The Big Red Adventure

Take the suitcase. Take the computer. Take the remote control. Take the camera. Use the remote on the TV. Take the aerial. Look in the suitcase by using the suitcase on Doug. Open the envelope by using envelope on Doug. Use all five photos on Doug. Walk to the foyer. Take the rope. Give the key to the porter. Walk south. Look at the Pravda newspaper. Talk to the newsagent. 3 Look at Capital. Talk to the newsagent. 3 Use the scales. Smash the scales by using the aerial on the scales. Smash the scales by using the aerial on the scales. Read the Pravda by using the Pravda on Doug. Read the ticket by using the ticket on Doug. Read the Capital by using the Capital on Doug. Look at Opera Encyclopedia. Talk to the newsagent. 3 Read Opera by using the Opera Encyclopedia on Doug. Walk southeast to the Gum store. Talk to the first in the queue. Talk to the Japanese. Give the photo camera to the Japanese. Look at the first photo by using the first photo on Doug. Give the photo camera to the Japanese. Look at the second photo by using the second photo on Doug. Give the photo camera to the Japanese. Look at the third photo by using the third photo on Doug. Walk north to McRomanov. Take the bread. Take the salt. Take the old camera from the car to the right. Examine the old camera by using the old camera on Doug. Use the film on your own camera. Talk to the cashier. 1 Talk to the cashier. 222 Walk north, north, east. Talk to the kid. Give the computer to the kid. Walk south, south, south, southwest, southwest. Eat the sandwich by using the sandwich on Doug. Use the scales. Walk northwest, northeast to the station entrance. Look at the console by using the console on Doug. Use the cartridge on the bank machine. Walk south, south, southwest, north to McRomanov. Walk north, north, west, southeast. Wait until the pedlar arrives. Talk to the pedlar. 2 Walk south, southwest, south, south, southwest. Give the camera to the Japanese. Look at the fourth photo. Use the ruler on the cola can. Talk to the first in the queue. Count the R’s by using the caviar on Doug. Walk southwest, into the Ritz hotel. Talk to the porter. 2 Use the pen on the ticket. Use the stamp on the envelope. Use the ticket on the envelope. Use the pen on the envelope. Walk south, northwest. Send the envelope by using the envelope on the mailbox. Walk south, into the Ritz hotel. Talk to the porter. 3 Examine the envelope by using the envelope on Doug. Walk south, northwest, west to the KGB studios. Give the letter to the secretary. Get the note. Walk northwest. 2331 Walk northeast, northwest. Take the lights. Walk northeast, east, south, into the Ritz. Talk to the porter. 1 Walk west, north to the toilet. Fly to the museum. Use the cassette on the cassette player. Play the cassette by using the cassette player on Doug. Take the ZX81. Take the diamond ring. Walk northeast. Use the lights on the photocells. Use the switch. Use the diamond ring on the case. Walk east. Give the key to the porter. Walk south, southeast, north. Talk to Alex and Kos. Walk southwest, southwest, into the Ritz hotel. Talk to the porter. 1 Walk west. Use the remote on the cassette player. Use the adapter on the ZX81. Connect the terminal to the phone by using the ZX81 on the phone. Key in the number on the ticket by using the note on the phone. Walk east. Give the key to the porter. Walk south, southeast, north. Give the cassette to Alex and Kos. Walk southwest, southeast, northwest, northeast. Talk to the guard. Walk into the inn. Take the tankard. Talk to the old sea dog. Look at the wine list. Show the tankard to the landlord. Talk to the landlord. 3 Talk to the landlord. 3 Talk to the landlord. 23 Take the steering wheel. Take the swordfish. Walk west, east, south to the drugstore. Take the beans. Show the beans to the shopkeeper. 1 Walk north. Eat the beans by using the beans on Dino. Walk into the tent. 1 Give the swordfish to the fakir. 1 Take the sword. Talk to gypsy Zelda. 2 Talk to gypsy Zelda. 23 Take the pendulum. Take the anti-headache potion. Look at the potion by using the potion on Dino. Take the garlic head extract. Take the lizard tails. Use garlic head extract on lizard tail. Use the tankard of water on the green potion. Talk to the parrot. Walk east, south. Take the barrel. Show the barrel to the shopkeeper. 1 Walk north, east, north. Take the broom. Make a hole in the ice by using the sword on the ice. Use the pendulum on the broom. Use the fishing rod on the hole. Repeat until you catch a fish. Walk west, west, west. Give the painkiller to the drunkard. Talk to the drunkard. 1 Give the barrel to the drunkard. Take the box. Open the box by using the box on Dino. Give the fish to the cat. Take the cat. Walk east, into the wagon. Give the seeds to the parrot. Walk east, west, into the inn. Give the parrot to the old sea dog. 2 Use the cat on the dog. Talk to the landlord. 3 Walk west, east. Look at the notice. Talk to the ringmaster. 1
Either: Give the steering wheel to the gypsy. Walk south, east, south, west.
Or: Walk east, east, east, west.
Show the lollipop to the wasps. Show the lollipop to the wasps. Throw the lollipop by using the lollipop at the lights. Walk east, east, north to Zerograd. Take the poster. Walk northwest, into the luggage office. Show the poster to the gorilla. Take the banana. Walk west. Eat the banana by using the banana on Dino. Talk to Miss Molotova. Talk to Miss Molotova. Talk to Miss Molotova. Walk east, east. Talk to Alex and Kos. Walk north, west, west. Knock on the door to room 3. Walk east. Talk to the ticket inspector. Walk east, east, east. Talk to Alex and Kos. 2 Walk north. Knock at the door of room 10. Walk east. Talk to the barman. 1 Walk north, into room 11. Take the bottle. Talk to Molotova. Walk west, into room 10, into the toilet, west. Give the bottle to Doug. Give the ring to Doug. Walk west, west, into room 3. Give the bottle to Donna. Give the ring to Donna. Talk to Donna. 3 Walk east, east, into Donna’s room. Talk to Riri. 1 Walk west, east, east. Open the ring by using the ring on Donna. Give the microfilm to Alex and Kos. Talk to the thief. Use the sleeping pills on the champagne. Take the sheets. Open the wardrobe. Look at the shirt. Walk west, into room 3. Give the sheets to Doug. Talk to Doug. 2 Talk to Doug. 2 Talk to Doug. 1 Walk east, east, east, east. Talk to Alex and Kos. 2 Walk north, west, west. Give the cigarette to the ticket inspector. Talk to the ticket inspector. Walk east, east, east, south. Talk to Maurizio. 1 Walk south, north, west, west. Give the lighter to the ticket inspector. Take the keys. Open the door by using the keys on the west door. Walk east, east, east, south, north, east, east. Use the sheets on the doors. Let yourself down by using the sheet rope. Open the doors by using the keys on the doors. Use the combination by opening the trunk. Walk east, east, east, south. Pick up the front boulder. Pick up the front boulder. Pick up the second boulder. Pick up the last boulder. Cross the river. Walk north, into the caravan. Use the list on Doug. Walk east. Take five icicles. Take the lantern. Talk to Dino. 1 Take the gutter. Walk to the little square. Take the tarpaulin. Use the carillon on the old man. Take the spectacles. Use the spectacles on the gutter. Talk to Doug. 1 Take the stone. Use the five icicles on the church wall. Climb up the tower. Use the stone on the bell. Use the tarpaulin on the bat. Look through the binoculars by using the binoculars on Dino. Talk to Doug. 1 Climb down. Walk north. Take the bottle. Take the bones. Use the lantern on the bottle. Give the whiskey to the gravedigger. 1 Walk north, to the wood, to the villa, south, east, east. Look at the lion. Take the lion’s tooth. Walk west, west, south. Look at the hole. Take the seeds. Walk west, west, into the caravan. Give the tooth to Zelda. Give the bones to Zelda. Give the seeds to Zelda. Talk to Dino. 1 Give the bat to Zelda. Walk east, to the wood, to the villa, south, east, east. 1 Open the window. Open the cushion. Take the ostrich feathers. Take the perfume. Open the door. Look at the ceiling. Go through the trapdoor. Take the chloroform. Take the record. Take the magpie. Use the perfume on the chloroform. Climb down. Use the bottle on the guard. Walk east, down the stairs, into the room. Take the fruit. Take the vase. Take the bust. Take a piece of the broken bust. Walk east, into the study. Take the book. Read the book by using the book on Donna. Take the diary. Read the diary by using the diary on Donna. Look at the pendulum. Take the filings. Use the filings on the record. Look at the skeleton. Look at the eye of the skeleton. Take the key. Open the cabinet by using the key on the glass. Take the jar. Use the feather on the ashtray. Use the fruit on the ashtray. Use the bat wings on the ashtray. Take the fountain pen. Use the pen on the ashtray. Use the pen on the magpie. Walk west, up the stairs, into Donna’s bedroom. Throw the vase from the window by using the vase on the window. Go through the ceiling. Use the chalk on the floor. Use the magpie on the symbol. Use the record on the record player. Climb down. Walk east, into Virago’s bedroom. Try to take the keys. Talk to the magpie. Walk west, down the stairs. Open the door by using the keys on the front door.