The Gene Machine

Walk southwest. Use the taxi cab. Search the wallet. Search the wallet. Search the wallet. Read the club membership. Take the newspaper. Take the cigar case. Search the cigar case. Talk to Mossop. 16 Walk west. Take the letter. Search the letter. Search the letter. Read the letter. Walk downstairs. Take the syrup of figs. Take the whisky. Walk through the door, upstairs. Take the key. Walk to the door, to the door next to the clock, north. Unlock the chest of drawers. Search the chest of drawers. Take the artefact. Walk northeast, west, east. Use the taxi cab. Go to the train station. Walk east. Talk to the newsboy. 2 Give the newsboy the money. Walk west. Use the taxi cab. Go to the highborn club. Walk west. Take the snuff. Walk west. Talk to the earl. Walk east. Place the syrup of figs in the port. Talk to the butler. Walk west. Take the calling card. Talk to the club members. Talk to the club members. 334 Give the club members the current edition of the sporting times. Give the club members the deeds. Walk east, northeast. Use the taxi cab. Go to Whitechapel. Walk east. Talk to the labourer. Give the labourer the handkerchief. Walk west. Use the taxi cab. Go to Mirabella’s residence. Take the catnip. Walk west. Talk to Mirabella. 12 Walk east, north. Talk to the maid. 1 Walk northeast. Use the taxi cab. Go home. Walk west. Give Seventy Three the catnip. Walk east. Use the taxi cab. Go to Mirabella’s Residence. Walk north. Take the teacup. Place the cake in the cigar case. Walk northeast, west. Place the handkerchief on the teacup. Give Mirabella the teacup. Give Mirabella the mouse. Take the engagement ring. Walk east. Use the taxi cab. Go to Whitechapel. Walk east. Move to the exit to the east. Talk to the forger. 11 Give the forger the ring. Give the forger the old edition of the sporting times. Give the forger the current edition of the sporting times. Walk northwest, west, east. Move to the exit to the east. Take the amended edition of the sporting times. Walk northwest, west. Use the taxi cab. Go to the highborn club. Walk west, northwest. Give the club members the amended edition of the sporting times. Walk east, northeast. Use the taxi cab. Go to the docks. Talk to the harbourmaster. 11112225 Use the taxi cab. Go to Buckingham Palace. Walk to the guards. Give the guard the earl’s calling card. Walk inside, east. Talk to Queen Victoria. 54 Take the letters. Walk west, west, west. Use the taxi cab. Go to the Royal Scientific Institute. Walk inside. Talk to the curator. Give the curator the artefact. Walk west. Take the punchcard. Walk east, east. Use the taxi cab. Go home. Walk west. Give Seventy Three the punchcard. Walk east. Use the taxi cab. Go to the Royal Scientific Institute. Walk inside, west. Place the punchcard in the slot. Walk east, east. Use the taxi cab. Go to professor Tipple’s residence. Talk to the professor. Walk west. Take the vitriol. Take the remote control. Walk east. Give the professor the vitriol flask. Give the professor the remote control. Use the taxi cab. Go to Whitechapel. Walk east. Talk to the barman. 61 Take the scrumpy. Taste the scrumpy. Talk to the barman. Take the ploughman’s lunch. Walk west, west. Talk to the receptionist. Give the receptionist the letter of recommendation. Walk upstairs. Talk to Dollymop. 22 Take the camera. Walk north, east. Use the taxi cab. Go to professor Tipple’s residence. Give the professor the lunch. Place the snuff box on the whisky. Talk to the professor. 211 Walk west, west. Move to the spacerocket. Take the spacesuit. Take the spade. Take the hammer. Hammer the oxygen pipe. Look at the porthole above Mossop. Move the right lever until the gauge moves counterclockwise circles. Move the middle lever to the position two step below the right lever. Move the left lever to the same position as the right lever. Note the lever are aligned correctly. Place the oxygen pipe on the guidance control lever. Leave the porthole. Talk to professor Tipple. 1 Walk east. Place the camera on the moon surface. Use the camera. Walk east. Control Robert. Look at the hole. Control Robert. Move Robert to the east exit. Walk east. Dig the mineral area. Search the hole. Extract the moon rock. Walk west, west, west. Place the phosphate on the vitriol flask. Use the taxi cab. Go to the docks. Give the harbourmaster the royal warrant. Talk to the harbourmaster. 246 Give the harbourmaster the cigar case. Walk east, onto the ship. Move to the staircase to the bridge. Talk to the captain. Talk to the captain. Give the captain the world map. Talk to the captain. Walk east, east. Take the boathook. Walk through the doorway, through the right-most doorway. Take the bagpipes. Search the porcupine. Take the quill. Walk west, west, east, down the stairs. Look at the gauge. Place the quill on the gauge. Look at the gauge. Take the screwdriver. Take the oilcan. Walk west, west, through the doorway. Look at the pipe. Walk through the middle doorway. Unscrew the porthole. Walk west, west, west. Take the flag. Talk to Mossop. 1 Walk east, to the doorway. Place the flag on the pipe. Walk west, east. Talk to the sailor. Oil the winch. Use the boathook on the winch. Talk to the sailor. Place the glass on the hole. Talk to the sailor. Take the expectoration on glass. Walk to the doorway. Place the expectoration on glass on the valve. Look at the gauge. Look at the boiler. Place the bagpipes on the boiler. Walk east, into the structure. Walk east. Talk to Captain Nematode. Walk west, up the ladder, east, east, east. Use the organ. Take the bundle of letters. Walk east. Take the diving suit. Look at the picture. Read the bundle of letters. Walk west, west, west, west, into the submarine. Talk to Captain Nematode. 4 Walk up the ladder, north, onto the ship. Move to the staircase to the bridge. Talk to the captain. Give the captain the photograph. Take the rock. Walk east, north, east. Take the bush. Walk west, west. Take the ivy. Walk east. Place the ivy on the rock. Place the berries on the ivied rock. Give the chief the trinket. Walk east, east. Move to the entrance. Take the cutlass. Walk west, west. Use the cutlass on the ivy. Take the animal. Walk east. Move to the entrance. Place the cuddly animal on the panel. Walk east. Look at the plug. Walk west, west, west, west, west, north, east. Move to the water. Walk east. Pull the plug. Walk west, west, east, east, east. Move to the entrance. Walk east, east. Look at the crystals. Take the crystal. Walk east. Place the blue crystal on the right-most pedestal. Walk east. Oil the altitude adjuster. Use the altitude adjuster. Walk east, northeast. Take the green crystal. Take the purple crystal. Walk west, northwest. Take the rock. Walk east, west. Use the altitude adjuster. Walk west. Place the green crystal on the middle pedestal. Place the purple crystal on the left-most pedestal. Walk east. Use the altitude adjuster. Talk to Captain Nematode. Use the altitude adjuster. Walk west, west, west, west, west, west, west. Give the chief the Atlantean rock. Go to the ship. Move to the staircase to the bridge. Give the captain the reef map. Talk to the tentacle. Talk to the henchman. 2 Walk east. Take the flare. Use the flare. Look at the switches. Talk to Doctor Dinsey. 3 Use the switch on the west wall. Walk west, west. Use the flying machine.