Ween: The Prophecy
Use the crystal ball.
Take the copper ball.
Open the cupboard.
Take the lard.
Use the cupboard.
Take the knife.
Take the tongs.
Walk northwest.
Use the tongs on the guard rail.
Use the knife on the reed.
Use the knife on the reed.
Take the straw.
Walk east, northeast.
Take the skull.
Use the key on the skull.
Use the ring.
Take the ring.
Use the ring on the copper ball.
Take the sleeping draught.
Take the seeds.
Use the digitalis on the seeds.
Move the portrait to the hook.
Use the hideaway.
Use the drug on the hideaway.
Use the wooden mould.
Take the wooden mould.
Use the tablet.
Take the tablet.
Walk east.
Use the wood on the fireplace.
Use the straw on the fireplace.
Use the flute on Ween.
Use the strawberries on Urm.
Take the gold.
Take the strawberry jam.
Use the flute on Ween.
Use the jam on Urm.
Use Urm on the fireplace.
Use the cauldron on the fireplace.
Use the gold on the cauldron.
Take the cauldron.
Use the molten gold in the cauldron on the mould.
Walk northeast.
Use the padlock.
Use the golden key on the padlock.
Take the half-statue.
Walk to the trap door.
Take the tibia.
Take the planks.
Take the torch.
Use the torch on the hearth.
Use the cauldron on the hearth.
Use the lard on the cauldron.
Take the cauldron.
Walk west.
Take the rope.
Use the oil in the cauldron on the bowl.
Use the ring on the cauldron.
Use the skull.
Use the copper ball on the orbit.
Take the copper ball.
Use the stone.
Take the moon stone.
Use the tibia on the opening.
Use the bowl of oil on the tibia.
Use the lever.
Walk east.
Use the rope on the planks.
Use the bound planks on the percipice.
Walk north.
Use the torch on the torch-holder.
Use Petroy on the tomb.
Use the skull.
Use the uncovered stone.
Take the sun stone.
Take the spear.
Take the tibia from behind the tomb.
Use the tibia on the spear.
Use the tibia spear on the curtain.
Use the tibia spear on the blackberries.
Use the flute on Ween.
Use the blackberries on Urm.
Use Urm on the hole over the door.
Take the key.
Use the key on the lock.
Walk east.
Use the sword.
Use the hook.
Take the sword.
Use the sword on the statue.
Open the trap.
Use the ring on the copper ball.
Use the cauldron on the acid.
Use the cauldron on the acid.
Use the cauldron on the acid.
Walk west.
Talk to Borgol.
Use the stele.
Use the acid in the cauldron on the stele.
Use the runes.
Walk east.
Use the mechanism.
Use the sun keystone.
Use the moon keystone.
Use the crown keystone.
Use the sword keystone.
Use the moon keystone.
Use the crown keystone.
Use the sun stone.
Use the upper hiding place.
Take the elixir.
Use the lower hiding place.
Take the effigy.
Walk west.
Use the stele.
Use the sun stone on the left niche.
Use the moon stone on the stone.
Use the effigy on the right niche.
Use the bridge.
Take the feather.
Use the feather on the chest.
Take the pollen.
Take the venom.
Use the parchment.
Close the chest.
Use the venom on the cauldron.
Use the pollen on the cauldron.
Use the potion in the cauldron on the leaves behind the chest.
Use the strawberry bush.
Take the strawberries.
Use the flute on Ween.
Use the strawberries on Urm.
Take the gold.
Use the gold on the half-statue.
Use the venom on the cauldron.
Use the pollen on the cauldron.
Use the elixer on the cauldron.
Use the potion 1 in the cauldron on the monster.
Walk west.
Use the statuette on the water.
Use the strawberry.
Use one of the holes.
Use Petroy on the stone at the base of the rock.
Take the sword.
Use the sword on the rock.
Use the cauldron on the hole in the path.
Use the hole.
Use the Orivor on the pile of gold.
Take the cauldron.
Walk to the temple.
Use the staircase.
Use the staircase.
Use the staircase.
Take the insect.
Use the insect on the seaweed.
Use the fish.
Use the glass on the fish.
Take the brass bar.
Use the brass on the crack.
Use the staircase.
Use the brass on the small hole.
Use the seaweed.
Use the bones.
Take the the harpoon point.
Use the spearhead on the brass.
Use the seaweed.
Use the harpoon on the fish.
Use the harpooned fish on the bars.
Walk to the staircase.
Use the venom on the snake.
Take the tiara.
Use the torch on the thorns.
Use the ring on the cauldron.
Use the tiara on the copper ball.
Use the pipe on the trap on the wall.
Take the wasp trap.
Use the wasp trap on the wasps.
Walk north.
Take the cherries.
Use the bottom parchment.
Use the bottom parchment.
Use the bottom parchment.
Use the bottom parchment.
Use the bottom parchment.
Use the wasp trap on the wasp.
Use the flute on Ween.
Use the cherries on Urm.
Use Urm on the trap.
Walk east.
Talk to Borgol.
Use the tablet on the engraving.
Use the eye.
Use Petroy on the tablet.
Use Petroy on the mechanism.
Use the leftmost mechanism.
Use the bow touch.
Use the game touch.
Use the cauldron touch.
Use the roast touch.
Use the lever.
Walk north.
Use Petroy on the mechanism.
Use the mechanism.
Take the phial.
Note the picture on the door.
If it depicts arrow equals 8 squares:
Use the touch with 1 squares.
Use the touch with 3 squares.
Use the touch with 4 squares.
If it depicts 10 squares:
Use the touch with octagonal surface.
Use the touch with hexagonal surface.
Use the touch with triangular surface.
Use the touch with square surface.
If it depicts 3 squares separated from 4 squares.
Use the touch with 4 squares.
Use the touch with 2 squares.
Use the touch with 3 squares.
Use the touch with 9 squares.
If it depicts an arrow graph:
Use the touch with octagonal surface.
Use the touch with square surface.
Use the touch with triangular surface.
Use the touch with hexagonal surface.
If it depicts 4 squares with a different number of dots:
Use the touch with octagonal surface.
Use the touch with triangular surface.
Use the touch with square surface.
Use the touch with hexagonal surface.
Use the lever.
Walk north.
Use the stone.
Use the wood stack on the hearth.
Take the hammer.
Use the hammer on the arms.
Use the amphora on the hearth.
Use the fountain.
Take the lichen.
Use the tooth marked 12.
Use the tooth marked 4.
Use the tooth marked 6.
Use the tooth marked 3.
Use the lichen on the hearth.
Use the magnifying glass on the beam.
Take the rag.
Use the rag on the fountain.
Use the statue.
Use the wet rag on the eye.
Use the pollen on the quartz.
Take the flower.
Use the flower on the hearth.
Use the gargoyle on the cyma.
Use the venom on the quartz.
Use the pipe on the snake.
Use the coil on the gargoyles.
Take the leaves.
Use the leaf on the hearth.
Take the ecu.
Use the vial on the enclave.
Use the wet rag on the coil.
Take the philtre.
Use the philtre on the guardian.
Take the coil.
Use the tiara on the pipe.
Use the copper ball on the statue.
Use the statue.
Walk northwest.
Take the necklace.
Use the tabernacle.
Use the pedestal.
Take the glove.
Use the chest.
Use the glove on the spiders.
Use the glove on the heart.
Use the heart on the site.
Use the nose.
Use the chalice on the scales.
Use the vase.
Take the key.
Use the passage.
Use the tapestry.
Take the mirrors.
Use the mirrors on the opening.
Use the key on the lock.
Use the necklace on the copper ball.
Walk north.
Walk through either door.
Use the sword on the opening.
Take the sword.
Take the lightning.
Use the lightning on the hole.
Use the lightning on the pedestal.
Take the net.
Take the hoop.
Walk east.
Use the river.
Use the grill.
Take the grill.
Use the hoop on the grill.
Use the sieve on the river.
Use the net on the river.
Use the fish on the trap.
Use the trap.
Walk west.
Use the crab on the chest.
Use the sword on the chest.
Take the key.
Use the key on the lock.
Take the sun.
Use the sun on the pedestal.
Use the nuggets on the pedestal.
Take the bag.
Use the bag on the snake.
Use the bond.
Use the snake on the mongoose.
Use the sword on the larch.
Use the root.
Take the root.
Use the root on the resin.
Use the resin on the monsters.
Use the necklace on the sword.
Use the tiara on the copper ball.
Use the pipe on the water.
Use the pearls on the basin.
Take the digitalis.
Use the digitalis on the basin.
Use the femur on the basin.
Use the basin on the queen.
Take the pipe.
Use the tiara on the pipe.
Use the necklace on the copper ball.
Use the sword on the rope.
Walk north.
Use the eye.
Use the worm on the mushrooms.
Use the bowl on the resin.
Use the resin on the flower.
Take the horn.
Use the horn on the wood.
Take the tropical creeper.
Use the liana on the horn and wood.
Use the pick on the dark patch of grass.
Use the pot on the spring.
Use the water on the mushrooms.
Use the stone on the bird.
Use the eye.
Use the worm on the mushrooms.
Walk downstairs.
Take the flute.
Use the strawberry bush.
Take the strawberry.
Use the monster.
Use the flute on Ween.
Use the strawberries on Urm.
Take the gold.
Use the gold on the monster.
Take the haversack.
Take the oar.
Use the oar on the notch.
Use the necklace on the copper ball.
Use the sword on the bamboo.
Use the bamboo on the boat.
Take the net.
Use the spider.
Use the net on the water.
Use the sword on the fish.
Use the eggs on the spider.
Take the sail.
Use the sail on the mast.
Use the hammer on the boat ribs.
Use the archboat ribs on the boat.
Use the coconut trees.
Take the coconut.
Use the coconut on the lobster pot.
Use the lobster pot on the boat ribs.
Use the necklace on the sword.
Use the tiara on the copper ball.
Use the pipe on the bottle.
Take the cork.
Use the hammer on the padlock.
Use the hold.
Take the tar.
Use the tar on the cork.
Use the tiara on the pipe.
Use the ring on the copper ball.
Use the cauldron on the water.
Repeat until there is no more water in the boat.
Use the sealed cork on the hole.
Use the hammer on the hole.
Take the key.
Use the key on the lock.
Walk east.
Take the shovel.
Walk west.
Use the shovel on the sand.
Repeat until the shovel breaks.
Use the hole with the eye.
Take the eye.
Use the hole with the sandal.
Take the sandal.
Use the hole with the jewels.
Take the jewels.
Use the hole with the diamond.
Take the diamond.
Use the hole with the bones.
Take the bones.
Use the hole with the gold.
Take the gold bar.
Use the hole with the oyster.
Use the ring on the cauldron.
Use the necklace on the copper ball.
Use the sword on the oyster.
Take the pearl.
Use the hole with the parchment.
Take the parchment.
Walk east.
Use the flute on Ween.
Use the strawberries on Urm.
Take the gold.
Use the ecu on the old man.
Use the eye on the old man.
Use the gold on the old man.
Use the bones on the old man.
Use the pearl on the old man.
Use the ingot on the old man.
Use the jewel on the old man.
Use the sandal on the old man.
Use the diamond on the old man.
Use the sword on the planks.
Walk upstairs.
Use the necklace on the sword.
Use the ring on the copper ball.
Use the cauldron on a hole.
Use the Orivor.
Hold the pendulum.
Find the place where the pendulum moves.
Take the cauldron.
Use the ring on the cauldron.
Use the necklace on the copper ball.
Use the sword on the place where the pendulum moves.
Take the gold.
Use the gold on the Orivor
Use the sword on the branch.
Use the sword on the branches.
Use the rope on the branch.
Use the bow on the walnut.
Use the necklace on the sword.
Use the tiara on the copper ball.
Use the pipe on the feathers.
Use the feathers on the arrows.
Take the bow.
Use the bow on the walnut.
Use the tiara on the pipe.
Use the necklace on the copper ball.
Use the sword on the walnut.
Use the cane on the glass eye.
Take the strawberries.
Use the flute on Ween.
Use the strawberries on Urm.
Take the gold.
Use the gold on the old man.
Use the cane on the glass eye.
Take the redcurrants.
Use the flute on Ween.
Use the redcurrants on Urm.
Use Urm on the old man.
Take the feather.
Use the feather on the chest.
Use the phials.
Use the phial.
Use the necklace on the sword.
Use the ring on the copper ball.
Use the venom on the cauldron.
Use the pollen on the cauldron.
Use the potion in the cauldron on the mushrooms.
Take the truffles.
Use the venom on the cauldron.
Use the pollen on the cauldron.
Use the potion in the cauldron on the west patch of grass.
Take the camomile.
Use the venom on the cauldron.
Use the truffle on the cauldron.
Use the luciferys in the cauldron on the ruby.
Use the cauldron on the water.
Use the cauldron on the hearth.
Use the camomile on the cauldron.
Take the cauldron.
Use the tea in the cauldron on the worm.
Use the worm on the mushrooms.
Walk west.
Use the pollen on the cauldron.
Use the truffle on the cauldron.
Use the vitalys in the cauldron on the Borgol.
Use the ant.
Use the pollen on the quartz.
Use the flower.
Take the pistil.
Use the pistil on the ant.
Take the eastern grain of sand.
Take the western grain of sand.
Take the axle.
Take the grain of sand.
Use the pollen on the cauldron.
Use the truffle on the cauldron.
Use the vitalys in the cauldron on the statue.
Use the lever.
Walk east.
Use the mechanism.
Use the bolt on the orifice.
Use the lever.
Take the key.
Walk west.
Use the ring on the cauldron.
Use the necklace on the copper ball.
Use the sword on the bush.
Use the key on the lock.
Use the necklace on the sword.
Use the ring on the copper ball.
Use the venom on the cauldron.
Use the pollen on the cauldron.
Use the truffle on the cauldron.
Use the change potion in the cauldron on the grill.
Use the venom on the snakes.
Use the venom on the cauldron.
Use the truffle on the cauldron.
Use the luciferys in the cauldron on the ruby.
Walk east.
Use the cauldron on the water.
Walk west.
Use the water in the cauldron on the flames.
Walk north.
Use the ring on the cauldron.
Use the necklace on the copper ball.
Use the sword on the ornament.
Use the flawed jewel.
Take the flawed jewel.
Use the hole.
Use the sword on the hole.
Use the sword on the hole.
Use the sword on the hole.
Use the necklace on the sword.
Use the ring on the copper ball.
Use the venom on the cauldron.
Use the truffle on the cauldron.
Use the hole.
Use the luciferys in the cauldron on the ruby.
Use the jewel.
Take the jewel.
Take the bowl.
Use the far right hideaway.
Use the hideaway.
Use the hideaway.
Use the hideaway.
Use the hideaway.
Use the bowl on the glue.
Use the pollen on the cauldron.
Use the truffle on the cauldron.
Use the vitalys in the cauldron on the jewel.
Use the ring on the cauldron.
Use the necklace on the copper ball.
Use the sword on the crack.
Take the firefly.
Use the glue on the firefly.
Use the far right hideaway.
Use the firefly on the hideaway.
Take the twig.
Use the twig on the opening.
Use the necklace on the sword.
Use the ring on the copper ball.
Use the jewel.
Take the jewel.
Use the pollen on the cauldron.
Use the truffle on the cauldron.
Use the vitalys in the cauldron on the jewel.
Use the ring on the cauldron.
Use the necklace on the copper ball.
Use the sword on the crack.
Take the firefly.
Use the glue on the firefly.
Use the necklace on the sword.
Use the second hideaway from the right.
Use the firefly on the hideaway.
Use the copper ball on the hole.
Take the copper ball.
Use the jewel.
Take the jewel.
Use the ring on the copper ball.
Use the pollen on the cauldron.
Use the truffle on the cauldron.
Use the vitalys in the cauldron on the jewel.
Use the ring on the cauldron.
Use the necklace on the copper ball.
Use the sword on the crack.
Take the firefly.
Use the glue on the firefly.
Use the third hideaway from the left.
Use the firefly on the hideaway.
Use the broken jewel.
Take the broken jewel.
Use the glue on the flawed jewel.
Use the flawed jewel on the flawed jewel.
Use the necklace on the sword.
Use the ring on the copper ball.
Use the pollen on the cauldron.
Use the truffle on the cauldron.
Use the vitalys in the cauldron on the jewel.
Use the ring on the cauldron.
Use the necklace on the copper ball.
Use the sword on the crack.
Take the firefly.
Use the glue on the firefly.
Use the far left hideaway.
Use the firefly on the hideaway.
Use the far left hideaway.
Use the lever.
Repeat until part of the letter lights up.
Use the second hideaway from the left.
Use the lever.
Repeat until part of the letter lights up.
Use the third hideaway from the left.
Use the lever.
Repeat until part of the letter lights up.
Use the second hideaway from the right.
Use the lever.
Repeat until part of the letter lights up.
Use the far right hideaway.
Use the lever.
Repeat until part of the letter lights up.
Use the bow on the letter K.
Use the bow on the letter R.
Use the bow on one of the letters A.
Use the bow on the letter A.
Use the bow on the letter L.
Use the western carving.
Take the heart.
Use the nail.
Use the nail.
Use the nail.
Take the nail.
Use the lock.
Use the nail on the southwestern hole in the left field.
Use the left needle.
Take the pin from under the raised bar.
Use the pin on the western hole in the right field.
Take the nail.
Use the nail on the eastern hole in the left field.
Use the right needle.
Use the left needle.
Walk north.
Use the levers.
Use the right lever.
Use the right lever.
Use the right lever.
Use the right lever.
Use the middle lever.
Use the middle lever.
Use the middle lever.
Use the middle lever.
Use the left lever.
Use the left lever.
Use the left lever.
Use the left lever.
Use the carving.
Spell DJEL.
Use the hideaway.
Use the heart on the orifice.
Take the knife.
Take the bamboo from behind the machine.
Use the knife on the bamboo.
Use the knife on the flute.
Use the flute on Ween.
Use the stone.
Take the stone.
Use the carving.
Use the stone on the hole.
Use the right hideaway.
Take the statue.
Use the left hideaway.
Use the statue on the statue.
Take the 3 grains of sand.
Use the 3 grains on the Revuss.