
Use the whisky on the chainsaw.
Use the drunken chainsaw on the branch.
Take the branch.
Use the branch on the paddle.
Walk northeast, west.
Use the paddle on the boat.
Take the left flower.
Take the flower.
Use the boat.
Walk west.
Open the door.
Use the chocolate candy on the heart-shaped hole.
Use the wrapper on the heart-shaped candy.
Walk south, south, south.
Open the car door.
Use the lever.
Use the trunk.
Use the toolbox.
Look at the toolbox.
Use the spanner on the basket.
Open the door.
Take the fan.
Take the shotgun.
Use the drawers.
Open the door.
Walk north.
Take the rake.
Take the sickle.
Use the middle haystack.
Use the hen.
Take the feather.
Use the handkerchief on the mouse hole.
Use the somewhat rotten cheese on the mouse.
Use the mouse hole.
Use the shotgun on the crow.
Take the dive mask.
Take the fins.
Walk south, east.
Use the fan on the laundry.
Open the door.
Give a flower to the old lady.
Talk to the old lady.
Take the feather duster.
Give the flower to the girl.
Give the wrapped candy to the girl.
Walk south.
Take the rope.
Walk south.
Use the car jack on the rock.
Take the bone.
Walk east.
Give the dino bone to the dog.
Open the valve.
Close the valve.
Open the valve.
Use the hole.
Use the switch.
Take the shovel.
Use the ladder.
Walk west, west.
Use the diving mask on the fins.
Use the diving equipment.
Take the anchor caught in the seaweed west of the boat.
Use the rope on the anchor.
Walk west.
Talk to the squirrel.
Talk to the squirrel.
Talk to the squirrel.
Talk to the squirrel.
Use the ribbon on the rake.
Use the rake on the grass.
Take the nut.
Open the door.
Use the feather duster on the fireplace.
Use the feather duster on the potato.
Walk south, south.
Use the sickle on the well.
Walk south, east.
Open the door.
Use the nut on the imitation fruit.
Walk south, south.
Use the sharpened sickle on the bush.
Walk west.
Use the mouse on the hole.
Use the rock on the hole.
Use the super glue on the hole.
Take the nugget.
Walk east, east, west, west, east, southeast.
Use the plastic apple on the hedgehog.
Use the shovel.
Walk east.
Use the grappling hook on the wall.
Use the painted potato on the hollow.
Use the tree.
Walk north, northwest.
Use the needle on the cone.
Use the cone needle on the feather.
Use the dart on the bees nest.
Use the valve.
Give the nugget to the guard.
Talk to John Noty.
Take the banknote.
Walk west, south, east.
Open the door.
Look at the banknote.
Talk to the girl.
Give the banknote to Anne.
Use the door.
Use the stairs.
Use the trash can.
Open the middle drawer on the left.
Look at the middle drawer on the left.
Close the middle drawer on the left.
Open the lower drawer on the right.
Look at the lower drawer on the right.
Close the lower drawer on the right.
Look at the first book on the fourth shelf in the third bookcase.
Open the drawer with the interior colour mentioned in the book’s title.
Use the book.
Take the video tape.
Walk downstairs.
Open the western door.
Take the chilli.
Take the pastry roller.
Walk east.
Open the eastern door.
Use the newspaper.
Take the cognac.
Take the pincers.
Take the remote control.
Use the couch.
Use the TV.
Use the video tape on the video player.
Use the remote control on the video player.
Use the polaroid on the TV.
Walk south, east.
Open the eastern door.
Use the sheet of paper on the cork.
Use the wrapped cork on the sink.
Use the tap.
Use the chilli on the sink.
Use the label on the cognac.
Open the door.
Walk west.
Use the stairs.
Use the trash can.
Walk downstairs.
Open the western door.
Use the fake chilli on the place where chilli bottle was.
Use the pastry roller on the radio.
Use the radio.
Use the batteries on the dictaphone.
Open the refrigerator.
Open the refrigerator.
Use the sheet of paper on the hot plate.
Use the burning paper on the meat.
Take the meat.
Use the meat on the stew.
Walk east.
Open the eastern door.
Use the dictaphone on the TV.
Walk south, east.
Open the eastern door.
Use the ice tongs on the sock.
Open the door.
Open the western door.
Talk to the robot.
Use the photo on Mike.
Use the socks on Mike.
Use the dictaphone on Mike.
Take the jar.
Take the book.
Walk to the left lower edge of the screen.
Take the door handle.
Walk south.
Use the handle on the hole.
Use the handle.
Use the pills.
Use the switch.
Use the eastern door.
Walk west.
Open the eastern door.
Use the open wardrobe.
Use the chilli on John Noty.