The Trials of Odysseus Kent
Use the shovel on the southern cross.
Walk south, west.
Use the cross on the card in the man’s mouth.
Open the door.
Talk to the man in the corner.
Take the comb.
Walk south, south.
Open the door to Lacklustre Video.
Look at the porn video selection.
Repeat until you find the ‘Bare Bitch Project’.
Talk to the clerk.
Give the card to the clerk.
Look at the ‘Bare Bitch Project’ video.
Open the front door.
Walk east.
Use the cross on the blue dress.
Walk north, north, east, east.
Use the thorn bush.
Walk east.
Use the comb on the clothes line.
Use the comb and clothes line on the overhanging root.
Take the tar.
Walk west, west, west, south.
Open the door to the wig store.
Talk to the clerk.
Use the tar on the bucket.
Use the pile of wig cleaner.
Open the door to the wig store.
Talk to the clerk.
Walk south, east.
Open the door.
Use the thorn on the blow-up doll.
Give the ‘Bare Bitch Project’ video to the shifty man.
Use the key on the door with the note.
Take the ‘Shawshank Penetration’ video.
Use the black wig on the sink.
Open the door.
Open the door to the street.
Take the blow-up doll.
Use the blue dress on the blow-up doll.
Use the mophead on the doll.
Walk north, west.
Open the door.
Use the ‘Shawshank Penetration’ video on the television set.
Give the flower to Lionel Cretin.
Use the doll on Rudolph Cretin.
Use the shovel on the correct spot.
Take the ball.
Take the grass.
Take the dust cloth.
Use the ball on the cross.
Use the dust cloth on the cross and ball.
Use the grass on the cross, ball and dust cloth.
Use the ghostly image on the lamp.
Use the Golden Golf Club on the priest.