The Journeyman Project II: Buried in Time

Go forward, left. Examine the Agent 5 figure. Use the Agent 5 figure. Leave the figure. Go left, forward, forward, right, down. Go forward, right, forward, forward, left, down. Use the console. Push the Sat-All button. Choose Agent 5 Breaks House Arrest. Choose Prosecution. Select the word Jumpsuit. Return to the main menu. Choose Symbiotry Technology Discussions. Note the number for the Translate biochip. Choose Appeal for Denial. Return to the main menu. Choose Louvre Auction Raises 138.5 Billion. Note the number for Cheese Girl. Choose Financial Difficulties. Choose High Bidder. Return to the main menu. Leave the machine. Go forward, left, forward, forward, left, forward. Go right, forward, forward, forward, left, forward. Choose Power. Choose Menu. Choose ShopNet. Enter the code 625-94-978. Choose Transmit. Choose Accept Purchase. Choose Menu. Choose ShopNet. Enter the code 689-22-378. Choose Transmit. Choose Accept Purchase. Choose Menu. Choose Post Box. Choose Cheese Girl. Choose Replicate. Get the Cheese Girl. Go up. Choose Power. Choose Menu. Choose Post Box. Choose Translate BioChip. Choose Replicate. Get the biochip. Access the Files biochip. Choose Jumpsuit Overview. Move down to the last page. Choose Return. Choose Agent Dossiers. Choose Research Unit. Choose Agent 3. Choose Profile. Access the Jump Menu of the Jump biochip. Choose Farnstein Lab. Choose Mission Briefing. Choose Return. Choose Jump. Use the cheese girl on the side of the viewscreen. Go left, down, forward, forward, forward, forward, forward. Open the door. Go forward, left, left. Get the metal bar. Go left, left, forward, left, up, forward. Examine the screen. Select the circular blue room. Select the room again. Leave the screen. Go right, up, forward. Open the docking bay door. Go forward, right, forward, right, forward. Go left, forward, right, right, right, forward. Go right, right, forward, left, forward. Go right, forward. Open the scanning room door. Go forward, forward. Choose yes, yes. Go right, right, up. Examine the keypad. Enter the code 32770. Pull the handle. Use the AI Nexus. Cause the red and green dots to switch places.[+] Note you now receive Arthur. Use the Recall option of the Jump biochip. Go forward, forward, forward, forward. Go left, forward, left, forward. Choose Power. Choose Menu. Choose ShopNet. Enter the code 625-94-978. Choose Transmit. Choose Accept Purchase. Choose Menu. Choose Post Box. Choose Cheese Girl. Choose Replicate. Get the Cheese Girl. Access the Jump Menu of the Jump biochip. Choose Farnstein Lab. Choose Jump. Use the cheese girl on the side of the screen. Go left, down, forward, forward, forward, forward, forward. Open the door. Go forward, forward, left, up, forward. Examine the screen. Select the lower left orange room (Biomass). Select the room again. Leave the screen. Go right, up, forward. Go right, right, forward, forward. Open the Habitat Wing door. Go forward, forward, forward, forward, forward, forward, forward. Open the Atmosphere Mining door. Go forward. Push the green button. Go left, left, down. Open the door. Go forward. Push the top button. Go right. Examine the console. Choose Run Mining Cycle. Go down, left. Examine the console. Choose Run O2 Extraction. Leave the console. Go right, right. Examine the machine. Use the filler hose. Leave the machine. Go right, right, right. Push the top button. Go left, left, forward. Push the green button. Go down, right. Get the water canister. Go right. Open the door. Go forward, forward, right, down. Open the Biomass door. Go forward, forward, forward, left, down. Examine the console. Turn the dial until it reads 11 kHz. Push the green button. Note there is a positive response. Leave the console. Go up. Use the sphere. Go left, forward, down, forward. Open the door. Go left, forward. Open the door Atmosphere Mining door. Go forward. Push the green button. Go right, right, down. Open the door. Go forward. Push the bottom button. Go right, right, right. Examine the machine. Use the water canister on the blue node. Turn the yellow dial. Get the water canister. Leave the machine. Access the Jump Menu of the Jump biochip. Choose Chateau Gaillard. Choose Mission Briefing. Choose Return. Choose Jump. Go forward, down. Get the bloody arrow. Go up, right, right. Go forward, forward, forward, forward, down, forward. Go up, left, forward, right. Open the door. Go forward, right, forward, forward. Go left, forward, right, down. Get the grappling hook. Go up, right, forward, right, forward, forward. Go right, forward, forward, forward, forward, left. Wait until the boulder hits. Go forward, right, down, forward. Note you reached the ground floor. Go right, forward. Open the door. Go forward, right, down. Get the hammer. Access the Jump Menu of the Jump biochip. Choose Da Vinci Sudio. Choose Mission Briefing. Choose Return. Choose Jump. Go left, left, down. Get the key. Go up. Open the door. Go forward. Note you register the jumpsuit in the other tower. Go right, right. Open the door. Go forward, left, forward, right, forward. Go down, left, left. Use the Locate function of the Evidence biochip. Record the footprint. Use the Review function of the Evidence biochip. Review the footprint. Go up, forward, forward, left, forward, left, forward. Activate the Translate biochip. Move the left lever to the bottom (unlock) position. Move the right lever to the up (up) position. Go down. Turn the wheel. Go up, left, left, forward, right, forward. Go right, right, forward, down, right. Move the turnstile. Go up, right. Open the door. Go forward, forward, right, forward, forward, right, down. Get the coil of rope. Go up, right, forward, forward, right, forward. Open the door. Go forward, forward, left, forward, left. Go forward, forward, forward, right. Get the wheel assembly. Examine the paper. Activate the translate biochip. Leave the paper. Go down, left. Get the pegs. Go up, left, left, forward, forward, forward, forward. Go left, forward, right, forward, right. Get the drive assembly. Go right, forward, left, forward, right. Go forward, forward, forward, forward, left, down. Use the drive assembly on the rig. Use the wheel assembly on the rig. Use the pegs on the rig. Use the hammer on the pegs. Get the siege cycle. Go up, left, forward, forward, left, forward, forward, down. Examine the paper. Leave the paper. Go up, left, forward, right, forward, left, forward. Open the door. Go forward, right, forward, left, forward. Go right, right, forward, forward, left. Go forward, left, forward, right, right, down. Move the wheel. Go up, left, forward. Move the horizontal control to the right nine times. Move the vertical control down twice. Pull the lever. Go left, forward, left. Use the siege cycle on the ropes. Go forward, forward. Note you reach the tower. Go forward, forward, left, down. Use the balcony key on the lock. Go up. Open the door. Go forward, down, right. Use the Locate function of the Evidence biochip. Record the lens filter. Get the lens filter. Examine the lens filter using the magnifying glass button. Use the lens filter. Go up, forward, down, right. Examine the left book. Leave the book. Go right, up, forward, right, forward, forward, left. Open the cabinet. Get the heart. Access the Jump Menu of the Jump biochip. Choose Chichen Itza. Choose Mission Briefing. Choose Return. Choose Jump. Go right, forward, left, forward, up. Activate the translate biochip. Go right, right, right, right while reading the inscriptions. Go down. Examine the dials. Turn the left dial until it reads 8. Turn the right dial until it reads Water. Leave the dials. Go left, down. Get the bowl. Go up, left, forward, down. Put the ceramic bowl on the statue. Go down. Get the skull. Go up, forward, down. Get the copper medallion. Go up, forward, forward, forward, forward. Go right, forward. Examine the niche. Put the bloody arrow in the niche. Go forward, right, down. Get the skull. Go up. Open the jaws. Put the skull in the jaws. Go left, left. Open the jaws. Put the skull in the jaws. Open the jaws. Get the skull. Qickly go right, forward, forward, left. Open the jaws. Put the skull in the jaws. Go right, forward, left. Get the skull. Go left, forward, left. Open the jaws. Put the skull in the jaws. Go right, right. Open the jaws. Get the skull. Go left, forward, forward, right. Open the jaws. Put the skull in the jaws. Go right, forward, forward, right. Open the jaws. Get the skull. Go left, left. Open the jaws. Put the skull in the jaws. Go right, forward, forward, forward, down. Get the obsidian block. Go up, left, left. Go forward, forward, forward, forward, forward. Open the door. Go forward, forward, forward, forward. Examine the niche. Use the water canister on the niche. Go forward, forward, forward, forward, forward. Go right, right, forward, right, right. Carefully time your movement across the moving platforms to the other side. Go forward, forward, down. Get the limestone block. Access the Jump Menu of the Jump biochip. Choose Chateau Gaillard. Choose Jump. Go left, left, forward, forward, forward, down. Go forward, up, left, forward, right. Open the door. Go forward, forward, forward, forward, forward, left. Wait until the boulder hits. Go forward, right, down, forward, right, forward. Open the door. Go forward, left, forward, right, forward. Go right, forward, down. Open the stone. Put the copper medallion in the smelting pan. Use the bellows. Use the smelting pan. Get the copper key. Go up, left, left, forward, left. Go forward, left, forward, right. Open the door. Go forward, forward, forward, right. Go forward, left, forward, right. Go forward, down, left. Use the Locate function of the Evidence biochip. Record the footprint. Use the Review function of the Evidence biochip. Review both footprints. Go right, forward, up. Use the grappling hook on the window. Go forward. Activate the cloak biochip. Wait until the guards leave. Deactivate the cloak biochip. Go forward, right, forward, down. Move the lid. Leave the lid. Go up, right, right, forward, forward. Use the tapestry. Go right, right, forward, left, forward, forward. Go left, down, forward, up, left, forward. Open the door. Go forward, right, forward, forward, right, down. Get the burned letter. Use the burned letter. Activate the translate biochip. Go up, right, forward, forward, forward. Go right, forward, forward, down. Note the chateau’s diagram. Go up, right, right, forward, left, forward. Open the door. Go forward, forward, left, down, forward. Go up, left, forward. Open the door. Go forward, left, forward, left, down. Use the copper key on the lock. Go forward, down, right. Open the coffer. Get the gold coins. Go up, right, right, forward, down, right. Use the Locate function of the Evidence biochip. Record the sword case. Access the Jump Menu of the Jump biochip. Choose Chichen Itza. Choose Jump. Go right, forward, left, forward. Examine the dials. Activate the translate biochip. Turn the left dial until it reads 8. Turn the right dial until it reads Water. Leave the dials. Go left, down. Get the bowl. Go up, left, forward, down. Put the ceramic bowl on the statue. Go forward, forward, forward, forward, forward. Go forward, left, forward. Examine the niche. Put the gold coins in the niche. Go forward, forward, forward, down, right. Use the coil of rope on the anchor. Go forward, forward, forward, down. Get the jade block. Go up, left, left, forward, forward. Go up, right, forward, forward, forward. Open the door. Go forward, forward, left, forward, down. Use the Locate function of the Evidence biochip. Record the glass fragments. Go up. Examine the niche. Put the limestone block in the niche. Put the obsidian block in the niche. Put the jade block in the niche. Go forward, forward, forward, forward, down. Use the Locate function of the Evidence biochip. Record the blood. Put the heart in the blood. Use the puzzle box. Activate the translate biochip. Rotate the disks until it reads “The Breath of Itzamna”. Open the puzzle box. Get the environ cartridge. Activate the Recall function of the Jump biochip. Go right, right, forward, right, down. Go forward, right, forward, forward, left, down. Use the console. Put the environ cartridge in the slot. > GRAVBALL Go right, right, forward, forward, down. Get the generator core. Go up, right, right, forward, down. Examine the console. Push the eject button. Get the burned-out core. Put the generator core in the slot. Go up, right, right, forward, forward, right, forward. Use the plasma tools machine. Use the arrow keys to select the Transport Code. Push the Run Program button. Note the transport code. Go right. Examine the note. Leave the note. Examine the screen. Select the Symbiotry Technology Discussions. Select the Appeal for Denial. Select the word Krynn. Note the data on the Krynn matches the post-it note. Note the transport prefix for the Krynn. Leave the screen. Go right, forward, left, forward, right, right. Use the transporter. Touch the screen. > 657255190235 > 272 Walk forward. Go forward, forward, left, forward, right, forward, right. Activate the cloak biochip. Wait until the Krynn leave. Deactivate the cloak biochip. Push the ring button. Push the ring button. Go forward, right, forward, left. Examine the right pod. Use the pod. Use the explosive charge on the pod. Get the sword. Leave the pod. Go right, forward, left. Open the pod. Use the sword on the pod. Get the interactive sculpture. Go right, forward, left. Examine the left pod. Open the pod. Use the sword on the pod. Get the codex. Leave the pod. Examine the right pod. Open the pod. Use the sword on the pod. Get the puzzle box. Leave the pod. Go right, forward, left. Open the pod. Use the sword on the pod. Get the environ cartridge. Go right, right, forward. Push the ring button. Push the ring button. Use the sword on the ring button. Go left, forward, left, forward. Drop the burned-out core. Go forward. Push the button. Go right, forward, left, left. Push the button.